Listening difficulties encountered by students

Một phần của tài liệu Investigating difficulties in english listening comprehension encountered by grade 10 students at a high school in thai nguyen province (Trang 51 - 58)

A Cronbach alpha coefficient was calculated for the linguistic-related difficulties scale, consisting of linguistic-related difficulties 1, linguistic-related difficulties 2, linguistic-related difficulties 3, linguistic-related difficulties 4, linguistic-related difficulties 5 and linguistic-related difficulties 6. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was evaluated using the guidelines suggested by George and Mallery (2016) where > .9 excellent, > .8 good, > .7 acceptable, > .6 questionable, >

.5 poor, and ≤ .5 unacceptable.

The items for linguistic-related difficulties had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.79, indicating acceptable reliability. Table 4.1 presents the results of the reliability analysis.

Table 4.1. Reliability table for linguistic-related difficulties

Scale No. of Items Α Lower Bound Upper Bound

Linguistic-related difficulties 6 0.79 0.75 0.83

Note. The lower and upper bounds of Cronbach's α were calculated using a 95%

confidence interval.

The items for Learner-related difficulties had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.72, indicating acceptable reliability. Table 4.2 presents the results of the reliability analysis.

Table 4.2. Reliability Table for learner-related difficulties

Scale No. of Items Α Lower Bound Upper Bound

Learner-related difficulties 13 0.72 0.71 0.79


Note. The lower and upper bounds of Cronbach's α were calculated using a 95%

confidence interval.

The items for Speaker-related difficulties had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.75, indicating acceptable reliability. Table 4.3 presents the results of the reliability analysis.

Table 4.3. Reliability Table for Speaker-related difficulties

Scale No. of Items Α Lower Bound Upper Bound

Speaker-related difficulties 6 0.75 0.71 0.79

Note. The lower and upper bounds of Cronbach's α were calculated using a 95%

confidence interval.

The items for Material-related difficulties had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.75, indicating acceptable reliability. Table 4.4 presents the results of the reliability analysis.

Table 4.4. Reliability Table for Material-related difficulties

Scale No. of Items Α Lower Bound Upper Bound

Material-related difficulties 6 0.75 0.71 0.79

Note. The lower and upper bounds of Cronbach's α were calculated using a 95%

confidence interval.

The items for Physical-setting-related difficulties had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.68, indicating questionable reliability. Table 4.5 presents the results of the reliability analysis.

Table 4.5. Reliability Table for Physical-setting-related difficulties

Scale No. of

Items Α Lower


Upper Bound Physical-setting-related

difficulties 4 0.68 0.71 0.79

Note. The lower and upper bounds of Cronbach's α were calculated using a 95%

confidence interval.

41 4.1.1. Linguistic-related difficulties


Frequencies and percentages were calculated for linguistic-related difficulties (table 4.6) shows that 33 students (27.3%) chose first option (always true to me). 50 students (41.3%) reported that linguistic is usually a problem for them. That means the majority of the participants find that linguistic issue is problematic for them (68.6%). Only 8 students (6.6%) reported that linguistic is not problematic for them.

Table 4.6. The percentage of students encounters linguistic-related difficulties Frequency Percent Cumulative



Always true to me 33 27.3 27.3

Usually true to me 50 41.3 68.6

Sometimes true to me 17 14.0 82.6

Usually not true to me 13 10.7 93.4

Never true to me 8 6.6 100.0

Total 121 100.0

Figure 4.1: proportion of students encounters linguistic-related difficulties






Always true to me

Usually true to me

Sometimes true to me

Not usually true to me

Never true to me

Linguistic-related difficulties

42 4.1.2. Learner-related difficulties


The descriptive analysis (table 4.7) shows that 22 students (18.2%) chose first option (always true to me). 40 students (41.3%) reported that they have problem dealing with controlling themselves while doing listening tasks. The total percentage of students who have this problem was 51.3 % (62 students). 20 students (16.5%) reported that they did not have any problem related to listeners.

Table 4.7. The percentage of students encounters learner-related difficulties Frequency Percent Cumulative



Always true to me 22 18.2 18.2

Usually true to me 40 33.1 51.2

Sometimes true to me 13 10.7 62.0

Usually not true to me 26 21.5 83.5

Never true to me 20 16.5 100.0

Total 121 100.0

Figure 4.2. proportion of students encounters learner-related difficulties






Always true to me

Usually true to me

Sometimes true to me

Usually not true to me

Never true to me

Learner-related difficulties

43 4.1.3. Speaker-related difficulties


The figures in table 4.8 show that 39 students (32.2%) reported that they had problem with speaker-related difficulties. 28 students (23.1%) reported that they have problem dealing with varieties of oral messages delivered by varied accents or speed of the spoken messages. The total percentage of students who have this problem was 55.3 % (67 students). 11 students (9.1%) reported that they did not have any problem related to speakers.

Table 4.8. The percentage of students encounters speaker-related difficulties Frequency Percent Cumulative



Always true to me 39 32.2 32.2

Usually true to me 28 23.1 55.4

Sometimes true to me 20 16.5 71.9

Usually not true to me 23 19.0 90.9

Never true to me 11 9.1 100.0

Total 121 100.0

Figure 4.3. proportion of students encounters speaker-related difficulties



16,50% 19%


Always true to me

Usually true to me

Sometimes true to me

Usually not true to me

Never true to me

Speaker-related difficulties

44 4.1.4. Material-related difficulties


Table 4.9 shows the percentages and frequencies of participants reported difficulties they encountered with materials during their listening. A total of 47 participants (38.8%) reported that they had problems with types of tasks as well as the length of listening tasks. A large proportion of the participants said that material-related difficulties was not problematic for them; 51 students (42.1%).

Table 4.9. The percentage of students encounters material-related difficulties Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent


Always true to me 19 15.7 15.7

Usually true to me 28 23.1 38.8

Sometimes true to me 23 19.0 57.9

Usually not true to me 34 28.1 86.0

Never true to me 17 14.0 100.0

Total 121 100.0

Figure 4.4. proportion of students encounters material-related difficulties

4.1.5. Physical-setting-related difficulties Results

In terms of physical-setting-related difficulties, only 14 students (11.6%) reported that they had problems with the quality of the audio and the setting where






Always true to me

Usually true to me

Sometimes true to me

Usually not true to me

Never true to me

Material-related difficulties


the listening task took place. The total percentage of participants who had problems with this category was only 27.3%. The figures in table 4.10 give details for this category.

Table 4.10. The percentage of students encounters physical-setting-related difficulties

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent


Always true to me 14 11.6 11.6

Usually true to me 19 15.7 27.3

Sometimes true to me 11 9.1 36.4

Usually not true to me 56 46.3 82.6

Never true to me 21 17.4 100.0

Total 121 100.0

Figure 4.5. proportion of students encounters physical-setting-related difficulties

4.1.6. A summary of listening difficulties encountered by participants

The difficulties encountered by grade 10 students in listening comprehension under five categories namely (1) linguistic-related difficulties, (2) learner-related difficulties, (3) speaker-related difficulties, (4) material-related difficulties, and (5) physical-setting-related difficulties can be summarized in the table 6 below: From the chart, it can be concluded that linguistics-related difficulties are the most problematic for the students (68.6%). In the second place are problems relate to






Always true to me

Usually true to me

Sometimes true to me

Usually not true to me

Never true to me

Physical-setting-related difficulties


speakers (55.3%). Learner-related difficulties accounts for 51.3%. Material and Physical setting take up 38.8% and 27.3% respectively.

Figure 4.6. A summary of listening difficulties encountered by participants

Một phần của tài liệu Investigating difficulties in english listening comprehension encountered by grade 10 students at a high school in thai nguyen province (Trang 51 - 58)

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