Exposing Data to the World

Một phần của tài liệu Entity Framework Code First Succinctly by Ricardo Peres (Trang 100 - 106)


We live in a connected world, and distributed applications are common these days. The Microsoft .NET stack offers some interesting technologies for exposing entities to the outside world by leveraging on Entity Framework. In the next pages, we will be talking about two web service technologies and one for dynamic CRUD interface.

WCF Data Services

WCF Data Services is Microsoft’s implementation of the OData standard. Basically, this is a standard for the publication, querying, and exchange of data coming from entities, such as a REST web service, and it is implemented on top of WCF. You can issue queries through the URL and it is even possible to generate strongly typed proxies that use LINQ for querying the published model.

Visual Studio has an item type called WCF Data Service in Web projects.

Figure 44: WCF Data Service item type

When adding an item of this type, Visual Studio creates a DataService<T>-derived class that will be the endpoint for the OData service. We need to replace the T parameter with a context, but for now we must use ObjectContext instead of our DbContext class, because unfortunately it still does not recognize it as a valid context. Complementary to that, we need to return an

instance of ObjectContext, which we can obtain from our own context in an override of CreateDataSource.

public class ProjectsService : DataService<ObjectContext>


public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config) {

config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.AllRead);

config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("*", ServiceOperationRights.All);

config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V3;

After that, we are ready to query our data service.

Figure 45: A WCF Data Service

Tip: In the current version of WCF Data Services, properties of enumerated or spatial types are not supported.

As you can see, when you access the service URL, you will get all of the collections exposed by your context in XML format. We can then navigate to each of these collections, and see all of its records.


protected override ObjectContext CreateDataSource() {

ProjectsContext ctx = new ProjectsContext();

ObjectContext octx = (ctx as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;

return (octx);

} }

Figure 46: A WCF Data Service returning all data for an entity

It is possible to query the model through the URL, but I won’t cover that here. Please see here for the full specification: http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-v3-documentation/url- conventions/.


Another technology that is gaining a lot of attention is ASP.NET Web API. It offers another REST API for exposing an entity model, but this one was introduced as part of MVC 4, and is built on it, which means it is based on controllers and actions. It is sometimes regarded as being to web services what Entity Framework Code First is to data access.

We create a Web API controller on the Controllers folder in an MVC project.

Figure 47: A Web API controller based on an Entity Framework context

Visual Studio already sets up some configuration for us, but we typically need some tweaks to have everything working well. One of these is having results coming in JSON format, and the other is enabling proper serialization of circular references in model entities (for example, in our model, a Customer has a collection of Projects and each project references the Customer).

Let’s access the WebApiConfig class in the App_Start method and add the following lines.

//remove the XML formatter – skip this if you prefer XML over JSON

We can now navigate to the route configured for Web API controllers.

Figure 48: A Web API endpoint

There’s a lot more to Web API than this, and I advise you to navigate to its home site, at http://www.asp.net/web-api, and check it out for yourself. It is certainly worth it.

ASP.NET Dynamic Data

ASP.NET Dynamic Data has been around for some years now; for those not familiar with it, it is a technology that generates Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) web interfaces automatically for an entity model, such as those created for Entity Framework Code First. This can be a great help when we quickly need to implement a site for editing records in a simple way.

We create an ASP.NET Dynamic Data project on its own.

GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.XmlFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes .Clear();

//add support for circular references to the JSON serializer – do the same for XML GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings .ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize;

GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings .PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;

Figure 49: ASP.NET Dynamic Data project

After we create the new project, we need to:

1. Turn it into a .NET 4.5 project.

Figure 50: ASP.NET Dynamic Data project properties 2. Add a NuGet reference to the EntityFramework package.

Figure 51: Adding a NuGet reference

3. Add a reference to the project containing the Entity Framework Code First context (in our case, it is the Model project).

4. Copy your connection string into the new project’s Web.config file.

Now we have to tell Dynamic Data to use our context. For that, open the Global class and go to its RegisterRoutes method. Add the following line.

And we’re ready to go! Start the project and you will see the entry page.

Figure 52: ASP.NET Dynamic Data entry page Then navigate to some entity.

Figure 53: ASP.NET Dynamic Data entity items

You will be glad to know that enumerated and spatial types are fully supported. Let’s leave Dynamic Data for now, there’s a lot more to be said, and I hope I got your attention! For further information, go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc488545.aspx.

DefaultModel.RegisterContext(() => (new ProjectsContext() as IObjectContextAdapter) .ObjectContext, new ContextConfiguration() { ScaffoldAllTables = true });

Một phần của tài liệu Entity Framework Code First Succinctly by Ricardo Peres (Trang 100 - 106)

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