It increases your general knowledge and helps you to learn new things
It gives you a good understanding of other cultures
It helps you to understand human behaviour and how people make deci
It can help you to spell correctly.
It can stop people feeling lonely
e Itcan be educational and informative bt also be relaxing and fun
There are also people
F READING! who think that reading helps Our
appears to increase creativity, too concentration. And it Great writers often begin the ir careers as great readers
Here are some quotations about reading from three famous writers:
66 Reading is to the mind what exercise is
to the body.
Joseph Addison
66 A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never
reads lives only one.
George R.R. Martin
66 Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. 55
Margaret Fuller
Sadly, ìn 2012, the National Literacy Trust found thai
children in the UK don't want their friend:
to see them reading 4 book. They're worried that the nds don’t think reading is cool. It’s time to stop
that and to start enjoying 2 good bo
rrying about
4a Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 How does the National Literary Trust describe
‘reading for pleasure’?
2 Why do a number of British children not want to appear in public with a book?
4b SPEAKING Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
1 What do you read for pleasure and how often do you do it?
2 Which benefits of reading in the text are in your top three? Why?
3 Would you read a book in front of your friends?
4 Which of the three writers’ quotations do you prefer? Why?
5 SPEAKING In James's video blog, he gives ideas about how to ‘get the reading habit’. Work with a partner. Decide if you think the ideas below are Dos (a good idea to do) or Don'ts (a bad idea to do).
1 Ask your friends and other people for ideas about what books to read.
Let other people decide a book for you to read.
Read the back of the book before you begin.
Read the first page or two of the book.
Choose long books.
Stop reading the book if you don’t like it.
Start a blog.
- eq
> USTENING @ 55 Watch the video or listen.
tá Does James say if the ideas in 5 are Dos
or Don’ts? What other ideas does he give at the end of the video?
7a Work with a partner. What do you think of James's suggestions? Give each Do or Don't in 5 a mark from 0 (a bad idea) to 3 (a great idea).
7b Do you have any other ideas for getting the reading habit? How do you choose books to read?
Los Angeles in the future is q terrible place where a girl called June m eets a bo
They feel Something special. per en Oesn’t know that Day killed he
There are many more S0inssis mì Read about them in Legend by Marie Lu (The Hunger Games was good. Legend is great!)
You want to give the class an idea for a book to read. Work individually.
Follow this plan:
1 Choose a book you enjoyed reading. The book can be in English or in your own language.
2. Think about what happens in the book and why you enjoyed it. Make notes.
3 Make a poster to make other people want to read your book. Include text and an illustration.
Look at the example on this page.
4 Put your poster on the classroom wall.
5 Look at all the posters. Choose at least one book that you want to read. You can ask the person who made the poster to tell you more about the book before you decide.
6 Find the book and read it!
Grammar in context
uk WN
Cc H
1b 1ISùEW6 Q 56 Listen to a podcast about
1a Do you know anything about Charles Dickens or his books?
Work with a partner and guess the correct answers.
Charles Dickens was British/American.
Dickens lived in the 18/19" century.
Most of Dickens's stories took place in the city/the country.
Dickens's books were/weren’t immediately popular.
Dickens liked/didn’t like speaking in public.
harles Dickens and check your answers in 1a.
low many were right?
In the next activity, you complete notes by writing a word or phrase in the spaces. How important do you think it is to spell the words correctly?
> EXAM SUCCESS page 15 i)
2a Complete the notes.
2b © 56 Listen and check your answers.
Charles Dickens was born on (a) ..
When Dickens was a bay, his father went to (b) ...
When he was young, Dickens worked in a (c) At that time, working conditions were (d) Dickens wanted to work in the (2)
When he wrote his first novel, he was working as a
Dickens went to (g) twice to give
ie š
Dickens died when he was (i) ... years old.
56 Listen again and complete the timeline for Charles Dickens.
(a) : He was born.
1822: (b)
1824: (c)
(d) : He wrote his first novel.
1842: (e)
1867: (f)
—> (9g) He died.
a 4 SPEAKING What about you?
1 Do you remember any of Dickens's stories, from books, films or TV?
[14 tinuous
1 Read the sentences and answer the questions.
a Many people were living in bad conditions at that time.
b After three years, he went back to school.
¢ While he was working as a journalist, he wrote his first novel.
1 Do the verbs in red describe short completed actions in the past or activities in progress in the past?
2 And the verbs in blue?
3 Which verbs are in the past simple and which are in the past continuous?
4 Apart from the past form of to be, what do we need to make the past continuous?
5 Inc, what time expression is used
with the past continuous?
Z 2d Look at the picture below.
Complete the paragraph from the novel with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
When Pugwick looked out of the
f his town house he saw a
window © 7
typical London scene- It was very 9 y but it (a) (not rain).
A boy (b) ... (run) down the street with an apple in his hand.
He (c) (wear) very ok
clothes and he (d)
(not wear) shoes. The shop assistant
(shout) at him.
(e) "
At the same time, an old man a
woman (f) ..(buy)
fruit. They (9) ve ; (watch) the boy sadly. Unfortunately
they (h) (not look)
behind them because a young Mer (i) ... take) the old
man’s watch. On the other side of
girl, dirty, cold z .... (sleep the road, a young
hungry, {j) a shop door ô--
Noo oi... 2n ee ee OF
2b Work with a partner. Close your book. Try to remember what was happening in the scene.
3 Complete the sentences using the prompts. Put one verb in the past simple and the other in the past continuous.
1 I/read a book/when/my friend/
I was reading a book when my s friend called.
2 My mum/wait for me/when/I/get home.
3 She/see an accident/while/she/
wait for the bus.
4 He/walk in the park/when/he/
have an idea for a novel.
5 They/hear a knock on the door/
while/they/watch TV.
6 We/not listen/when/the teacher/ ° give the answer.
7 They/dance/when/he/stand on her toel
4 Complete the text by putting the verbs in the correct form of the past continuous or past simple.
JK Rowling Facts
JK Rowling (a) (write)
her first book at the age of six, while she (b) (study) at primary school. It was about a rabbit called Rabbit!
JK Rowling (c) (have) the idea for the Harry Potter books while
she (d) (travel) by train z
from London to Manchester. But she i
(e) (not have) a pen to write down notes. Other people
(f) (travel)
on the train but she was shy and (g)
(not ask) anybody for a pen!
In 1991, she
(h) (go)
to Portugal to work as an English teacher. While
she (i) (live) there, she
0) (have)
her first daughter, Jessica.
5a Think. What were you doing at these times in the past?
What were you doing ...
at 7.30 this morning?
at 10 last night?
at 10 yesterday morning?
at 3.30 yesterday afternoon?
at 7 on Sunday evening?
2 3 4 5 at 8 on Sunday morning?
6 7 at 1 on Saturday afternoon?
8 at 10 on Saturday evening?
5b SPEAKING Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in 5a. Are your answers similar?
What were you doing at seven thirty this morning?
| was sleeping.
| wasn’t sleeping. | was \ getting dressed.
Developing speaking
Talking about a past event
1 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Look at the photos. Take it in turns to talk about what you can see.
2 \ISTENNG © 57 Listen to a teenage girl talking about the photos showing a special event.
Complete the information about the event.
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Who did she go with?
What problem did they have?
What did they see when they arrived?
What happened in the end?
Was it a good experience?
3 @357 Listen to the dialogue again and tick (Y) the | 4b Work with a partner. Practise saying the
| words and expressions in the Speaking bank that expressions with the correct intonation.
you hear.
5 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Speak about a special
® SPEAKING BANK event in your life. Use the photo, questions in 2
|: . : : and the expressions from the Speaking bank.
i Useful expressions to show interest, surprise or
|, sympathy Student A: Your photo is on page 154.
| ™ Did you?/Did she?/Is he?/Have they? Student B: Your photo is on page 155.
; = Really? 6N h h
| = Then what happened? low changepligtos.
lH = |see.
Í aw A partner and take it in turns to do the task below.
| ae When you listen to your partner, use expressions
| = Cool! from the Speaking bank to show your interest.
= That's interesting.
= That's amazing! Tell a friend about a special event in your life. You can
= That's incredible! invent one if you prefer. Give details — say what you did,
| m Oh, dearl where, when ...
j = Oh, no!
= What a shame! Did | tell you about the time when | ...?
= Poor you!
| No! What happened?
| 4a PRONUNCIATION © 58 Listen to the useful expressions
in the Speaking bank, especially the intonation.
Developing writing
A story
1 Look at this title of a story. Work with a partner.
What do you think happens in the story?