Limitation and suggestion for further study

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Team teaching as a tool for professional development insiders'''' views (Trang 41 - 59)

This study presents the opinions and attitudes of a small number of team-teachers and no firm generalisations can be drawn from the study. However, despite these limitations, this small-scale study provides further insights into the benefits of team-teaching in terms of professional development. To explore a deeper understanding about team-teaching in Viet- nam setting, large-scale studies, using multiple methods of data collection, are needed.

Thus, the scope of the context can be extended and the validity of its findings can be strengthened.


1. Anthony Bynom (2000). Team-teaching: Plus or Minor ESP, Vol.38, No.1(From Eng- lish Teaching Forum online)

2. Beerens, D.R. (2000). Evaluating teachers for professional growth: Creating a culture of motivation and learning. Thousand Oaks, CA. Corwin press. Inc.

3. Bill, P. & Timothy, S. (2005). Insights into effective partnership in interdisciplinary team-teaching.

4. Buckley, Francis J. (1998). Team-teaching: What, Why and How? Thousand Oaks, CA:


5. Bunyan, L.W. (1965). Team Teaching. Calgary: Dome Petroleum

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6. Cohen, L. & Manion, L.(1994). Research Methods in Education Fourth Edition. Lon- don, Routledge.

7. Davis, J.R. (1995). Interdisciplinary courses and team-teaching: New arrangements for learning. American Council of Education. Phoenix, AZ: ORYX Press.

8.Duke, C. & Stiggins, R. (1990). Beyond minimum Competence: Evaluation for Profes- sional Development. In Danielson, C. & Mc Great, T.L. (2000) Teacher evaluation: To enhance professional practice. Alexanndria, Virginia. Association for supervision and cir- riculum development.

9. Edmonds, E. L. (1973). Teaming for teachers. Charlottown: University of Prince Ed- ward Island.

10. Eisen, M. & Tisdell, E.J. (2000). Team-teaching and learning in adult education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

11. Eleonara, V.R. (2003). Teacher Professional Development: An International Review of the Liturature/ Paris: UNESCO-International Institute for Educational Planning.

12. Goetz, K. (2000). Perspectives on Team-Teaching. [On-line].


13.Guntermann, G. (1992). "Developing tomorrow's teachers of world languages. ERIC Digest." Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics.

14. Head, K. & Taylor, P. (1997). Reading in Teacher Development. London: Heinemann 15. Hitchcock, Graham & Hughes, David (1989). Research and the Teacher: A Qualita- tive Introduction to School-based Research. London: Routledge

16. Johnson, R. H, & Hunt, John R (1968). Rx for team teaching. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Co.

17. Letterman, M. R. & Kimberly B. Dugan (2004). Team-Teaching a Cross- Disciplinary Honors Course: Preparartion and Development. College Teacher 55, no.2 .76-79

18. Mc Donough (1997). Teacher research and teacher development.

19. Mc Daniel, E. & Colarulli, G. C.(1997). Collaborative teaching in the face of prod- uctivity concerns: The dispersed team model. Innorative Higher Education, 22 (1), 19-36 20. Met, M. (1989). Walking on water and other characteristics of effective elementary school teachers. "Foreign Language Annals," 22, 175-83.

21. Norton, M.S. (2008). Human resource administration for educational leaders. Thou- sand Oaks, CA, Sage Publication. Ltd.

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22. Peyton J.K. (1997). Professional Development of Foreign Language Teachers Online Resources: Digests

23. Phillips, J. K. (1991). Upgrading the target language proficiency levels of foreign lan- guage teachers. ERIC Digest. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics.

24. Pritchett, P. (1997). Teamwork: The team member handbook. Dallas, TX: Pritchett and Associates.

25. Richards, J.C. (1998). Beyond Training: Perspectives on language teacher education.

Newyork: Cambridge University Press.

26. Richards, J.C. & T. Farrell (2005). Professional Development for Language Teach- ers: Strategies for teacher learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

27. Roberts, J. (1998). Language Teacher Education. London: Arnold.

28.Sandholts, J.H.(2000). Interdisciplinary team-teaching as a form of professional de- velopment. Teacher Education Quarterly, 27(3), 39-54.

29. Timothy Stewards & Bill Perry (2005). Interdisciplinary Team Teaching as a Model for Teacher Development. The TESL-EJ, Sep, 2005. 73-82.

30. Underhill, A. (series ed.) (1997). The teacher development series. In K.Head and P.

Taylor. Reading in teacher Development. Oxford: Heinemman. vii

31. Widdowson, H. (1992). ELT and EL Teachers: matters arising. ELT Journal, 46(4) 333-339



1. How long have you been an English teacher?

2. What is your academic and professional training?

A master’s degree in Education or related to Language teaching A master’s degree in other areas

A first degree from a university in English Language Teaching A first degree from a university in another area different from ELT A teaching qualification, like COTE, Teacher’s Course, etc...

Other qualifications that you find relevant

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Please give details:...



3. Who is your team-mate?

4. How long have you been team-teaching with your partner?

5.Which subjects are you team-teaching? For which level: the first-year students, the second-year students or the last year students?


1. I know you have team-taught with a Vietnamese teacher for over one year, thus to what extent can team-teaching help you enhance your professional development? Please explain and describe as much as possible.

2. You have team-taught with an English volunteer teacher, so have you got any benefits from your team-teaching with an English native-speaker teacher in terms of your profes- sional development? Could you express in details?

3. You have team taught with another Vietnamese teacher, so have you got any benefits from this partnership in terms of your professional development? Could you express in de- tails?

4. You have team taught with a veteran teacher, so how did you feel at first and have you got

any benefits from this partnership in terms of professional development until now? Could you express in details?

5. You are team-teaching with an inexperienced teacher, so how can you and her co-plan, co-teach and co-evaluate? Have you got any benefits from this partnership in terms of pro- fessional development? Could you express in details?

6. You are team-teaching with a partner whose culture is quite different from yours, so you must face a lot of drawbacks. Which barriers occured during the time of co-planning, co- teaching and co-evaluating? And how can you overcome these challenges?

7. You are team-teaching with a partner who comes from the same culture, and also have teaching experience like yours, so have you got any difficulties in this partnership? And how could you overcome these difficulties?

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8.Team-teaching with a veteran teacher is not an easy work, isn’t it? Have you got any psychological problem, or other problems? Could you express in details? And how can you overcome these challenges?

9. You are asked to team teach with a very young teacher like Nguyên , have you got any problems in this partnership? Could you explain in details. How can you overcome these difficulties?

10. It can be seen that team-teaching is not an easy work and it can lead to conflict between two teachers. How did you handle disagreements during the time of collaboration?

11. Time is a big problem in team-teaching, isn’t it? How can you adjust your timetable?

For example, how and when did you meet to discuss the lesson and consider changes to content or procedures throughout thhe semester?

12. Do you like your team-teaching? Why and why not?

13. Do you think team-teaching is really suitable with your teaching context? Why and Why not?

14. What are you recommendations for a more effective team-teaching in your teaching context?


1. Cô/thầy đã có thời gian giảng dạy được bao lâu rồi?

2. Chứng chỉ sư phạm của cô/thầy là gì?

3. Ai là đối tác dạy cộng tác cùng cô/thầy?

4. Cô/thầy đã dạy cùng đối tác của mình được bao lâu rồi ?

5. Cô/thầy đang dạy môn gì? Cho sinh viên năm thứ mấy: năm thứ nhất, năm thứ hai hay năm cuối?


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1. Tôi được biết thầy đang dạy cộng tác với một giáo viên Việt Nam được hơn một năm, vậy hình thức giảng dạy này đã giúp thầy như thế nào trong việc phát triển nghề nghiệp?

Xin thầy miêu tả chi tiết!

2. Cô đang dạy cộng tác với một giáo viên tình nguyện người Anh, vậy việc dạy cộng tác với một giáo viên người bản xứ đã giúp gì cho cô trong việc phát triển nghề nghiệp? Mong cô giải thích chi tiết.

3. Cô đang dạy cộng tác với một đồng nghiệp Việt Nam, vậy việc cộng tác này đã giúp gì cho cô trong việc phát triển nghề nghiệp? Mong cô giải thích cụ thể.

4. Cô đang dạy cùng với một giáo viên kì cựu, vậy ban đầu cô cảm thấy như thế nào và việc cộng tác này đã giúp ích gì cho cô trong việc phát triển nghề nghiệp?

5. Cô đang dạy cùng với một giáo viên trẻ vừa mới ra trường, vậy cô và cô ấy đã cùng nhau hợp tác như thế nào ? Sự cộng tác này đã giúp gì cho cô trong việc phát triển nghề nghiệp? Xin cô vui lòng giải thích cụ thể.

6. Cô/thầy đang dạy cùng với một giáo viên đến từ một nền văn hóa hoàn toàn khác với cô/thầy, nên chắc là cô/thầy phải đối mặt với khá nhiều khó khăn. Vậy có những khó khăn nào đã xảy ra trong suốt quá trình cộng tác và cô/thầy đã giải quyết những khó khăn đó như thế nào ?

7. Cô đang dạy cùng với một giáo viên Việt Nam khác, người có cùng nền văn hóa và kinh nghiệm giảng dạy giống như cô. Vậy các cô có khó khăn gì trong việc cộng tác này không?

Các cô đã giải quyết những khó khăn đó như thế nào ?

8. Dạy cùng với một giáo viên kỳ cựu quả là một nhiệm vụ không dễ dàng gì phải không ạ?

Vậy cô có những cản trở gì về mặt tâm lý hay những vấn đề khác không? Xin cô vui lòng giải thích chi tiết. Và cô đã giải quyết những vấn đề đó như thế nào?

9. Cô đang dạy cùng với một giáo viên trẻ như cô Nguyên, vậy cô có những khó khăn gì không? Và cô đã giải quyết những khó khăn đó như thế nào?

10. Có thể thấy rằng việc dạy cộng tác là một nhiệm vụ không dễ dàng và sự cộng tác này có thể dẫn đến những mâu thuẫn giữa hai giáo viên. Làm thế nào để các cô/thầy giải quyết những bất đồng trong suốt quá trình cộng tác?

11. Thời gian là một vấn đề lớn đối với việc dạy công tác phải không ạ? Làm thế nào để cô/thầy điều chỉnh thời gian biểu của mình? Ví dụ, khi nào và làm thế nào các cô/thầy gặp nhau và thảo luận về bài học và xem xét lại những thay đổi đối với các bài đã dạy trong suốt học kỳ?

12. Cô/thầy có thích dạy cộng tác không? Vì sao có và vì sao không?

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13. Cô/thầy có nghĩ dạy cộng tác thực sự phù hợp với điều kiện giảng dạy của cô/thầy? Tại sao có và tại sao không?

14. Cô/thầy có những đề xuất gì cho việc dạy cộng tác hiệu quả hơn trong điều kiện giảng dạy của cô/thầy?

APPENDIX 2: INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT A. Teachers’ professional development can be enhanced through team- teaching

1.Professional development can enhance by sharing experience and widening knowledge


Working in this way, we were able to make our lessons more effective because we usually had “double vision”. For example, as a Vietnamese teacher, I tended to know Vietnamese students’ needs and problems better than the volunteer, but the volunteer provided valuable and interesting information about British life that

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I lacked.” (Châu, Vietnamese teacher)


In English Literature, I had more understanding of the content of what we had to teach. Chris was really an expert in this field, he had a lot of teaching materials and sources of information and he shared with me. When I found difficult in un- destanding some concepts, I could consult him. We exchanged, discussed and by that way, I learnt more and more. (Liên, Vietnamese teacher)


As a non-native English speaking teacher I felt more confident when I worked with a native speaker in course of British Studies. This was because he could act as a more reliable resource for knowledge about culture and linguistics aspects of this subject. (Châu, Vietnamese teacher)


..Another area where Vietnamese teachers have the upper hand is in their know- ledge of institutional culture and goals. They are familiar with the administrative framework. They know what to expect from and how to deal with management, colleagues, and students. They understand the system of examinations which may be different from my country’s. This awareness of norms not only enables them to analyse students’ needs better but also helps me to avoid the kind of in- stitutional culture shock...(Chris, EVT)


..I and my Vietnamese teacher met after each class to evaluate the lesson. After teaching a section, we talked on the way home about what had seemed to work well and what had not. We commented on the parts that students had seemed to understand well and parts in which they hadnot done satisfactory. Then we talked about neccessary changes for the following lessons. At the end of the course, we both assessed the students and exchanged ideas about the outcomes of the course... (James, EVT)

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...I sometimes had challenge in explaining difficult concepts for students to un- derstand. My Vietnamese team-mates could have different ways of explaining things which made it easier for students to understand, or even could translate them into Vietnamese. This is particilarly useful in British Studies and English Literature, in which some of the material was quite complex... (Chris, EVT).


...I’m a young teacher so I don’t have much experience in teaching and team- teaching. At first, I thought this was a hard work and I felt very anxious. How- ever, after a rather long time of working together I think team-teaching helps me feel more confident about my professional competence... (Nguyên, Vietnamese teacher)


...Through team-teaching with a veteran teacher, I have opportunities to learn, grow and move along life’s professional and psychological pathways...(Nguyên, Vietnamese teacher)


...I think I tried to foster my professional development by helping another inex- perienced teacher. Nguyên is a quite young English teacher and she had no expe- rience in team-teaching, even in teaching. However, she is an enthusiastic, active and very humorous teacher and during the time of co-planing, co-teaching and co-evaluating we share our experience and we all grow as professionals... (Mai Anh, Vietnamese teacher)


...When team-teaching in writing, I think I can benefit from the ideas from my partner. We both have long time in teaching writing. However, I sometimes feel surprised by her interesting ideas and methods in teaching writing... (Thanh, Vi- etnamese teacher)


...We share teaching materials and books, so I can enrich my materials about writing skill... (Vân, Vietnamese teacher).

2.Professional development can be enhanced by improving teaching skills and methods


...Team-teaching helps me integrate various teaching methods and make good use of them to motivate the students in classes... (Châu, Vietnamese teacher) ..The shared responsibility and action helped me as a Westerner understand more about Vietnamese students’ needs, culture and previous learning experiences,

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Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Team teaching as a tool for professional development insiders'''' views (Trang 41 - 59)

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