4. Nhận dạng đối tƣợng
Private Function Kha_Nang_Co_Nguoi(MH As Integer, MW As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Dim SUV As Integer
Dim SDT As Integer, BD As Integer Dim Thoat As Boolean
SUV = Tim_Cac_Ung_Vien(MH, MW) If SUV = 0 Then
Kha_Nang_Co_Nguoi = 0 Exit Function
End If
If SUV = 1 Then SDT = 2
ReDim DS_DT(1)
DS_DT(1).X1 = DT_UV(1).X1 DS_DT(1).X2 = DT_UV(1).X2 DS_DT(1).Y1 = DT_UV(1).Y1 DS_DT(1).Y2 = DT_UV(1).Y2 Else
For i = 1 To SUV
If (DT_UV(i).X2 - DT_UV(i).X1 < 3) And (DT_UV(i).Y2 - DT_UV(i).Y1 < 3) Then DT_UV(i).TT = False
Next i SDT = 1
For i = 1 To SUV
If DT_UV(i).TT Then BD = i
Exit For End If Next i Do
ReDim Preserve DS_DT(SDT) DS_DT(SDT).X1 = DT_UV(BD).X1 DS_DT(SDT).X2 = DT_UV(BD).X2 DS_DT(SDT).Y1 = DT_UV(BD).Y1 DS_DT(SDT).Y2 = DT_UV(BD).Y2 DT_UV(BD).TT = False
For j = SDT + 1 To SUV If DT_UV(j).TT Then
If DS_DT(SDT).X2 < (DT_UV(j).X1 - 2) Then DT_UV(j).TT = True
If DS_DT(SDT).X1 > DT_UV(j).X1 Then DS_DT(SDT).X1 = DT_UV(j).X1
If DS_DT(SDT).X2 < DT_UV(j).X2 Then DS_DT(SDT).X2 = DT_UV(j).X2
If DS_DT(SDT).Y2 < DT_UV(j).Y2 Then DS_DT(SDT).Y2 = DT_UV(j).Y2
DT_UV(j).TT = False End If
End If Next j
TIEU LUAN MOI download :
SDT = SDT + 1 For i = 1 To SUV
If DT_UV(i).TT Then BD = i
Exit For End If Next i
Thoat = False For i = 1 To SUV
Thoat = Thoat Or DT_UV(i).TT Next i
If Not Thoat Then Exit Do Loop
End If
Kha_Nang_Co_Nguoi = SDT - 1 End Function
Public Function Chac_Chan_Co_Nguoi(MH As Integer, MW As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, SN As Integer Dim CN As Integer
CN = Kha_Nang_Co_Nguoi(MH, MW) If CN = 0 Then
Chac_Chan_Co_Nguoi = 0 Exit Function
End If SN = 0
For i = 1 To CN
If ((DS_DT(i).Y2 - DS_DT(i).Y1) > 5) And ((DS_DT(i).X2 - DS_DT(i).X1) > 3) Then
SN = SN + 1
ReDim Preserve Con_Nguoi(SN) Con_Nguoi(SN).X1 = DS_DT(i).X1 Con_Nguoi(SN).X2 = DS_DT(i).X2 Con_Nguoi(SN).Y1 = DS_DT(i).Y1 Con_Nguoi(SN).Y2 = DS_DT(i).Y2
Con_Nguoi(SN).H = (Con_Nguoi(SN).Y2 - Con_Nguoi(SN).Y1) * 5
Con_Nguoi(SN).W = (Con_Nguoi(SN).X2 - Con_Nguoi(SN).X1) * 5
ReDim Con_Nguoi(SN).Pic(Con_Nguoi(SN).H - 1, Con_Nguoi(SN).W - 1)
Call Cat_Anh(Con_Nguoi(SN), MH, MW) End If
Next i
Chac_Chan_Co_Nguoi = SN End Function