Results from the chart show that, 18% of the teachers designed gap – filling task with the use of songs. The number of teachers designed multiple choice task accounts for 36%. On the other hand, 33% of the teachers reported that mistake correction would be the best choice for easy and short text. More than a tenth of the teachers choose the other kinds of task such as jumbled words, grammatical review, vocabulary learning. Criteria for selecting songs of the teachers
Options Results (%)
The songs should contain limited vocabulary 85 % The songs should have positive contents 79 % Topics of song should be within the experiences of
The rhythm should be straightforward and repetitive 60 % The songs should present a limited musical challenge 55 % The songs should have refrain: a repeated stanza,
between verses of the song
33 %
Others 13 % Table 6: Criteria for selecting songs of the teachers
It is obvious that not all songs are suitable in the classroom. From the table we can see that the degree of difficulty in vocabulary is the most important factor for teachers to decide whether to choose the songs. 85 % of the teachers agree with the idea that songs should contain limited vocabulary, the songs with a lot vocabulary may make students neglected. More than two thirds of teachers (79%) choose popular songs with positive contents which will likely suit the purpose of teaching.
Furthermore, 65% of them report that the topics of song should be suitable with experiences of students because these kinds of songs are more attractive. Over half of the teachers (60% and 55% respectively) show that the rhythm should be straightforward and repetitive and songs should present a limited musical challenge.
Nearly a third of the teachers (33%) think that the songs should have refrain, which may help students feel more confident when they are listening and then practising. In addition, some teachers point out other criteria to choose appropriate songs such as:
classroom environment, length of the song and cultural relevance, etc. The sources for teachers to select songs
Options Results (%)
Internet 95 %
CDs, VCDs 55 %
Radio 0 %
Television 0 %
Others 0 %
Table 7: The sources for teachers to select songs
The table illustrates that most of the teachers (95%) use the internet to select songs. Apparently, this is the easiest and fastest way, because they can find any songs on the internet that adapt to their students' levels. More than half of the teachers (55 %) say that CDs or VCDs is also a helpful material for choosing a song. The teachers can bring a CD, or a VCD to anywhere they want and choose suitable songs. Besides, none of the teachers use radio or television to choose songs.
3.3. Tests 3.3.1 Aims
The aim of the two tests (pre – test and post test) was to make it clear whether the using of English songs helps students to improve their listening skill.
3.3.2. Participants
60 students of two classes E1101.1 and E1101.3 were involved in these tests.
Class E1101.1 was taught with the use of English songs and class E1101.3 was taught without songs.
3.3.3. Test description
The time for the test was within fifteen minutes. The class with English songs in teaching process was called class E1101.1, the other was E1101.3. The same test design in the pre - intermediate level was delivered to students in two different periods of time: at the beginning and at the end of the term.
After the tests were collected and marked, the author then analyzed the test scores in terms of Frequency distribution to find out the range of marks each class reach and measures of central tendency to clarify the progress tendency of each class.
In the same way, the results of the post test were interpreted and compared with those of pre-test. And then the standard deviation (s.d) was taken into consideration as a very powerful measure of dispersion. These data helped the author explore the degree to which the group of test scores are deviated from the mean, then find out what effects the using of English songs in teaching listening have on students.
3.3.4. Data analysis and findings
3.3.4. 1. Pre – test (At the beginning of the term) Frequency distribution
Class E1101.1 Class E 1101.3
Score Number of testees
1 0 0
2 1 3.3
3 2 6.7
4 7 23.3
5 7 23.3
6 5 16.7
7 5 16.7
8 3 10
9 0 0
10 0 0
Score Number of testees
1 0 0
2 2 6.7
3 3 10
4 4 13.3
5 7 26.7
6 8 23.3
7 4 13.3
8 2 6.7
9 0 0
10 0 0
The mode: 5 The mode: 6
The median: 5 The median: 5
Table 8: Frequency distribution (pre - test)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Percentage of testees
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
E1101.1 E1101.3