This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusions drawn and recommendations of the study.
This study focused on enhancing the management on students' self- study activities at the Hung Vuong University with an end view of developing management measures of activities for school year 2013- 2014. Specifically, it sought to determine the status of the self-study activities of students in terms of students' awareness of the self-study, study skills, habits, services, teacher initiative, location, and administration; find out the external and internal factors that affect activities of students' self-study; identify the different management measures of self-study activities as to planning, organizing the orientation and self-learning skills enhancement, and managing facilities and equipment for students’self-study activities; and develop strategic management measures for students’ self-study activities.
This study was conducted in Hung Vuong University were the survey was done in eight academic departments and two administration divisions. It made use of the descriptive type of research wherein the management self- study activities at Hung Vuong University is being described as a basis for proposing strategic management measures for the self-study activities. There were a total of 206 faculty members and administrators and 328 students selected as respondents through stratified sampling. Meanwhile, the weighted arithmetic mean was used in analyzing the data gathered.
The following are the findings of the study based on the analysis of data gathered:
1. The status of the self-study activities of students are described in terms of:
1.1 Students' awareness on self-study with 3.12 average weighted mean and a qualitative description of “Aware”;
1.2 Self-study activities help them develop their study skills as manifested in the average weighted mean of 3.32 (strongly agree);
1.3 Students sometimes develop study habits in doing self-study as seen in an average weighted mean of 3.19;
1.4 Respondents strongly agree that services are provided for self- study as evident in an average weighted mean of 3.27;
1.5 Respondents strongly agree on the teaching initiatives for self- study as revealed in an average weighted mean of 3.31;
1.6 Students sometimes designate the location for their self-study with an average weighted mean of 2.77; and
1.7 Administration of the students' self-study activities gains 3.02 average weighted mean described as carried out.
2. The factors that may affect the activities of students' self-study are:
2.1 External factors which are greatly affecting the self-study activities of the students with an average weighted mean of 3.29; and
2.2 Internal factors are greatly affecting the self-study activities of students with an average weighted mean of 3.29.
3. The different management measures of the self-study activities are always carried out as follows:
3.1 Planning management of self-studywith 3.55 average weighted mean;
3.2 Organizing the orientation for self-study activities with 3.59 AWM;
3.3 Organizing management activities for self-learning skills enhancement with 3.55 AWM; and
3.4 Managing facilities and equipment for students’self-study activities with 3.54 AWM.
4. A strategic management measures for the students’ self-study activities has been developed.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. Self-study activities of students have commendable condition as it is known among the students, likely improves self-study activities and study habits, and are supported by the definite school services, teaching methodologies, location and administration.
2. Activities of students' self-study are stimulated by the factors outside of the learners such as school regulations and intrinsic influences like motivation and psychological constructs.
3. Management measures of the self-study activities are actualized through planning and preparation, implementation, improving self- learning, and the use of facilities and equipment.
4. The developed strategic management measures for the students’ self- study activities is ready for adoption.
Based on the conclusions deduced, the recommendations are offered:
1. Self-study activities may be strengthened in order to promote independent learning among the students.
2. Policies may be formulated to formalize self-study program not only in the respondent school but also in other institutions within the country.
3. The developed strategic management strategic measures may be adopted for implementation in the respondent school.
4. Teachers’ competencies in managing self-study activities may be enhanced through relevant seminars, trainings and workshops.
5. A parallel or follow-up study of similar nature with the present investigation may be conducted in other provinces and colleges in Vietnam.
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