Secondly, it should develop a set of criteria to evaluate the competitiveness of commercial banks and help banks understand the realities of the banking sector in general. This not only helps commercial banks evaluate themselves against the banking system or against other competitors, but also helps the state bank control overall operations. The bank credit activities aim at well serving the development trend of commercial banks, timely adjusting regulations and monitoring measures, especially strategic planning, developing the industry in the context of international integration and competition.
Thirdly, it should inspect and control more. The State Bank of Vietnam should regularly carry out inspections and controls in various forms in order to promptly detect and prevent negative violations in credit activities in order to properly apply the bank's credit activities. Currently, SBV's banking inspection activities are mainly to check the lawfulness of commercial banks. Regarding the evaluation of the risk control system of commercial banks, the State Bank Inspector has not done this systematically. There is no system of criteria for comprehensive evaluation to make recommendations to commercial banks. In addition, the State Bank should improve the organizational model of the banking inspection apparatus from the center down to the grassroots level and have the relative independence in operating and operating in the banking organization.
Fourthly, it should improve the quality of Credit Information Center (CIC). The Credit Information Center is the focal point for providing important credit information to commercial banks in assessing customer risk. However, the reality shows that the information provided by CICs is only statistically and completely unresponsive to the need for updated information and warning information. Therefore, in the coming years, the State Bank should coordinate more with the functional agencies to provide commercial banks with the latest information on the development of the sector as well
as the situation of enterprises' operations. The State Bank of Vietnam has taken a number of measures to encourage and need to gradually come to the regulations that oblige commercial banks to provide sufficient and timely information and data of borrowers at their banks. The center provides timely warning information for commercial banks. In addition, the State Bank should have a policy of recruiting and training CIC staff not only knowledgeable about information technology such as online information and other supporting tools, but also able to gather information, analyze, synthesize and make appropriate judgments, warnings instead of just statistics for reference.
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17. Enterprise Law No. 68/2014 / QH13 dated on November 26, 2014 by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
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29. Consolidated Letter No. 33 / VBHN-NHNN dated on June 08, 2012 by the State Bank of Vietnam to consolidate Circular No. 04/2013 / TT-NHNN dated January 01, 2013 by the Governor of the State Bank on discounting activities Negotiable instruments, other CIs of CIs, SBV branches with clients; Circular No. 21/2016 / TT-NHNN dated on June 30, 2016 by the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam amending and supplementing some articles of Circular No. 04/2013 / TT-NHNN;
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33. Regulation No. QC.BM.012 dated on March 30, 2012 by the Board of Directors on Organization and Operation of Risk Management Committee;
34. Regulation No. QC.BM.004 dated on August 1, 2013 by the Board of Directors on