Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Điều khiển các thiết bị điện từ xa qua mạng internet Luận văn ThS Công nghệ Điện tử Viễn thông (Trang 67 - 73)


case SYS_RL2_ON:

case SYS_RL2_OFF:


sensor_scale = 1;


case SYS_RL3_ON:

case SYS_RL3_OFF:


sensor_scale = 1;


case SYS_RL4_ON:

case SYS_RL4_OFF:


sensor_scale = 4;




adc_raw_cnt = 0;

// Start timer0 interrupt enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER0);


void uart_puts(unsigned char *string) {

while(*string != '\n' && *string != '\0') {


} }

Phần mềm giao diện:






Dim CUR_REF As Double Dim AppPath As String Dim rl1_on_cnt As Integer Dim rl2_on_cnt As Integer Dim rl3_on_cnt As Integer Dim rl4_on_cnt As Integer

Dim sAns As String sAns = App.Path

If Right(App.Path, 1) <> "\" Then sAns = sAns & "\"

AppPath = sAns rl1_on_cnt = 0 rl2_on_cnt = 0 rl3_on_cnt = 0 rl4_on_cnt = 0

CUR_REF = CDbl(txtCurTH.Text)

Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock-vector.jpg") Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock-vector.jpg") Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock-vector.jpg") Image4.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock-vector.jpg") 'on1.Caption = "Tat"

'on2.Caption = "Tat"

'on3.Caption = "Tat"

'on4.Caption = "Tat"

'Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("Light-Bulb.jpg") 'txtIrms1.Text = "0.01 A" ' Display received current 'Image2.Picture = LoadPicture("Light-Bulb.jpg") 'txtIrms2.Text = "1.2 A" ' Display received current 'Image3.Picture = LoadPicture("stock-vector.jpg") 'txtIrms3.Text = "0.02 A" ' Display received current 'Image4.Picture = LoadPicture("Light-Bulb.jpg") 'txtIrms4.Text = "2 A" ' Display received current End Sub

Private Sub cmdCon_Click()

If sock.State = sckClosed Then ' if the socket is closed sock.RemoteHost = txtIP.Text ' set server adress

sock.RemotePort = txtPort.Text ' set server port sock.Connect ' start connection attempt

cmdCon.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "btn_connect.jpg") Else ' if the socket is open

sock.Close ' close it

cmdCon.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "btn_disconnect.jpg") End If

End Sub

Private Sub on1_Click()

If sock.State = sckConnected Then ' if there is a connection If on1.Caption = "Tat" Then

sock.SendData "0" ' send data to the other side on1.Caption = "Bat"


sock.SendData "1" ' send data to the other side on1.Caption = "Tat"

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub on2_Click()

If sock.State = sckConnected Then ' if there is a connection If on2.Caption = "Tat" Then

sock.SendData "2" ' send data to the other side on2.Caption = "Bat"


sock.SendData "3" ' send data to the other side on2.Caption = "Tat"

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub on3_Click()

If sock.State = sckConnected Then ' if there is a connection If on3.Caption = "Tat" Then

sock.SendData "4" ' send data to the other side on3.Caption = "Bat"


sock.SendData "5" ' send data to the other side on3.Caption = "Tat"

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub on4_Click()

If sock.State = sckConnected Then ' if there is a connection If on4.Caption = "Tat" Then


sock.SendData "7" ' send data to the other side on4.Caption = "Tat"

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub sock_Close()

sock.Close ' has to be called End Sub

Private Sub sock_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Dim strData As String ' string for received data Dim irms As Double

sock.GetData strData ' load received data into strData Text1.Text = strData

Dim status As Byte

status = CByte(Asc(strData))

'txtReceive.Text = txtReceive.Text & status ' show new string strData = Mid(strData, 9, 6)

If strData <> "" Then

irms = CDbl(Val(strData)) Else

irms = 0 End If

'irms = irms - 0.2

If status = 48 Or status = 49 Then irms = irms * 0.0556875 - 0.325125 irms = Round(irms, 2)

If (irms < 0.09) Then irms = 0

End If

txtIrms1.Text = CStr(irms) ' Mid(strData, 2, 15) ' Display received current

If irms > CUR_REF Then

rl1_on_cnt = rl1_on_cnt + 1 If rl1_on_cnt > 1 Then

Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "Light-


on1.Caption = "Tat"

End If Else

Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock- vector.jpg")

on1.Caption = "Bat"

rl1_on_cnt = 0 End If

End If

If status = 50 Or status = 51 Then irms = irms * 0.0556875 - 0.325125 irms = Round(irms, 2)

If (irms < 0.09) Then irms = 0

End If

txtIrms2.Text = CStr(irms) 'Mid(strData, 2, 15) ' Display received current

If irms > CUR_REF Then

rl2_on_cnt = rl2_on_cnt + 1 If rl2_on_cnt > 1 Then

Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "Light- Bulb.jpg")

on2.Caption = "Tat"

End If Else

Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock- vector.jpg")

on2.Caption = "Bat"

rl2_on_cnt = 0 End If

End If

If status = 52 Or status = 53 Then irms = irms * 0.0556875 - 0.325125 irms = Round(irms, 2)

If (irms < 0.09) Then irms = 0

End If

txtIrms3.Text = CStr(irms) ' Mid(strData, 2, 15) ' Display

If irms > CUR_REF Then

rl3_on_cnt = rl3_on_cnt + 1 If rl3_on_cnt > 1 Then

Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "Light- Bulb.jpg")

on3.Caption = "Tat"

End If Else

Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock- vector.jpg")

on3.Caption = "Bat"

rl3_on_cnt = 0 End If

End If

If status = 54 Or status = 55 Then irms = irms * 3.2 / 44

irms = Round(irms, 2) irms = irms - 0.03 If (irms < 0.15) Then irms = 0

End If

txtIrms4.Text = CStr(irms) ' Mid(strData, 2, 15) ' Display received current

If irms > CUR_REF Then

rl4_on_cnt = rl4_on_cnt + 1 If rl4_on_cnt > 3 Then

Image4.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "Light- Bulb.jpg")

on4.Caption = "Tat"

End If Else

Image4.Picture = LoadPicture(AppPath & "stock- vector.jpg")

on4.Caption = "Bat"

rl4_on_cnt = 0 End If

End If

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Điều khiển các thiết bị điện từ xa qua mạng internet Luận văn ThS Công nghệ Điện tử Viễn thông (Trang 67 - 73)

Tải bản đầy đủ (PDF)

(73 trang)