The process of transporting goods domestically and internationally

Một phần của tài liệu Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: Research application of blockchain technology in transportation management in logistics (Trang 30 - 51)


1. The process of transporting goods domestically and internationally

Export Customs Clearance The shippi ng process Import Customs Clearance

Origin Origin port Destination port Destination

Shipper warehouse :B =: warehouse Consignee

ủỡ se [ElmeH Oy Hmeẽrlssớ/ỡ

Export Haulage Origin Handling Ocean Freight Destination Handling Import Haulage

Fig 5. The shipping process

The process of transporting goods have some steps, where:

e Exporting goods: The first part of the shipping process involves moving the goods

from the supplier to the courier's facility. Goods typically move by road (by truck), rail or a combination.

e Customs Export: Every shipment leaving a country must go through customs

procedures to meet regulatory requirements. Export customs clearance may be carried out by a duly licensed courier or an agent appointed by the courier.

e Origin Handling: Origin Handling includes all the physical handling and

inspection of the goods from its receipt at the origin warehouse until it is loaded onto the ship in a container.

e Sea Freight: Couriers decide which shipping lines to use to carry out sea freight from origin to destination to meet the time required for shipments.

e Import Customs: Import customs procedures can often begin before the goods arrive in the destination country.

e Destination Handling: Includes the transfer of containers from ship to shore and from port to the couriers destination warehouse. It also includes unloading the goods from the container and preparing the goods for pickup by the consignee.

e Destination processing is performed by the courier or an agent designated by the courier. It may be charged to the shipper or consignee, but always needs to be paid


in full before the goods can be delivered to the consignee.

e Import shipping: The final leg of the shipping process is the actual delivery of the goods to the consignee. It can be done by the courier or a local shipping company nominated by the consignee. If this part of the shipping process is arranged by the shipper, it is often reasonable to use a courier who can also arrange for import shipping.

© Lựa chọn đa dạng Tự động cập nhật Miễn phí thu tiền Thanh toán tiền Chi phí thấp hơn Phí vận chuyển tình trạng đơn hộ, tăng lợi nhuận thu hộ nhanh hơn tới 20%

Sq 1900.2812 cạnh tranh hàng thêm 1%

- 1 fe Bọ TP

Shop đăng nhập Nhân viên HVC HVC giao hàng cho Nhanh đối soát trả Giao dịch hoàn và tạo đơn hàng qua địa chỉ shop khách, thu hộ tiến tiền cho shop thành

qua hệ thống của để lấy hàng tận trực tiếp (COD) và (2 lần/tuần) qua tài

Nhanh nơi cập nhật trạng thái khoản ngân hàng /

đơn hàng tài khoản Bảo Kim


Fig 6: The ordering process

This is the ordering process, here:

Step 1: Choose the product you want to buy.

Step 2: Fill in personal information: full name, phone number, address

Step 3: Apply discount codes (if any, including: shipping discount codes, order discounts,...). Then, choose the payment method (here is the COD shipping method).

Step 4: Proceed to order.

Step 4: Wait for order confirmation from the buyer.


Step 5: Receive goods, pay the order to the shipping unit.

Step 6: Confirm receipt of goods.

2. Application of Blockchain technology in Logistics

Blockchain Smart Contract

Fig 7. Application of Blockchain technology in Logistics

Blockchain is not only a technology that resonates in the financial industry, but also a potential solution to the problems facing the logistics industry. First, the ability to provide a reliable product information tracking and retrieval system. Through the use of Blockchain, all information about goods, from origin, transportation to storage period, can be recorded transparently and cannot be changed.

And below, I will list some practical applications that blockchain has brought to this industry.

e Supply chain tracking: Blockchain helps improve the ability to track goods throughout the supply chain, from production to transportation and distribution.

Not only does this increase transparency, but it also helps prevent fraud, such as counterfeit or prohibited goods. IBM and Maersk have partnered to create TradeLands, a blockchain-based supply chain tracking platform.

e@ Optimize the payment process: Some logistics businesses create automated

payment systems based on blockchain. This reduces complexity and saves time 1n processing invoices and payments.

e Enhanced transparency: With its ability to be immutable and easily auditable,

blockchain helps increase transparency and reduce fraud in the logistics industry.

This is especially important for industries such as pharmaceuticals or food, where tracking the origin of products is extremely important.


ou = Login/Sign

Up Yes Customer and

transportation info saved into DB Confirm purchase and


System recommend other options


System analyze the requirement

Send to customer transportation

information completed

[Send to customer info of Node in Blockchain Information of block is}

sent to DB

Customer Track shipping information

Fig 8. Customer order creation process

The depicted flow chart provides a strategic outline for a customer-centric logistics system, enhanced with the transformative capabilities of blockchain technology. At the commencement of the interaction, customers are prompted to engage with the platform through a secure login or sign-up process, which serves as the gateway to a suite of

logistics services. Upon entering the system, the customer is directed to a critical junction where they are required to confirm the details of their purchase and the accompanying shipment. This juncture is crucial as it initiates the transaction sequence that will be immutably recorded on the blockchain, offering an unprecedented level of transparency and security.

Should the customer affirm the details of their transaction, the system proceeds to capture and store their information along with the specifics of the transportation arrangement into a robust database. This database serves as the initial repository of record before the transaction details are committed to the blockchain. The system, harnessing sophisticated algorithms and leveraging the extensive dataset, embarks on a


comprehensive analysis of the customer's requirements. This analysis is a multifaceted evaluation considering factors such as route optimization, cost-efficiency, and scheduling to ensure a seamless logistics experience.

As the system concludes its examination, it transmits detailed information regarding the blockchain node assigned to the customer's transaction. This pivotal communication provides the customer with the necessary tools to track the shipping information with unparalleled accuracy and reliability, thanks to the blockchain's inherent characteristics of immutability and decentralized verification. It's a testament to the seamless integration of modern logistics practices with cutting-edge blockchain technology, resulting in enhanced customer empowerment.

Conversely, should the customer opt not to confirm the purchase and shipment initially, the system displays adaptability by recommending alternative options. This mechanism exemplifies the platform's commitment to user satisfaction and flexibility, ensuring that customer preferences and circumstances are accommodated, and the most suitable logistics solutions are provided.

In the subsequent phase of the process, customers engage with an intuitive interface that allows them to monitor the shipping information actively. This interface represents the fusion of blockchain's transparent ledger with user-friendly technology, affording customers real-time visibility into the journey of their goods across the supply chain. The culmination of the shipping process is marked by the system notifying the customer that the transportation information has been completed — a signal that the product has either reached its final destination or a significant transit milestone.

Concurrently, the conclusion of the shipping process prompts an update in the database, reflecting the addition of a new block to the blockchain. This update solidifies the transaction within the blockchain's sequential chain of data blocks, creating a permanent and unalterable record of the completed service. The blockchain's role in this system is multifaceted, serving not only as a secure ledger for transaction recording but also as a tool for ensuring the integrity and traceability of the logistical process from start to finish.


Through this intricate dance of technology and customer service, the logistics system encapsulated in the flowchart stands as a paragon of the modern fusion between blockchain technology and logistics management. It reflects a future where efficiency,

security, and user empowerment are not merely aspirational goals but tangible realities.

= Login/Sign

Up 1 2

Shipper and transportation info

saved into DB Confirm purchase and


System recommend other options


System analyze the requirement

Update transportation information


Update information

upper join blockchaifra

update information transportation

Send to shipper info of Customer

Fig 9: Shipper's order creation process

This flowchart outlines a blockchain-integrated process for managing logistics from the shipper's perspective, detailing the steps involved in confirming and processing a shipment, as well as updating and sharing relevant information. Here's a detailed explanation of the flowchart:

Upon initiating the logistics process, a shipper engages with a digital platform, entering through a secure login or sign-up portal to authenticate their identity and access shipping

services. This entrance serves as a threshold to the vast array of logistics operations, catalyzing a sequence of events that ensures efficient and secure transaction management within the blockchain ecosystem.

Once authenticated, the shipper encounters a decisive moment wherein they must


confirm the details of their purchase and the associated shipment. This pivotal decision dictates the ensuing flow of actions. An affirmative decision triggers the system to save the shipper and transportation information into the database. This repository serves as the preliminary archive for transaction records, which will later be appended to the blockchain ledger. Subsequent to data recording, the system embarks on an analytical phase, scrutinizing the shipper's specifications and requirements with a fine-tooth comb.

This meticulous analysis ensures that the service provided aligns perfectly with the shipper's demands, cementing the platform's commitment to precision and user satisfaction.

Should the system's analysis yield positive, the process advances to a subsequent stage where the shipper is furnished with comprehensive information about the customer. This exchange is integral to maintaining transparency and facilitating a seamless logistical operation, which is fortified by the blockchain's capacity for unyielding data integrity.

Conversely, if the shipper does not confirm the purchase and shipment, the system demonstrates its dynamic nature by suggesting alternative options. This step underscores the platform's adaptability and its unwavering dedication to accommodating the shipper's preferences, ensuring the provision of a customized and agile logistics experience.

Independent of the path taken, the process ultimately converges at a juncture where the shipper actively joins the blockchain network. By doing so, they enter a realm of enhanced data veracity, where each update to transportation information is chronicled in an immutable ledger. These updates, encompassing milestones or completion of the transportation service, are etched into the blockchain, guaranteeing an indelible record that enhances trust and accountability amongst all stakeholders within the supply chain.

The final act in this orchestrated sequence is the updating of transportation information upon the completion of the service. This culminating step is two-fold; it signifies the successful execution of the logistical task and concurrently ensures that the transactional data on the blockchain ledger is current. It is a fitting denouement to the logistics process, underscoring the transformative impact of blockchain technology in redefining traditional logistical paradigms.


In conclusion, this flowchart provides a detailed representation of a blockchain-integrated logistics process as experienced by a shipper. It encapsulates the comprehensive, step-by-step progression of transactions, from confirmation through to the final update, all within the secure and transparent environment afforded by blockchain technology. The process not only reflects an advancement in logistics management but also heralds a new era where efficiency, security, and user empowerment are paramount. If you have any specific requests or need further explanations, feel free to reach out.



1. Technologies used in research

e Laragon

Laragon is a program that provides the most useful WAMP environment (short for Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) and can completely replace XAMPP1. With Laragon, you can completely install the WAMP environment easily, quickly and conveniently as well as manage them. Laragon supports many other web programming

languages such as Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby and other database management systems such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB. You can download Laragon from their homepage. Laragon is also known for its ability to easily and quickly create a Laravel development environment on Windows. In addition, we can also add some other languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, ... or other databases such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL to Laragon with just a few simple steps.

e HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is a free and open source administration tool for MySQL, MariaDB and its forks. In addition, HeidiSQL also supports Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. The original source code was taken from Ansgar Becker's MySQL-Front 2.5 software.

HeidiSQL is designed to connect and manage databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. HeidiSQL has a friendly graphical interface, allowing users to manipulate the database more easily. HeidiSQL allows users to browse and edit data, create and edit tables, views, procedures, triggers and scheduled events.

e PhpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin is a free, open source tool written in the PHP programming language to handle MySQL administrative tasks through a web browser. It can perform many tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or records; execute according to SQL report; or manage users and licensing.

Key features of PhapMyAdmin include:


- User management: Add, delete, edit information, assign rights to users.

- Database management: Create, delete, edit, add tables, rows, fields, search for objects.

- Import/Export: Supports SQL, XML and CSV formats.

- Execute MySQL queries, monitor the process, and track those queries.

e Php

The PHP language (short for Personal Home Page, currently Hypertext Preprocessor) is a scripting programming language or a type of code mainly used to develop applications written for servers. PHP is widely used in developing web applications.

Here is some basic information about PHP:

- PHP is designed to create dynamic content that interacts with the Database.

- When writing software in PHP, the command sequence will be processed on the server to generate HTML code on the client.

- PHP can be easily embedded into an HTML page.

- PHP is compatible with many different platforms such as Windows, MacOS and Linux.

- PHP is also a free and open source programming language.

- PHP is integrated with some popular databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.

e Solidity

Solidity is a high-level, object-oriented programming language used to create smart contracts that automate transactions on the blockchain. Solidity was developed by the Ethereum Foundation and first introduced in 2014. Initially, this language was created to support the deployment and execution of Smart Contracts on the Ethereum platform.

However, with the development and popularity of blockchain, Solidity has become an important programming language not only on Ethereum but also on many other blockchain platforms.


Key features of Solidity include:

- Full support for writing Smart Contracts, allowing the creation of flexible decentralized applications on the blockchain.

- Ensure consistency and security using encryption and digital signature concepts.

- Solidity's syntax is relatively easy to understand and is similar to the syntax of the JavaScript programming language.

e Remix IDE

Remix IDE is an online Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that helps developers write, test, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum network. Remix IDE is designed to help programmers write code and develop applications more easily.

Key features of Remix IDE include:

- Write Smart Contract, compile, deploy Solidity code.

- Integrate with test nets and web.

- Because Remix IDE runs in the browser, I can use it to interact with the MetaMask wallet.

2. Build database


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Fig 10. Database

The architecture of our data management system hinges on a centralized database system due to its proficiency in safeguarding sensitive customer data that is not suitable for publication on the Blockchain. Recognizing the paramount importance of data security and privacy, particularly in an era where information is as valuable as currency, we have meticulously designed a database system that includes a range of tables tailored to organize and store critical data effectively. These tables are constructed to encapsulate a wealth of information, from user credentials and transaction details to inventory logs and shipping records, ensuring that every data point is accounted for and can be accessed or audited with precision.

To leverage the robustness of our database system, we have integrated it with Laragon, a powerful local development environment that streamlines web application development.

Laragon brings with it a suite of impressive features, including the provision of multiple administration tools that cater to different preferences and technical requirements.

Among these tools are PhpMyadmin and HeidiSQL, each offering a unique set of functionalities and user experiences. PhpMyadmin, known for its web-based interface, allows for comprehensive database management through a browser, making it highly accessible and easy to use. On the other hand, HeidiSQL provides a more


desktop-oriented experience, with a rich user interface that supports complex query construction and batch operations, which are invaluable for database administrators who require a more in-depth interaction with the data.

The dual availability of these administration tools underscores our commitment to flexibility and efficiency. It allows our team to choose the most suitable tool for specific tasks, thereby optimizing our workflow and enhancing productivity. This level of adaptability also extends to various database operations, from simple data insertion and updates to more complex procedures like backups, restorations, and migrations, all of which are instrumental in maintaining the integrity and availability of our customer data.

Furthermore, the choice to employ Laragon as part of our data infrastructure reflects our dedication to providing a seamless development environment that empowers our team to focus on innovation without being encumbered by configuration overheads. By harnessing the power of Laragon, combined with the robustness of PhpMyadmin and HeidiSQL, we are poised to create a database ecosystem that is not only secure and comprehensive but also dynamic and developer-friendly.

In conclusion, the strategic decision to build a centralized database system, complemented by the functional versatility of Laragon and its accompanying administrative tools, PhpMyadmin and HeidiSQL, positions us at the forefront of secure and efficient data management. This infrastructure serves as the backbone of our operations, underpinning our unwavering commitment to protect our customers' data while providing them with the assurance that their information is managed with the utmost care and professionalism.

3. Build Smart Contract structure

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Một phần của tài liệu Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: Research application of blockchain technology in transportation management in logistics (Trang 30 - 51)

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(51 trang)