TEST 3: This self-designed test aims to check the students‟ understanding of the
20. If they ask any awkward questions, just let me ____________ the talking
A. do B. make C. get D. have
Table 1: Collocations under investigation in the thesis
Common collocations of Do Common collocations of Make do a crossword
do the ironing do the laundry do the washing do the accounts do your work do homework do housework do your job do anything do everything do a deal
do the paperwork do business do the dishes do a favor do the marketing do the catering
do time (to go to prison) do some research
do your best do your hair do your nails do your worst
make amends make arrangements make believe (to pretend)
make a choice make coffee make a comment make a cup of tea make a dress make a decision make a difference make an effort make an enquiry make an excuse
make a fool of yourself make food
make a fortune make a fuss make a journey make an appointment make a loss
make a loan make a profit
make a mess make a mistake make money make a noise make a phone call make a plan make a point make a profit make a promise make a remark make a sound make a speech make a suggestion make time
make a visit make your bed make a dress make a move make a bargain make an investment make cutbacks make a transaction
Table 2: Nouns as object constituent in DO collocations (source: Oxford Collocations Dictionary, 2009)
A level , abortion , account , act , acting , activity , addition , alteration , analysis , arithmetic , arrangement , article , assessment , assignment , athletics , audition , autopsy , battle , book , bookkeeping , boxing , business , calculation, catering , check , check-up , chore , circuit , climb , comedy , commentary , commercial , composition , comprehension , cooking , count , course , courtesy , credit , crime , crossword , damage , dance , dancing , deal , deed , degree , delivery , demonstration , dictation , discredit , dish , dissertation , disservice , division , doctorate , documentary , drawing , duty , encore , episode , errand , essay , evaluation , evil , exam , examination , excavation , exercise , experiment , favour , feat , feature , fieldwork , filling , film , final , food , garden , gardening , gig , good , graft , groundwork , gymnastics , hair , harm , homework , honour , housework , imitation , impression , injury , injustice , interview , introduction , ironing , jigsaw , job , judo , jump , justice , karate , knitting , knot , lap , laundry , length , level , lunch , magic , maintenance , make-up , manoeuvre , marketing , master , meditation , menu , mile , mileage , miracle , mischief , model , module , monologue , nail , overtime , packing , painting , paper , paperwork , parody , part , pee , penance , photocopy , pitch , planning , poll , portrait , post-mortem , practice , preparation , presentation , problem , programme , project , promotion , puzzle , question , quiz , race , reading , reconnaissance , recording , rehearsal , renovation , repair , report , research , retreat , reverse , review , revision , ritual , round , scan , search , seminar , sequel , service , session , sewing , share , shift , shopping , shorthand , sightseeing , sketch , solo , song , sport , spreadsheet , stint , stitch , stretch , stroke , study , stunt , sum , surgery , surveillance , survey , swap , swing , task , tattoo , test , thesis , thing , thinking , tour , track and field , trade , trail , training , transaction , transfer , translation , transplant , trial , trick , trip , turn ,
typing , U-turn , update , valuation , version , video , walk , waltz , wash , washing , washing-up , wee , work , workout , workshop , writing , wrong , X- ray , yoga
Table 3: Nouns as object constituent in MAKE collocations (source: Oxford Collocations Dictionary, 2009)
accommodation , accompaniment , accusation , acquaintance , acquisition , adaptation , addition , adjustment , admission , advance , album , ale , allegation , alliance , allocation , allusion , alteration , amendment , analogy , analysis , angle , announcement , apology , appeal , appearance , application , appointment , appraisal , approach , approximation , arc , arch , argument , arrangement , arrest , arrival , article , ascent , assault , assertion , assessment , assumption , assurance , attack , attempt , award , baby , bargain , basket , bed , bequest , bet , bid , biscuit , bishop , blessing , blunder , blush , boast , bomb , bonfire , booking , bow , bread , break , breakthrough , broadcast , bun , business , butter , cake , calculation , call , camp , cancellation , car , career , carpet , case , casserole , catch , CD , celebrity , chance , change , charcoal , charge , check , cheese , chip , choice , choke , circle , circuit , claim , clamour , clang , clarification , classification , clatter , click , climb , cloth , clothes , cock-up , cocktail , coffee , collection , comeback , comment , commercial , commitment , commotion , comparison , complaint , compound , compromise , concession , confession , connection , conquest , contact , contract , contrast , contribution , conversation , convert , cookie , copy , correction , costume , couple , crash , crater , criticism , critique , crossing , cry , cup , curve , custard , cut , cutback , dash , date , deadline , deal , decision , declaration , deduction , defence , delivery , demand , denial , dent , denunciation , departure , deposit , descent , dessert , detour , device , diagnosis , difference , difficulty , dig , din , disciple , discovery , discrimination , dish , distinction , distribution , disturbance , dive ,
diversion , division , documentary , donation , dough , drawing , drink , duplicate , DVD , echo , economy , effort , electricity , endeavour , endorsement , enemy , enquiry , entrance , entry , episode , epitaph , error , escape , estimate , evaluation , examination , exception , exclamation , excursion excuse , exit , expedition , expenditure , explosive , fabric , face , farewell , feast , film , final , find , finding , fire , fist , fix , fixture , flesh , flight , flinch , focal point , food , footprint , forecast , forget , fortune , friend , friendship , fuss , gain , gasp , generalization , gesture , gift , glass , goal , goods , grant , grimace , groove , guess , habit , happen , haste , hay , hesitate , history , hit , hole , honey , hut , hypothesis , identification , idol , impact , impression , imprint , improvement , incision , inference , insinuation , inspection , instrument , interpretation , intervention , introduction , inventory , investment , iron , itch , jam , jelly , jewellery , joint , joke , journey , judgement , jump , jumper , kill , killing , king , lace , landing , laugh , leap , link , list , living , loan , look , loop , loss , love , lunch , lunge , machine , manoeuvre , map , mark , martyr , match , measurement , mention , mess , miracle , miscalculation , mischief , mission , mistake , moan , model , modification , money , motion , mould , move , movement , movie , muddle , music , name , nest , news , noise , noose , note , objection , observation , offer , offering , opening , orbit , order , outcast , outlay , outline , overture , pact , painting , pair , pancake , parallel , partner , paste , pastry , path , pattern , pay , payment , peace , photocopy , photograph , piano , picnic , pie , pilgrimage , pitch , plan , plastic , play , plea , pledge , point , post , poster , posting , pot , pottery , prediction , preparation , presentation , proclamation , profit , programme , progress , projection , promise , prophecy , proposal , protest , prototype , provision , puppet , purchase , push , queen , quilt , racket , raft , raid , range , read , reading , reality , realize , recipe , recommendation , reconciliation , reconnaissance , record , recording , recovery , reduction , redundancy , reference , reform , refund , regulation , relax , remark , rendezvous , renovation