Suggestions for further research

Một phần của tài liệu Linguistic and cultural features expressed in the metaphor in the english vietnamese bilingual grimm’s’ fairy tales (Trang 43 - 50)

In this thesis, metaphor is only one type of figures of speech that is focused on. Besides, many other interseting and useful figures of speech as metonymy, synecdoche, simili, enallage, etc are also indispenable parts of language. It is suggested that these phenomena should be explored and studied thoroughly with the view to discovering their potential values in both language and cultural values. In addition, in my paper, because of the time limited, some typical tales can be carried out to investigate their roles in conveying the meanings and educational values.



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Appendix A - the model Abstract entity or emotional status is container

1. be in one‟s element So excited

2. enter/get into the spirit of something Having good mood

3. in good spirits Happy mood

4. in high spirits Happy mood

5. in raptures Happy mood

Appendix B – idioms expressing the happiness that use the source domain metaphors vertically or vertically perceived

1. be as high as a kite 7. On the top of the world

2. be flying high 8. Over the moon

3. be on the tiles 9. Walk on air

4. float on air 10. Whoop it up

5. give sth the thumbs up 11. With a light heart

6. on cloud nine 12. With one‟s tail up

Appendix C – Vietnamese idioms that use the resource domain acting in mapping to the domain of happy emotions

1. Chim sổ lồng 2. Chuột sa chĩnh gạo 3. Như bắt được vàng 4. Như trút được gánh nặng 5. Được lời như cởi tấm lòng 6. Mở cờ trong bụng

7. Nở ruột nở gan 8. Tay bắt mặt mừng

Appendix D – English idioms applied the model happy emotional responses 1. Be in a transport of delight/joy

2. Enter the spirit of sth

42 3. Go into orbit

4. Go overboard

5. Give sth the thumbs up 6. Give st a new lease on life 7. Walk on air

8. Float on air

Appendix E – 9 Vietnamese idioms of sad that use tears image 1. Cười nên tiếng khóc

2. Giọt châu tầm tã 3. Giọt ngắn giọt dài 4. Giọt dài giọt ngắn 5. Khóc hết nước mắt 6. Nước mắt vòng quanh

7. Nước mắt ngắn nước mắt dài 8. Nước mắt lưng tròng

9. Nước mắt như mưa

Appendix F - English idioms created by the metaphorical source domain face show sad emotions

1. A face as long as a wet week 2. Face like a wet weekend 3. A long face

4. A slap in the face

5. Wipe the smile off one‟s face

Appendix G – 11 English idioms using the conceptual metaphor container with the prepositions of place like in, out of, with

1. Be in doldrums (feeling bored) 2. Be out of sorts (feeling angry) 3. Down in the mouth (in sad mood) 4. Down in the dumps (in sad mood)

Một phần của tài liệu Linguistic and cultural features expressed in the metaphor in the english vietnamese bilingual grimm’s’ fairy tales (Trang 43 - 50)

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