Chapter 3: Suggestions for treatment cross-cultural characteristics into teaching of
2. Suggested issues for further research
In this thesis, the author finds it interesting and essential to study more into the issue of teaching culture as an integrated of foreign language teaching and learning.
Firstly, this study has focused on treating cross-cultural characteristics into speaking skill teaching to raise students' cross-cultural awareness and improve communicative competence. It should be done in other lessons such as: reading, listening, writing.
Secondly, besides finding the attitude of students and teachers towards cross-cultural characteristics in speaking teaching and the role of culture in the foreign language teaching.
The thesis should be concentrated on studying cultural obstacles to the teaching and learning of speaking skills.
Lastly, there should be more research into designing culture-based textbooks so that Vietnamese teachers and students can have a better understanding of culture knowledge.
In English
1. Akaram Benlaayouni, Towards cultural understanding University, Ibn Zohr Agadir.
2. Barry Tomalin & Susan Stempleski (1993), Cultural Awareness, Oxford University Press.
3. Benedict, R (1934), Patterns of Culture, Houghton Mifflin.
4. Brooks, Nelson (1983), Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom, Foreign Language Annals, Volume 16, NewYork:ACTFL, Inc.
5. Brown H.D (1994), Teaching by principles, Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice Hall.
6. Burn and Yoyce, H. (1997), Focus on speaking, Sydney: National Center for English language teaching and research.
7. Buttjes (1990), Teaching foreign language and culture : social impact and political significance, Language learning Journal.
8. Bygate Martin (1987), Speaking, Oxford University Press.
9. Chaney, A.L and T.L. Burk. 1998, Teaching oral Communication in Grade K-8, Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
10. Christopher Early (1993), Culture, self-identity and work, Oxford University Press, Inc.
11. Colleen Ward Stephen Bochner Adrian Furnham, The Psychology of Culture Shock, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, LONDON AND NEWYORK.
12. Dobson, M.J. (1992), Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Bureau of Educational and cultural Affair, USIA.
13. Nguyen Van Do (2007), Language culture and society, Teacher's Edition
14. Eli Hinkel (1999), Culture in second language teaching and learning, Cambridge University Press.
15. Hassel Green, A. (2003) Toward the assessment of intercultural competence, Council of Europe Publishing.
16. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng (2004), An Investigation on the Effect of Cross-Culture Awareness on English learning and teaching at English Department HUFS and some recommendation. Unpublished. M.A thesis. VNU-CFL.
17. Ismail Cakir (2006), Developing cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching, Kirikkale University, Turkey Turkish Online Journal of Distance.
18. Kramsch, C. (1993), Context and Culture in Language Teaching, New York: Oxford University Press.
19. Kroeber, A & Kluckhoohn (1954), Culture: Artical review of concepts and definitions, NewYork: Random House.
20. Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter & Edwin R. Mc Daniel (2007), Communication between Cultures, Thomson Wadsworth Inc.
21. Levine (1993), Beyond Language, USA: Prentice Hall Regents.
22. Do Thanh Mai & Dao Thu Trang (2006), Introduction to Cross Cultural Communication, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, College of Foreign Language, English Department
23. Montgometry and Reid-Thomas (1994), Language and Social life, England: The Bristish Council.
24. Greert Hofstede (2000), Culture's Consequences: comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations, Sage Publications.
25. Nostrand, F.B and Nostrand, H.L..(1970), Testing Understanding of the Foreign Culture.
26. Nunan (1991), Langauge teaching Methodology, New Jersey: Prentice Hall international.
27. Patrick Moran (2001), Teaching culture: perspective in practice Department of Language Teacher Education- School for International Training Brattleboro, VT, USA.
28. Pattision (1992), Developing Communication skills. CUP.
29. Pinker (1994), Language Instinct: The Science of Language and Mind; Allen Lane.
30. Nguyen Quang (COM, & ED), Intercultural communication, Vietnam National Universuity-Ha Noi Colledge of Foreign Languages.
31. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo(1973), Cultural-linguistic aspects in Asian language teaching, reproduced by the Southeast Asian Studies Program University of Hawaii.
32. Seelye, H.N. ed. Perspectives for Teachers of Latin American Culture. Springfield, IL:
Office of Public Instruction.
33. Tomalin and Stempleski (1993), Cultural Awareness, Oxford: OUP.
In Vietnamese
1. Chu Quang Bình (2008), Thiết kế bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12, tập 1, Nhà xuất bản Giáo Dục.
2. Hoàng Văn Vân (2008), Tiếng Anh 12, 6/2008, Nhà xuất bản Giáo Dục.
3. Nguyễn Văn Dộ (2004), Tìm hiểu mối liên hệ ngôn ngữ và văn hoá, Nhà xuất bản Dại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội.
Appendix 1: A questionnaire for students and teachers of English
1. Learning a foreign language cannot be separated from learning that target culture a. Strongly disagree c. No idea
b. Disagree d. Strongly agree e. Agree
2. You cannot use English effectively unless you have good knowledge of English- speaking cultures.
a. Strongly disagree c. No idea b. Disagree d. Strongly agree e. Agree
3. The differences between Vietnamese and English culture influence your learning spoken English in class rooms
a. Strongly disagree c. No idea b. Disagree d. Strongly agree e. Agree
4. It is unjust when Vietnamese students learning English have to behave like English native speakers.
a. Strongly disagree c. No idea b. Disagree d. Strongly agree e. Agree
Please explain why you think so:
5.- What do you think of the role of culture in English learning? (Students) a. Very important c. Rather important b. Important d. Not very important Please explain why you think so:
- What do you think of the role of culture in English learning? (Teachers) a. Very important c. Rather important
b. Important d. Not very important Please explain why you think so:
6.- Can you rank these things in order of importance in learning speaking skills?
- Can you rank these things in order of importance in learning speaking skill?
(Teachers) a. Vocabulary b. Grammar c. Pronunciation d. Cultural knowledge
7.- Do you think difference between Vietnamese and English culture influence your teaching spoken English in classroom? (Students)
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Partly agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree
- Do you think difference between Vietnamese and English culture influence your teaching spoken English in classroom? (Teachers)
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Partly agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree
8.- What do you think of culture teaching activities used during the English lesson?
a. Very interesting and effective c. Quite interesting and effective b. Interesting and effective d. Not interesting and effective 9. Speaking are the best way to enrich students' cross-cultural knowledge a. Strongly disagree c. No idea
b. Disagree d. Strongly agree e. Agree
10. When having chances to discuss or talking the similarities and differences between my culture and other cultures with my classmates I understand better not only other cultures but also my own culture.
a. Strongly disagree c. No idea b. Disagree d. Strongly agree e. Agree
Appendix 2: test Test 1
Choose the best answer:
1. When an English suggests you have some more food or drink, you usually accept in this way:
a. Yes, please
b. Yes, give me some c. Yes, do it right now d. Yes, that is fine.
2. You've been introduced to a British or American friend's colleague. What would you do?
a. Say, "hello"
b. Say nothing and shake hand
c. Say, "nice to meet you" and shake hands d. Say, "hi"
3. When an English put his hand up his head, it means....
a. Oh, I forgot b. I'm very sad c. Wait a second d. I have no idea
4. In UK and US, people often try to start a conversation with someone they don't know by making a comment about...
a. Food b. Salary
c. Whether d. Family
5. In English, when you cross middle finger with index finger, it means that:
a. I do not know b. I cannot hear you c. Good luck d. Come here
6. In UK, when people are invited to a party, they often take...
a. A bottle of wine b. A flower
c. A cake d. A loaf
7. Which statement is considered cheerful farewell in the US but may be considered insincere in Britain?
a. Have a nice day!
b. Good luck to you!
c. A happy day!
d. See you again!
8. In US, when invited to a dinner party, people usually arrive ...
a. Later than the time appointed b. Earlier than the time appointed c. On time
d. Within fifteen minutes of the appointed time Suggested answers:
1a, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5c, 6a, 7a, 8d,
Test 2
True False Don't know 1. When Vietnamese people meet each other, they
usually greet each other with " Good morning"
2. It is normal or polite when an American asks his/her friend's hobby.
3. People from Western culture enjoy discussing business matters during lunch or dinner.
4. Walking is the most popular leisure activity among the British and the Vietnamese.
5. In England, when you are first introduced to some one, shake their right hand with your own right hand.
6. In UK and America, students use the word
"teacher" to address their teacher to show their respect.
7. It is considered polite when a Vietnamese asks an American about his/her age.
8. In US, men and women friends may kiss each other on the cheek if they see each other after a long time, or even each time they meet.
9. In Vietnamese, at informal party, people don't wait to be introduced. They introduce themselves.
10. In the UK they have to drive on the left.
11. It is polite to ask Americans questions about their salary.
12. In UK, when being entertained at someone's home it is nice to take a gift for the host and hostess.
13. In England, it is impolite for men to wear hats indoors especially in churches.
14. In Vietnam, when yawning or coughing always .
cover your mouth with your hand.
15. In American, everyone greet each other only when they are close friends and relatives.
16. In Vietnam, it is very impolite to speak with your mouth full of food.
17. The most common and typical foods eaten in Britain are the sandwich, fish and chips, pies, trifle 18. In the US. It is believe that if your left eye winks,
you will meet some unlucky .
19. In the US, people shake hands when they meet each other people for the first time, but not every time they see them after that.
20. In England, you want to talk to someone you do not know at a party. There is no one to introduce you. What would be the most polite way to address the person?
a. Hi, my name is ....
b. I do not think we have met, have we? My name is...
c. What is your name?
d. Do I know you?
Suggested aswers:
1f 2t 3t 4 t 5f 6f 7t 8f 9t 10t 11t 12t 13f 14t 15t 16f 17f 18f 20b
Suggested lesson plans for treatment cross-cultural characteristics into teaching of speaking in English to grade 12A1 students in Nam Dan I high school.
Lesson 2: speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will able to:
- Review related words about family life including household chores, responsibility, wash the dishes...
- Talk about household chores
- Express their ideas about family life.
II. Materials : charts, cards, picture, textbook.
III. Procedure
Divide class into 2 teams.
Ask students to give out as many words/ phrases involved household chores as possible.
The team having more correct answers will be winner.
Suggested answers:
- Making the bed - Washing dishes - Cleaning the floor - Watering plants - Do cleaning - Going shopping - Cooking - Washing up Lead in:
Today, we will speak about the division of household chores among the members of the family.
Have students work individually, check the suitable box for
Group work
information that apply to his/her own family.
Teachers is advised to help student fully understand all the information by giving them meaning of the following words:
Work: kiếm tiền (v) Share: chia sẻ (v) Interest: sở thích (n)
Closely (adv): một cách chặ t chẽ
Make an important decision: dư a ra một quyế t đị nh quan trọ ng
Call on some pairs to give their choices.
Put students into pairs to practice speaking about their family, based on the sentences in task 1
Call on some students to speak out their ideas.
Ask students to work in pairs to ask each other the following questions:
+ Who works in your family?
+ Who does household chores?
+ What's your responsibility in the family?
+ What is the interest the family members share closely?
+ Who is the person you often share secrets with?
+ Who is the person you talk to before making an important decision?
Move around the room to give help and jot down students' mistakes in pronunciation and grammar for later correction.
Call on some pairs to act out their dialogues.
Make correction and comments.
Task 2:
Pair work
Pair work
Arrange students to work in groups of four or five and act as if they were members of a family (the father, the mother, the eldest child, the youngest child, or the son, the daughter).
Each person in the family says something about their family and duties their family.
Call on some groups to act out in front of the class Make corrections if needed and make comments.
Suggested answers:
- I am the eldest child in my family. I come from a family of four: my parents, my sister and I. My parents love their children very much and have done everything for our upbringing.
- As a father I' ve got a lot of duty to do. I have to go to work to support my family. I' ve got to help my wife with housework.
- As a mother, I have to do household chores and keep the house in order. I have to cook meals, go shopping, wash up...My husband sometimes helps me.
- After school I always make time to help my mother with housework and my younger sister with
homework. We as children always try to get on well with one another in order to create a happy and harmonious home environment.
IV. POST-SPEAKING Divide class into 4 groups Give each group one poster.
Ask students to work in groups to find out the difference between the division of household chores among members in the Vietnamese families and the English families.
Group work
Group work
After 10 minutes, ask students to hang their poster on the board, and then each group choose a leader to present their ideas.
Suggested ideas:
Vietnamese Family
English family Mother -Do nearly all
household chores.
-Take care of children.
-Share household chores and take care of children with their husband.
Father -Bread winner:
earning money.
-Join hand to help wife.
Children -Spend most time at school and extra classes.
-Have a little time to do household chores.
-Depend on parents' arrangement.
-Have responsibility to do household chores.
-Have equal role in family.
Ask students to answer the questions:
Why should family members share household chores?
- Relieve the burden on parents' shoulder.
- Help children become more independent.
Lesson 2: speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will able to:
- know about some typical features of different cultures
- talk about the differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American cultures.
II. Materials : charts, pieces of cards, posters, textbook.
III. Procedure
Game : good luck or bad luck?
- divide class into 4 groups - give students 6 questions:
1.In Britain, what does a black cat mean?
a. good luck b. bad luck c. a feature weeding 2. In Vietnam, when the bride leaves her own family to live in groom' family, what object will the bride take with her?
a. a hat b. shoes c. a pillow
3. In Vietnam, what does it mean when it starts to rain on the wedding day?
a. the couple will be poor b. the couple will be happy c. the couple will be rich
4. In France, what creature brings you good luck?
a. a mouse b. a spider c. a fox
5. In Britain, you are in a crowded bus and by accident step on somebody's toes. You say:
a. please excuse me b. oh god
c. I'm sorry
Group work