6.7.3 Implied Volatility Modeling Under No-Arbitrage IV Smoothing Using Local Polynomials
As an alternative to smoothing in the call price domainBenko et al.(2007) suggest to directly smooth IV by means of constrained local quadratic polynomials. This implies minimization of the following (local) least squares criterion
Xn iD1
˚ei˛0˛1.xi x/˛2.xi x/22
Kh.xxi/; (6.40)
wheree is observed IV. We denote byKh.xxi/ D h1Kxx
and by K a kernel function – typically a symmetric density function with compact support, e.g.
K.u/D 34.1u2/1.juj 1/, the Epanechnikov kernel, where1.A/is the indicator function of some set A. Finally,h is the bandwidth which governs the trade-off between bias and variance, see H¨ardle (1990) for the details on nonparametric regression. SinceKhis nonnegative within the (localization) windowŒxh; xCh, points outside of this interval do not have any influence on the estimatorb.x/.
No-arbitrage conditions in terms of IV are obtained by computing (6.9) for an IV adjusted BSM formula, seeBrunner and Hafner(2003) among others. Expressed in forward moneynessxDX=F this yields for the convexity condition
@x2 DerTp T '.d1/
( 1
x2bT C 2d1
xbp T
@xC d1d2
b @b
@x 2
@x2 )
(6.41) whered1andd2are defined as in (6.4) and (6.5).
The key property of local polynomial regression is that it yields simultaneously to the regression function its derivatives. More precisely, comparing (6.40) with the Taylor expansion ofb shows that
b.xi/D˛0; b0.xi/D˛1;b00.xi/D2˛2: (6.42)
Based on this factBenko et al.(2007) suggest to miminize (6.40) subject to erTp
T '.d1/ 1
x2˛0T C 2d1˛1
pT C d1d2
˛0 .˛1/2C2˛2
0; (6.43)
d1D ˛20T =2log.x/
T ; d2Dd1˛0
pT :
This leads to a nonlinear optimization problem in˛0; ˛1; ˛2.
The case of the entire IV surface is more involved. Suppose the purpose is to estimateb.x; T /for a set of maturitiesfT1; : : : ; TLg. By (6.11), for a given value x, we need to ensureb2.x; Tl; / b2.x; Tl0/;for allTl < Tl0. Denote byKhx;hT
.xxi; TlTi/a bivariate kernel function given by the product of the two univariate kernel functionsKhx.xxi/andKhT.T Ti/. Extending (6.40) linearly into the time-to-maturiy dimension then leads to the following optimization problem:
XL lD1
Xn iD1
Khx;hT.xxi; Tl Ti/
˛1.l/.xix/˛2.l/.TiT /˛1;1.l/.xi x/2
˛1;2.l/.xix/.Ti T / o2
(6.44) subject to
1 x2˛0.l/Tl
x˛0.l/p Tl
a0.l/ ˛12.l/C2˛1;1.l/
d1.l/D ˛20.l/Tl=2log.x/
˛0.l/p Tl
; d2.l/Dd1.l/a0.l/p
Tl; l D1; : : : ; L 2Tl˛0.l/˛2.l/C˛20.l/ > 0 lD1; : : : ; L
˛20.l/Tl < ˛02.l0/Tl0; Tl < Tl0:
The last two conditions ensure that total implied variance is (locally) nondecreasing, since @@T2 > 0can be rewritten as2T ˛0˛2C˛20 > 0for a givenT, while the last conditions guarantee that total variance is increasing across the surface. From a computational view, problem (6.44) calculates for a givenx the estimates for all givenTlin one step in order to warrant thatbis increasing inT.
The approach by Benko et al. (2007) yields an IV surface that respects the convexity conditions, but neglects the conditions on call spreads and the general price bounds. Therefore the surface may not be fully arbitrage-free. However, since
convexity violations and calendar arbitrage are by far the most virulent instances of arbitrage in observed IV data occurring the surfaces will be acceptable in most cases.
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Interest Rate Derivatives Pricing with Volatility Smile
Haitao Li
Abstract The volatility “smile” or “skew” observed in the S&P 500 index options has been one of the main drivers for the development of new option pricing models since the seminal works of Black and Scholes (J Polit Econ 81:637–654, 1973) and Merton (Bell J Econ Manag Sci 4:141–183, 1973). The literature on interest rate derivatives, however, has mainly focused on at-the-money interest rate options. This paper advances the literature on interest rate derivatives in several aspects. First, we present systematic evidence on volatility smiles in interest rate caps over a wide range of moneyness and maturities. Second, we discuss the pricing and hedging of interest rate caps under dynamic term structure models (DTSMs). We show that even some of the most sophisticated DTSMs have serious difficulties in pricing and hedging caps and cap straddles, even though they capture bond yields well.
Furthermore, at-the-money straddle hedging errors are highly correlated with cap- implied volatilities and can explain a large fraction of hedging errors of all caps and straddles across moneyness and maturities. These findings strongly suggest the existence of systematic unspanned factors related to stochastic volatility in interest rate derivatives markets. Third, we develop multifactor Heath–Jarrow–Morton (HJM) models with stochastic volatility and jumps to capture the smile in interest rate caps. We show that although a three-factor stochastic volatility model can price at-the-money caps well, significant negative jumps in interest rates are needed to capture the smile. Finally, we present nonparametric evidence on the economic determinants of the volatility smile. We show that the forward densities depend significantly on the slope and volatility of LIBOR rates and that mortgage refinance activities have strong impacts on the shape of the volatility smile. These results provide nonparametric evidence of unspanned stochastic volatility and suggest that the unspanned factors could be partly driven by activities in the mortgage markets.
H. Li ()
Professor of Finance, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
J.-C. Duan et al. (eds.), Handbook of Computational Finance, Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17254-0 7,
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012