The highest infection levelin the hierarchy. ằ

Một phần của tài liệu Đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học cấp Trường: Ứng dụng nguồn gen xạ khuẩn của Việt Nam trong phòng trừ bệnh hại do vi sinh vật gây ra trên giống sâm bản địa Panax L. có giá trị cao (Trang 71 - 80)

The most severe lesions caused’ by strains N..ipomoeae LNS and F. miscanthi KT212 were

estimated for 25% of the leaf surface (equivalent to infection level 5). At this stage, whole leaves

wilted and fell out.

Ay Editorial System

_ Plant Protection Research ˆ

Table 1. Leaf-associated diseases on Panax ginseng and the causal pathogens

Disease Symptoms Panax ginseng Reported The causal Reference variety planting pathogen

Alternaria Necrotic lesions of Panax America Alternaria Putnam and Toit,area

blight 2 to 20 mm in quinquefolium L. Canada panax 2003;

diameter with a Hill and Háubeck, dark brown 2009.

margin and a

ellow-green halo

Leaf spot Brown oval/round Panax ginseng China Alternaria Lee et al. 2019;

spots of 3to9mm Meyer alternata Wang et al. 2024 in diameter with Boeremia

white/yellow exigua

halos in the center, Panax japonicus China Boeremia You et al, 201 = : leading to leaf exigua ;

withering and Panax America Pestalotiopsis Civanparanage `falling, and plant —_guinguefolius nanjingensis wilting.

Anthracnose Dark spotlesions | Panax ginseng

(might be with a Meyer

hole in the center) Panax ginseng that can be Meyer

enlarged and fused ~Panax

to make blight quinquefolium L.

areas, leading to defoliation


concentric lesions

start at the leaf Panax ginseng ˆ _ €

tipsandproceed Meyer ' '“ ..

back along the leaf Se để j mid-rib, resulting

in enlarged blight


a al., 2004

, Mc.Partland, Hosoya, 1998;

Guan et al., 2021b

Grey mold tàu cinerea

* Botrytis cinerea Wang et al., 2022

Foliar soft Irregular water- ˆ' Pang ⁄ ằ `ằ Vietnam Neocosmospora This study

rot soaked rotten < ~ ‘vietnamensis Cc ipomoeae

lesions of 5 to 1 ; < Fusarium mm in diameter. ` miscanthi

As the disease

progressed, the ..

lesions enlarged ˆ (up to 25% leaf surface), and the `

infected leayes ˆ

turned wilting

black, easily


Editorial -

gg oem

Journal of : ie oe

Plant Protection Research



= °

Quang Nam

- Kon Tum Average disease incidence (%) ° Foliar rot Anthracnose disease disease

Quang Nam - Kon Tum Lai Chau - Lao Cai

Fig. 1: Survey areas (A) and disease incidence (B) of two main foliar diseases detected on

Panax vietnamensis. bồ we 5

‘(By Editorial


- Journal oe

: Plant Protection Research -

Fig. 2: Symptoms of the foliar soft rot disease (A — on Ngoc Linh variety; C — on Lai Chau variety) and anthracnose disease (B — on Ngoc Linh variety; D — on Lai Chau variety) on Panax vietnamensis.

_ Figure 3ˆ eee tin : ee Le

‘Bownlead source fle (25.82 MB) Plant Protection Research -


Fig. 3: Infection tests to prove the pathogenicity of the two isolates LN5 and KT2.1.2. A-D

~The first round performed on ginseng leaves in a microclimate chamber; F-l — The second round performed on 2-year-old ginseng plants in a net house. E, K — Negative controls . (ginseng leaves or plants treated with a sterile medium only). Lesions are pointed by arrows.

FB EditorialSystem

Neocosmospora variasi

(NR 177139.1)



‘Neocosmospora paraeumartil

(MG189941.1) cara ey (MW534059.1)

ioetran eee Ti &



‘Neocosmospora )

(NR 154227.1)

'Neocosmospora solani



(GU170647.1) J170643.1

{vis )

'N@OCosmospora ipomoese (JX435206.1) (AB426286.1)

% || LNS (PP422928.1)



Neocosmospore ipomoeee. 5 (LR583718.1) tenuicristata Laan at ()Q285761.1)

(HM534894.1) 'Allernaria ventricosa

Bối vã (MF070251.1) „001

Fig. 4: Morphology and taxonomic position of strain LN5. A — Colony on PDA; B = Colony, on LCA; C — Septate mycelia; D — Unbranched conidiophore; E — Macro- and.microco idia.

Scale bars 10 um. F, G, H — Phylogenetic trees based on comparative analyses f the ITS, TEF1, and BT2 sequences, respectively (assession numbers f theses ences aree:'sequ

indicated in parentheses next to the strain name).

ti hi PEERS

‘Plant Protection Research :


Fusarium oxysporum s „ (MW594320.1)(KP132221.1) _ N1. ng 50 (Mz921886.1)

Fusarium oxysporum |. sp. batates Fuserion dúoseptaTim:° Hi855101.1) = (MW594327.1)

Fusarlum curvatum 100 Fuserium curvatum

(MZ890510.1) (MZ921863.1) Fusarium odoratissimum 98 Fusarium odoratissimum

(MW016597.1) (MW894352.1)

Fusarium nirenbergiae Fusarium commune

(MW016588.1) Cy) (MW620162.1)

KT2.1.2 (PP422929.1) KT2.1.2 (PP458366.1) Fusarium miscanthi Fusarium paranisikadol

2 : (MW016565.1) (MW594317.1)

Fusarium nisikadoi Fusarium miscanthi

83 (MH862661.1) (MW594318.1)Fusarium paranisikadoi Fusarium hipposidericola

(MW0165631) (OR025993.1)

-Nectria dematiosa ôi

cạn) (HQ728152.1)

H Fusarium fabacearum

(OM960818.1) Fusarium acutatum

a (OM960822.1)

Fusarium duoseptatum (OM960817.1) Fusarium elaeidis


(LC171239.1) (OP901506.1) KT2.1.2


Fig. 5: Morphology and taxonomic position of strain KT2.1.2. A = Colony’r ơn PDA: B- Colony

on LCA; C — Septate mycelia; D — Unbranched conidiophore; E o-.and microconidia.

Scale bars: 10 um. F, G, H— Phylogenetic trees based on comparative analyses of the ITS,

TEF1, and BT2 sequences, respectively (assession numbers of these sequences are

indicated in parentheses next to the strain name)


8 svete

Fig. S1: Disease index shown by the fungal pathogens Neocosmospora ipomoeae LNS (AD) and Fusarium miscanthi KT212 (E-H) on 2-year-old ginseng plants under net house

conditions. A, E — Beginning of the infection; B, F — Disease level 1;.C, Fe Disease jevel 3;

D, H— Disease level 5.

ẹ Editorial SAL

Tin : : ứt :

Index - hp Đội dc

ti Plant Protection Research

Manuscript body

Download source file (81.64 kB) Tables

Table 1 - Download source file (37.95 kB)

Table 2 - Download source file (39.22 kB)

Table 3 - Download source file (17.8 kB)


Figure 1 - Download source file (91 MB)

Fig. 1: Survey areas (A) and disease incidence (B) of two main foliar diseases detected

on Panax vietnamensis.

Figure 2 - Download source file (31.93 MB)

Fig. 2: Symptoms of the foliar soft rot disease (A — on Ngoc Linh variety; C — on Lai Chau variety) and anthracnose disease (B — on Ngoc Linh variety; D — on Lai Chau variety) on

Panax vietnamensis.

Figure 3 - Download source file (23.82 MB) om

Fig. 3: Infection tests to prove the pathogenicity of the two isolates LN5 and KT2.1.2. A-D ˆ

~The first round performed on ginseng leaves in a microclimate chamber; F-è —Theằ<_—

second round performed on 2-year-old ginseng plants in a net house..E, K Negative

controls (ginseng leaves or plants treated with a sterile medium only). Lesions are pointed

by arrows. — me ì

Figure 4 - Download source file (51.82 MB) eS = ge Fig. 4: Morphology and taxonomic position of strain LN5. A— Colony on PDA; B — Colony on LCA; C — Septate mycelia; D — Unbranched conidiophore; E —Macro- and

microconidia. Scale bars 10 um. F, G, H— Phylogenetic trees based on comparative analyses of the ITS, TEF1, and BT2 sequences, respectively (assession numbers of

these sequences are indicated in parentheses next to the strain name).

Figure 5 - Download source file (50.08 MB) "ý.

Fig. 5: Morphology and taxonomic position of strain KT2.1.2. A— Colony on PDA; B- Colony on LCA; C — Septate mycelia; D — Unbranched conidiophore; E — Macro- and

microconidia. Scale bars: 10:um. F, G; H —- Phylogenetic trees based on comparative

analyses of the ITS, TEF1, and BT2 sequences, respectively (assession numbers of

these sequences are indicated in parentheses next to the strain name).

Figure 6 - Download 'source file (20.01 MB)

Fig. S1: Disease index shown by the fungal pathogens Neocosmospora ipomoeae LNS

(A-D) and Fusarium miscanthi KT212 (E-H) on 2-year-old ginseng plants under net house

conditions. A, E — Beginning of the infection; B, F — Disease level 1; C, G — Disease level

3; D, H— Disease level 5.



Kết quả nghiên cứu Khoa học BVTV - Số 3/2024

bronzing: a new disease affecting jackfruit caused by Pantoea sfewarti (Smith) Mergaert et al. Annals of

Tropical Research, 36(1), 17-31.

5. Ham, H., Oh, G. R., Park, D. S., & Lee, Y. H.

(2022). Survey of oxolinic acid - resistant Erwinia amylovora in Korean apple and pear orchards, and the fitness impact of constructed mutants. The Plant Pathology Journal, 38(5), 482.

6. Hernandez - Morales, A., Pérez - Casillas, J. M., Soria - Guerra, R. E., VelázquezFernández, J. B., &

Arvizu - Gómez, J. L. (2017). First report of Pantoea

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7. Ibrahim, R., N. W. Ismail-Suhaimy, T. Shu- Qing, S. |. Ismail, M. Y. Ina-Salwany, M. T. Yusof, M.

Hakiman, D. S. Karam, and D. Zulperi. 2020. Draft

genome sequencing data of a pathogenic Pantoea

stewartii subspecies stewarti strain SQT1 causing

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8. Janse J.D. 2009. Phytobacteriology Principles and Practice. CABI

9. Schaad, N. W., Jones, J. B., & Chun, W.

(2001). Laboratory Guide for dentification of plant pathogenic bacteria. American Phytopathological

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10. Võ Thị Ngọc Hà, Phạm Kim Huyền, Đinh Thị Thảo Quyên (2023). Hiện trạng và tác nhân gây bệnh

đen xơ trên mít thái (artocarpus heterophyllus lam.) tại

thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Trường Đại học Nông Lâm TP. Hồ Chi Minh.

11. Zhao, Y., Xiao, M., Yan, C., Hu, F. C., Zhang, S., Wang, X., & Fan, H. Y. (2023). First Report of Bronzing Disease Caused by Pantoea sfewarii on Jackfruit in China. Plant Dis.

12. ZhaoJunior, J. C. R., Tamanini, R., Soares, B. F., De Oliveira, A. M., De Godoi Silva, F., Da Silva, F. F., & Beloti, V. (2016). Efficiency of boiling and four other methods for genomic DNA extraction of deteriorating spore-forming

bacteria from milk. Semina: Ciéncias

Agrárias, 37(5), 3069-3078.

Phan bién: PGS.TS. Nguyén Van Vién

Một phần của tài liệu Đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học cấp Trường: Ứng dụng nguồn gen xạ khuẩn của Việt Nam trong phòng trừ bệnh hại do vi sinh vật gây ra trên giống sâm bản địa Panax L. có giá trị cao (Trang 71 - 80)

Tải bản đầy đủ (PDF)

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