Students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom model

Một phần của tài liệu Áp dụng mô hình lớp học đảo ngược nâng cao kỹ năng đọc hiểu tiếng anh của học sinh lớp 12 tại một trường trung học phổ thông, tỉnh quảng ninh trong đại dịch covid 19 (Trang 51 - 56)

4.1. Analysis of the information collected from the survey questionnaires

4.1.1. Students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom model

Table 4: The number and percentage of the students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom model

N Items

1 2 3 4 5

N % N % N % N % N %


I can review the reading lessons from videos, Power- point lesson plans and guided reading files to refer to

vocabulary or concepts. 0 0.00 3 9.68 3 9.68 12 38.70 14 45.16


I can review the reading lessons from videos, Power-point lesson plans and guided reading files to

refer to reading strategies. 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 22.58 17 54.84 7 22.58


I feel more confident to ask for clarifications in class after watching the instructional from videos, Power-point lesson plans and guided

reading files at home. 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 16.13 16 51.61 10 32.26 4

The flipped instruction allows me to prepare for my class in

advance. 0 0.00 2 6.45 7 22.58 11 35.48 11 35.48


Through the videos, Power- point lesson plans and guided files, I have enough time to

acquire the sentence structures. 0 0.00 3 9.68 5 16.12 14 45.16 9 29.03

N Items

1 2 3 4 5

N % N % N % N % N %


I actively participate in reading activities at home through from videos, Power- point lesson plans and guided

reading files. 0 0.00 4 12.90 4 12.90 12 38.71 11 35.48 7 I actively participate in

reading activities in class. 1 3.23 3 9.68 5 16.13 12 38.71 10 32.26 8

I feel I am more in charge of my learning through the

flipped instruction. 2 6.45 0 0.00 4 12.90 12 38.71 13 41.94 9

I follow the teacher’s recommendations both in

class and at home. 0 0.00 0 0.00 6 19.35 18 58.06 7 22.58 10

I voluntarily participate in reading activities without the

teacher’s recommendations. 2 6.45 5 16.13 0 0.00 13 41.94 11 35.48 11 Classroom time was used

effectively. 0 0.00 3 9.68 7 22.58 10 32.26 11 35.48


In class, I do further practice on reading strategies that I have learned at home through from videos, Power-point lesson

plans and guided reading files. 0 0.00 3 9.68 6 41.94 15 48.39 7 22.58 13

I discuss what I have learned and things I don’t understand with my

friends and teacher in class. 4 12.90 0 0.00 5 16.13 13 41.94 9 29.03 14 Online resources are helpful

in learning English. 1 3.23 3 9.68 4 12.90 14 45.16 9 29.03 15

The flipped instruction made it easier for me to comprehend

reading passages. 0 0.00 2 6.45 6 41.94 11 35.48 12 38.71

Table 4 shows the number and percentage of the students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom model. As we can see in the table, each shown in the table was applied by different number of students.

Referring item number 1 “I can review the reading lessons from videos, Power- point lesson plans and files to refer to vocabulary or concepts.”, 14 students (45.16%) strongly agreed, 12 students (38.7%) agreed, 3 students (9.68%) didn’t give their opinions, only 3 students (9.68 %) disagreed and no student (0%) strongly disagreed.

For item number 2 “I can review the reading lessons from videos, Power-point lesson plans and guided reading files to refer to reading strategies.”, 17 students (54.84%) agreed and 7 students (22.58%) strongly agreed. The remaining number of students chose to be neutral.

For item number 3 “I feel more confident to ask for clarifications in class after watching the instructional from videos, Power-point lesson plans and guided reading files at home.”, through the above data, we can see that most students felt that after being studied before the previous lesson at home, they were more confident when asking and answering knowledge related to the lesson. We can all analyze the data in the agreed and strongly agreed columns which accounted for a lot of percentages (the total percentage of 2 columns is 83.87%). For the remaining percentage, students chose to be neutral; No student chose to disagree and strongly disagreed.

For item number 4 “The flipped instruction allows me to prepare for my class in advance.”, all the students commented that when they participated in the flipped class, they spent more time at home preparing and absorbing better. However, 2 students disagreed with this item (6.45%). But comparing to the number of students who agreed with 19 students (61.29%), the number is not much.

For item number 5 “Through the videos, Power-point lesson plans and guided files, I have enough time to acquire the sentence structures”, in this section, no student chose to strongly disagree; only 3 students chose to disagree (9.68%), the students chose to be neutral at 16.12% (5 students). And the number of students who chose to agree was 14 students and 9 students chose to strongly agree (the total of students are 74.19 %).

For item number 6 “I actively participate in reading activities at home through from videos, Power-point lesson plans and guided reading files.”, a large number of students agreed or strongly agreed at 74.19% (including 12 students who chose to agree and 11 students who chose to strongly agree). The remaining number chose to disagree or didn’t give opinions at 25.8%.

For item number 7 “I actively participate in reading activities in class.”, Most of the students had a choice of either agree or strongly agree with a total of 22 students (70.97%). Some students disagreed and strongly disagreed at nearly 13%.

Only 5 students chose to be neutral.

For item number 8 “I feel I am more in charge of my learning through the flipped instruction.”, 13 students (41.94%) strongly agreed, 12 students (38.71%) agreed, 4 students (12.9%) didn’t give their opinions, only 2 students (6.45 %) strongly disagreed and no student (0%) disagreed.

For item number 9 “I follow the teacher’s recommendations both in class and at home”, In this survey question, we can see that none of the students chose the answer strongly disagree or disagree. A large number of students agreed (18 students), and the remaining percentage was divided equally between “strongly agree” and “neutral”.

For item number 10 “I voluntarily participate in reading activities without the teacher’s recommendations”, This is the only question that no students chose

“neutral”, students were divided into two groups, the group that chose to disagree was generally 7 students (22.58%). The higher percentage belongs to the group of students who chose to agree in general, 24 students (77.42%).

For item number 11 “Classroom time was used effectively”, there were 21 students agreed that class time when using flipped classroom had a very positive effect (67.74%). 7 students gave the answer as “neutral” because of a relatively large amount of knowledge, and the application of the flipped classroom makes it difficult for them to absorb knowledge. Only 3 students who disagreed with the application of the reversed class because the class time was not reasonable.

For item number 12 “In class, I do further practice on reading strategies that I have learned at home through from videos, Power-point lesson plans and guided reading files”, Most of the students agreed with the lessons using the flipped classroom, they practiced the knowledge and skills they had learned through the videos and PowerPoint that the teacher had sent at 70.97% (22 students). 6 students chose a neutral answer and only 3 students chose to disagree, some students thought that the fact that the teacher sent the reference content first would make students boring.

For item number 13 “I discuss what I have learned and things I don’t understand with my friends and teacher in class”, a large number of students chose to agree or strongly agree at 70.97% (including 13 students who chose to agree and 9 students who chose to strongly agree). The remaining number chose to strongly disagree or choose to be neutral, at 29.03%.

For item number 14 “Online resources are helpful in learning English”, a large number of students have chosen the answer to agree or strongly agree, the reason is that the students noticed that the results of the tests after each application of the taught content and methods increased at 74.19%. Only 4 students chose the neutral answer because they thought that during the time of applying the reverse method, their learning results did not change significantly (12.9%), and the remaining 4 students did choose to disagree because they feel that the traditional learning method will help them catch up more knowledge than the flipped classroom method.

For the last item number 15 “The flipped instruction made it easier for me to comprehend reading passages”, no student had chosen to strongly disagree. Only 2 students had chosen to disagree (6.45%), and 6 students have chosen to be neutral (41.94%). Most of the remaining students chose to agree and strongly agree at 74.19%.

In general, the majority of students chose to agree or strongly agree for a high percentage (especially in items 2 and 3). Through statistics, we can see that the application of the flipped classroom in teaching, especially for grade 12, helped students receive knowledge and interact each other with enthusiasm. The students all gave objective answers, not receiving outside influences. Findings from the questionnaire highlight that the students illustrated the highest level of agreement

and the results may be explained by the fact that learners are more interested in new teaching methods, especially the ones relating to technology.

Based on the result of the questionnaire, the writer concluded that the majority of the students viewed the flip classroom model positively. The percentages of positive responses for each questionnaire statement were higher than 70%. In conclusion, the students generally valued that the flip classroom model as a helpful and fun learning model, for both in and outside the classroom session. In the pre classroom (outside classroom) session, the use of technology and online material helped them understand and get prepared for the in-classroom session, whereas in the classroom, teacher’s reviews toward the online material helped them better understand and clarify the misunderstandings toward the online material. The collaborative group activities in the class also helped their learning through the role of teacher guidance and peer feedback activities.

Một phần của tài liệu Áp dụng mô hình lớp học đảo ngược nâng cao kỹ năng đọc hiểu tiếng anh của học sinh lớp 12 tại một trường trung học phổ thông, tỉnh quảng ninh trong đại dịch covid 19 (Trang 51 - 56)

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