In the businessfolder, create a new file named customer.phpthat will contain the Customer class. The Customerclass is a little longer, and it mainly accesses the data tier functionality to respond to requests that come from the presentation tier. Write the following code in the business/customer.phpfile:
// Business tier class that manages customer accounts functionality class Customer
// Checks if a customer_id exists in session public static function IsAuthenticated() {
if (!(isset ($_SESSION['hatshop_customer_id']))) return 0;
else return 1;
// Returns customer_id and password for customer with email $email public static function GetLoginInfo($email)
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer_get_login_info(:email);';
// Build the parameters array
$params = array (':email' => $email);
// Prepare the statement with PDO-specific functionality
$result = DatabaseHandler::Prepare($sql);
// Execute the query and return the results return DatabaseHandler::GetRow($result, $params);
public static function IsValid($email, $password) {
$customer = self::GetLoginInfo($email);
if (empty ($customer['customer_id'])) return 2;
$customer_id = $customer['customer_id'];
$hashed_password = $customer['password'];
if (PasswordHasher::Hash($password) != $hashed_password) return 1;
else {
$_SESSION['hatshop_customer_id'] = $customer_id;
return 0;
} }
public static function Logout() {
public static function GetCurrentCustomerId() {
if (self::IsAuthenticated())
return $_SESSION['hatshop_customer_id'];
else return 0;
/* Adds a new customer account, log him in if $addAndLogin is true and returns customer_id */
public static function Add($name, $email, $password, $addAndLogin = true) {
$hashed_password = PasswordHasher::Hash($password);
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'SELECT customer_add(:name, :email, :password);';
// Build the parameters array
$params = array (':name' => $name, ':email' => $email, ':password' => $hashed_password);
// Prepare the statement with PDO-specific functionality
$result = DatabaseHandler::Prepare($sql);
// Execute the query and get the customer_id
$customer_id = DatabaseHandler::GetOne($result, $params);
if ($addAndLogin)
$_SESSION['hatshop_customer_id'] = $customer_id;
return $customer_id;
public static function Get($customerId = null) {
if (is_null($customerId))
$customerId = self::GetCurrentCustomerId();
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer_get_customer(:customer_id);';
// Build the parameters array
$params = array (':customer_id' => $customerId);
// Prepare the statement with PDO-specific functionality
$result = DatabaseHandler::Prepare($sql);
// Execute the query and return the results return DatabaseHandler::GetRow($result, $params);
public static function UpdateAccountDetails($name, $email, $password,
$dayPhone, $evePhone, $mobPhone,
$customerId = null) {
if (is_null($customerId))
$customerId = self::GetCurrentCustomerId();
$hashed_password = PasswordHasher::Hash($password);
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'SELECT customer_update_account(:customer_id, :name, :email, :password, :day_phone, :eve_phone, :mob_phone);';
// Build the parameters array
$params = array (':customer_id' => $customerId, ':name' => $name, ':email' => $email, ':password' => $hashed_password, ':day_phone' => $dayPhone, ':eve_phone' => $evePhone, ':mob_phone' => $mobPhone);
// Prepare the statement with PDO-specific functionality
$result = DatabaseHandler::Prepare($sql);
// Execute the query
return DatabaseHandler::Execute($result, $params);
public static function DecryptCreditCard($encryptedCreditCard) {
$secure_card = new SecureCard();
$credit_card = array();
$credit_card['card_holder'] = $secure_card->CardHolder;
$credit_card['card_number'] = $secure_card->CardNumber;
$credit_card['issue_date'] = $secure_card->IssueDate;
$credit_card['expiry_date'] = $secure_card->ExpiryDate;
$credit_card['issue_number'] = $secure_card->IssueNumber;
$credit_card['card_type'] = $secure_card->CardType;
$credit_card['card_number_x'] = $secure_card->CardNumberX;
return $credit_card;
public static function GetPlainCreditCard() {
$customer_data = self::Get();
if (!(empty ($customer_data['credit_card'])))
return self::DecryptCreditCard($customer_data['credit_card']);
return array('card_holder' => '', 'card_number' => '', 'issue_date' => '', 'expiry_date' => '', 'issue_number' => '', 'card_type' => '', 'card_number_x' => '');
public static function UpdateCreditCardDetails($plainCreditCard,
$customerId = null) {
if (is_null($customerId))
$customerId = self::GetCurrentCustomerId();
$secure_card = new SecureCard();
$plainCreditCard['card_number'], $plainCreditCard['issue_date'],
$plainCreditCard['expiry_date'], $plainCreditCard['issue_number'],
$encrypted_card = $secure_card->EncryptedData;
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'SELECT customer_update_credit_card(
:customer_id, :credit_card);';
// Build the parameters array
$params = array (':customer_id' => $customerId, ':credit_card' => $encrypted_card);
// Prepare the statement with PDO-specific functionality
$result = DatabaseHandler::Prepare($sql);
// Execute the query
return DatabaseHandler::Execute($result, $params);
public static function GetShippingRegions() {
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer_get_shipping_regions();';
// Prepare the statement with PDO-specific functionality
$result = DatabaseHandler::Prepare($sql);
// Execute the query and return the results return DatabaseHandler::GetAll($result);
public static function UpdateAddressDetails($address1, $address2, $city,
$region, $postalCode, $country,
$shippingRegionId, $customerId = null) {
if (is_null($customerId))
$customerId = self::GetCurrentCustomerId();
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'SELECT customer_update_address(:customer_id, :address_1, :address_2, :city, :region, :postal_code, :country, :shipping_region_id);';
// Build the parameters array
$params = array (':customer_id' => $customerId,
':address_1' => $address1, ':address_2' => $address2, ':city' => $city, ':region' => $region,
':postal_code' => $postalCode,
':country' => $country,
':shipping_region_id' => $shippingRegionId);
// Prepare the statement with PDO-specific functionality
$result = DatabaseHandler::Prepare($sql);
// Execute the query
return DatabaseHandler::Execute($result, $params);
} }