Limitations and directions for further research

Một phần của tài liệu Business strategy, bank operation, and the role of intellectual capital development (Trang 165 - 196)

Although having certain endeavors and achieving some main findings, this study also remains some drawbacks that academicians could bridge these gaps in the coming future. For instance, while the study mostly emphasizes local banks as the research sample to investigate the role of IC in banking operations, future researchers could investigate foreign banks in Vietnam to point out the influence of IC on these banks and compare it with the findings. This, in turn, would generalize the role of IC in the business operations of the whole banking system.

Furthermore, it can be said that, the research sample, to some extent, may be quite small and hence, the results may not yet provide a general picture of the whole banking system

in Vietnam. In this sense, future researchers can expand the size of the sample (both number

of banks and the chosen period) to reexamine the findings. To increase the number of observations, scholars can collect the financial data per quarter in lieu of per year. Due to the limited availability of published data, it is hoped that future studies can fulfill this research gap. Future researchers can also take a different approach in assessing bank size (large and small banks) by relying on other standards, for example, commercial bank group with total assets of over 100,000 billion VND (large banks) and commercial bank group with total assets

of 100,000 billion VND or less (small banks) as mentioned in Chapter 4.

Another compelling gap is that it is necessary to examine the effects of Covid-19 on the relationship between IC and other banking operations. Because Vietnam has witnessed the outbreak of this pandemic since 2020 and its consequences are not marginal, future studies should pay much attention to this aspect. Along with expanding the period mentioned above, the examination of the possible influences of Covid-19 may cast light on some important issues such as whether leaning on intellectual resources can contribute to the elimination of unexpected consequences resulting from Covid-19 spread.

As stated in the previous chapters, it should be acknowledged that even though the popularity of performing VAIC model as the effective measure of IC efficiency, this approach also contains some limitations (see more detail in the subsection 3.1 of Chapter 3). In fact, there are various efforts in the existing literature to modify and adjusted this model to narrow these drawbacks. For instance, the prior studies (e.g., Bayraktaroglu et al., 2019; Buallay et al., 2020; Faruq et al., 2023; Nimtrakoon, 2015; Phusavat et al., 2011; Vidyarthi & Tiwari, 2019; Vishnu & Gupta, 2015; and among others) have approached the adjusted VAIC or modified VAIC, or extended VAIC, which adds the costs related to marketing and sales, R&D, into VAIC model, to measure IC efficiency. Hence, future research can utilize this method to reinvestigate the findings of the study or different aspects of banking operations.

In addition, the qualitative or mixed methods to evaluate the relationship between IC and different angles of banking operations also need to be captivated.

For instance, by gathering information from multi-stakeholders, future research should answer the question of whether the IC-based management could enhance the quality of financial products and services and improve the confidence and trust of the clientele of banks

or not. In this regard, the systems thinking approach may be seen as the holistic method to reexamine the results in this study because it would not only be highly productive in the case

of constraint of data (Nguyen et al., 2015b), but also be used in many study fields such as business management and psychology (Nguyen et al., 2015a). Additionally, these measures could be seen as a new way of thinking to overcome complicated issues and to provide a deeper insight into multi-relations between different parts of a specific system (Bosch et al., 2013).

Eventually, other industries in Vietnam also need to be estimated and conducting a comparison with the findings of this study, especially Fintech firms which are new competitors in the financial market. A variety of previous studies have highlighted the impacts

of these modern companies on the financial sector (e.g., Buchak et al., 2018; Le et al., 2021; Lee et al., 2021; and among others), therefore, new research can dig more into the role of IC

in business operations of new commers, and perhaps, other industries. It is hoped that the study would open up new ways for future studies in this crucial field.

Brief Summary of Chapter 5

Based on the main purposes, research objectives, methodology and the findings analyzed in the previous chapters, Chapter 5 provides the general conclusions of the dissertation. At the same time, the chapter gives some main points about the practical and theoretical implications, which are close connection with the empirical results. What is more, the chapter also recognizes various drawbacks of the study, indicating that future academicians can build the bridge to fulfill these research limitations. Again, it is hoped that the current study may stimulate more future researchers, who will pay special attention to and delve much into the crucial role of intellectual resources and intangible sources as a whole in the daily business operations of not only banks but also non-bank organizations in Vietnam and others.


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