4.1. Current difficulties that students might face in their vocabulary
4.2.2 Students‟ attitude toward supplementary activities Frequency of using supplementary activities prior to the study
Figure 6: Frequency of using supplementary activities to teach vocabulary The pie chart gives information of how often teachers apply supplementary activities to teach vocabulary in class according to students answer. As can be seen from the chart, the use of supplementary activities is quite frequent. Almost every students (46%) claimed that teacher sometimes use supplementary activities to introduce new words. Only 7% of students declared that teachers always used supplementary activities and 0% of them said that teachers never applied extra activities to present new words. In summary, the chart reveals that almost every student agrees that the teacher apply supplementary activities frequently in presenting new words and teaching vocabulary.
43 Opinion of students on the effect of using DFs and PFs to teach vocabulary
Figure 7: Opinion of students on the effect of using supplementary activities to teach vocabulary
From the chart, we can see a very large majority of students, 85% said that applying supplementary activities made vocabulary lesson effective. Secondly, there were 8%
of students who stated that using supplementary activities was very effective.
Finally, the percentage of students who realized the ineffectiveness of extra activities was 7%. In conclusion, both teachers and students have positive opinion on effectiveness of exploitation of some supplementary activities in vocabulary lesson.
44 Benefits of using supplementary activities in teaching vocabulary perceived by students
Figure 8: Benefits of using supplementary activities in teaching vocabulary perceived by students
Benefits SA A N D SD
1. These activities make you feel learning vocabulary more exciting.
2. These activities help you guess the meanings of new words easily.
3. These activities help you understand the meanings of new words easily.
4. These activities help you remember new words effectively.
5.Other benefits (please specify)………..
Table 1: Benefits of using supplementary activities to enhance students’
vocabulary as students’ perception
There were just over 40% and under 50% of students who strongly agreed and agreed that supplementary activities made them feel learning vocabulary more exciting. Likewise, 42% and 50% of students strongly agreed and agreed with the statement “supplementary activities help you guess the meanings of new words easily.” Thirdly, using these activities helps students understand the meanings of new words easily was strongly agreed and agreed by 39% and 56% of students.
However, there was a few, 5% of them still confuse with this benefit and not yet made a decision. 55% of students agreed that they could remember new words quickly thanks to some extra activities. While there still quite few numbers of students, about 5%, suppose that these activities can not support them to revise and remember vocabulary.
In summary, these above advantages of using supplementary activities were highly appreciated by students. Thanks to these activities, they can learn vocabulary more exciting, guess and understand the meanings of new words easily. Besides, some extra activities help students remember new words quickly and be able to use new words taught in real situations. In other cases, students can apply more effectively in their English tests.
46 Difficulties of using supplementary activities to teach vocabulary perceived by students
Figure 9: Difficulties of using supplementary activities to teach vocabulary perceived by students
Difficulties SA A N D SD
6.Time-consuming to prepare teaching tools (flashcards, real objects…)
7.Difficulties in choosing suitable activities 8.Pictures in textbook are limited
9.Lack of time to teach the rest of lesson 10. Class management
11.Other difficulties (please specify)………
Table 2: Difficulties of using supplementary activities to enhance students’
vocabulary as students’ perception
At the beginning of the semester, when the researcher taught at class, she found out some problem in learning vocabulary. Therefore, she should figure out the difficulties, by which she comes to the trial solution which lasts for about 8 weeks.
Although the research doer is the teacher of the class, students might suffer some difficulties in applying vocabulary activities as they participate the class.
There were 23% and 45% of students strongly agreed and agreed that preparing some supplementary activities was time-consuming. 32% of students agreed with difficulties of choosing suitable activities; however, 10% and 6% of them disagreed and strongly disagreed with the opinion. They probably thought that the Internet offered many sources to find useful materials for making flashcards, and electronic software. When being asked about the statement “Pictures in textbooks are limited”, 41% of students remained neutral opinion and 14% of them disagreed with this statement. 34% and 33% of students thought that the lack of teaching time in a vocabulary lesson is an obstacle because they realized that the period of time of approximately 10 minutes was not enough for applying flashcards or Quizlet effectively.
Class-management and large size of class which were difficulties of exploiting flashcards and Quizlet are strongly agreed and agreed by approximately 39% and 36% of students. It is the fact that the number of students of a class in a high school is from 45 to 50; therefore, problems caused by large size of class such as the noise, difficulties in class-management bring disadvantages of applying some supplementary activities.
48 The desire for using supplementary activities in vocabulary acquisition
Figure 10: The desire for using supplementary activities in teaching vocabulary
These pie charts indicate desire of students for using supplementary activities in teaching vocabulary. Firstly, 82% of students wanted their teachers to applying flashcards and electronic flashcards like Quizlet in teaching vocabulary. 18% of them who did not want to learn vocabulary with the flashcards. It is because the vocabulary lesson will be more effectively than normally, which helps them easier to learn and remember words.