The following questionnaire is designed for my study on “Teaching ESP Vocabulary to Students Majoring in Heat and Refrigeration Engineering at Industry University of Ho Chi Minh City: Difficulties and Suggestions for Solutions”. Your answer to these questions will be highly appreciated and will be valuable help in identifying some problems in teaching ESP vocabulary and suggesting some solutions to improve teaching ESP vocabulary to Second – Year Students at IUH. You can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data.
Please circle your choice. Thank you very much for your help!
1. What do you think about teaching ESP vocabulary?
A. very difficult B. no very difficult C. difficult
D. easy
2. What do you think of students’ learning HREE vocabulary?
A. They are too lazy to learn vocabulary
B. They do not have enough HRE knowledge to understand terminologies C. They must remember too much vocabulary in one class
D. Other opinions (Please specify)
3. How do you evaluate the HREE textbook?
A. Organization:
1. good/logical 2. not very good 3. bad/illogical
B. Visual illustrations:
1. unclear ( not of good quality) 2. poor/ not enough
3. enough 4. too many C. Content:
1. too much knowledge is presented 2. too little knowledge is presented 3. sufficient knowledge is presented D. Level of difficulty of vocabulary:
1. too difficult 2. difficult
3. not very difficult 4. easy
E. Number of new words presented in each chapter 1. too many
2. too few 3. enough
F. Exercises for practice:
1. no exercises 2. too few exercises 3. too many exercises 4. too difficult
5. too easy 6. suitable
4. What are your difficulties in teaching ESP vocabulary? (Circle all possible answers)
A. Large-sized classes (> 45 students) B. Lack of time (45 class hours/course)
C. Teaching some ESP subjects at the same time D. Lack of HRE general knowledge
E. No proper training in teaching ESP F. Other opinions (Please specify)
What techniques do you often use to present new words?
A. Using visual aids (picture, video, real objects…)
B. Saying the words clearly one by one and writing them on the board C. Translating new words into Vietnamese
E. Using mimes, gestures and facial expressions F. Using target language to define the new word
G. Introducing new words in context and giving examples H. Other opinions (Please specify)
6. How do you often ask your students to practice new words?
A. Making sentences with new words B. Making dialogues with new words
C. Asking and answering questions related to new words D. Learning new words by heart
E. Playing word games F. Repeating new words
G. Doing vocabulary exercises.
H. Read new words aloud
I. Write new words and Vietnamese equivalents into a notebook J. Filling the gaps
K. Completing sentences L. Reordering words
M. Other opinions (Please specify)
7. What are your recommendations to overcome your difficulties in teaching ESP vocabulary and improve your students’ vocabulary?
A. Organize small classes (25 – 30 students) B. Each teacher teaches only one ESP subject
C. Lengthen ESP course from 45 class hours to 60 class hours D. Provide teachers with more teaching aids and reference books
E. Establish the co-operation between subject teachers and English teachers F. Provide training course on specialized knowledge for ESP teachers
G. Organize regular Workshops on ESP teaching techniques for ESP teachers H. ESP teachers should teach themselves specialized knowledge
I. Other opinions (Please specify)
The end of the survey questionnaire
Thank you very much for your time and co-operation
The following questionnaire serves the study on third-year heat and refrigeration engineering students’ difficulties in learning ESP vocabulary at Industry University of Ho Chi Minh City. Your provision answers are important and essential to fulfill this minor research. Please circle your choice. Sincerely thank you for your valuable support and cooperation!
1. Which difficulties do you have with learning ESP vocabulary in the course book ‘English for Heat and Refrigeration Engineering’?
A. Too many new words B. Difficult terminologies C. Word usage
D. Word memorization
E. Lack of vocabulary exercises.
F. Difficult vocabulary exercises.
G. Other opinions (Please specify).
2. What have influenced your motivation and interest in vocabulary learning at class?
A. Large-sized class (45 or more)
B. Learn too much vocabulary in one class C. Students’ low background knowledge on HRE
D. Teachers’ teaching methods and techniques (uninteresting, unattractive, difficult to understand)
E. Other opinions (Please specify)
3. What do you often do when you meet a new word?
A. Look it up in the bilingual dictionary
B. Try to guess the meaning from the context (activate knowledge or using language items)
C. Ask the teacher for its Vietnamese equivalent D. Ask classmates for meaning
E. Other opinions (Please specify)
4. Which ways of presenting new words are you interested in?
A. Using visual aids (picture, video, real objects…)
B. Saying the words clearly one by one and writing them on the board C. Translating new words into Vietnamese
E. Using mimes, gestures and facial expressions F. Using target language to define the new word
G. Introducing new words in context and giving examples H. Other opinions (Please specify)
5. How do you learn English vocabulary for HRE?
A. Making sentences with new words B. Making dialogues with new words
C. Asking and answering questions related to new words D. Learning new words by heart
E. Playing word games F. Repeating new words
G. Doing vocabulary exercises.