Một phần của tài liệu Water treatment processes on how to reduce remove and disinfect water contaminants (Trang 26 - 51)

Waste water also known as effluents of a source of water pollution are abundant almost everywhere, majority of water bodies found at major cities are polluted by residents or change in the environment due to imbalance which was probably the result from man-made practices. Sources of waste water pollutants ranges from Anthropogenic wastes, Industrial wastes, Agricultural waste, and Residential Wastes. These practices comes from different activities but ends up in the same place which is the bodies of water. One major contributor which is not a commonly discussed topic of pollutants to waste water are from Piggeries. Piggeries produces effluent from their droppings; urine, body tissues, excess water from baths, and cleansing of pens. A common concept in removing contaminants from swine effluents is also known as a Biogas Digester. Biogas Digesters have the ability to remove chemicals produced form swine wastes, and also have a by-product which can power a small stove on a small scale (Alcantara & Donald, 1996).

Emergency Disinfection Experiment Preparation March 6, 2018: Flood water is the results of water bodies or water catchments that overflow due to natural disasters or man-made events. Flood makes it difficult for people to reach clean drinking water, pipelines from water companies are sometimes blocked by debris or contaminated with flood water. Emergency Disinfection requires flood water, since there was very little chance of rain precipitation, Water from Laguna Lake was the ideal substitute


for flood water since Laguna Lake is one of the major bodies of water that can be found within the Philippines which commonly overflows causing flood to occur frequently.

 Location

o Bicutan, Taguig ; Laguna Lake

 Objectives:

o Collect Lake water as substitute for flood water o Store water for further Lab Tests

 Materials:

o Five (5) gallon water containers o One bucket

o One large drum capable of storing 1000L of liquids (Appendix 2) o Stirrer

o Gloves o Face Mask

 Methods:

o Five (5) gallon water containers were thoroughly washed with clean water o Local public transportation were used to reach Laguna Lake

o Local small boat operators were hired to collect water samples from the Lake , took water samples from a distance from shore

o Filled five (5) gallon water containers and brought back to the Laboratory


o Transferred water samples to a larger container and sealed for protection, then stirred before extraction for testing to even out flocs

 Result:

o Water samples taken from the Lake will be stored for Lab testing as flood water substitute.

Emergency Disinfection Experiment March 7, 2018: Emergency Disinfection is going to be used in times of crisis or calamities. Majority of cities are vulnerable to flooding, and with these clean water is difficult to attain. And because flood water can be found freely during drizzly weather, it can be a source of water and this led to the idea of emergency disinfection. Ease of access, abundant, and low-cost are one of the factors for Emergency Disinfection. Whereas Alum, or locally known as “Tawas” was chosen mainly because of its multiple usage such as medicinal benefits, and its accessibility to people through small stores. Alum with a proper dosage has the ability to purify tap water, after going through the alum process further laboratory tests will still be done to ensure the quality and safety of the flood water.

 Location

o DOST-ITDI Environmental Biotechnology Division(EBD) Laboratory

 Objectives:

o To find the right dosage of alum to disinfect water

o To know under what dosage flocs settle with the least amount of time

 Materials and Equipment

o phipps and bird jar tester (Appendix 3)


o SensoDirect 150 (for checking ph level) (Appendix 4) o Beakers

o Clean Plastic Bottles

o Microgram weighing scale (Appendix 5) o Small containers

o Gloves, Lab Gown, and Face Mask

o Filter (containing: small rocks, pebbles, sand, activated carbon ) (Appendix 6)

 Methods

o Take Lake water from the collection samples did on March 6th

o One full bucket of water from the 100L container was collected and filtered through the made filter consisting of different size particles, pebbles, small rocks, and activated carbon to remove some quantity of pollutants

o Five (5) 2L Beakers placed and filled up with Lake water

o Microgram weighing scale and pH;Ion measurer were calibrated before usage

o Alum were weighed and measured using a small light weight container and a plastic spoon to have a more accurate reading based on past tests, alum increases gradually in each beakers in order to find the optimum amount of alum needed

o Take samples and measurement of pH and its Ion concentration from raw untouched Lake water later for tests


o Beakers placed properly jar tester

o Start trials, slow rotations/ low rpm are required to dissolve alum, then measured pH and Ion concentrations

o After a minute of stirring, alum in each beakers are inserted with different concentrations of alum

o After it dissolves high rotations/high rpm are required based on the concept of emergency disinfection meaning it should be quick or accelerated, test pH and Ion concentration for later comparison of data

o Five minutes later of low rpm stirring process, pH is then measured for pH adjustment using Caustic Soda or NaOH. After pH adjustment high rpm stirring is set for about 15 minutes.

o When the stirring process ends, a settling time with a duration of 30 minutes is adequate for flocs to settle.

o Jar tester beakers are placed near a drain source such as a sink where ordinary beakers will catch water with less flocs and sludge left over will settle down the jar tester

o Recalibration of pH and Ion concentration before storage to avoid , beakers thoroughly washed and left to dry

o Counters and tables wiped with cloth and chemicals used are properly disposed

o Face Masks, and Gloves are thrown away in appropriate bins


 Results

o If flocs are visually clear draining starts and treated water with low amount of flocs will be collected, sludge will then be left at the bottom of the beakers o By-product of the processed Lake Water will be measured for pH and Ion


o Treated water will be contained in Plastic bottles and shelved for later tests Arsenic Removal from tap water briefing March 8, 2018: Arsenic is a chemical compound mainly found in water either by natural causes or human contamination, mining vicinities, natural wells, and soil from agricultural and industrial pollution.

Some water bodies have natural deposits of arsenic and often seep through water system used by humans and contaminates tap water. In one province (name of the province will not be mentioned, topic considered as confidential and shall not be mentioned) arsenic levels are in an alarming state, Officials from this province requested help from THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY- INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INTTITUTE (DOST-ITDI) for some help to remove or lower the arsenic level from their tap water which reaches a span a number of barangays Normal Chlorine disinfection is not enough to remove arsenic in tap water, so as the process of boiling. Decontamination filters are quite cost effective and only capable of treating individual taps from houses. The barangays are not exposing their water problems to the residents to avoid public alarm. ITDI designed a water treatment apparatus which consists of filters containing sand, pebbles, and activated carbon, two (2) main mixing sections, a device which is


designed for water to flow and mix for a certain amount of time for flocs to settle and for clean water to go through a tube, which leads to a UV process to finalize the arsenic removal process. Arsenic removal practices are still being studied using chemical practices, experiments are ongoing to determine the proper dosage of chemical for the treatment. The apparatus designed by ITDI is still under process and ongoing, fabrication of the water treatment will soon take place.

Arsenic Removal using Ferric Chloride March 9, 2018: Arsenic can be found on bodies of water, soil, or air, even from food. Arsenic found in water can be dangerous as too much exposure of arsenic in water can produce carcinogens. Typical chlorine method will not get rid of arsenic in water. In this case Ferric Chloride (FeCl3) will be used to purify water using the process of ion exchange. Where Ferric Chloride sticks to flocs and descends to the bottom as sludge.

 Location

o Environment and Biotechnology Division, Laboratory

 Objectives:

o Remove arsenic from tap water

o Determine the ideal concentration of Ferric chloride to remove flocs in the least amount of time

 Materials and Equipment:

o jar tester (Appendix 3)

o SensoDirect 150 (for checking ph level) (Appendix 4) o Beakers


o Clean Plastic Bottles

o Microgram weighing scale/ Gravimetric Scale (Appendix 5) o Pipettes

o Gloves, Lab Gown, and Face Mask

o Filter (containing: small rocks, pebbles, sand , activated carbon )

 Method:

o One full bucket of water presumably 10L from the 100L container was collected and filtered through the made filter

o Five (5) 2L Beakers of the jar tester placed and filled up with Lake water, pipettes and pH measurer were calibrated before usage

o Ferric Chloride that was used were already at a concentrated liquid state , were weighed and measured based on past tests, The amount of Ferric chloride increases gradually in each beakers in order to find the optimum amount of alum needed at a more steady phase

o Take samples and measurement of pH and its Ion concentration from raw untouched Lake water later for tests

o Beakers placed properly in the jar tester

o Start trials, slow rotations/ low rpm are required have the same standards with alum, then measured pH and Ion concentrations

o After a minute of stirring, alum in each beakers are inserted with different concentrations of Ferric Chloride


o Brown coloration will be present in the water from the chemical reaction of Ferric Chloride

o Five minutes later stirring process ends, then thirty (30) minutes for flocs to settle

o Ferric chloride sticks to flocs differently depending on the concentration present

o Jar tester beakers are placed near a drain source where beakers will catch water with less flocs and sludge left over will settle down the beaker and be disposed off

 Result:

o Flocs sticks faster and better to Ferric Chloride compared to Alum

o Coloration is temporary, gradually disappears over time and settles down to the sludge with the left over flocs

Executed 5S practices March 14, 2018: 5S came from the Japanese words seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. From an English understanding: Sustain, Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and in some cases Safety. These words describe how to maintain order, cleanliness, and efficiency in the work place. 5S keeps tools needed based on how often it will be used can prevent unwanted time sorting. By keeping work related tools or equipment organized looking for such gears won’t become much work, maintaining order can set standards and make employees better decision makers. In some institutions 6S is implemented, safety being the 6th considers safety of the employees through the idea of 5S. Managements of tools and equipment


can lower the risk of accidents that may happen within the work place. 5S also serves as visual control, meaning all things needed in the work place is well managed and visually pleasing.

 Location :

o Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Industrial Technology Development Institute, Environment Biotechnology Department (ITDI- EBD) Office

 Objectives:

o Maintain order and cleanliness o Observe and Implement 5S

 Materials and Equipment o Gloves

o Face Mask

 Method

o Gloves and Face Mask should be worn at all times during 5S to avoid unnecessary contamination, and inhalation of dust particles.

o Look for a partner to execute this practice to have less time consumed and to have a higher work force

o Prepare a work plan to be more productive, divide task with your partner to have a running system

o Remove gears on-top of tables, cabinets, and counters and sanitize the workplace


o Start organizing files, lab equipment, and tools to have an idea which area is suitable for each

o Remove unnecessary garbage, store unused lab equipment, and throw away gadgets that are non-functional already

o Sort out reusable, and recyclables for future uses to save funds

o Scan the whole area where 5S was done it ensure the success of the activity o Thoroughly wash cloths/rugs used in cleaning, and properly dispose gloves

and masks used

 Results

o 5S was properly executed and well planed

o 5S avoid future accidents from happening, and provides visual pleasure for employees

Cleaner Production Briefing and Constant Weighing March 19, 2018: The Cleaner Production Section is from the Environment and Biotechnology Division of Department of Science and Technology (DOST) some features of CP focuses on consuming less raw materials, lower production cost, less waste generated, and produce more products that promotes pollution reduction practices and turn these products into a higher source of income resulting to Eco-profitability. Employee’s safety is one of the major concerns of Cleaner Production, having a safe and reliable workplace deducts chances of one’s staff to be hurt or injured thus resulting to have a delayed and weaker work force. Having a safe environment ensures good health and preparedness around the workplace. With a low probability of problems a workplace


have with a good safety environment can result to a higher rating of Global Competitiveness compared to those who has a bad worker health and staff safety issue.

Measuring Turbidity, Suspended Solids, and Color of Jar Tested water with Hach Colorimeter March 26, 2018: Colorimeters can be used to measure a wide array of parameters for any liquid to be examined. Turbidity, Suspended Solids, and Color of water are just some of the factors that can be measured to compare data.

These three parameters are commonly used to study the treatability success of experiments and tests.

 Location: EBD Office Room 2 DOST-ITDI Bicutan, Taguig

 Objectives:

o To set a standard in order to compare results to different doses of Disinfectants

o To compare closeness of Colorimeter results from the Gravimetric Measuring Scale

o To measure Turbidity and Color of the treated waste water

 Materials:

o Deionized Water o Lint Guard Wipes o Gloves

o Colorimeter (Appendix 7) o Steel tray


o Beaker

 Method

o Collect water samples from the refrigerator for measurement of Turbidity, Suspended Solids, and Color

o Let water sample from the previous Jar test for Alum and Ferric chloride warm up from the previous storage practice where water samples are put in a refrigerator to preserve and contain

o Prepare wipes and DI water to avoid contamination and damage the test tube container

o Tubes for the Colorimeter should always be sealed and clean

o Calibrate the Hach Colorimeter with DI water (Measurement depends on what parameter is going to be measured)

o Each turn a sample is going to be measured, calibration with DI should be practiced

o Once a sample has been measured with all of its parameter, dump the water to a large volume beaker to avoid wasting energy

o Wash test tubes with DI water to ensure the purity of the tube

o Pour in new samples to the tube and finish with a wipe to avoid errors in Data

o After finishing parameters of a sample, tubes from the Colorimeter should be wiped clean


o All data that had been gathered should be saved, dispose of all water that had been used, make sure to cover and wipe the Tube for the Colorimeter, and proper disposal of the wipes should be observed

 Conclusion

o Colorimeter tests consume a low amount of time and is able to measure multiple parameters

o Colorimeters can measure water parameters which determines its treatability success

Sampling April 3, 2018: The project Emergency Disinfection uses Water from Laguna Lake as a substitute for flood water for experimental purposes.

 Location:

o Bicutan Taguig, Laguna Lake.

 Objectives:

o Take samples from Laguna Lake

 Materials:

o (4) Five Gallon Tanks

o Form of Transportation: Government Vehicle

 Method

o Travel a short distance to Laguna Lake shore side

o Hire fishermen to take samples from the Lake a few meters away from shore


 Conclusion

o Water from the Lake makes a favorable substitute for flood water because some residential waste water can be seen being disposed in the Lake, and this body of water usually overflows during heavy precipitation

Swine Project April 5, 2018: Aerobic treatment of Anaerobically Pre-digested Swine Wastewater. Improvements of the treatment shall be done, Reports have been sent pertaining to an issue that the collection tank has overflown.

 Location:

o Mataas na Kahoy , Batangas City.

 Objective:

o Resolve the overflown collection tank

o Drill holes in Anaerobic tank to increase the flow rate of effluents

 Materials:

o Recycled dippers o Gloves

o Masks o Drill

o Poking sticks

o Form of Transport: DOST-ITDI Vehicle

 Method

o Preparation for examination of instruments to be used such as

o Visual inspection of site, determining the obvious problems to be resolved


o Parameters such as pH and TSS are measured in the treatment

o Holes were added to the Anaerobic tank to prevent blockage in the process o A visual survey of the swine farm reveals that an area near the biogas

digester with an adequate space can be a suitable field for future possible installation of the Anaerobic tank (Rosario, Batangas)

 Conclusion

o Poor maintenance of storage tanks can cause an overflow and delay in the Nutrient Removal Process

o Coverage or roofing of the site with a net should be installed to prevent litter from entering and polluting the Tanks.

Pre-Chlorination Test, High and Low Dosages April 17, 2018: Chlorination Tests were done in order to find the proper dosage of Chlorine to Disinfect Water

Table 4. Pre-Chlorination Test


 Location:

o EBD Laboratory

 Objective

o Find proper dosage of Chlorine

 Materials o Colorimeter o pH meter

o Aquarium type Chlorine tester for Residual Chlorine

 Methods

o Dose sample water with Chlorine with a 15 minute contact time o Measure Parameters (see Table 2)

 Conclusion

o High and Low dosages has no difference to reducing parameters

Purchased water Container April 23, 2018: From the ARSENIC Project, water sample were taken from a contaminated water source of a village.

 Location:

o Local Farmers Market close to the DOST compound

 Objective:

o Purchase a water container that is able to store up to 60 gallons of liquid with the lowest price range


 Materials:

o Notes

o Rope( To carry)

o Transport: Local Transport

 Method

o Locate stores that have available water containers which can hold up to 60 gallons of liquid

o Inquire the lowest price available

o Negotiate with the retailer to achieve the lowest price possible o Confirm payment

 Conclusion

o Prices in the Local Public Market are lower compared to branded stores o Best to visit the local market first to compare expenses with branded stores

Pre-Filtering April 24- 25, 2018: Ferric Chloride Dosage and Pre-Filtration Table 5. Ferric Chloride Dosage Test


 Location

o DOST Industrial Technology Development Institute Environment Biotechnology Division (ITDI-EBD) Building

 Objective

o Find proper dosage of Ferric Chloride o And measure True Color

 Materials o Colorimeter o pH meter o Filter o Jar Test

o Sand, Pebbles, and Stones was the crucial part of the filter, consisting of different densities for water filtration (Appendix 6)

o Dipper, Bucket, and Improvised Stirrer o Gloves, masks, and Beakers

 Methods

o Lake water collected and stored to a 80 Litter container is thoroughly stirred for even distribution of particles

o The Filter is set-up and washed with DI water to eliminate existing water inside

o The sample water is then poured into the filter and collected by a beaker with an amount depending on the upcoming experiment

Một phần của tài liệu Water treatment processes on how to reduce remove and disinfect water contaminants (Trang 26 - 51)

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