CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 5.1. Summary of the findings
5.3. Suggestions for further research
On the basis of the findings and the limitations of the study, several suggestions for further research are made.
As indicated in the findings, both teachers and students have coped up with a numbers of difficulties which remain unsolved for the time beings. The root of the teachers’
experienced difficulties may be either in the textbook itself or in the teachers’ professional knowledge and experience.
Also, more studies on techniques for improving listening skills and the effectiveness of listening lessons. Apparently, an analysis on students’ motivation and needs should be carried out to get deeper insights into the issue.
Moreover, researches on how other communicative techniques are used to teach other specific language skills such as speaking, writing, reading would also be beneficial.
Hopefully, this study will be of some help to DTM High School teachers and students to minimize their problems in teaching and learning listening skills, and for anyone who is interested in this matter. The researcher would highly appreciate readers’ tolerance for any deficiencies of the study.
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8. White, G.(1998). Listening. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
9. 23. ELTTP - English Language Teacher Training Project.(1998). Methodology Course. Book 1 & Book 2.
10. 24. Widdowson, H. G(1972). Teaching Foreign Language. Cambridge University Press.
25. Minh Do Tuan. 2007. Tài liệu bồi dưỡng giáo viên THPT “Đổi mới phương pháp dạy học theo chương trình và sách giáo khoa lớp 10 mới”. Vietnam National University, College of Foreign languages.
26. Ministry of education and tranning. 2006. Tài liệu bồi dưỡng giáo viên thực hiện chương trình sách lớp 10 THPT.
27. Van Hoang Van, Chi Nguyen Thi and Xuan Hoa Hoang Thi. 2006. Đổi mới phương pháp dạy Tiếng Anh ở THPT Việt Nam. Education Publishers, 38 - 39, 66 - 109, 132 - 157.
This survey questionnaire is designed to investigate teachers’ difficulties perceived in teaching listening in the Tieng Anh 10 textbook at Duong Tu Minh High School. Your responses are incentive help to the success of the survey. The data will be used only for the aims of the study, not for any other purposes.
Your contributions will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much!
Please put a tick in the appreciate box or give short answer in the provided spaces.
Personal information
Genders: □ Male □ Female
Age : □ under 24 □ 24-30 □ 30-35 □ 35-40 □ over 40 Years of teaching English:
Experiences in teaching listening:
Questions for the survey
1. In your opinion, how important is listening skill in the new Tieng Anh 10 textbook in comparison with other skills?
□ more important □ equally important □ less important
□ not important □ I don’t know
2. Do your students like listening lessons and learning listening skills? Tick the most appropriate column to your choice.
1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3.Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 5. I don’t know
1 2 3 4 5
They like listening to and do the tasks in textbook
They like listening to songs, play games or free activities without doing tasks
They are afraid of listening because they don’t know how and what to do with listening tasks
They hate listening because it is too difficult
They are interested because they want to listen to news, songs, etc. on their own.
3. Have you got any training programs or professional workshops on both language skills (including listening) and methodology for the new textbook?
□ Yes □ No If yes, how? ...
4. What are the current problems teaches face when they teach listening skills?
Please rank them in this order: The most difficulty: 1 The least difficulty: 10 □ Lack of necessary facilities: cassette players, tapes, video, T.V, projectors, computers, and so on.
□ Poor classroom equipment or of bad quality □ Large classes (45 students or more)
□ Students’ low background knowledge and skills □ Students’ inexperience in listening
□ Teacher’s poor time- management skill □ Lack of time for further practice
□ Teacher’s ability in teaching listening is not good enough
□ Teacher’s teaching methods and techniques are not good enough.
□ Lack of experiences in teaching new textbook
5. There are several factors that influence the students’ participation and interests in the listening lessons. What is your opinion about the following statements? Put a tick in the column of your choice.
1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3.Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 5. I don’t know
1 2 3 4 5
Uninteresting listening topics Difficult listening texts and tasks
Boring listening activities/ learning environment
Lack of well- equipped facilities: sound quality, cassette player- tapes, television, video, projector…..
Teacher’s ability in teaching listening is not good enough Students’ background and motivation are not good.
6. How often do you use the following teaching aids in listening lessons to motivate your students? Put a tick in the column of your choice.
1.always 2.often 3.sometimes 4.rarely 5.never
1 2 3 4 5
Authentic listening items(daily conversations/ native Speakers’ voice)
Teacher’s voice (teachers read or record) Cassette- tapes
VCD/ CD/ Projector Tasks in the textbook Handouts
Pictures, board Music
Others: ……….
7. What kinds of activities do you use to motivate students in your listening lessons?
How often do you use them? Put a tick in the column of your choice.
1.always 2.often 3.sometimes 4.rarely 5.never
1 2 3 4 5
Listening to and transcribing word by word Getting main ideas
Noting down missing words Matching conversations Ordering pictures or events True/false exercises
Doing extra- listening tasks Playing games related to listening
Listening for entertainment (music/ films/ news ) Others: ………
8. In which stage of a listening lesson do you think it is necessary to motivate students? Put a tick in the column of your choice.
1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3.Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 5. I don’t know
1 2 3 4 5
Warm- up stage Pre-listening While- listening Post- listening At all the stages
9. Which stages do you think is the most important in teaching listening procedure?
(You can choose more than one)
□ Warm-up stage
□ Pre- listening
□ While- listening
□ Post listening
10. Generally speaking, how much time do you spend on each stage in a listening lesson?
Stage Time
Warm up Pre- listening While- listening Post- listening
11. How often do you use these techniques or activities in pre- listening stage?
1.always 2. often 3. sometimes 4. rarely 5. never
1 2 3 4 5
Pre- teach new words and structures related to listening pieces Design some activities or games to make students relax and feel at ease before listening
Provide useful and clear guidance or instructions about how and what to do with the tasks
Explain clearly the task requirements and give instructions in Vietnamese
Play the tapes/ Read the text for the first time without instructions Pre-teach new vocabulary and structures before playing the tape Provide one or two guiding questions before playing the tape Provide listening tasks before playing the tape
12. Which techniques are appropriate for the Ss in the while- listening stage in your opinion? Put a tick in the column of your choice.
1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3.Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 5. I don’t know
1 2 3 4 5
Teacher plays the tape as many times as possible for students to do the listening tasks.
Teacher plays the tape with no pauses for students to listen for gist and to perfect their comprehension and listening tasks once
Teacher plays the tape with necessary pauses for students to do the listening tasks once
Teacher plays twice or three times for students to do the tasks first then transcribe sentence by sentence
Teacher plays the tape and complete doing listening comprehension only
Teacher asks the students to take note before or after doing tasks
13. Which activities or techniques do you often use in the Post- listening stage?
1. always 2. often 3. sometimes 4. rarely 5. never
1 2 3 4 5
Do extra listening tasks (designed or selected materials) Play games related to listening
Listen for entertainment (music/ films/ news)
Discuss/ speak about the related topic (summarize/ make questions)
Free activities
Transcript the typescripts and translate into Vietnamese Have no time to do anything else
14 How do you make use of the textbook “Tieng Anh 10” in your listening lesson?
1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3.Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 5. I don’t know
1 2 3 4 5
Use only the textbook and its procedure without creating or designing others listening materials or activities (due to students’
low ability and lack of time)
Make advantage of the procedure in the textbook and add more tasks/ activities
Replace some inappropriate parts with other listening tasks/
activities to motivate students’ interests.
Use teacher’s voice due to lack of facilities (cassettes, tapes,...) The teacher reads because the students cannot understand the speakers’ voices in the tape.
Provide students with more listening tasks based on the available text to practice and change the listening atmosphere (use handouts)
15. What do you often do to improve your teaching?
□ Share experience with your colleagues □ Search for teaching materials on the Internet □ Search for teaching ideas on the Internet □ Read relevant books or journals
□ Action research
□ Others (please specify)………
16. In your opinion, what does a teacher need in order to have a useful and effective listening lesson?
□ Have enough teaching equipments
□ Teaching material are interesting and familiar to the students □ Have appropriate teaching method
□ Have carefully lesson plans for the lectures before going to the class □ Students are active in learning process
□ Teachers are enthusiastic in teaching
□ Others (please specify) ………
17. What do you think your school should do to help you in your teaching?
□ Investment in terms of teaching and learning equipments (cassette recorders, tapes, language labs…………).
□ Give conditions to the teachers to enlarge their knowledge in methodology or in English.
□ Democratization of school management
□ Activation of the teaching- learning process and school management
□ Creating favorable conditions for schools to care for teachers’ financial lives.
□ Others (Please specify)………
Thank you very much for your co- operation.