Research in focus Open data

Một phần của tài liệu Các công cụ và kỹ thuật nghiên cứu tiếp thị (Marketing research tools and techniques) (Trang 109 - 114)

Information available to the researcher was originally created by someone with their own resources and money; it has therefore been paid for. Some data owners realise that after their initial use, the data findings may be of little value, and so results are offered free of charge. This is sometimes as a public service or sometimes as a public relations gesture. In other cases, owners

of information recognise that they have a clear asset and it would be unusual for them to give it away completely free of charge. Further sales take place in many ways; data can be bought directly from the data owner or through another company.

In the online business information segment, many free company information, government information, directory, and news sources have eroded the share taken by fee-based services in a movement that has been called ‘open data’. Open data is defined as ‘data that can be republished without fear of copyright restrictions’. It is particularly evident in government data sources such as that found at in Britain and from the USA. These data owners are aware that they have so much valuable information that they could not possibly exploit it beyond the ways in which they already use it, and therefore invite third parties to find further uses. One commercial example is to offer smartphone apps with travel details, all derived from government transportation data.

An aggregator collects information from many different sources and might charge different rates for the content of its different databases to reflect the costs faced. Another may charge the same rate, regardless of the source, to create an easy-to-understand pricing structure for clients. Subscriptions can make some information appear to be free but a ‘pay-as-you-go’ option adds to the complexity. Paradoxically, this situation can mean that it is more expensive to buy directly from the company that collected the data to begin with. One thing is certain—the occasional user has reason to be confused and reluctant to invest in expensive services.

David Mort of IRN Research says: ‘The free sources are often used for basic information, or used at

the start of an information or research process, with more detailed content obtained from the fee-paid services’.

Compiled by Nigel Bradley 2012.


Mort, D. (2003) European online revenues on the rise, Research Information special report, http://www.researchinformation. info/special2003overview.html

Plosker, G. (2004) Making money as an aggregator, Online, March/April, 28(2), Temperton, J. (2011) How to explore opendata. Computer Active, 23 June, pp. 52–53, 55.


1 Why are some data sets free or of low cost?

2 How have pricing structures changed in recent years?

3 Why are governments happy for anyone to take their data free of charge?

Part 2 Data collection


of a marketplace that is not possible from viewing on-screen material. There are several

important libraries in each country that off er a range of services. In the UK, many such archives

are in London. They include the British Library ( and government resources

such as: the Offi ce for National Statistics Service (, Business Link

(, City Business Library (http://www.cityofl, and

Westminster Central Reference Library ( There are also many

specialist libraries run by industry bodies, usually located at trade associations.

Two main means of location should be considered: both human searches and computer

searches. Each method may complement the other and may also provide duplicate

information. Researchers diff er in their willingness to initiate their studies using one or the

other. For example, some people prefer to avoid making contact with other people until

documents have been inspected. Others prefer to ask someone to help guide them through

the masses of information available. When faced with many sources of information, people

employ mechanisms such as being selective, ignoring information, and also asking for help

from anyone who may have carried out similar searches before.

The amount of data available from secondary sources is enormous and, as each day

passes, more is added. For this reason, the desk researcher needs to set limits on the various

parameters before research takes place. This is sometimes known as ‘scoping’ or setting the

scope. There are limits that need to be set on:

• Time spent, cost expended

• Number of sources searched

Liaise with client

Submit regular progress reports Locate people

and documents

Evaluate sources and data

Gain access and

capture data Plan human and


searches together.

Set limits on time/cost/other

Figure 3.5 The desk research process

Chapter 3 Secondary data


• Language to use (e.g. English only)

• Geographical parameters (e.g. UK only)

• Historical parameters (e.g. one year old, up to fi ve years old)

• Format of data (e.g. bound report, online, on disk)

• Methodology used (e.g. quant or qual).

The researcher must attempt to impose some form of sampling on the documentation available. In this case, the sample may be an indication that further investigation is needed

in a particular direction. It is impossible to search for the locations of all documents and it is therefore impossible to gain access to all documents. It is feasible to divide the two activities and allocate time (and therefore cost) to each. Once the procedures begin, the time spent on identifi cation and time spent on accessing diff erent resources should be monitored.

Human searches

By human searches, we are referring to the idea of asking someone for directions to sources; it may be that they have the information themselves. This includes visits to general and specialist libraries. The ways to contact a human, in order of effi ciency, are by email, by phone, and in person. We are not contacting the human to carry out a qualitative depth interview, or to administer a fully structured questionnaire; we are looking to glean facts or sources for other facts. The person identifi ed will act as a ‘guide’ to show the way, and also to give some interesting facts. The important thing is to fi nd the right human to ask—someone who has already had a need for the information you seek—but who would that be? A journalist? A competitor?

A scholar? Does a librarian know? Find the right person and you will save hours of searching archives—that person will be your signpost. Think of the saying ‘A wise man learns from experience’, and then consider this addition, ‘A very wise man learns from someone else’s experience’.

Paradoxically, direct contact with individuals who have knowledge of a particular fi eld comes from looking at published sources. Existing sources are used to identify potential contacts, and expert interviewing then permits the researcher to identify fruitful sources, thereby saving time and money. Initially, it is instinctive for us to contact known people, but the desk researcher must not be afraid to contact strangers. Indeed, Flynn (2005) found, in

a study into communication, that university reference librarians are more likely to contact

a slight pre-existing acquaintance’ when seeking assistance via email. But Flynn believes that email has made them more likely to contact unacquainted or loosely acquainted peers. The important thing is to plan human searches by identifying relevant people, then their names and contact details, before starting communications. The actual communications should not

be as ambitious as a structured questionnaire nor as open as a topic guide; they should enable the ‘respondent’ to cooperate with ease.

Computer searches

Even when faced with the computer, it cannot be denied that human judgement comes into play by acting as a fi lter to reject, or to include, or even to modify, secondary data to make it useful for decision-making.

Part 2 Data collection


The Internet is a series of ‘interconnected networks’ and most of the content of these

networks is available as web pages or fi les that can be accessed using a standard browser. Desk

research will inevitably start with the Internet, so it is important to be familiar with some of the

devices available (see Figure 3.6).

Directories provide an ordered structure to the many websites in the world. A long standing

automated example is Yahoo ( This is a logical organisation of data on

the web and can be browsed or searched. The famous Open Directory is created by human

editors and can be found at Directories are useful because they show similar

services (competitors) together in context.

Search engines provide users with a service of locating and retrieving information from

documents located on the Internet. Search engines can search all media, whether text, sound,

or images. Search engines diff er from each other, so if one does not work for a sector, the

user can simply try another (see Table 3.8). The Search Engine Watch site (http://www. gives information on the diff erent search engines on off er, showing

their strengths.

Metasearch engines will perform a simultaneous search on several engines: for example, or




Others Images

Groups Web



Figure 3.6 Popular search engines

Chapter 3 Secondary data


Blog search engines will search web-based diaries written by private individuals or companies: for example, or blogsearch.

A slightly diff erent device to the engine is an agent: the search agent allows users to search for information taking specifi c needs into account: it is a sort of intelligent search engine. This may adjust itself automatically, depending on previous actions carried out by the user, or the user can specify preferences.

Traditionally Boolean logic operators help in searching databases. Internet searches have become more user friendly and Boolean logic is largely hidden from the user. Here are

a few points for users who may need these tools. The three main Boolean logic operators have three outcomes. One widens the search, one narrows the search, and the last one will exclude items. Respectively, they are the words: or;and;not. For example, if the words ‘farmers

or doctors’ are inserted into a search engine query, the search engine will fi nd documents where either word (‘farmers’ or ‘doctors’) appears. This will fi nd documents that only feature the word ‘doctors’. It will also fi nd documents that only feature the word ‘farmers’. If we use the word ‘and’ (or the sign +) with the words ‘farmers’ and ‘doctors’ and insert that into a search engine, then the engine will fi nd documents where both words (farmers and doctors) appear. It will not fi nd documents that

only feature the word ‘doctors’. We have eff ectively narrowed the search.

If we use the word ‘not’ (or the sign −) with the words ‘farmers not doctors’

and insert that into a search engine, then the engine will fi nd documents where the word ‘farmers’ appears, but

not ‘doctors’. It will not fi nd documents

for the word after ‘not’. Again, we have eff ectively narrowed the search. The sign * is known as a wildcard. It can

be used as a clipping. In summary, to broaden your search, use + and also −

to narrow your search.

Diff erent types of search device

Type Description Example

Search engine Searches archives of images,

sounds or text on a computer network

Blog search engine

Searches web-based diaries written by anyone

Metasearch engines

Seeks results from several search engines simultaneously



Part 2 Data collection


Any thesaurus will provide similar words that can be used in searches. Robot language

translators can convert these into other languages (see Table 3.9).

Ask your question as a question—for example, What is biotechnology?—and place it in

inverted commas (quotation marks), to become: ‘What is biotechnology?’. This will search

for the phrase intact, and if it appears in a page, the answer will probably be somewhere

Common mistakes

Một phần của tài liệu Các công cụ và kỹ thuật nghiên cứu tiếp thị (Marketing research tools and techniques) (Trang 109 - 114)

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