Limitations and suggestions for further study

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Strategies to correct common errors in pronouncing English final consonant clusters made by second year English majored students at Phuong Dong University (Trang 44 - 76)

Due to limited time of the study, it was acknowledged that there were some limitations that could not be avoided.

Firstly, it is inevitable that the data taken from recording what the students presented in their mid-term oral test included mistakes induced by psychological factors such as anxiety, nervousness, etc. Also, some recordings are not clear enough to clarify all errors with final clusters that students commit.

Secondly, during the data analysis, I found that all the subjects had problems in their pronunciation of final clusters not only in final position but also in initial and medial positions, not to mention particular vowels, consonants, the pitch, intonation and the aspects of connected speech. However, due to the scope of the study, the other problems would be taken into consideration in another study.

Thirdly, strategies suggested for dealing with final clusters errors that students often commit are only personal. It would be ideal if an action research were applied in order to develop the pattern of students‟ errors and see whether the suggested strategies worked well with the students.


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Speaker Topic Length

Percentage of error Gender

Consonant clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times


Speaker 1:

Topic Do you like living in an extended family or in a nuclear family?

Give your reasons.

Length 155 words

Percentage of error (%) 12/155 = 7.7%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nts/ Grandparents 

/grổnpổrə ns/ x 1

/nz/ Reasons  /riːz ə ns/ x 1

/ld/ Household /haʊ shə ʊ l/ x 1

/nt/ Want  /w ɔ n/ x 1


/ɪ nvaɪ rə nmə n/ x 1

/mp/ Camp  /kổm/ x 1

/mz/ Problems  /prɔ bləms/ x 1

/st/ Most  /mə ʊ s/ x 1


Husband  /hʌ zbə n/ x 1

Kind  /kai/ x 1

Weekend  /wiːken/ x 1

/dz/ Kids  /kids/ x 1

Speaker 2:

Topic Which place do you prefer, living in a big city or in the countryside? Give your reasons.

Length 198 words

Percentage of error (%) 6/198 = 3%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nd/ Spend lack /d/ x 1

/nt/ Entertainment  lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Find  Lack /d/ x 1

/nts/ Pavements  lack /t/ x 1

/pt/ Developed  /d ɪ velə pd/ x 1

/dz/ Crowds  /kra ʊ ds/ x 1

Speaker 3:

Topic What is your favorite sport? Give some reasons.

Length 104 words

Percentage of error (%) 3/104 = 2.9%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ First  lack /t/ x 1

/lθ/ Health /helt/ x 1

/nt/ Pleasant lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 4:

Topic Do you think what the qualities of a good friend are?

Length 156 words

Percentage of error (%) 13/156 = 8.3%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nd/ Friend  /fren/ x 4

/st/ First  /f ɜ ːs/ x 1

/ld/ Build  lack /d/ x 1

/st/ Honest  /ɔ nit/ x 1

/nd/ Second  /sekən/ x 1

/ŋk/ Think  /θiŋ/ x 1

/ls/ Else  /el/ x 1

/kt/ Affect  /ə fek/ x 1

/pts/ Accepts  /əkseps/ x 1

/ndʒ / Change  /tʃ einz/ x 1

Speaker 5:

Topic Which job best fits your personality? Explain why.

Length 170 words

Percentage of error (%) 11/170=6.5%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/ns/ Since  /s ɪ n/ x 1

/ld/ Child  /tʃ aɪ / x 1

/ ʃ t/ Wished  /wist/ x 1

/st/ Almost  lack /t/ x 1

Lost  lack /t/ x 1

/kt/ React  lack /t/ x 1

/nts/ Students  lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Misunderstand  lack /d/ x 1

Spend  lack /d/ x 1

/lp/ Help  /hep/ x 1

/st/ Best  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 6:

Topic Describe the person you admire most. Explain why you admire him/her.

Length 148 words

Percentage of error (%) 5/148=3.4%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/vz/ Believes  /bəliːvs/ x 1

/lz/ Smiles  lack /z/ x 1

/ts/ Hates  lack /s/ x 1

/nt/ Intelligent  lack /t/ x 1

/nz/ Plans /plổns/ x 1

Speaker 7:

Topic Which do you prefer, going out to eat or eating at home? Give some reasons.

Length 134 words

Percentage of error (%) 7/134 =5.2%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nt/ Convenient  lack /t/ x 1

/st/ Fast  lack /t/ x 1

/nts/ Restaurants  lack /t/ x 1

/lf/ Yourself  lack /f/ x 1

/st/ Cost  Lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Spend  lack /d/ x 1

/lθ/ Health  lack /θ/ x 1

Speaker 8:

Topic Talk about your first day or primary school?/ secondary school?/

high school?/ college?

Length 116 words

Percentage of error (%) 7/116 = 6.03 %

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nts/ Parents  lack /t/ x 1

/mz/ Items  /a ɪ tə ms/ x 1

/nd/ Brand lack /d/ x 1

/st/ First lack /t/ x 1

/kst/ Next  lack /st/ x 1

/st/ Used  lack /t/ x 1

/ndʒ d/ Exchanged  lack /dʒ / x 1

Speaker 9:

Topic Talk about your last holiday.

Length 154 words

Percentage of error (%) 10/154 = 6.5%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nt/ Spent  lack /t/ x 1

/vd/ Arrived  /ə ra ɪ / x 1

/nt/ Went  lack /t/ x 1

/kt/ Walked  lack /t/ x 1

Looked lack /t/ x 1

/ndz/ Islands  lack /d/ x 1

/lz/ Hills  /hɪ ls/ x 1

/ft/ Raft  lack /t/ x 1

/lt/ Felt lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Returned lack /d/ x 1

Speaker 10:

Topic Do you want to be a famous person? Why or why not?

Length 98 words Percentage of error (%) 4/98 = 4.08%

Gender Male


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nz/ Fans  lack /z/ x 1

/st/ Latest  lack /t/ x 1

/nz/ Fans  /fổns/ x 1

/nt/ Want  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 11:

Topic What is your favorite sport? Give some reasons.

Length 113 words

Percentage of error (%) 10/113 = 8.85%

Gender Male


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ Best  lack /t/ x 1

/nz/ Reasons  /rizəns/ x 1

/lps/ Helps lack /l/ x 1

/lθ/ Health lack /θ/ x 1

/ks/ Relax lack /s/ x 1

/nd/ Find lack /nd/ x 1

/nt/ Equipment  lack /t/ x 1


Released lack /t/ x 1

Last lack /t/ x 1

Cost lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 12:

Topic Describe the person you admire most. Explain why you admire him/her.

Length 128 words Percentage of error (%) 7/128 = 5.5%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/lp/ Help  lack /l/ x 1

/kt/ Expect  lack /t/ x 1

Respect  lack /t/ x 1

/lps/ Helps lack /l/ x 1

/lθ/ Health  /helt/ x 1

/nd/ Kind  lack /nd/ x 1

/lv/ Solve  lack /v/ x 1

Speaker 13:

Topic Talk about your last holiday.

Length 164 words

Percentage of error (%) 10/163 = 6.13%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ Last  lack /t/ x 1

/nt/ Went lack /t/ x 3

/ks/ Six  lack /s/ x 1

/st/ Past  lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Friend lack /d/ x 1

/kst/ Next lack /st/ x 1

/nd/ Island lack /d/ x 1

/kt/ Shocked lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 14:

Topic Which place do you prefer, living in a big city or in the

countryside? Give your reasons.

Length 121 words

Percentage of error (%) 4/121 = 3.31%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/ŋz/ Things  /θ ɪ ŋs/ x 1

/nd/ Ground  lack /nd/ x 1

/st/ Cost  lack /t/ x 1

/kts/ Products  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 15:

Topic Which do you prefer, going out to eat or eating at home? Give some reasons.

Length 107 words

Percentage of error (%) 5/107 = 4.7%

Gender Male


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nts/ Restaurants  lack /t/ x 1

/ndz/ Kinds  /kaiz/ x 1

/dz/ Foods  /fuːds/ x 1

/st/ Waste  lack /t/ x 1

/st/ Taste  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 16:

Topic Do you think what the qualities of a good friend are?

Length 135 words

Percentage of error (%) 8/135 = 5.9%

Gender Male


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/ndz/ Friends  lack /d/ x 1

/nd/ Friend  lack /d/ x 3

/nθs/ Months  lack /θ/ x 1

/ks/ Makes  lack /s/ x 1

/nt/ Important lack /t/ x 1

/st/ Interest  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 17:

Topic Which job best fits your personality? Explain why.

Length words

Percentage of error (%) 6/122 = 4.9%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ Best  lack /t/ x 2

First lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Stand lack /d/ x 1

/kt/ Fact lack /t/ x 1

/nt/ Want lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 18:

Topic Do you like living in an extended family or in a nuclear family?

Give your reasons.

Length 155 words

Percentage of error (%) 12/155 = 7.74%

Gender Female

Consonant Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition

clusters Reduction Insertion Substitution times

/nt/ Extent lack /t/ x 1

/st/ Most lack /t/ x 2

/nts/ Parents lack /t/ x 3

/dz/ Needs  /niːds/ x 1

/ld/ Child lack /ld/ x 2

/nz/ Traditions  /trə d ɪ ʃ ə ns/ x 1

/kst/ Mixed lack /st/ x 1

/lt/ Difficult lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 19:

Topic Do you want to be a famous person? Why or why not?

Length 114 words

Percentage of error (%) 5/114 = 4.4%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ Best  lack /t/ x 2

/nz/ Fans  lack /z/ x 1

/zd/ Recognized  lack /zd/ x 1

/nts/ Servants  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 20:

Topic Talk about your first day of primary school?/ secondary school?/

high school?/ college?

Length 109 words

Percentage of error (%) 5/109 = 4.6%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nt/ Went  lack /t/ x 1

/gd/ Hugged  lack /d/ x 1

/st/ First  lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Happened  /hổpənt/ x 1

/t ʃ t/ Watched  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 21:

Topic Which do you prefer, going out to eat or eating at home? Give some reasons.

Length 113 words

Percentage of error (%) 9/113 = 8%

Gender Male


clusters Mispronounced words

Types of errors

Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nt/ Restaurant  lack /t/ x 2

/st/ First  lack /t/ x 1

/ndz/ Friends lack /d/ x 1

/nts/ Parents lack /ts/ x 1

/lvz/ Themselves lack /vz/ x 1

/ŋk/ Junk lack /k/ x 1

/st/ Waste  lack /t/ x 1

/nz/ Reasons  /rizəns/ x 1

Speaker 22:

Topic Do you like living in an extended family or in a nuclear family?

Give your reasons.

Length 135 words

Percentage of error (%) 9/135 =6.9%

Gender Female

Consonant Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition

clusters Reduction Insertion Substitution times

/nz/ Generations

/genə reɪ ʃ ə ns/ x 1

/nd/ Understand  lack /d/ x 1

/nts/ Arguments lack /t/ x 1

/nt/ Different lack /t/ x 2

/dz/ Attitudes  /ổtɪ tjuːs/ x x 1

/lt/ Difficult lack /t/ x 1

/kt/ Respect lack /t/ x 1

/lvd/ Involved lack /lv/ x 1

Speaker 23:

Topic Which job best fits your personality? Explain why.

Length 126 words

Percentage of error (%) 7/126= 5.6%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/bz/ Jobs  lack /z/ x 1

/ŋk/ Think lack /k/ x 1

/st/ Most lack /t/ x 1

Tourist lack /t/ x 1

/nt/ Important lack /t/ x 1

/st/ Impressed lack /t/ x 1

/nt/ Confident  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 24:

Topic Describe the person you admire most. Explain why you admire him/her.

Length 159 words

Percentage of error (%) 9/159=5.7%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/lps/ Helps  lack /l/ x 1

/vz/ Gives lack /z/ x 1

/st/ First lack /t/ x 1

/nt/ Important  lack /t/ x 1

/dz/ Words  /wɜ ːds/ x 1

/ld/ Old lack /ld/ x 1

/st// Best lack /t/ x 1

/nd/ Friend lack /d/ x 1

/ndʒ / Change  lack /dʒ/ x 1

Speaker 25:

Topic Talk about your last holiday.

Length 107 words

Percentage of error (%) 8/107 = 7.5%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ Last  lack /t/ x 1

Practised /prổktiʃ t/ x 1

/nd/ Husband lack /d/ x 1

/st/ Most  lack /t/ x 1

/dz/ Besides  lack /dz/ x 1

/fts/ Gifts lack /t/ x 1

/vz/ Relatives lack /z/ x 1

/ndz/ Friends lack /d/ x 1

Speaker 26:

Topic Do you want to be a famous person? Why or why not?

Length 153 words

Percentage of error (%) 9/153 = 5.9%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ Most  lack /t/ x 1

/lm/ Film lack /l/ x 1

/lθ/ Wealth lack /θ/ x 1

/vd/ Loved lack /d/ x 1

/nz/ Fans  /fổns/ x 1

/lps/ Helps  lack /l/ x 1

/sk/ Ask  lack /k/ x 1

/ld/ World lack /d/ x 1

/lt/ Difficult  lack /lt/ x 1

Speaker 27ː

Topic Talk about your first day or primary school?/ secondary school?/

high school?/ college?

Length 104 words

Percentage of error (%) 7/104 = 6.7%

Gender Male


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/st/ Most  lack /t/ x 1

/ndʒ / Strange  /streinz/ x 1

/st/ Used lack /t/ x 1

/kt/ Liked lack /t/ x 1

/ndz/ Friends  lack /d/ x 2

/nd/ Around  lack /nd/ x 1

Speaker 28:

Topic What are the qualities of a good friend?

Length 134 words

Percentage of error (%) 11/124 = 8.9

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nd/ Friend  /fren/ x 3

Find  /fai/ x 1

/ndz/ Friends  /frens/ x 2

/st/ Honest  /ɔ nis/ x 1

/nt/ Confident  /kɔ nfɪ də ns/ x 1

/lθ/ Health  /hel/ x 1

/mz/ Comes  /k ʌ m/ x 1

/st/ Must  /m ʌ s/ x 1

Speaker 29:

Topic Which place do you prefer, living in a big city or in the countryside? Give your reasons.

Length 129 words

Percentage of error (%) 7/129 =5.4%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nd/ Attend lack /d/ x 1

/st/ Best  lack /t/ x 2

/dz/ Goods  /gʊ ds/ x 1

/nts/ Events lack /t/ x 1

/nt/ Department lack /t/ x 1

/st/ Post  lack /t/ x 1

Speaker 30:

Topic What is your favorite sport? Give some reasons.

Length 91 words

Percentage of error (%) 5/91 = 5.5%

Gender Female


clusters Mispronounced words Types of errors Repetition times Reduction Insertion Substitution

/nz/ Reasons  /rizəns/ x 1

/lθ/ Health  lack /θ/ x 1

/ndz/ Friends lack /d/ x 1

/lps/ Helps  lack /l/ x 1

/ld/ Build  lack /d/ x 1

APPENDIX 3: Checklist for observation


Speakers Consonant clusters Words Types of errors


/nts/ Grandparents /nz/ reasons

/ld/ household

/nt/ want


/mp/ camp

/mz/ problems

/st/ most


husband kind weekend

/dz/ kids


/nd/ spend

/nt/ entertainment

/nd/ find

/nts/ Pavements

/pt/ developed

/dz/ crowds


/st/ first

/lθ/ health

/nt/ pleasant


/nd/ friend


/ld/ build

/ŋk/ think

/st/ honest


/ls/ else

/kt/ affect /pts/ accepts

/ndʒ / change


/ns/ since

/ld/ child

/ʃ t/ wished

/st/ almost


/kt/ react /nts/ students

/nd/ misunderstand spend

/lp/ help

/st/ best


/vz/ believes

/lz/ smiles

/ts/ hates

/nt/ intelligent

/nz/ plans


/nt/ convenient

/st/ fast

/nts/ restaurants /lf/ yourself

/st/ cost

/nd/ spend

/lθ/ health


/nts/ parents

/mz/ items

/nd/ brand

/st/ First

/kst/ next

/st/ used

/ndʒ d/ exchanged


/nt/ spent

went /vd/ arrived

/kt/ walked

looked /ndz/ islands

/lz/ hills

/lt/ felt

/ft/ Raft

/nd/ returned


/nz/ Fans

/st/ latest

/nt/ want


/st/ best

/nz/ reasons

/lps/ helps

/lθ/ health

/ks/ relax

/nd/ find

/nt/ equipment


released last cost


/lp/ help

/kt/ expect


/lps/ helps

/lθ/ health

/nd/ kind

/lv/ solve


/st/ Last

/nt/ went

/ks/ six

/st/ past

/nd/ friend

/kst/ next

/nd/ island

/kt/ shocked


/ŋz/ things

/nd/ ground

/st/ cost

/kts/ products


/nts/ restaurants

/ndz/ kinds

/dz/ foods

/st/ waste

/st/ taste


/ndz/ friends

/nd/ friend

/nθs/ months

/st/ interest

/nt/ important

/ks/ makes


/st/ best


/nd/ stand

/kt/ fact

/nt/ want


/nt/ extent

/st/ most

/nts/ parents

/dz/ needs

/ld/ child

/nz/ traditions

/kst/ mixed

/lt/ difficult


/st/ best

/nz/ fans

/zd/ recognized /nts/ servants


/nt/ went

/gd/ hugged

/st/ first

/nd/ happened

/tʃ t/ watched


/nt/ restaurant

/st/ first

/ndz/ friends /nts/ parents /lvz/ themselves

/ŋk/ junk

/st/ waste

/nz/ reasons


/nz/ generations /nd/ understand /nts/ arguments

/nt/ different /dz/ attitudes /lt/ difficult

/kt/ respect

/lvd/ involved


/bz/ jobs

/ŋk/ think

/st/ most


/nt/ important

/st/ impressed

/nt/ confident


/lps/ helps

/vz/ gives

/st/ first

/nt/ important

/dz/ words

/ld/ old

/st// best

/nd/ friend

/ndʒ / change


/st/ last


/nd/ husband

/st/ most

/dz/ besides /fts/ gifts /vz/ relatives /ndz/ friends


/st/ most

/lm/ film

/lθ/ wealth

/vd/ loved

/nz/ fans

/lps/ helps

/sk/ ask

/ld/ world

/lt/ difficult


/st/ most

/ndʒ / strange

/st/ used

/kt/ liked

/ndz/ friends

/nd/ around


/nd/ friend

find /ndz/ friends

/st/ honest

/nt/ confident

/lθ/ health

/mz/ comes

/st/ must

29 /nd/ attend

/st/ best

/dz/ goods

/nts/ events

/nt/ department

/st/ post


/nz/ reasons

/lθ/ health

/ndz/ friends

/lps/ helps

/ld/ build

APPENDIX 4: Findings from observation


clusters Words Type of errors

Reduction Insertion Substitution


/nts/ Grandparents Lack /t/

/nz/ reasons

/ld/ household Insert /ə/

/nt/ want environment

/mp/ camp /mz/ problems

/st/ most /nd/

husband kind weekend /dz/ kids


/nd/ spend

/nt/ entertainment /nd/ find

/nts/ pavements

/pt/ developed Insert /ə/

/dz/ crowds 3

/st/ first

/lθ/ health /θ/ = /t/

/nt/ pleasant


/nd/ friend second

/ld/ build Insert /ə/

/ŋk/ think /st/ honest

first /ls/ else /kt/ affect

/pts/ accepts Lack /t/

/ndʒ / change /dʒ / = /z/


/ns/ since /ld/ child

/ʃ t/ wished /ʃ / = /s/

/st/ almost lost /kt/ react

/nts/ students Lack /t/

/nd/ misunderstand spend

/lp/ help Lack /l/

/st/ best


/vz/ believes

/lz/ smiles Lack /l/

/ts/ hates /nt/ intelligent

/nz/ plans


/nt/ convenient /st/ fast /nts/ restaurants

/lf/ yourself /st/ cost /nd/ spend

/lθ/ health


/nts/ parents Lack /t/

/mz/ items /nd/ brand /st/ First

/kst/ next Lack /s/

/st/ used

/ndʒ d/ exchanged /dʒ / = /z/


/nt/ spent went /vd/ arrived /kt/ walked


/ndz/ islands Lack /d/

/lz/ hills /lt/ felt /ft/ raft /nd/ returned 10

/nz/ fans /st/ latest /nt/ want


/st/ best /nz/ reasons /lps/ helps

/lθ/ health Lack /θ/

/ks/ relax /nd/ find

/nt/ equipment /st/

released last cost 12

/lp/ help /kt/ expect


/lps/ helps /lθ/ health /nd/ kind

/lv/ solve


/st/ last /nt/ went /ks/ six /st/ past /nd/ friend /kst/ next /nd/ island

/kt/ shocked


/ŋz/ things /nd/ ground

/st/ cost

/kts/ products Lack /t/


/nts/ restaurants Lack /t/

/ndz/ kinds Lack /d/

/dz/ foods /z/ = /s/

/st/ waste /st/ taste


/ndz/ friends Lack /d/

/nd/ friend

/nθs/ months Lack /θ/

/st/ interest /nt/ important /ks/ makes


/st/ best first /nd/ stand

/kt/ fact /nt/ want


/nt/ extent /st/ most /nts/ parents

/dz/ needs

/ld/ child Insert /ə/

/nz/ traditions

/kst/ mixed Lack /s/

/lt/ difficult Lack /lt/

19 /st/ best

/nz/ fans /zd/ recognized /nts/ servants


/nt/ went /gd/ hugged

/st/ first /nd/ happened /t ʃ t/ watched


/nt/ restaurant /st/ first

/ndz/ friends Lack /d/

/nts/ parents Lack /t/

/lvz/ themselves Lack /v/

/ŋk/ junk /st/ waste /nz/ reasons


/nz/ generations /nd/ understand

/nts/ arguments Lack /t/

/nt/ different

/dz/ attitudes Lack /d/

/lt/ difficult /kt/ respect

/lvd/ involved Lack /v/


/bz/ jobs /ŋk/ think

/st/ most tourist /nt/ important /st/ impressed /nt/ confident


/lps/ helps /vz/ gives /st/ first /nt/ important /dz/ words

/ld/ old /st// best /nd/ friend /ndʒ / change

25 /st/ last

practised /nd/ husband

/st/ most /dz/ besides

/fts/ gifts Lack /t/

/vz/ relatives

/ndz/ friends Lack /d/


/st/ most

/lm/ film Lack /l/

/lθ/ wealth /θ/ = /t/

/vd/ loved /nz/ fans /lps/ helps

/sk/ ask

/ld/ world Insert /ə/

/lt/ difficult Lack /t/


/st/ most

/ndʒ / strange Lack /dʒ /

/st/ used /kt/ liked

/ndz/ friends Lack /d/

/nd/ around Lack /n/


/nd/ friend find

/ndz/ friends Lack /d/

/st/ honest /nt/ confident

/lθ/ health Lack /θ/

/mz/ comes /st/ must


/nd/ attend /st/ best /dz/ goods

/nts/ events Lack /t/

/nt/ department /st/ post


/nz/ reasons

/lθ/ health /θ/ =/t/

/ndz/ friends Lack /d/

/lps/ helps Lack /l/

/ld/ build Insert /ə/

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Strategies to correct common errors in pronouncing English final consonant clusters made by second year English majored students at Phuong Dong University (Trang 44 - 76)

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(76 trang)