A.2.1 Discovery
This section gives a short history of the discovery of each element. When, where, and how was it discovered and by whom (as far as that information is available)?
A.2.2 Mining, production, and major minerals
This section describes the mining processes, production of the element, and major minerals that contain the element.
Some elements form only a few minerals, while other elements are so common that they appear in many minerals. In the latter case a selection will be presented that can be considered as characteristic.
A.2.3 Chemistry
This section describes first the isotopes of the element followed by general properties of the element. This is followed by a general description of the chemistry of each element in terms of reactions with e.g. oxygen, sulfur, halides, etc.
The section finishes with the organic chemistry of the element.
A.2.4 Major uses
This section describes how the element is used in our current economy.
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FIGURE A.1 Period table of the elements. White—elements that form minerals; green—noble gases; yellow—only present in very low concentration on Earth; orange-red—only known from laboratories and nuclear reactors.
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