Suggestions for further research

Một phần của tài liệu Features of “IN” prepositional phrases in the novel “ if tomorrow comes” by sidney sheldom and their vienamese translation versions (Trang 71 - 78)


5.4. Suggestions for further research

On the other side, prepositions in English consist of one (to/on/at) or two (ahead of) or three words (in front of). The important feature here is that prepositions cannot stand alone, regardless of how many words they are combined with. As prepositions are not an independent element, they are always combined with other elements, such as nouns (at noon), verbs (to graduate) and adverbs (forever). Prepositions function in forming a nominal group combining with other elements to realize a meaning in a sentence, which is called the prepositional phrase. Thus, a study of English prepositions should focus on finding a role of the prepositional phrases rather than separating them from a sentence. Therefore, the suggestions for further research will be one the study over the translation of sentences with prepositional phrases from English to Vietnamese.


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Appendix A

Prepositional complements of IN prepositional phrases in “If tomorrow comes”

No Prepositional complements Frequency Percentage(%)

1 Noun phrases 123 37.61%

2 –ing participle clauses 59 18.04%

3 Wh- interrogative clauses 0 0.00%

4 Yes/ no interrogative clauses 0 0.00%

5 Nominal relative clauses 0 0.00%

6 Adverbs 145 44.34%

Appendix B

Syntactic features of IN prepositional phrases in the novel “If tomorrow ….”

Syntactic Features


Frequency Percentage (%)

Adverbials 95 29,05%

Post-modifiers 169 51,68%

Complements 63 19,27%

Total 327 100,00%

Appendix C

Semantic features of IN prepositional phrases in the novel "If tomorrow comes"

Semantic Features


Frequency Percentage (%)

Spatial 153 46,79%

Temporal 131 40,06%

Metaphor 43 13,15%

Total 327 100,00%

Appendix D

The frequency of IN prepositional phrases as spatial prepositionsin the novel "If tomorrow comes" by Sidney Sheldom and their Vietnamese translation versions

67 Semantic Features

English Vietnamese

Frequency Percentage (%) Frequency Percentage (%)

Spatial 153 46,79% 132 46,98%

Appendix E

Syntactic features of IN prepositional phrases in the novel "If tomorrow comes" by Sidney Sheldom and their Vietnamese translation versions

Syntactic Features

English Vietnamese

Frequency Percentage (%) Frequency Percentage (%) Post-modifier of a

noun 169 51,68% 145 51,60%

Adverbial 95 29,05% 78 27,76%

Complement 63 19,27% 58 20,64%

Total 327 100,00% 281 100,00%

Appendix F

The frequency of IN prepositional phrases as adverbials in the novel "If tomorrow comes" by Sidney Sheldom and their Vietnamese translation versions

Syntactic Features

English Vietnamese

Frequency Percentage (%) Frequency Percentage (%)

Adverbial 95 29,05% 78 27,76%

Appendix G

The frequency of IN prepositional phrases as modifiersin the novel "If tomorrow comes" by Sidney Sheldom and their Vietnamese translation versions

Syntactic Features

English Vietnamese

Frequency Percentage (%) Frequency Percentage (%) Post-modifier of a

noun 169 51,68% 145 51,60%

Appendix H

The frequency of IN prepositional phrases as complementsin the novel "If tomorrow comes" by Sidney Sheldom and their Vietnamese translation versions

Một phần của tài liệu Features of “IN” prepositional phrases in the novel “ if tomorrow comes” by sidney sheldom and their vienamese translation versions (Trang 71 - 78)

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