The economic structure of Cho Moi district consists of two main pillars: (1) agricultural, forestry and fishery production, and (2) industrial production - construction and trade. The value of commodity production of the two above fields increased in the period 2014-2018. The sector value (1) in 2014 was VND 9,436.3 billion, in 2018, it increased slightly to VND 10,342.73 billion, in which only the fishery group grew in the total value structure (1) increased from 13.75% to 28.31%
in 2018. The sector value (2) increased rapidly from VND 7,617.8 billion in 2014 to VND 10,219.17 billion in 2018. (see table 1.1).
Table 1.1 Economic structure value of Cho Moi during the phase of 2014-2018 Unit: billion VND
Sector 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
(1) Agriculture-Forestry-
Fishing 9,436.30 9,884.78 9,242.03 9,937.37 10,342.73 + Agriculture 8,117.93 7,855.53 7,149.22 7,066.47 7,386.30
+ Forestry 20.93 27.24 28.63 28.76 28.85
+ Fishing 1,297.44 2,002.01 2,064.18 2,842.14 2,927.58 (2) Industry-
Construction-Service 7,617.80 8,118.73 8,769.85 9,395.14 10,219.17 Total 17,054.10 18,003.51 18,011.88 19,332.51 20,561.90
(Source: District Statistical Office of Cho Moi district)
The district's economic structure has been shifted towards industrialization, gradually increasing the proportion of the industry, construction, trade, and services (2) gradually reducing the proportion of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries (1). The value of group (1) had a slight decrease from 55.33% of the total value of commodity production by 2014 to 50.30% by 2018, and vice versa the value of group (2) increased from 44, 67% in 2014 to 49.70% in 2018. The average income per capita of Cho Moi district is constantly developing and following the trend of
the following year higher than the previous year, specifically, the average income per capita in 2018 reached 46.64 million VND, an increase of 7.44 million VND compared to 2017.
Social characteristic
Cho Moi district has 16 communes and 02 towns. An average population of the district in 2018 of 348,206 people, of which female was 175,728 people. The rate of natural increase was 0.97%. The average population density was 943 people/km2. The population was not evenly distributed in the district area, mainly concentrated in urban areas such as Cho Moi town, My Luong town, Kien Thanh commune, My An commune, Long Giang, and Hoa An commune with a populate density of more than 1,000 people/km2, and sparse in the communes of An Thanh Trung, Binh Phuoc Xuan, with a density of fewer than 700 people/km2.
Figure 1.2 A structure of the working-age population (left) and structure of population capable of work in economic sectors (right)
The total number of people of working age in 2018 was 212,521, accounting for 61.03% of the total population of the district, including 188,007 employed laborers. In particular, classified by sex, female laborers in the working-age are 96,798 people, accounting for 51.5% of the total number of people of working age, and there were 81,601 employed people, accounting for 42.4% of total employed
71681 33489 6019
25175 3813
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Industry
Construction Service Commercial Others 88.47%
1.66% 5.75%
people capable of work in economic sectors schoole age people
people incapable of work unstable job people
laborers. Classified by economic structure, the total number of people working in the national economic sectors is 188,007 people, of which the field of agriculture, forestry, and fishery is at large with 71,681 people, industry and handicrafts with 33,489 people, construction with 6,019 people, services with 20,958 people, commerce with 25,175 people, and other sectors with 3,813 people (see figure 1.2).
The structure of the working-age population in the district varied slightly but was generally stable over years. However, the number of people who were able to work in all economic sectors, the number of people of school age and the number of people without stable jobs tended to increase, the increase rates were respectively 0.079%, 1.53% and 2.01%; in contrast, the number of people who were unable to work tends to decrease, the reduction rate was 6.49%. The number of laborers capable of working in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries tended to decrease, with a decrease of 0.035%.
Environmental characteristic
Figure 1.3 Water surface of Hau river (left) and Tien river (right) in flood season Water quality parameters change at different times and places (see figure 1.3). During the flood season, the DO index was high due to strong water flow, and vice versa during the dry season, the DO was low. Meanwhile, the density of BOD and total suspended solids (TSS) always exceeds the permitted limit many times.
The remaining parameters NH4-N, PO43- fluctuated around the permitted content for aquaculture. According to the 2019 report of An Giang Department of Natural Resources and Environment, surface water quality on the Hau river was lower than the Tien river; however, most measured environmental parameters of the two water bodies were only used for irrigation, aquaculture, and water transportation.
Surface water quality in Cho Moi district in particular and An Giang in general, has been affected by many factors. Firstly, over-exploitation of natural resources, minerals in the river basin, and overproduction of aquaculture in the river have reduced the quality of surface water and ecosystems in this area. Next, the establishment and development of industrial zones and production facilities exacerbated the situation of surface water pollution. These facilities are so small, scattered, without centralized waste and wastewater treatment systems. In addition, the system of stilt houses along banks of rivers and canals is dense and people there have a habit of directly discharging into the rivers, without collection and treatment systems. Finally, an equally important factor is climate change, and the development of hydroelectricity dams at the upstream often diminishing surface water quality and deteriorated environmental standards.