Extract of some slow- and controlled-release fertilizers

Một phần của tài liệu Slow and controlled release and stabilized fertilizers (Trang 133 - 163)

Thirty grams of well blended fertilizer is put into a 250 ml plastic or glass bottle or conical flask. Add 200 ml water, seal and put into a biochemistry constant temperature incubator at 25°C. After 24h, shake the bottles and transfer the contents to a 500 ml volumetric flask through a 1.00 mm sieve. Wash the fertilizer on the sieve breaking up any soluble fertilizer with a glass rod and washing it into the flask. Make up to volume, then filter before analyzing for phosphorus and potassium.

13 First draft by Liu Gang, Wan Lianbu, Zhang Min, Cao Yiping, Chen Hongkun and Yang Yi of the National Center for Quality Supervision and Testing of Chemical Fertilizers Shanghai, and Shandong Kingenta Ecological Engineering, under the supervision of the National Fertilizer and Soil Amendment Standard Technical Committee.

Analysis for total nitrogen (N)

Kjeldahl determination or GB/T 8572 Analysis for phosphorus (P)

GB/T 8573-1999 Analysis for potassium (K)

GB/T 17767.3-1999


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