Suggestions for further study

Một phần của tài liệu (Luận văn thạc sĩ) using group work to improve speaking skills of the first year students at hanoi university of industry (Trang 47 - 73)

Base on the limitations mentioned above, the researcher gives some suggestions as follows:

a. To improve students’ speaking skills comprehensively, future research can focus on the other elements of speaking skills, namely connected speech, expressive devices. In real life, native speakers have a tendency to use connected speech; as a result, it is necessary to teach students rules to omit, add, or weaken the sounds and involve students in activities designed specifically. In addition, students need to master expressive devices in speaking to have fully effective communications such as the way they change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speech to show how they are feeling.

b. Due to the fact that only group discussion was employed as a group-work technique, students might feel bored or some students at low level could find it difficult to engage in discussion; as a result, it is essential that next studies on other techniques of group-work should be carried out. It is suggested that “combining arrangement” technique should be applied to make the classroom more exciting.

Each learner in this kind of group-work is provided their own information that the others need in order to complete a piece of work. Therefore, each learner must communicate his/her information to the others so that all the information can be


combined to complete the task. By using combining arrangement activities, students can experience the positive feelings of group members towards each other. The activities of combining arrangement includes matching (pictures, words, and descriptions), completion (completing a picture by exchanging information and completing a story by collecting ideas and ordering (putting the sentences or pictures of a story in order).



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1. What problems have you faced during the learning process of speaking?

2. Do you often discuss in groups to develop speaking skills?

3. In your opinion, do organizing group-work activities make a contribution towards improving students’ speaking skill? Why (not)?

4. Do you like working in groups with peers at the same level or different level?

Why (not)?



1. Những khó khăn nào các em gặp phải trong quá trình học nói?

2. Em có thường xuyên thảo luận theo nhóm để phát triển kỹ năng nói hay không?

3. Theo em, việc tổ chức các hoạt động nhóm trong giờ học nói có góp phần cải thiện khả năng nói của sinh viên hay không? Tại sao?

4. Em thích làm việc nhóm với các bạn cùng trình độ với mình hay với các bạn khác trình độ? Tại sao?



Student 1:

1 T: What problems have you faced during the learning process of speaking?

S: I’m afraid of speaking because I’m bad at grammar, have a limited vocabulary, and do not know how to pronoun words correctly.

2 T: Do you often discuss in groups to develop speaking skills?

S: Yes, sometimes.

3 T: In your opinion, do organizing group-work activities make a contribution towards improving students’ speaking skill? Why (not)?

S: I think group-work activities can help me speak better because everyone shares ideas, vocabularies, so I can learn from them. Besides, working in groups gives me a chance to prepare better and it helps build confidence.

4 T: Do you like working in groups with peers at the same level or different level? Why (not)?

S: I like working in groups with my friends at different levels. They will help me learn new words and how to pronoun words.

Student 2:

1 T: What problems have you faced during the learning process of speaking?

S: In periods of practicing speaking, I want to talk but I don’t know how to express my ideas though I’m quite good at grammar. Maybe it’s because of slow reaction.

2 T: Do you often discuss in groups to develop speaking skills?

S: Yes, I usually discuss in groups.

3 T: In your opinion, do organizing group-work activities make a contribution towards improving students’ speaking skill? Why (not)?

S: Yes, sure. I think group-work activities can give a chance for group members to share the knowledge of grammar, learn new words and

III expressions from each other.

4 T: Do you like working in groups with peers at the same level or different level? Why (not)?

S: I like interacting with students at different levels, especially stronger ones because I can realize my mistakes and they can help me correct them.

Student 3:

1 T: What problems have you faced during the learning process of speaking?

S: I usually feel embarrassed before speaking out. I am not sure about grammar and word choice, so I’m afraid of making mistakes.

2 T: Do you often discuss in groups to develop speaking skills?

S: Yes, sometimes, but I have troubles in expressing my ideas.

3 T: In your opinion, do organizing group-work activities make a contribution towards improving students’ speaking skill? Why (not)?

S: Yes, group-work activities create opportunities for students to practice speaking, so it’s easier for them to remember new words and expressions.

4 T: Do you like working in groups with peers at the same level or different level? Why (not)?

S: I like working with other students at different levels because I think good students can help me when we work together.

Student 4:

1 T: What problems have you faced during the learning process of speaking?

S: I don’t know word stress and how to pronoun words correctly. Besides, I’m not sure about word choice, right words in different. I also find it difficult to arrange words in correct orders, so I usually have to think too long before speaking out.

2 T: Do you often discuss in groups to develop speaking skills?

S: Yes, I usually work in groups when the teacher asks me to do so.


3 T: In your opinion, do organizing group-work activities make a contribution towards improving students’ speaking skill? Why (not)?

S: Group-work activities won’t be effective if all group members are weak students. In fact, I worked with weak students and we cannot practice speaking together, even we learned mistakes from each other.

4 T: Do you like working in groups with peers at the same level or different level? Why (not)?

S: I like working with better students than me because I can learn vocabularies from them and they can help me correct my mistakes.

APPENDIX 4: PRE-TEST Date: September 12th 2016

Allowed time for students’ preparation: 1 minute Allowed time for students’ speaking: 2 minutes Speaking topics:

1. Describe a family member you love most

Follow-up question: Do you like living in a small family or a big family?

Why/ Why not?

2. Describe your best friend

Follow-up question: Do you think good friends are important in your life?

Why/ Why not?

3. Describe your perfect partner

Follow-up question: What qualities do you think a perfect partner should have?



Date: September 19th 2016

Allowed time for activity: 45 minutes Group organization: Groups of four

Topic: What are the qualities of a good friend?


1. The class was divided into 5 groups of four with mixed ability (1minute).

2. Ask students to work in groups and match the words with the right definition (3minutes)

Words Definition Outcome

Reliable Care others, gentle, generous, and friendly

Show sympathy for your problems

Humorous Know you well (know you better than anyone else), understand how you feel

Build trust/ can trust in this person

Kind Funny and make others laugh Help reduce stress/ ease tense hours/ have fun

understanding Not tell lies, keep (your) secrets Help solve problems/

difficulties in life

3. Check students’ answers, revise useful language focus and give a model answer (6 minutes)

Language focus

Giving opinion In my opinion, …….

In my view, ……….

I think, ……….

From my point of view, ………..


Modal Verbs (should/ must/can)

Subject + should/ must/can + Verb (bare infinitive) Model answer

E.g. In my opinion, a good friend should be a kind person because she can help me solve problems in my life. For example, …………..

4. Ask students to work in groups and discuss the topic (10 minutes) 5. The teacher went around the class and gave assistance if necessary

6. Five members from two groups represented their groups’ ideas in front of class and the teacher gave feedback (25 minutes).

Activity 2

Date: September 21st 2016

Allowed time for activity: 45 minutes Group organization: Groups of four

Topic: What are the qualities of an ideal/ perfect partner?


1. The class was divided into 5 groups of four with mixed ability (1minute).

2. Ask students to work in groups and match the words with the right definition (3minutes)

Words Definition Outcome

Honest Kind and generous Build independence and have ability to deal with troubles in life

Forgiving Fully grown up, old enough Build trust/ can trust your partner

Kind-hearted Willing to forgive bad feelings that you caused

- Avoid conflicts in life

- You have chances to perfect yourself

Mature Always tell the truth Help solve problems/

difficulties in life


3. Check students’ answers, revise useful language focus and give a model answer (6 minutes)

Language focus

Giving opinion In my opinion, …….

In my view, ……….

I think, ……….

From my point of view, ………..

Modal Verbs (should/ must/can)

Subject + should/ must/can + Verb (bare infinitive) Model answer

E.g. In my opinion, a perfect partner should be a kind person because she can help me solve problems in my life. For example, …………..

4. Ask students to work in groups and discuss the topic (10 minutes) 5. The teacher went around the class and gave assistance if necessary

6. Five members from five groups represented their groups’ ideas in front of class and the teacher gave feedback (25 minutes).

Activity 3

Date: September 26th 2016

Allowed time for activity: 45 minutes Group organization: groups of four

Topic: Are blind dates a good idea? Why/ Why not?


1. The class was divided into 5 groups of four with mixed ability (1minute) 2. Give instructions (2minutes)

 Work in groups

 Put sentences into the right column


-Blind dating can be convenient for people with busy life.

- It will waste time if you do not like the person that you are set up with.

- Going for blind dates, we can find someone who would be a good match for us.

- Blind dates can be a good thing if we don’t have time to go out and look for someone special. It will be easier if someone set up a date for us.

- Blind dates can be a disaster.

- Some people have found the love of their lives.

- Sometimes, other people know us better than we know ourselves, so they can look for a suitable partner with the same interests or ambitions.

- Blind dates might be dangerous for you because you don’t know the person well.

- You’re likely to meet a handsome, successful partner/ a beautiful, successful partner.

- You might experience/ have terrible time with someone you know isn’t right for you.

- He/ She may behave badly with you. He/ She may use you and then leave you.

Advantages Disadvantages

3. Ask students to work in groups and discuss the topic (7 minutes)

4. (5 minutes) Check students’ answers, ask students to work in groups and decide:

Which sentences can be the main ideas?

Which sentences can be the supporting ideas?

5. Check students’ answers, revise useful language focus and give a model answer (5 minutes)

IX Language Focus

1st conditional sentence

If Clause Main Clause

Present Simple Will/ can/ may/ should + V (bare infinitive)

Model answer: It will waste time if you have a date with a wrong person Passive voice

S + tobe + past participle

Model answer: It will be convenient for busy people if they are set up a date by their friends or relatives

Modal verbs

Can/ Could/ May/ Might + Vinf

Model answer: Blind dates can be a good thing.

6. Ask students to work in groups and discuss the topic (10 minutes) 7. The teacher went around the class and gave assistance if necessary

8. Five members from five groups represented their group’s ideas/ opinions in front of class and the teacher gave feedback (15 minutes)

APPENDIX 6: POST-TEST FOR CYCLE 1 Date: October 3rd 2016

Allowed time for students’ preparation: 1 minute Allowed time for students’ speaking: 2 minutes Speaking Topics:

1. What are the qualities of a good friend?

2. What are the qualities of an ideal/ perfect partner?

3. Are blind dates a good idea? Why/ Why not?



1. Do you think working with group members at different levels was effective? Why (not)?

2. Have group members listened to and shared ideas together?

3. Did group discussion help you improve your speaking skills?

4. In your opinion, did pre-teaching topic-related vocabularies assist you in speaking better?


1. Em có nghĩ rằng việc làm nhóm với các bạn khác trình độ với mình có hiệu quả không? Vì sao?

2. Các thành viên trong nhóm có lắng nghe và chia sẻ ý kiến cùng nhau không?

3. Việc thảo luận theo nhóm có giúp em cải thiện được kỹ năng nói của mình không?

4. Theo em việc dạy trước một số từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề thảo luận trước khi bắt đầu hoạt động nhóm có giúp em nói tốt hơn không? Vì sao?



Date: October 10th 2016

Allowed time for activity: 45 minutes Group organization: groups of four

Topic: Is living and working in different places a good idea? Why/ Why not?


1. Divide students in groups of four (1minute) 2. Giving instructions (2minutes)

3. Ask the representatives of the groups to present useful vocabulary related to the topic (10 minutes)

4. Revise useful language focus (5 minutes) 5. Ask students to discuss in groups (10 minutes)

6. Five members from five groups represented their group’s ideas/ opinions in front of class and the teacher gave feedback (17 minutes)

Activity 5

Date: October 17th 2016

Allowed time for activity: 45 minutes Group organization: groups of four

Topic: What are the disadvantages of working at night?


1. Divide students in groups of four (1minute) 2. Giving instructions (2minutes)

3. Ask the representatives of the groups to present useful vocabulary related to the topic (10 minutes)

4. Revise useful language focus (5 minutes) 5. Ask students to discuss in groups (10 minutes)

6. Five members from five groups represented their group’s ideas/ opinions in front of class and the teacher gave feedback (17 minutes)

XII Activity 6

Date: October 24th 2016

Allowed time for activity: 45 minutes Group organization: groups of four

Topic: What are the advantages of working at night?


1. Divide students in groups of four (1minute) 2. Giving instructions (2minutes)

3. Ask the representatives of the groups to present useful vocabulary related to the topic (10 minutes)

4. Revise useful language focus (5 minutes) 5. Ask students to discuss in groups (10 minutes)

6. Five members from five groups represented their group’s ideas/ opinions in front of class and the teacher gave feedback (17 minutes)


APPENDIX 10: POST-TEST FOR CYCLE 2 Date: October 31st 2016

Allowed time for students’ preparation: 1 minute Allowed time for students’ speaking: 2 minutes Speaking topics:

1. Is living and working in different places a good idea?

2. What are the disadvantages of working at night?

3. What are the advantages of working at night?


1. In your opinion, did reading topic-related articles and picking up useful

vocabularies and expressions as a preparation for group discussion make you more confident and assist you in perform more effectively in front of the class?

2. Are speaking topics familiar and suitable for you?

3. Did group discussion help you improve your speaking skills? Why (not)?



1. Theo em, các nhóm chuẩn bị trước cho thảo luận nhóm thông qua việc đọc các bài báo liên quan đến chủ đề nói, học từ vựng và các cụm diễn đạt hữu ích có giúp các em tự tin hơn khi thảo luận nhóm và nói trước lớp tốt hơn không? Vì sao?

2. Các chủ đề nói có thân thuộc và phù hợp với các em không?

3. Thảo luận nhóm có giúp em cải thiện khả năng nói hơn không? Vì sao?

Một phần của tài liệu (Luận văn thạc sĩ) using group work to improve speaking skills of the first year students at hanoi university of industry (Trang 47 - 73)

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