4.3.3 Matrix Iteration Solution of Positive-Definite Undamped Systems
“semidefinite.”64The latter motions occur without energy storage in the elastic ele- ments and are called “rigid-body” motions or “zero modes.” (They imply zero natural frequency.)
Rigid-body motions are generally of no interest in vibration study. They may be eliminated by proper choice of the generalized coordinates or by introducing additional relations (constraints) among an arbitrarily chosen system of generalized coordinates by applying conservation-of-momentum concepts. Thus any system of generalized coordinates can be reduced to a positive-definite one.
For positive-definite linear systems C1, the inverse of the elastic matrix, is known as the influence coefficient matrix D.The elements of Dare the influence coefficients;
the typical element dijis the change in coordinate qidue to a unit generalized force Qj (applied statically), with all other Q’s equal to zero. Since these influence coefficients can be determined from statics, one generally need not find Cat all. It should be noted that for systems that are not positive-definite one cannot compute the influence coeffi- cients from statics alone.
For iteration purposes it is useful to rewrite Eq. (4.46), the system equation of free sinusoidal motion, as
G{r} (1/2){r} (4.49)
0 0 (n)
… 0 (2)
0 (1)
0 0
where {q}{r}eit G C1A DA E1 (4.50) The matrix Gis called the “dynamic matrix” and is defined, as above, as the product of the influence coefficient matrix Dand the inertia matrix A.
Iteration for Lower Modes. In order to solve Eq. (4.49), which is a standard eigen- value matrix equation, numerically for the lowest mode one may proceed as follows:
Assume any vector {r(1)}; then compute G{r(1)} (1){r(2)}, where (1)is a constant chosen so that one element (say, the first) of {r(2)} is equal to the corresponding ele- ment of {r(1)}. Then find G{r(2)} (2){r(3)}, with (2)chosen like (1)before. Repeat this process until {r(n1)}{r(n)} to the desired degree of accuracy. The correspond- ing constant (n)which satisfies G{r(n)} (n){r(n1)} then yields to lowest natural frequency 1of the system and {r(n)} describes the shape of the corresponding (first) mode {r(1)}. In view of Eq. (4.49)
1 2 1/(n)
The second mode {r(2)} must satisfy the orthogonality relation
{r(2)}A{r(1)} 0 or i1n j1n ri(2)aijrj(1) 0 (4.51)
In order to obtain a vector that satisfies Eq. (4.51) from an arbitrary vector {r} one may select (n 1) components of {r(2)} as equal to the corresponding components of {r} and then compute the nth from Eq. (4.51). This process may be expressed as
{r(2)} S1{r}
whereS1 is called the “first sweeping matrix.”S1 is equal to the identity matrix in n dimensions, except for one row which describes the interrelation Eq. (4.51). If Ais diagonal one may take, for example,
To obtain the second lowest mode shape {r(2)} and the second lowest natural frequency 2one may form H1=GS1, and solve
H1{r} (1/2){r} (4.52)
by iteration. Since Eq. (4.52) is of the same form as Eq. (4.49), one may proceed here as previously discussed, i.e., by assuming a trial vector {r(1)}, forming H1{r(1)} (1){r(2)}, so that one element of {r(2)} is equal to the corresponding element of {r(1)}, then forming H1{r(2)} (2){r(3)}, etc. This process converges to {r(2)} and 1/2
2. The third mode {r(3)} similarly must satisfy
{r(3)}A{r(1)} 0 {r(3)}A{r(2)} 0 a
n 1 n 1
r r
n 1 ( ( 1 1 )
0 0 1
… a
3 1 3 1
r r
3 1 ( ( 1 1 )
0 1 0 a
2 1 2 1
r r
2 1 ( ( 1 1 )
1 0 0 0
0 0 0
or i1n j1n ri(3)aijrj(1) 0 i1n j1n ri(3)aijrj(2) 0 (4.53)
One may thus select n 2 components of {r(3)} as equal to the corresponding compo- nents of an arbitrary vector {r} and adjust the remaining two components to satisfy Eq. (4.53). The matrix S2expressing this operation, or
{r(3)} S2{r}
is called the “second sweeping matrix.” For diagonal Aone possible form of S2is
Then one may form H2=GS2and solve
H2{r} (1/2){r}
by iteration. The process here converges to {r(3)} and 1/3 2.
Higher modes may be treated similarly; each mode must be orthogonal to all the lower ones, so that p 1 relations like Eq. (4.51) must be utilized to find the (p 1)st sweeping matrix. Iteration on H(p1) GS(p1)then converges to the pth mode.
Iteration for the Higher Modes. The previously outlined process begins with the lowest natural frequency and works toward the highest. It is not very useful for the highest few modes because of the tedium and of the accumulation of rounding off errors. Results for the higher modes can be obtained more simply and accurately by starting with the highest frequency and working toward lower ones.
The highest mode may be obtained by solving Eq. (4.46) directly by iteration. This is accomplished by assuming any trial vector {r(1)}, forming E{r(1)} (1){r(2)} with (1)chosen so that one element of the result {r(2)} is equal to the corresponding ele- ment of {r(1)}. Then one may form E{r(2)} (2){r(3)} similarly, and continue until {r(p1)}{r(p)} to within the required accuracy. Then {r(p)}{r(n)} and (p) n
2. The next-to-highest [(n 1)st] mode may be found by writing
{r(n1)} T1{r}
whereT1is a sweeping matrix that “sweeps out” the nth mode. T1is equal to the iden- tity matrix, except for one row, which expresses the orthogonality relation
{r(n1)}A{r(n)}0 or i1n j1n ri(n1)aijrj(n) 0
Iterative solution of
J1{r}2{r} where J1ET1 then converges to {r(n1)} and 2(n1).
a a
n 1 n 1
r r
n 1 ( ( 1 1 )
a a
n 1 n 1
r r
n 1 ( ( 2 2 )
0 1 a
3 1 3 1
r r
3 1 ( ( 1 1 )
a a
3 1 3 1
r r
3 1 ( ( 2 2 )
… a
2 1 2 1
r r
2 1 ( ( 1 1 )
a a
2 1 2 1
r r
2 1 ( ( 2 2 )
0 0 0 0 0 0
The next lower modes may be obtained similarly, using other sweeping matrixes embodying additional orthogonality relations in complete analogy to the iteration for lower modes described above.