Chương 4. Stability radius for implicit dynamic equations 81 4.1. Stability of IDEs under causal perturbations
4.3. Stability radius under structured perturbations on both sides
E E := E + B1S1C1, A A := A + B2S2C2,
where Bi( ) 2 L¥(Tt0 , Kn m), Ci( ) 2 L¥(Tt0 , Kq n) are given matrices, and Si( ) 2 L¥(Tt0 , Km q) are perturbations, for only i = 1, 2. Then the
perturbed equation is
(Es + B1sS1sC1s)(t)xD(t) = (A + B2S2C2)(t)x(t), t t0. (4.17) or
Es(t)xD(t) = A(t)x(t), t t0,
From the analysis in [7, 27], it is already known that for DAEs, it is necessary to restrict the structure of perturbation in order to get a meaningful problem of robust stability. Since under acting of arbitrary small perturbations, the solvability and/or the stability may be destroyed, due to the increasing of the system index. Therefore, we introduce and define the set of admissible perturbations
S = S(E; B1, C1) := f(S1, S2) : ker(E + B1S1C1) = ker(E)g. We now prove the following lemmas.
Lemma 4.16. The following assertions hold true.
i) QsQDHQs = 0;
ii) QsQDP = QDP;
iii) I + QDHQs is invertible;
iv) (I + QDHQs)G 1= (Es AHQs)1, QsG 1= Qs(Es AHQs)1. Proof. First we observe that
QD = (QQ)D= QDQ + QsQD. (4.18)
Multiplying both sides of (4.18) by HQs, we obtain QDHQs = QDQHQs + QsQDHQs.
Since Hjker Es is a bounded isomorphism from ker Es to ker E, and QHQs
= HQs, we get
QsQDHQs= 0.
To prove ii), it is clear that, by (4.18),
Next, to prove iii), we have, by i)
(QDHQs)2 = QDHQsQDHQs = 0.
It implies that (I + QDHQs)(I QDHQs) = I, and hence, I + QDHQs is invertible.
Finally, to prove iv), remembering that ¯ D = A EsQDyields A = A + EsP
= Es AHQs+ EsQDHQs
= Es ¯ = G.
Therefore, Es AHQs is invertible and
(I + QDHQs)G 1 = (Es AHQs) 1.
Moreover, we have
QsG 1= Qs(I + QDHQs)G 1= Qs(Es AHQs)1. The proof is complete.
¯ D, G := Es ¯
To be continue, we define A B :=hB = A "EsQ AHQs and
1s B
2 i , F := C2 HQs(Es AHQs) 1# ,
C P (E AHQ ) 1
1s s s s
Sb := S 0 C¯
:= C P QD #
, C : = ( FA¯ + C¯) P.
" 0 S2#, " 1s C2
1s s
Lemma 4.17. Assume that Equation (4.2) is of index-1. If (S1, S2)2 S such that kSbk < kFB1
k, then the perturbed equation (4.17) isalso of index-1.
Proof. We have
1 = B
1P, B
1s = B
for every (S1, S2)2 S. Furthermore,
¯= A EsQ D = A EsQ D+ B2S2C2 B
1sQ D
A ¯ + B2S2C2 B
1sQ D
= A¯ + B2S2C2 B
sQ D
= A¯ ¯
= A BSbC.
Therefore, we get
¯ ¯+ B2S2C2 D)HQs
G = Es AHQs = Es + B1sS1sC1s (A B1sS1sC1sQ
=G BSCHQ s + B S C P (I + QDHQ )
2 2 2 1s 1s 1s s s
( + QDHQ )#
= G + BSb"C
s I
C2 HQs s
C P (I + QDHQs)G 1
= I + BSb" 1s s
C2 HQsG 1 #! G G
= I + BSb " C2 HQs(Es AHQs) 1#!
C P (E s AHQ ) 1
1s s s
= (I + BSbF)G.
On the other hand, if kSb k < kFB1k then I + SbFB is invertible. By Lemma 4.2, I + BSbF is invertible. Therefore, so is G. Thus, the perturbed equation (4.17) is also of index-1. The proof is complete.
Lemma 4.18. Let Equation (4.2) be of index-1. Then Equation (4.6) is equivalent to Equation (4.17) with the perturbation S = (I + SbFB)1Sb. Proof. Due to the Lemma 4.2 and the proof of Lemma 4.17, we have
G 1= G 1[I B(I + SbFB) 1SbF] = G 1 G 1B(I + SbFB) 1SbF.
Note that
[I B(I + SbFB)1SbF]B = B[I (I + SbFB) 1SbFB]
= B[I (I + SbFB) 1(SbFB + I) + (I + SbFB)1]
= B(I + SbFB)1. Therefore,
G 1
A¯=( G 1
1 ¯
= G A
1 ¯
= G A
1 ¯
= G A This implies that
G 1B(I + SbFB) 1SbF)(A BS¯bC) ¯ G 1B(I + SbFB) 1SbFA ¯
G 1(I B(I + Sb FB) 1SbF)BSbC ¯
G 1B(I + SbFB) 1SbFA G¯ 1B(I + SbFB) 1 Sb¯C G 1B(I + SbFB) 1 ¯ ¯
Sb(FA + C).
G 1 ¯ 1 ¯ 1B(I + SbFB) 1 ¯ ¯
= G 1 ¯ + G 1BSC, AP
where S = (I + SbFB) 1Sb, C = (FA ¯ ¯ + C)P. Similar to the decomposi-
tion into (3.3), (3.4) (see Section 3.1, Chapter 3) with f = 0, we see that the perturbed equation (4.17) is equivalent to the system
<(Px)D = (PD+ PsG 1 ¯
A)Px, (4.19)
Qx = HQsG A¯ Px.
8 1
Replace G 1A¯
P by G:
1 AP¯
+ G 1BSC in the system (4.19), we get
8 D D 1 1 ¯ s 1 1BSCx, (4.20)
(Px) = (P + PsG A)Px + P G
<Qx = HQsG APx¯ + HQsG BSCx.
By the
analysis of implicit dynam ic e quation in Chapte r 3, it is clea r tha t the
system (4.20) is equivalent to Equation (4.6). The proof is complete.
Definition 4.19. Let Assumptions 4.1, 4.2 hold. The complex (real) struc- tured stability radius of Equation (4.2) subject to linear structured perturba- tions in Equation (4.17) is defined by
rK (Es , A ;B
1 ,C
1 ,B2 ,C2; T) = inf ( kSbk, the trivial solution of (4.17) is not . globally Lp-stable or (4.17) is not of index-1 )
Theorem 4.20. Let Assumptions 4.1, 4.2 hold, and b, g be defined in (4.13). The complex (real) structured stability radius of Equation (4.2) subject to linear struc-tured perturbations in Equation (4.17) satisfies
r (E , A; B , C , B , C ; T) 81 + FB fmin gb; g K s1 1 2 2 > 1 k k min b; gf g
if b < ¥ or g < ¥, if b = ¥ and g = ¥.
Proof. Firstly, consider the case that either b < ¥ or g < ¥. Assume that minfb; gg
k Sbk <
1 + kFBk minfb; gg.
This implies that kSbk < k FB 1
k. By Lemma 4.17, we see that the perturbed equation (4.17) is of index-1. With S = (I + SbFB)1Sb, we have
k 1 kSbk < min f
; g.
k b g
Therefore, by Corollary 4.13, the perturbed equation (4.6) is globally Lp- stable. Thus, by Lemma 4.18, Equation (4.17) is also globally Lp-stable.
This implies that
minfb; gg rK( E
s, A; B
1, C
1, B
2, C
2; T )
1 +kFBk minfb; gg. Finally, suppose that b = ¥ and g = ¥. If kSbk < k FB 1
k then by Lemma 4.17, it follows that the perturbed equation (4.17) has index-1 and is also globally Lp-stable. Thus, we also get
rK( E
s, A; B
1, C
1, B
2, C
2; T )
kFBk. The proof is complete.
Example 4.21. Consider the implicit dynamic equation EsxD= Ax, with
E=20 1 03,A=22 1 1 3.
1 0 0 1 1 0
6 7 6 1 2 7
0 0 0 0 0 1
4 5 4 5
Assume that this equation is subject to structured perturbations as follows
2 3
6 1 + d1(t) d1(t) d1(t)7 E E = ( ) 1+ d ( ) d ( ) ,
0 1 t
4 1 5
A A=22 + d2(t) 1 + d2 (t) 1 + d2(t)
61 1 2 0
d2(t) d2(t) 1 + d2(t)
7 ,
where di(t), i = 1, 2, are perturbations. We can directly see that this model can be rewritten in form (4.17) with
23 23
1 0
B1 = 6 17
,B2 = 617,C1 = C2 = h 1 1 1i
4 5 4 5 .
0 1
In this example, we choose
03 20 03
P = 20 1 , Q = 0 . 6 1 0 0 7 6 0 0 0 7
0 0 0 0 0 1
4 5 4 5
By simple computations, we get 2 1 0 3, F =
"0 0 1#
,C=" 1
1 0#.
B = 1 1
6 0 17 1 1 0 21 12 0
4 5
Therefore " 2 1 # = 3
kFBk =
0 1
and C(A lE) 1B=(l+1)2 41 "2l + 23 2l + 23# .
1 l + 3 l + 3
Let T = S¥k=1[2k, 2k + 1]. Then, the domain of uniformly exponential stabil-ity
S = fl 2 C: <l + ln j1 + lj < 1g (see [28]).
Using Remark 4.15, we yield
b = kL¥k1 = 1 = 1 =1 ,
supl2ảS kC(A lE) 1BkƠ kCA 1BkƠ 8
g =kLeak1 1 = +¥.
liml!¥kC(A lE)1Bk¥
Thus, by applying Theorem 4.20, we obtain rK(Es, A; B1, C1, B2, C2; T)111.
In the rest of this section, we assume that the perturbed equation (4.17) is given by unstructured perturbations with B1= B2 = C1 = C2= I. Let
(E, A ) =2 lim Mtk 1,
l :k1 := t! ¥ k "(I + HQs(Es AHQs) 1A)(P HQDP)# ,
Ps(Es AHQs) 1A(P HQDP) ¥
= P (Es AHQ ) 1
s s
k2 : " HQs(Es AHQs) 1 # .
Corollary 4.22. Let Assumptions 4.1, 4.2 hold. Then, the complex (real) struc-tured stability radius of Equation (4.2) subject to linear unstructured perturbations
E E + S1, A A + S2 satisfies
rK(Es, A; I; T) 8k11+k2 minfl(E,A),kHQsG 1k¥1
g if Q 6= 0 or l(E, A) < ¥,
< minfl(E,A),kHQsG 1k¥1 g
if Q = 0 and l(E, A) = ¥.
: 1 1 = ¥if kHQsG 1k¥ = 0.
with the convention kHQsG k¥
Proof. Since B1 = B2 = C1 = C2 = I, we have
kFBk = " HQs (Es AHQs) 1 # I I
Ps (Es AHQs) 1 h i ¥
= P E AHQ s P AHQs
s s 1 s s 1 #
" HQs(Es ( AHQs) ) 1 HQs(Es (E AHQs) ) 1 ¥
= P (E AHQ s) 1 =
s s 1 # 2k2,
" HQs(Es AHQs)
¯ ¯
kCk = k(FA + C)Pk¥
1)#(A EsQD)P+" P # .
= " HQs (Es AHQs)
Ps (Es AHQs) 1 PsQDP ¥
Using the equality ii) in Lemma 4.16, we have
This implies that
kCk = "(I + HQs(Es AHQs) 1A)(P HQDP)# = k1, Ps(Es AHQs) 1A(P HQDP) ¥
kLtk = kC( )Mtk k1kMtk. Therefore,
b l(E, A).
g = kLeak 1 = kCHQsG 1Bk¥1 kCk¥1kBk¥1kHQsG 1k¥1 2 1
k1 kHQ
sG 1 k¥1.
On the other hand, if Q = 0 then kLeak= 0, and if l(E, A) = ¥ then kL¥k= b 1=0.
Consequently, Corollary 4.22 follows from Theorem 4.20. The proof is com-plete.
Remark 4.23. In case T = R, this corollary is a result concerning the lower bound of the stability radius in [7, Theorem 6.11].
Example 4.24. Consider Equation (4.2) with E, A, T in Example 4.12.
Then, we can compute
2p p 3
Ps(Es AHQs) 1A(P HQDP) = 2p 2p 0 ,
62 2 0 7 0 0 0 41 1 5
(I + HQs(Es AHQs) 1A)(P HQDP) = 221 21 0 3 ,
62 2 0 7
0 0
4 5
Ps(Es AHQs)
1 =2
21 0 0 3 ,
1 0 0
62 7
0 0 0
4 1 5
HQs(Es AHQs) = 20 2 0 3 .
1 60 12 0 7
0 0 1
1 4 5
Since kpk¥= 2 , it is easy to imply that k1 = k2= 1. Hence, by Corollary
4.22, we obtain 1
rK(Es, A; I; T) 8 =1 . 1 + 1 9
Conclusions of Chapter 4. In this chapter, we have investigated the robust stability for linear time-varying implicit dynamic equations on time scales. The main results of Chapter 4 are:
1. Establishing the structured stability radius formula of the IDEs with respect to dynamic perturbations in Theorem 4.9, and a lower bounded in Corollary 4.13;
2. Recommending the lower bounds for the stability radius involving struc-tured perturbations acting on both sides in Theorem 4.20, and Corol-lary 4.22.
3. Extending previous results for the stability radius of time-varying dif- ferential, difference equations, differential-algebraic and implicit dif- ference equations for general time scales in Remarks 4.10, 4.11, 4.14, and 4.15.
The results got in this chapter are the extensions of many previous ones for the stability radius of linear systems. We will continue to study the stabiliza-tion and other control properties in a control frame for linear time- varying implicit dynamic equations in the next time.
1. Achieved results: The thesis studies the stability and robust stability of linear time-varying implicit dynamical equations. The following results have achieved:
1. Introducing of the definition for Lyapunov exponent and using it to study the stability of linear dynamic equations on time scales.
2. Establishing the robust stability of implicit dynamic equations with Lips- chitz perturbations, and extending Bohl-Perron type stability theorem for implicit dynamic equations on time scales.
3. Suggesting the concept for Bohl exponent on time scales and studying the relation between exponential stability and the Bohl exponent when dynamic equations under perturbations acting on the system coefficients.
4. Recommending the radius of stability formula for implicit dynamic equa- tions on time scales under some structured perturbations acting on the right-hand side or both side-hands.
2. Outlooks: In the future, results in this dissertation could be extended in some following directions:
1. Using the Lyapunov exponent to investigate the stability of non-linear dynamical systems.
2. Investigating the relation between Bohl exponent and robust stability for implicit dynamic equations under non-linear perturbations.
3. Studying the stabilization and other control properties in a control frame for implicit dynamic equations.
1. Nguyen K.C., Nhung T.V., Anh Hoa T.T., and Liem N.C. (2018), Lya- punov exponents for dynamic equations on time scales, Dynamic Sys-tems and Application, 27(2), 367–386 (SCIE).
Mathematics Works Award 2019 of the National Key Program on Math-ematics Development 2010-2020, Decision No. 146/QD- VNCCCT dated November 22, 2019, Director of the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics.
2. Thuan D.D., Nguyen K.C., Ha N.T., and Du N.H. (2019), Robust stabil-ity of linear time-varying implicit dynamic equations: A general con-sideration, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 31(3), 385–413 (SCI).
3. Thuan D.D., Nguyen K.C., Ha N.T., and Quoc P.V. (2020), On stability, Bohl exponent and Bohl-Perron theorem for implicit dynamic equa-tions, International Journal of Control, Published online (SCI).
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