Limitations of the study and recommendations for further studies

Một phần của tài liệu Phát triển kỹ năng đọc suy luận cho học sinh bậc THPT (Trang 52 - 66)

Despite a great effort of the researcher to carry out this paper, there are still some limitations of this research.

Firstly, due to the time and limited permission for this study the number and the representativeness of students directly participating in the study remained relatively low in comparison with the enormous number of students in Quang Ninh. The participants were from grade 12 so their objectives of learning English were quite different from other grades. The sources of data were limited and some problems of other students in other grade of this school or in high schools in general could not

be raised and find the solutions for that. Therefore, this implies that future studies need to be conducted with a larger sample.

Secondly, inferential reading skills are quite challenging not only to students but to teachers sometimes. So further research could involve more sources of information to gain better understanding of the phenomenon. Such sources may include interview with teachers, analysis of teaching materials, and teaching curriculum.

Despite the aforementioned shortcomings, the researcher’s flexibility, serious work and justified data collection and research methodology had well retained the validity and reliability of the results. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that these above shortcomings should always be taken into consideration when further related studies are conducted in the future.


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