Due to the limitation of time and resources, this study is only within the scope of Can Tho city. Therefore, further studies can expand the scope of research to other localities of the Mekong Delta or to the whole country. The result of this empirical work is quite surprising that product quality is not a determinant of consumer purchase. Then, future research should be looking at whether product quality can be a deciding factor in the brand's product purchase.
In addition, there may be other factors such as service quality, promotion, brand factors,... affecting the decision to purchase products of Highlands Coffee brand but not included in the proposed model. research. From there, the thesis proposes that further studies can apply this research model and consider other factors affecting the purchase decision.
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THO CITY --- Hello Mr/Ms.
My name is Le Thuy An, a student of International Business (high quality program) at the School of Economics, Can Tho University. Currently, I am working on a thesis on the topic of factors affecting consumers' decision to purchase products of Highlands Coffee brand in Can Tho City. Looking forward to your help by taking a little time to complete the questionnaire below, your contribution is very much needed to me. These contributions will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Thank you very much for your help.
2. Gender 3. Age
Male Under 18 years old
Female From 18-25 years old
From 26-35 years old Over 35 years old
4. Education 5. Occupation
Not graduated high school Student
Graduated high school General workers (tailors,…)
Professional middle Officer worker
College/University Civil servant
Post-graduate (master/doctor) Self-employed
6. Living area 7. Income
Ninh Kieu district Under 5 million
Cai Rang district From 5-10 million
Binh Thuy district From 11-15 million
Over 15 million 8. Do you purchase products of Highlands Coffee brand?
Yes (move to part IIB) No (move to part IIA)
1. What makes you not purchase products of Highlands Coffee brand? (multiple choice question)
Never heard of the brand There is no need
Products are not diverse High price
Do not like the space
2. Where do you often hear information about Highlands Coffee brand?
(multiple choice question) Television
Advertising on social networks Friends and relatives
Never heard of the brand Other………
3. What brands of coffee and drinks do you use often? (multiple choice question)
Trung Nguyen Legend The Coffee House Phuc Long
1. How often do you purchase Highlands Coffee brand products?
Everyday 1-2 times/week 3-5 times/week Sometimes (2-3 times/month)
2. When do you use Highlands Coffee brand products? (multiple choice question)
Morning Midday Afternoon Evening
3. What products of Highlands Coffee brand do you usually purchase? (multiple choice question)
Traditional coffee (Phin iced milk, Phin iced/hot black) Espresso coffee (mocha, americano, cappuccino, latte,…) Freeze (green tea, socola, cookies & cream, classic,…) Tea (golden lotus, peach, lychee, green tea & red bean,…) Iced lemon
Hot/iced Socola Bread
4. How much do you spend each time purchasing products of Highlands Coffee brand?
19.000-29.000 dong 35.000-49.000 dong 54.000-64.000 dong 65.000-75.000 dong
Please indicate your rating of the statements, tick the box to indicate your level of agreement with the following views: (1). Strongly disagree (2). Disagree (3).
Neutral (4). Agree (5). Strongly agree 1. Indicate how much you agree with the criteria “Product quality”
Strongly disagree
Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
agree The product is
delicious and attractive The product is
beautifully decorated Consistent quality across branches The product reaches the standard of safety 2. Indicate how much you agree with the criteria "Price”
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
agree Price affordability (an
economical price, cheap)
Price match with product quality
High price compared to other brands
Stable price, little change
3. Indicate how much you agree with the criteria “Store atmosphere”
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
agree Spacious, comfortable
space Quiet, creating a luxurious feeling
Beautiful decoration, harmonious light Characteristic, pleasant fragrance
76 The music soft and
pleasant to hear
4. Indicate how much you agree with the criteria “Reference group”
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
agree Know HC brand
through friends and relatives introduced Know HC brand through referral sellers
Know HC brand through logo, product packaging
Know HC brand through product information on social networks
Please rank from 1-5 in ascending order to show your level of influence/interest in the criteria of Highlands Coffee brand (1: least influence/interest, 5: most influential/concerned).
1. Please rank 1-4 in ascending order to show your level of concern about criteria “Product quality”
Criteria Rank
Delicious and attractive The product is beautifully decorated Consistent quality across branches The product reaches the standard of safety
2. Please rank 1-4 in ascending order to show your level of concern about criteria “Price”
Criteria Rank
Price affordability (an economical price, cheap)
Price match with product quality High price compared to other brands Stable price, little change
3. Please rank 1-5 in ascending order to show your level of concern about criteria “Store atmosphere”
Criteria Rank
Spacious, comfortable space Quiet, creating a luxurious feeling Beautiful decoration, harmonious light Characteristic, pleasant fragrance The music soft and pleasant to hear
4. Please rank 1-4 in ascending order to show your level of concern about criteria “Reference group”
Criteria Rank
Know HC brand through friends and relatives introduced
Know HC brand through referral sellers Know HC brand through logo, product packaging
Know HC brand through product information on social networks
Q1 (part IIA)
Q2 (part IIA)
Q3 (part IIA)
Q1 (part IIB)
Q2 (part IIB)
Q3 (part IIB)
Q4 (part IIB)
Level of customer interest in product selection criteria of HC brand
2. Cronbach’s Alpha
3. EFA
4. Binary logistic regression