1.3. The communicative approach in teaching English speaking skills
The communicative approach is also called communicative language teaching.
Nunan (1989) have an overview of CLT, as follows: in CLT, language is considered as a system for communication and conveying meaning. Activities used in CLT are related to real communication, meaningful tasks. Objectives in CLT reflect learners’
needs and they are composed of functional skills and linguistic objectives. In CLT classrooms, students act as an interactor and a negotiator, and teachers act as a facilitator. Harmer (2001:84) defines CLT as “the name which was given to a set of beliefs which included not only a re-examination of what aspects of language to teach, but also a shift in emphasis in how to teach”. He also adds that CLT highlights the significance of language functions and the idea that language learning will take care of itself, and CLT includes activities associated with real communication, in which the accuracy is not as important as the achievement of communicative tasks.
According to Richards and Rodgers (2001), CLT refers to a various set of principles reflecting a communicative view of language and language learning.
Below are the principles:
* Students use a language for communication when learning it.
* The goal of classroom activities is to communicative authentically and meaningfully.
* An important element in communication is fluency.
* Four language skills should be integrated in communication
* CLT appreciates learning as a process of creative construction and learns by trial and error.
There are five main characteristics emphasizing the current applications of CLT, suggested by Johnson and Johnson (cited in Richards and Rodgers, 2001). Firstly, appropriateness means the use of language must be appropriate to each situation and learners need to use formal as well as informal styles of speaking. Secondly, message focus is the characteristic that wants learners to be able to understand and convey messages or real meanings. The third characteristic is psycholinguistic processing in which learners are engaged in the use of cognitive processes important in second language acquisition. Risk taking is the fourth characteristic which requires learners to make guesses and learn from their mistakes or errors. The last one is free practice in which the use of holistic practice, involved in the simultaneous use of different sub-skills, is appreciated.
Communicative language teaching uses more interaction-based activities, for instance information gap tasks and role-plays. Moreover, two typical organizational features of interaction-based lessons in CLT are group-work and pair-work (Bailey, 2005:19). In other words, group-work and pair-work are two typical ways in which a teacher can group his or her students in a CLT classroom.
One of the approaches can be applied in teaching English speaking skills is communicative language teaching because speaking can be more effective by applying this approach to teach, and it is likely to enhance students’ speaking
achievement. According to the article “A Comparison of Learners’ and Teachers’
Attitudes Towards Communicative Language Teaching At Two Universities In Vietnam” by Khoi Mai Ngoc and Noriko Iwashita (2012), not only students but also teachers have positive attitudes towards communicative language teaching approach. Thus, it can be said that CLT is the appropriate approach to apply to teach English speaking skills. However, designing various activities for speaking skills in order to assist students in interacting spontaneously can still be the challenge in CLT classroom.