1. The roadrunner runs around the desert looking for food

Một phần của tài liệu Rèn luyện kỹ năng đọc hiểu tiếng anh trình độ nâng cao (Trang 111 - 116)

_______2. Roadrunners live only in M exico and the United States.

_______3. The female gives the male gifts in the spring.

_______4. A roadrunner is afraid o f people and stays away from them.

_______5. This bird can learn to depend on people.

_______6. A big difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures is typical in the desert.

_______7. A roadrunner uses a lot o f energy keeping warm in winter.

_______8. The roadrunner is a typical bird.

E. C om p reh en sion Q uestions 1. What does a roadrunner eat?

2. Why does a male give gifts to the female?

3. Explain why the roadrunner is an unusual bird.

4. Why do people laugh at the roadrunner?

5. Explain how the roadrunner gets warm in the winter.

6. D o you think sick people will get better if they eat roadrunner meat?

Explain your answer.

7. D o you think it is a good idea to feed wild animals? Give a reason.

8. Explain how a roadrunner fits into its environment.

F. M ain Idea

Many paragraphs have a sentence that gives the main idea. It can be in different places in a paragraph.

1. Which sentence is the main idea o f paragraph 4 (lines 17-22)?

2. Paragraph 10 (lines 51 - 62)?

3. Paragraph 11 (lines 63 - 67)?

4. Paragraph 12 (lines 68-74)?

looking for (v) ['lukir|fo:] : tim k ie m keep warm (v) [ k i:p w o :m ] : giifa'm typical (adj) [’tipikl] : die)i liinli

unusual (adj) [Anju:3ul] : khong binli thuang



A. W ord Form s

N ouns are often used to d escribe other nouns. T h e m ea n in g is different than when the adjective form o f the sam e word is used.

C uba had a lite ra c y program in the 1960 s.

A litera te pe rson can read and write.

In which sentence in th is exercise does a noun describe a nother noun?

Verb N ou n A d jectiv e A d v erb

1. e n v iro n m e n t environm ental environmentally

2. complicate c o m p lic a tio n (un) c om plicated

3. pollute pollution (un) polluted

4. W aste w aste wasteful wastefully

5. explode e x p lo sio n e x p lo siv e

explosive explosively

6. d e p e n d ( o n ) (in) d e p e n d en c e (in) de pendent (in) dependently

7. (n o n ) violence (non) violent (non) violently

8. vary variety


various 9. specialize specialty


special especially

10. know k n o w le d g e (un) know n know ledgeable

(un) knowingly knowledgeably I .W ater pollution is an problem

2a. A disease can cause which m ake the person even sicker.

2b. This is a problem , and I c a n ’t find the solution.

3. Are there any rivers left in the w orld?

4. Some p roducts from factories can be reused.

5. A bomb on a G re e n p ea c e ship. The bom b was made o f 6. Gandhi led India’s m ovem ent.

7. There has been a lot o f in N orthern Ireland for several years.

i n d e p e n d e n c e (n ) [,indi'pcndons] : s i f d o c l a p solution (n) [ se 'lu :/n ] : giai p h a p

reused (v) [,ri:'ju:z] : tut d ie

several (adv) [’scvrol] : vdi

8a. T h e am ount o f rainfall in the Australian desert_________________ . Some years there is only a little and other years a lot.

8b. A superm arket sells a large_______________ o f products.

8c. T he true/false/no information exercises are a ___________ on the true/false exercises.

9a. M ost d o c t o r s ______________after they learn general medicine.

9b. Som e words a r e _____________difficult to remember.

IOa.Barbara is v e r y ______________about birds. She knows a lot about them.

I Ob.The effect that cutting down rain forests will have on the world's climate i s ______________.

10c. John would n e v e r ______________ hurt his friend's feelings.

B. P r e p o s itio n s

1. People a l l __________ the w orld l a u g h __________ roadrunner cartoons.

2. T he roadrunner lives___________ the desert r e g i o n __________the United States and Mexico.

3. It spends more t i m e __________ the p l a n t s __________ the desert than it d o e s ___________ roads.

4. O n c e ___________ a while it eats plants.

5. In the spring a male roadrunner starts looking_________________ a mate.

6. R oadrunners can also becom e f r i e n d ly _______________ people

7. T h e birds com e o n e __________ a time and make a n o i s e _____________

the w i n d o w .

8. T h e bird knocks_________ the w i n d o w ____________ its beak 9. T h e se birds go r i g h t ______________ the house.

10. T hey seem really i n t e r e s t e d __________ what is h a p p e n i n g ___________

the program.

11 . winter, nighttime tem peratures____________ the desert can be 20°C colder than__________ the day.

12. the early morning, the roadrunner s t a n d s _____________ its

back the sun.

rainfall (n) ['reinfo:l] : lu g n g m u a effect (n) [i'fekt] : srfa n h liuting

noise (n) [noiz] : tieng on



C. S u m m a r iz in g

W hich sentence is the sum m ary?

1. Paragraph 4 (lines 17 - 22) a. It eats a large variety o f food.

b. It eats both plants and meat.

c. It eats a large variety o f food, both plants and meat.

2. Paragraphs 6 through 9 (lines 29 - 50)

a. R oadrunners follow people, ask for food, and w atch television.

b. R oadrunners can becom e friendly with people c. R oadrunners som etim es bring gifts to people 3. Paragraph 10 (lines 51 - 6 2 )

a. T em p era tu re s are m uch c o ld e r at night than d u rin g the day.

b. A roadrunner has an unusual w ay to keep w arm in winter.

c. A roadrunner collects heat from the sun through a black spot on its back.

D. C o n n e ctin g W o r d s

C o n n e c t a sentence from the first c olum n with one from the second column using even though.

1. A r o ad ru n n e r fits into its environment, a. They have 100,000 kinds o f plants.

2. Greenpeace tries to stop nuclear testing, b. It is sometimes dangerous.

3. Rain forests cannot support agriculture. c. They work outside the home.

4. Population is increasing rapidly. d. Half the world’s women have birth 5. Women do most o f the domestic work. e. It looks funny when it runs.

E. C o n t e x t C lu e s

1. T he television program I watched last night was boring. It was so slow that I turned it off.

- control methods available.

a. uninteresting b. interesting c. exciting back (n)

boring (adj)

[b<ek] : lung (ngi(di) ['bo :rir|] : buon te 110

2. When the beautiful young woman saw Dracula coming toward her, she was terrified.

a. very happy b. very frightened c. very unhappy 3. Some people are afraid o f insects, but most o f them can't h a r m you

a. hurt b. run away from c. fly onto

4. After the passengers boarded the plane, they put their bags under the seats and fastened their seatbelts.

a. left b. saw c. got on

5. If you want to buy some stamps, you'd better rush. The post office closes in 5 minutes.

a. walk b. hurry c. get some money

terrified (adj) ['tcrifaid]

harm (v) [h a :m ] board (v) [bo:d]

rush (v) [rA /]

lioang s o lam thuang ton leu (m ay bay) chqy nhaiili


Một phần của tài liệu Rèn luyện kỹ năng đọc hiểu tiếng anh trình độ nâng cao (Trang 111 - 116)

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