Reconfigurable Processing Fabric Architectures

Một phần của tài liệu Reconfigurable computing the theory and practice of FPGA based computation~tqw~ darksiderg (Trang 62 - 66)

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. .

1 control PE per row

3 extra logic PEs 16 logic PEs (32 bits)

aligned with processor data word 4 extra logic PEs 23 logic PEs per row

msb lsb

32-bit word alignment on memory bus

.. .

FIGURE 2.1 IGarp’s RPF architecture. (Source:Adapted from [13].)

in Garp’s RPF requires 64 configuration bits (8 bytes) to specify the sources of inputs, the PE’s function, and any wires to be driven by the PE [13]. So, if there are only 32 rows in the RPF, 6144 bytes are required to load the configuration.

While this may not seem significant given that the configuration bitstream of a commercial FPGA is on the order of megabytes (MB), it is considerable relative to a traditional CPU’s context switch. For example, if the bit path to external memory from the Garp is assumed to be 128 bits, loading the full configuration takes 384 sequential memory accesses.

Garp’s RPF architecture supports partial array configuration and is dynami- cally reconfigurable during application execution (i.e., a dynamic RPF). Garp’s RPF architecture allows only one VIC to be stored on the RPF at a time. How- ever, up to four different full RPF VIC configurations can be stored in the on-chip cache [13]. The VICs can then be swapped in and out of the RPF as they are needed for the application.

The loading and execution of configurations on the reconfigurable array is always under the control of a program running on the main (MIPS) processor.

When the main processor initiates a computation on the RPF, an iteration counter in the RPF is set to a predetermined value. The configuration executes until the iteration counter reaches zero, at which point the RPF stalls. The MIPS-II instruction set has been extended to provide the necessary support to the RPF [13].

Originally, the user was required to write configurations in a textual language that is similar to an assembler. The user had to explicitly assign data and opera- tions to rows and columns. This source code was fed through a program called the configurator to generate a representation for the configuration as a collec- tion of bits in a text file. The rest of the user’s source code could then be written in C, where the configuration was referenced using a character array initializer.

This required some further assembly language programming to invoke the Garp instructions that interfaced with the reconfigurable array. Since then, consid- erable compiler work has been done on this architecture, and the user is now able to program the entire application in a high-level language (HLL) [14] (see Chapter 7).

2.1.2 Coarse-grained

For the purpose of this discussion, we describe coarse-grained architectures as those that use a bus interconnect and PEs that perform more than just bit- wise operations, such as ALUs and multipliers. Examples include PipeRench and RaPiD (which is discussed later in this chapter).


The PipeRench RPF architecture [6], as shown in Figure 2.2, is an ALU-based system with a specialized reconfiguration strategy (Chapter 4). It is used as a coprocessor to a host microprocessor for most applications, although applica- tions such as PGP and JPEG can be run on PipeRench in their entirety [8]. The architecture was designed in response to concerns that standard FPGAs do not provide reasonable forward compatibility, compilation time, or sufficient hard- ware to implement large kernels in a scalable and portable manner [6].

The PipeRench RPF uses pipelined configuration, first described by Goldstein et al. [6], where the reconfigurable fabric is divided into physical pipeline stages that can be reconfigured individually. Thus, the resulting RPF architecture is both partially and dynamically reconfigurable. PipeRench’s compiler is able to compile the static design into a set of “virtual” stages such that each virtual stage can be mapped to any physical pipeline stage in the RPF. The complete set of virtual stages can then be mapped onto the actual number of physical stages available in the pipeline. Figure 2.3 illustrates how the virtual pipeline stages of an application can be mapped onto a PipeRench architecture with three physical pipeline stages.

A pipeline stage can be loaded during each cycle, but all cyclic dependencies must fit within a single stage. This limits the types of computations the array can support, because many computations contain cycles with multiple operations.

Furthermore, since configuration of a pipeline stage can occur concurrent to execution of another pipeline stage, there is no performance degradation due to reconfiguration.

A row of PEs is used to create a physical stage of the pipeline, also called a physical stripe, as shown in Figure 2.2. The configuration word, or VIC, used to configure a physical stripe is also known as a virtual stripe. Before a physical

2.1 Reconfigurable Processing Fabric Architectures 33

Stripen Stripe n11

Stripe n11 Stripe n12

PE 0

Gl ob al

bu ss es

Gl ob al

bu ss es

PE 1 PEN21


PE 0 PE 1


PE 0 PE 1

Register file Register file Register file

Register file Register file Register file

Register file Register file Register file




ã ã ã

ã ã ã

ã ã ã

Interconnect network

Interconnect network

FIGURE 2.2 I PipeRench architecture: PEs and interconnect. (Source:Adapted from [6].)

stripe is configured with a new virtual stripe, the state of the present virtual stripe, if any, must be stored outside the fabric so it can be restored when the virtual stripe is returned to the fabric. The physical stripes are all identical so that any virtual stripe can be placed onto any physical stripe in the pipeline. The intercon- nect between adjacent stripes is a full crossbar, which enables the output of any PE in one stage to be used as the input of any PE in the adjacent stage [6].

The PEs for PipeRench are composed of an ALU and a pass register file. The pass register file is required as there can be no unregistered data transmitted over the interconnect network between stripes, creating pipelined interstripe connections. One register in the pass register file is specifically dedicated to intrastripe feedback. An 8-bit PE granularity was chosen to optimize the perfor- mance of a suite of kernels [6].

It has been suggested that reconfigurable fabric is well suited to stream-based functions (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1.2) and custom instructions [6]. Although

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Cycle: 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 0


0 3


0 0 0


1 2




3 3

4 4


2 1


3 3 3

4 4



Cycle: 1 2 3 4 5 6


FIGURE 2.3 I The virtual pipeline stages of an application (a). The light gray blocks represent the configuration of a pipeline stage; the dark gray blocks represent its execution. The mapping of virtual pipeline stages to three physical pipeline stages (b). The physical pipeline stages are labeled each cycle with the virtual pipeline stage being executed. (Source:Adapted from [6].) the first version of PipeRench was implemented as an attached processor, the next was designed as a coprocessor so that it would be more tightly coupled with the host processor [6]. However, the developers of PipeRench argue against making the RPF a functional unit on the host processor. They state that this could “restrict the applicability of the reconfigurable unit by disallowing state to be stored in the fabric and in some cases by disallowing direct access to memory, essentially eliminating their usefulness for stream-based processing” [6].

PipeRench uses a set of CAD tools to synthesize a stripe based on the para- metersN,B, andP, whereNis the number of PEs in the stripe,Bis the width in bits of each PE, and Pis the number of registers in a PE’s pass register file. By adjusting these parameters, PipeRench’s creators were able to choose a set of values that provides the best performance according to a set of benchmarks [6].

Their CAD tools are able to achieve an acceptable placement of the stripes on the architecture, but fail to achieve a reasonable interconnect routing, which has to be optimized by hand.

The user also has to describe the kernels to be executed on the PipeRench archi- tecture using the Dataflow Intermediate Language (DIL), a single-assignment C-like language created for the architecture. DIL is intended for use by pro- grammers and as an intermediate language for any high-level language compiler

Một phần của tài liệu Reconfigurable computing the theory and practice of FPGA based computation~tqw~ darksiderg (Trang 62 - 66)

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