5.3. Study limitations and future research
The current research looked at the effect of green marketing campaigns on consumer purchasing behavior in both people who knew about the environment and people who didn't. Due to time and cost constraints, the analysis centered on a non- random sample collection from a few urban areas in Vietnam. Second, it has concentrated on only a few aspects of green marketing. These factors restrict the scope of the current research. Future studies should involve more respondents, with
equal participation from urban and rural areas, in order to gain a better understanding of how people in the country react. It can assess the reaction of consumers to all aspects of green marketing by taking into account more variables when evaluating green marketing efforts.
The inference drawn from the above observations is made at the beginning of this chapter to summarize the results obtained from data analysis. Furthermore, some realistic and viable suggestions have been demonstrated to enhance factors that are, according to the study's findings, essential for enhancing the sensitive dependent factor. Finally, some flaws in the study's design, as well as the proposed solutions, have been identified in order to aid future articles in learning more about this unique topic and arriving at more logical conclusions.
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Variable scale
Variables Sign Observed variables names Green Advertising
ADS1 1. You are often exposed to Green advertisement.
ADS2 2. Green advertisements are helpful to enhance environmental awareness.
ADS3 3. Green advertisements accurately reflect a brand's environmental effort.
ADS4 4. Green advertisements are necessary for environmental awareness.
ADS5 5. You are skeptical to green advertising.
ELA1 1. You always buy eco-labeled products.
ELA2 2. You always notice whether the product carries eco- labels or not.
ELA3 3. If an eco-label product is not available, you will postpone your purchase.
ELA4 4. You are willing to pay an extra amount for eco- labeled products.
ELA5 5. You spend time searching for eco-labeled products before making purchases.
Green branding
BRA1 1. You can quickly recall the green image of green brands.
BRA2 2. Green brands are surely safe for the environment.
BRA3 3. Green brands provide better quality than other brands.
BRA4 4. Green brands use renewable sources of energy.
BRA5 5. Green brands help us saving the environment.
Environmental knowledge
EK1 1. You think that green products provide higher quality than regular ones with the exact same characteristics.
EK2 2. You have more knowledge about recycling then an average person.
EK3 3. You know where you can find products that create less wastage.
EK4 4. You have knowledge about the sustainability symbols used on product packages.
EK5 5. You are very knowledgeable about environmental and social issues.
Consumer Purchasing Patterns
CPP1 1. When you learn about the negative and harmful impact a product has in the environment, you stop buying it.
CPP2 2. In case there is an alternative, you prefer products which cause less pollution.
CPP3 3. Choosing between two products, you always buy the one which has the minimum impact on people and the environment.
CPP4 4. You change products when they do not comply with the ecological conditions/rules.
CPP5 5. You think green marketing practices positively affect your perception of the brand.
CPP6 6. Knowing a product can be recycled, reused or repaired after use is a reason for you to buy these particular
CPP7 7. You like buying products which can be recycled.
CPP8 8. You always buy energy efficient products.
Scale Adapted from
Green Advertising Tariq (2014)
Eco-labeling Jarvi (2010)
Green branding Huang et al. (2014)
Environmental knowledge Joshi (2017)
Consumer Buying Behavior Tariq (2014)
- First time:
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.517 5
Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item- Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item
ADS1 15.06 5.758 .332 .432
ADS2 14.31 5.603 .518 .339
ADS3 14.66 5.110 .443 .350
ADS4 14.42 6.069 .288 .460
ADS5 15.40 6.989 -.014 .665
- Second time:
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.665 4
Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item- Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item
ADS1 11.99 4.884 .274 .712
ADS2 11.25 4.348 .591 .517
ADS3 11.60 3.780 .537 .531
ADS4 11.35 4.468 .426 .611
- Third time:
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.712 3
Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item- Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item
ADS2 7.85 2.713 .571 .588
ADS3 8.19 2.179 .541 .617
ADS4 7.95 2.559 .497 .662
2. Eco-labeling
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.831 5
Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item- Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item
ELA1 13.54 9.771 .578 .812
ELA2 13.54 8.847 .668 .786