Figure 11: Detailed Gear Drawing with Dimensions
Task 1. To begin the detailing process, show the model dimensions.
1. Retrieve the gear drawing GEAR.DRW.
2. Click View > Show/Erase.
3. In the SHOW/ERASE dialog box, click and select View in the SHOW BY options.
4. Now select the lower left general view (First view) on the screen.
Click DoneSel.
5. Close the SHOW/ERASE dialog box.
Task 2. Clean up the display of dimensions.
1. Click Tools >Clean Dims in the DETAIL menu.
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2. Select the first view again; then click Done Sel. 3. Clear the Create Snap Lines check box.
4. Click Apply > Close.
5. Click Done/Return in the TOOLS menu.
6. Select the 76.66 dimension with the select cursor and move it to another location.
7. Select other dimensions and adjust them similarly.
8. Click to repaint the screen.
Task 3. Erase extra dimensions in the drawing
1. Click Show/Erase >Erase in the DETAIL menu.
2. Click .
3. Select the two extra 6.3mm dimensions shown in the following figure and click Done Sel from the GET SELECT menu.
Figure 12: Erasing Dimensions 4. Click Close.
D ra w i n g a n d Vi e w s Pa g e 1 1 - 2 1 NOTES
5. Click to view the results.
Task 4. Enable the display of dimensions for the section view and clean up their display.
1. Follow the same procedure to do this task as for the FIRST view.
Task 5. Create a parametric note that displays the value of the pin hole diameter.
The system allows for notes to be displayed with the parametric dimension within the text. This allows the note to automatically update with changes in the dimensions.
Figure 13: Creating a Parametric Note 1. Click Insert >Note.
2. Click Leader >Normal Ldr >Make Note leaving alone all the other defaults from the NOTE TYPES menu.
3. In the cross section view, select the edge of the small hole as the entity to which the system should attach the note. Use Query Sel, if necessary.
4. Select a location for the note. All the dimensions and parameters change to their symbolic form.
5. Look at the lower right or cross section view and identify the symbolic dimension representing the diameter of the small hole (for example: symbol:d26).
6. Select the ∅ symbol from the SYMBOL PALETTE window.
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7. Type [&d26 drill thru] in the message area.
8. Press <ENTER> once; then type [one place].
9. Press <ENTER> once again to finish.
10. Save the drawing and erase both the gear drawing and gear part from memory.
D ra w i n g a n d Vi e w s Pa g e 1 1 - 2 3 NOTES
In this module, you learned that:
• There are five primary Drawing View types—Projection, Auxiliary, General, Detailed, and Revolved.
• General views are not dependent on any other view.
• General views can have their own scale.
• General views can be in any orientation and placed using the default view, and saved views from part mode.
• Default datum planes should always be used to orient the first general view.
• View types have four further sub-options: Full View, Half View, Broken View, and Partial View.
• Views can be moved and deleted; their display modes can be changed and scale values modified.
• The principle of associativity works between solid part models and their drawings.
• Cross-sections can be created in part mode or drawing mode during view placement.
• The majority of dimensions included on the drawing come from the part model.
• There are two types of dimensions: Feature Dimensions and Driven Dimensions.
• Dimensions can be manipulated.
• Drawing notes can be created to provide other information and for documentation.
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Duplicating Features: Patterns and Copy
In this module you will learn how to duplicate features using Pro/ENGINEER. When creating complex parts and assemblies, often a need arises for duplication. The design intent in these cases specifies identical features or parts to be placed at separate locations in the same model.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Duplicate features using two different methods: Patterning and Copying.
• Differentiate between Dimension Patterning and Reference Patterning.
• Implement patterns with three different options: Identical, Varying, and General.
• Specify different location options for the Copy feature.
• Establish dependence among various copied features.
• Use various copying techniques.
• Select features for copying.
• Specify the dependency of copied features.
• Use the Transform option to duplicate surfaces and datum curves.
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