3. Redesign the learning outcomes for the MEP
4.1. The importance of each learning outcome topic under the view of the four main stakeholders of the MEP
In order to find out what the main stakeholders of the MEP considers about the learning outcome topics if they are important to the graduates of the MEP or not, and if it is necessary to include them into the outcomes of the program, the researcher conducted a survey on the important level of the learning outcome topics.
Importance of each Learning Outcome Topic as viewed by the Students
With regard to the topics that belong to Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning, all students evaluated them as important. The topics about group of Knowledge of underlying mathematics and sciences are considered in the important level which was lower than in the groups of core engineering fundamental and other
supplemental subjects. The topics related to advanced engineering fundamental knowledge, methods and tools were rated as very important among four groups of topics surveyed.
Table 1
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of the Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning as viewed by the Students
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Importance Level DR 1.1 Knowledge of underlying mathematics and
sciences 1.91 I
1.2 Core engineering fundamental knowledge 2.23 I 1.3 Advanced engineering fundamental
knowledge, methods and tools 2.29 VI
1.4 Other supplement subjects 2.07 I
AWM 2.17 I
In short, all topics under the Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning were considered as important in the learning program (AWM=2.17), and it is necessary to have them in the learning outcomes of the MEP.
Table 2 shows that the students rated Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes as very important (AWM=2.26), all other topics are important ranging from 2.16 to 2.36, which means that the learning program outcomes ranges from important to very important
With regard to interpersonal skills: concerning teamwork and communication, the students were also concerned about the skills of teamwork and communication which reflect the reality that graduates should possess those skills to be successful in their jobs. Table 2 shows the importance levels which ranged from 2.15 to 2.52 with the highest level of importance in Communication in foreign languages. Teamwork skills are very important (AWM=2.34) and Communications skills are important according to the students. These show that they are necessary to be in the outcomes of the program.
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The importance of those topics is also shared by other universities.
Through consultations with faculty, students, graduates and employers, Kwantlen Polytechnic University of Columbia has defined several essential skills which help graduates of all programs succeed in their chosen careers including teamwork and communication; they also develop resources on the website for their students to develop those skills.
Table 2
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes and the Interpersonal skills Topics as viewed by the Students
Topic WM of Importance
Level DR
Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes
2.1 Analytical reasoning and problem solving 2.16 I 2.2 Experimentation, investigation and
knowledge discovery 2.26 VI
2.3 System thinking 2.21 I
2.4 Attitudes, thoughts and learning 2.29 VI
2.5 Ethics, equity and other responsibilities 2.36 VI
AWM 2.26 VI
Interpersonal skills: Teamwork and Communication
3.1 Teamwork 2.34 VI
3.2 Communications 2.15 I
3.3 Communications in foreign languages 2.52 VI
AWM 2.27 VI
In relation to the skills of applying knowledge to benefit society or CDIO which are conceiving, designing, implementing and operating systems in the enterprise, societal and environmental context, the students considered those topics included in the learning outcomes as important. Different enterprises and
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engineering criteria also highlighted the importance of those skills such as Boeing (1996) and EUR-ACE Framework Standards for the Accreditation of Engineering Programs (2005).
Table 3
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of Skills in Applying Knowledge to Benefit Society as viewed by the Students
Applying Knowledge to benefit Society - CDIO Skills
WM of Importance
DD R 4.1 External, societal and environmental context 2.07 I
4.2 Enterprise and business context 2.14 I
4.3 Conceiving, systems engineering and
management 2.06 I
4.4 Designing 2.23 I
4.5 Implementing 2.15 I
4.6 Operating 2.09 I
AWM 2.13 I
From Table 3, it is easy to find that the students rated all topics as important in the outcomes of the program. The table shows that the students were more interested in the Designing topics with the highest AWM of 2.23.
Topics under Implementing and Operating the system are evaluated as important.
In general, all the topics under CDIO skills which were selected by the researchers were considered as important and should be included in the outcomes of the MEP according to the students (AWM=2.13).
The importance of each learning outcome topic under the view of the alumni.
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The researcher fielded the same questions to 100 alumni about the importance of each learning outcome topic and received 36 feedback, all of them are qualified for data processing. The alumni are working in different companies and factories in Thai Nguyen Province. The nature of their work is related directly to the engineering profession as follows: Chemical Engineering MTV limited company No13 (9 alumni), Pho Yen Engineering Joint stock Company (4); Luu Xa steel mill (6); Coking plant, Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Corporation (2); Factory for iron making (6); Sông Công Diesel Company (4); and Medical Instruments plant (5).
Table 4
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of the Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning Under the View of the Alumni
Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning WM of Importance
Level DR
1.1 Knowledge of underlying mathematics and
sciences 1.99 I
1.2 Core engineering fundamental knowledge 2.35 VI 1.3 Advanced engineering fundamental
knowledge, methods and tools 2.52 VI
1.4 Other supplement subjects 2.25 I
AWM 2.27 VI
Regarding the topics belonging to Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning, the alumni evaluated them with high level of importance. The topic which got the lowest rate was Knowledge of underlying mathematics and sciences (1.99) and the topic which got the highest level of importance was Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge, methods and tools (2.52), which are rated as very important.
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From Table 4, it is interesting to note that the alumni assumed the importance level of the topics higher than the students.
In short, all the topics under the Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning were considered as important in the learning program (rating points range from 1.58 to 2.92).
Table 5
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes Topics as viewed by the Alumni
Topics WM of
Importance Level DR Personal and professional skills and attributes
2.1 Analytical reasoning and problem solving 2.53 VI 2.2 Experimentation, investigation and knowledge
discovery 2.50 VI
2.3 System thinking 2.61 VI
2.4 Attitudes, thought and learning 2.68 VI
2.5 Ethics, equity and other responsibilities 2.62 VI
AWM 2.60 VI
Interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication
3.1 Teamwork 2.50 VI
3.2 Communications 2.29 VI
3.3 Communications in foreign languages 2.44 VI
AWM 2.41 VI
Regarding Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes, the alumni showed their concern that the graduates should possess those skills to be successful in their jobs (AWM=2.60). Table 5 shows that the alumni rated all the skill at very important level with the lowest rating of 2.50 for Experimentation, investigation and knowledge discovery and the highest level of importance to attitudes, thought and learning skills (2.68).
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Furthermore, the alumni assumed that the interpersonal skills are very important (AWM=2.41), the most important topic was 3.1.5 Technical and Multidisciplinary Teaming (2.64). Oral Presentation and Communications Strategy all got 2.56 point for important levels. Teamwork is very important to their career, then, communications in foreign languages and the topic, and the last is communication (2.29). However, all the topics are rated as very important and needed to be in the outcomes of the MEP.
With regard to personal and professional skill and interpersonal skills:
considering teamwork and communication, and communication in foreign languages. Those skills are very important to the success of a person. Most graduate recruiters give high priority to teamwork skills. They may be interested in looking for individuals who can bring different strengths to teams – some graduates may be particularly good at monitoring or evaluating progress, others may urge the team on when it starts to flag, others may be great at contributing bright new ideas. But in the vast majority of graduate roles, being able to work well with colleagues is crucial.
Table 6
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of Skills in Applying Knowledge to Benefit Society
Applying knowledge to benefit society - CDIO skills
AWM of Importance
DR 4.1 External, societal and environmental context 2.36 VI
4.2 Enterprise and business context 2.49 VI
4.3 Conceiving, systems engineering and
management 2.39 VI
4.4 Designing 2.54 VI
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4.5 Implementing 2.44 VI
4.6 Operating 2.43 VI
AWM 2.44 VI
In relation to the skills of applying knowledge to benefit society which including conceiving, systems engineering and management, designing, implementing and operating systems in the enterprise, societal and environmental context, and the alumni considered those topics included in the learning outcomes at very important level.
The topics were rated from 2.36 to 2.54 which are translated as very important. Designing skills got the highest rating of 2.54 and topic of External, societal and environmental context got the lowest rating 2.36. The AWM of the topics is 2.44 which are very important according to the alumni.
In conclusion, according to the alumni, all the topics are important and very important and they should be included in the outcomes of the MEP.
The importance of each learning outcome topic as viewed by the teachers.
Among four groups of topics surveyed which are Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning, personal and professional skills and attributes, interpersonal skills and applying knowledge to benefit the society skills, the teachers showed their own opinions on each topics.
Table 7
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of the Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning as viewed by the Teachers
Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐHTN http://www.lrc.tnu.edu.vn Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning WM of
Importance Level DR 1.1 Knowledge of underlying mathematics and
sciences 2.12 I
1.2 Core engineering fundamental knowledge 2.28 VI 1.3 Advanced engineering fundamental
knowledge, methods and tools 2.33 VI
1.4 Other supplement subjects 2.08 I
AWM 2.21 I
Table 7 shows that most of the topics were rated as important, the topics which got the lowest important level was Other supplement subjects (2.08) and the topics which got the highest score among the topics within the group was Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge, methods and tools (2.33) which reflect the same ideas of the students (2.29) and alumni (2.52). It can be seen from the results that some of the topics related to disciplinary knowledge and reasoning are not evaluated as important as other topics. Knowledge related to the engineering skills and personal skills and communication skills are rated as important.
Table 8
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes and Interpersonal Skills Topics as viewed by Teachers
Topic WM of Importance
Level DR
Personal and professional skills and attributes
2.1 Analytical reasoning and problem solving 2.28 VI 2.2 Experimentation, investigation and
knowledge discovery 2.42 VI
2.3 System thinking 2.38 VI
2.4 Attitudes, thought and learning 2.29 VI
2.5 Ethics, equity and other responsibilities 2.40 VI
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AWM 2.34 VI
Interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication
3.1 Teamwork 2.24 I
3.2 Communications 2.17 I
3.3 Communications in foreign languages 2.48 VI
AWM 2.22 I
Table 8 shows the weighted mean distribution of LO topics in terms of the importance of Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes and Interpersonal skills topics as viewed by teachers. All the topics which are in the groups of personal and professional skills and attributes are rated as very important with AWM ranging from 2.29 to 2.42.
Interpersonal skills including Teamwork and Communication are considered. Teachers consider that the graduates should possess those skills to be successful in their jobs. Table 8 shows that the importance levels range from 2.17 to 2.48. No topics have an importance level below 2 which shows that they are necessary to be in the outcomes of the program. Communication in English got the highest point of importance within the field (2.48) which shows the teachers’ point of view in the role of English in the job of an engineer.
With regard to the skills which are conceiving, designing, implementing and operating systems in the enterprise, societal and environmental context, teachers consider them as important. The importance levels are rated from 2.02 to 2.35 in topic 4.4. Designing got the highest important value (2.35).
Table 9
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of Skills in Applying Knowledge to Benefit Society
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Applying knowledge to benefit society - CDIO skills WM of
Importance Level DR 4.1 External, societal and environmental context 2.02 I
4.2 Enterprise and business context 2.12 I
4.3 Conceiving, systems engineering and
management 2.04 I
4.4 Designing 2.35 VI
4.5 Implementing 2.13 I
4.6 Operating 2.13 I
AWM 2.14 I
Table 9 shows the weighted mean distribution of the LO topics in terms of the importance of skills in applying knowledge to benefit society as viewed by teachers.
Among six topics, the teachers were more interested in the topic of designing and the rating, with a very important level. The students, alumni shared the same idea with the teachers.
It is interesting to note that the students, alumni and teachers share the same opinion of the importance of those learning outcome topics. However, teachers seem to rate the importance of each learning outcome topic a bit lower than the alumni did.
In conclusion, according to the teachers, all the topics are important and should be included in the outcomes of the MEP.
Importance of each learning outcome as viewed by employers
The researcher did the study on 100 employers and received 28 feedback, all of them are qualified for data processing. The employers are working in different companies and factories in Thai Nguyen Province. They are leaders of the following organizations and engineering divisions: Chemical
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Engineering MTV limited company No. 13 (6); Pho Yen Engineering Joint stock Company (5); Luu Xa steel mill (3); Coking Plant, Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Corporation (6); Iron Making Factory (4); Sông Công Diesel Company (2); and Medical Instruments Plant (2).
The researcher conducted a survey on the employers about the importance of each learning outcome topic. The questionnaires were delivered to 100 employers and received 28 feedbacks. The data were recoded and analyzed.
In general, among the four groups of topics of learning outcome which are Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning, Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes, Interpersonal skills and Conceiving, Designing, Implementing and Operating Systems in the Enterprise, Societal and Environmental Context.
The employers placed importance on the Engineering Knowledge and Skills, while the topics under Knowledge of Underlying Mathematics and Sciences were not evaluated as important as other topics. Regarding the topics belonging to Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning, the employers evaluated them as important.
Table 10
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of the Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning as viewed by the Employers
Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning WM of
Importance Level DR 1.1 Knowledge of underlying mathematics and
sciences 1.65 I
1.2 Core engineering fundamental knowledge 2.16 I
Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐHTN http://www.lrc.tnu.edu.vn 1.3 Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge,
methods and tools 2.40 VI
1.4 Other supplement subjects 2.17 I
AWM 2.09 I
Table 10 shows that all topics under the Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning are considered as important in the learning program (rating points range from 1.65 to 2.40). The topic which got very important level was Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge, methods and tools (AWM=2.40). It can be seen that the results of the rating by the employers are lower than that of the students, alumni and teachers.
As to Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes, the employers thought that the creative and critical thinking of the graduates, as well as, the characteristics of perseverance, urgency and will to deliver, resourcefulness and flexibility are very important. Also, the Ethics, Integrity and Social Responsibility are important attributes of the graduates. Professional behavior skill and proactive vision and intention in life were also rated as important.
Table 11
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes Topics as viewed by Employers
Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes
AM of Importance
DR 2.1 Analytical reasoning and problem solving 2.32 VI 2.2 Experimentation, investigation and
knowledge discovery 2.23 I
2.3 System thinking 2.22 I
2.4 Attitudes, thought and learning 2.49 VI
2.5 Ethics, equity and other responsibilities 1.78 I
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AWM 2.25 I
Table 11 shows the results of the assessment of the employers regarding personal and professional skills and attributes, important levels range from 1.78 to 2.49. The employers comment that the skills related to analytical reasoning and problem solving, attitudes, thought and learning are very important. The total AWM is 2.25 which means that the topics are all important to the employers and needed to be included in the learning outcomes of the MEP.
Interpersonal skills are those which draw concerns of the employers. Interpersonal skills include topics in communications in English, oral presentation, graphical communication; electronic/ multimedia communication, written communication, communications structure; communications strategy; technical and multidisciplinary teaming; team leadership, team growth and evolution, team operation, forming effective teams which are divided into three groups: team work, communication and communication in foreign language.
Table 12
Weighted Mean Distribution of the LO Topics in Terms of the Importance of the Interpersonal Skills: Teamwork and Communication - Applying Knowledge to Benefit Society Topics Under the View of the Employers
Topic AWM of
Importance Level DR Interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication
3.1 Teamwork 2.20 I
3.2 Communications 2.01 I
3.3 Communications in foreign languages 1.96 I
AWM 2.10 I
Applying knowledge to benefit society - CDIO skills
4.1 External, societal and environmental context 1.98 I
4.2 Enterprise and business context 2.11 I
4.3 Conceiving, systems engineering and
management 1.97 I
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4.4 Designing 2.32 VI
4.5 Implementing 2.24 I
4.6 Operating 2.04 I
AWM 2.12 I
Table 12 shows the evaluation of the employers on the importance of interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication and Applying knowledge to benefit society skills. The result shows that the employers rated all the two groups of skills as important, in which the designing skill got very important level (2.32) which shared the same idea with the teachers, students and alumni.
Communication in English gets a lower important level than other topics (1.96).
The topics in the groups of applying knowledge to benefit society (AWM=2.12) are rated more important than those in the group of interpersonal skills (AWM=2.10)
In conclusion, it can be seen from the survey results that employers perceive that all the topics are important and should be included in the learning outcomes of the MEP.