Things to Remember about Windows Mobile Application Development Mobile Application Development

Một phần của tài liệu Getting Started with iPhone SDK potx (Trang 71 - 200)

The risk and the damage in committing faulty moves and wrong decisions when it comes to mobile application develop- ment are very crucial and highly fatal. Any miscalculation that you may encounter in any mobile application development project can considerably cost you and the company great amount of money. This is especially true when you as a developer get to commit mistakes in Windows Mobile Application Development.

Part of the development that you may need to learn is the ways on how you can avoid committing mistakes when you are involved with a mobile application development project. Below are some of the things that you need to remember:

a. One mobile application development platform is entirely different with the others. This is the common mistake that developers do not immediately realize. They think that merely because these platforms have the same makers they are basically alike. This is not true all the time.

b. Learn to be familiar with operating systems and their platforms, devices and their features, and lastly the frame- work. All of these things bear uncommon features. You need to make sure that you carefully understand all these in order to come up with a successful mobile application development.

c. Learn to be familiar with the structure of the appli- cation that you are using. Every mobile application has a varying structure. It is important that you know all these differences including the advantages and the drawbacks of each structure.

By knowing this, not only that you can save great amount of money but also you can save your time efficiently.

Android: The Revolutionary Mobile Soft- ware

Have you heard about a mobile software that has in it an operating system, various key applications, and a middleware all rolled into one? Well, you must believe that there really is such a thing. This mobile software is called as the Android. Android is a software pile for mobile gadgets that includes all the things that you are looking for in a mobile software.

The Android is an Android SDK beta tested version that consists all of the necessary application tools including the API that is fundamental to start the development of the applications on the Android using the Java language.

The Android mobile software is also known to have some of the best features and applications and more notably of these are the following:

a. The ability to reprocess and replace components using the application framework feature.

b. The Dalvik virtualized machine that is capable of maximizing the features of the mobile device.

c. The presence of an integrated, built-in browser which enables you to use the Internet using the Webkit, an open source engine.

d. There is an enhanced graphics which is customarily powered by two dimensional and three dimensional graphic libraries.

e. There is the massive use of the SQLite responsible in a well structured storage of data.

f. The presence of the Bluetooth technology, 3rd gen- eration and wireless finity access.

environment allows any developer to leverage on the phone using the Google libraries.

BREW: The Emerging Software Technol- ogy in the Mobile Industry

The BREW technology is one of the emerging software technologies that is making great waves in the mobile industry.

The software technology for mobile phones has reached this kind of necessity as soon as the third generation mobile phones were released in the market. This genre of mobile phones requires a special software to have its full features accessible and usable.

BREW or Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless is a Qualcomm made platform designed for mobile phones. Origi- nally, the BREW technology was intended for radio channel and communication technology specifically the CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) handsets. The BREW technology is the soft- ware that enabled mobile phones to download and execute not too consuming programs that are intended for playing interac- tive games, sending and receiving text messages, photo and video sharing and a lot more.

One of the strengths of the BREW platform technology is its ability to allow all application makers to easily transfer the applications between and among all the Qualcomm and the compatible devices. This is made possible because of the com- plete Application Program Interface that BREW possesses enabling application developers using the C, Java, and C++ to run it compatibly with it.

Although the BREW technology seems to be impeccable mobile software that one can use to develop applications for the mobile, the drawback lies on the fact that you need to register to Qualcomm before you can essentially use the features attributed with BREW. The registration is seemingly all fine however it

Dissecting J2ME as the Tool for Mobile Software Development

J2ME is the shorter name for Java 2 Platform Micro Edi- tion. The very fast response of many software development companies to the growing need for mobile software prompted the Sun Microsystems Company to deliver their own version.

This was evident when it released the J2ME as an answer to the growing demands for wireless software device platforms.

The J2ME platform permits any developer to fully utilize Java software as the programming language and J2ME wireless development kit in order to produce programs with the desired applications specifically designed for wireless mobile devices.

As part of the whole system, the J2ME comprises two im- portant elements: the configuration settings and the profile engine. The configuration setting of J2ME is the engine that directly provides the set of library files and machine that is virtually made in order to respond to the development of the wireless technology software for the device. And speaking of wireless, the J2ME configuration is composed of two different sets and they are the permanent wireless tool and the wireless mobile device. The profile engine on the other hand is essentially the provider of application program interface or the API. These APIs are specifically structured on top of the configuration engine so that it can give an environment suited for the runtime.

This environment is specifically designed for the PDA devices, the mobile phones, or any handheld device. In addition, the profile engine is responsible in the total management of the applications, the interface, and all the input and output mecha- nisms of the mobile device.

Mobile App Development: A Lead to a Navigated Future

It was difficult to conceive at first how mobiles can carry software in its system. What used to be seemingly improbable to create is now the future technology that will carry all other technologies. This is the lead to a navigated future as claimed by many experts.

Mobile App Development is a technology that is expected to be taking place in the next coming years. This has been largely manifested by the way the mobile phones and other handheld devices are being manufactured – from mobile phones to PDAs, to digital cameras. All of these electronic devices carry with them the mobile application technology.

The massive development and release of mobile software in the mobile industry clearly states that all mobile phones that will surface in the next coming years shall be the future mobile phones. When Symbian and Opera first hit the mobile market many mobile companies thought that this is going to be just a fashion and people will still settle with the less complicated mobile phones. However, as the mobile market started to grow, people are looking for a device which has more mobile applica- tions. This prompted many software developers to essentially respond to the growing demand, thus many mobile application developers were tapped from the computing industry to re- course their plans and expertise towards mobile application development.

Now, as the mobile applications are part of any handheld device, mobile manufacturers are seeing the future of mobile

devices connected with mobile applications. This is no longer just a fashion. This is the technology. This is the future.

The Secrets of an Effective Mobile Applica- tion Development Tool

The perfect implementation of any technology depends on so many factors. One of the highly considered factors in any development plan is the tool to be used. These tools are going to be the developer’s great arms to forego with what has been strategically planned and sketched.

When you are creating a plan to develop an application for a mobile device, you need to make sure that you understand clearly the limitations of the device – memory capacity, the size of the mobile screen, the speed of the input, and the computing methods that are all important attributes of a mobile device. In order to respond to all these, you need to make sure that you have the best application development tool. So, when you are at the verge of making a tough a decision as to what tool should be used consider the following:

What is the general productivity feature of the tool?

Of course, you would want to have a tool which productiv- ity rate is at par with the best tools. When you make an evalua- tion on the tools that you are making, it is best that you check on the capability of the tool to produce better results.

Is the productivity feature matching with the price of the tool?

As a businessman, money plays a very important role. It is essential that you carefully assess whether or not the money that is to be shelled out from buying the tool is highly compen- sated with what it can provide you as the user.

The Fast Evolution of Mobile Software im- pacting the Mobile Technology

The recent developments that emerged in the mobile in- dustry specifically the inclusion of software products in the mobile gadget as part of enhancing its features is considered very monumental if not revolutionary.

It was inconceivable at first how the software element can become part of the handheld mobile, however, because of the seemingly limitless capability human mind, mobile software has now become a natural component of any digital mobile phone.

Today, when one would speak about recent developments in the area of mobile technology, producers and makers of mobile gadgets take pride in their genius work to combine the digital electronics with software. Each mobile gadget that is being released in the market now has in it a pre-installed soft- ware capable of running and executing small programs designed for playing games, upload and edit photos, transfer streaming videos, and even allow for the mobile phone to connect to the world wide web using its Wireless Application Protocol or WAP technology.

All of the special features that we see on our mobile gadget are largely being defined by the software that is installed on it.

Without the mobile software that primarily directs and super- vises the functionalities of the mobile phone, all else on it shall remain useless.

A considered milestone in the mobile software industry includes the development of an operating system that was de- signed specifically for third generation mobile gadgets. This

The Positive Results of the SMS Integra- tion with Web Application

The web technology is a very reliable portal where people can get vast amount of information. The mobile technology on the other hand is an alternative tool that people can use to relay and receive information using a portable device. The mobile technology has greatly improved its channels in terms of ex- changing and transmitting text messages. Imagine when these two powerful technologies are joined together.

These days it is highly important that convergence of two technologies exist and be permitted. Any convergence that can be made possible can result into a far more efficient end-result with a promise to a better and more comfortable way of life.

One of the most anticipated technological meetings that happened just recently is the integration of SMS application with the Web application. This whole new technology yielded so many positive results prominent of which are the following:

a. There is the ability to remotely course through any important information to any point in the world either using the web technology or the mobile technology.

b. With this convergence, businesses can take advan- tage in ensuring that all important public announcements are effectively transmitted and channeled to the consuming public because of the ability to use both medium – web and SMS.

c. People are empowered to obtain any form of in- formation that they want in just a matter of seconds. The power of the convergence can result into effectively utilizing not only one form of technology but two. With this, you are just an inch

WAP Technology: Set to Invade the Mobile Industry

Have you imagined a life where your phone can be used as a tool to access the Internet? And what used to be possible only with the use of a personal computer system is now attainable right in front of your sleek, handy, and ultra portable mobile gadget. This milestone is all because of the Wireless Application Protocol or the WAP technology.

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an internationally accepted standard in a network communications using the wireless technology. This standard which basically works under the application layer opens the channel to enable access on the Internet via the use of the mobile gadget or any personal digital assistant device.

In order for the WAP technology to fully function, it re- quires the presence of mobile software known as the WAP browser. This browser designed for WAP technology works the same as a PC browser only that with WAP browser, it is restricted to function with limit based on the phone specification. Specifi- cally, this WAP browser should work under a much smaller phone screen. The websites that are being called to be downloaded by the WAP browser are also written in a markup language however, the websites were specifically converted or transformed into another format understood by a different platform – the Wireless markup Language.

When you dig deeper on the WAP protocol, you will have clearer view as to how WAP is able to unify the varied protocols and platforms that mobile phones are using including the tech- nology that these mobile phones are adaptive to.

Does Developing Mobile Application Need Responsibility?

Mobile applications are without a doubt a blessing to most mobile phone users. Mobile applications have enhanced their mobile phone use through the years. Because of mobile applica- tions there are many things one can do through his mobile phone.

Instead of calling the people he needs to talk to, one can send text messages too. Now one can even send and receive emails. If one needs to surf the internet, he can do so too. For the busy people who go home late at night, they can catch their favorite shows on their phone too. The younger set who are very fond of games can play to their heart’s content too.

With such a demand for mobile applications, developers and especially vendors have made them available for sale. Aside from the ones that phone manufacturers and service providers provide for free, one can now avail additional mobile applica- tions for a fee.

There are actually a lot of people who buy mobile applica- tions. In order to gain additional games, teens and even young professionals buy them. Other applications for business and even for sports are also patronized by many.

Because of the high demand, the number of new mobile applications popping up almost every day or every week is just great. One thing has been observed though. Many of these appli- cations seem to be hurriedly made. Almost of none them is even really a necessity or a “must have” application. This is not to discount the fact that many are useful though. It’s just there are

just more mobile applications that seem to be there just for the sales. People can’t just help but ask, “Shouldn’t developing mobile application require responsibility on the part of the developers and the vendors who sell them?”

Develop Mobile Applications for Web Use:

Ease of Use Important

Mobile application development has become the main drive in enhancing mobile phone use. While many people are not aware of its importance, they are actually the ones who are benefiting from its fruits. From the ability to send SMS and multimedia messages to email sending and receiving, the use of mobile phones has been expanded through mobile applications.

Among the latest new services available for mobile phones is internet browsing. It is also expected that new mobile applica- tions for web use in mobile phones would follow. This is, of course, expected to be welcomed with open arms. In fact, current available mobile applications for web use are now being used by many.

On the part of the developers, certain factors should be considered in developing new mobile applications for web use.

For one, the developer should bear in mind that screens of mobile devices like mobile phones are significantly smaller than computers. The user should not need to scroll right and left so much because it’s quite awkward to do so. Screen resolution requirement in mobile applications should therefore be reduced.

It’s also important to remember that with the space limi- tations in mobile phones, graphics should be limited. While graphics look nice, they take up most of the space. Instead of more graphics, the screen should be maximized with content instead.

Graphics also lengthens download time. So in order to make browsing the internet in mobile phones easy and less time

consuming, less graphics is better. Again, scrolling is cumber- some to most users. So, page lengths should be minimized as well.

Most of all, the content is the most important part of each page. It is therefore important that each part is well targeted and significant to the users.

There's Business in Mobile Application

It’s quite amazing what a single mobile application can do with the use of mobile phones. What used to be just an ordinary phone used for calling now almost has everything other mobile devices have. The use of text messaging revolutionized the use of mobile phones. Then multimedia messaging was enabled. Mobile phones were installed with built-in cameras. The photos taken with them were also sent to family and friends as messages. Now it’s even possible to upload photos directly from the mobile phone to photo sharing networks.

The list of things that mobile phones can do does not end here. Email sending and receiving is now done on the mobile phone too. Television shows can be viewed there as well. Of course, one cannot forget the games that have always entertained mobile phone users. In recent times even, games have become more advanced.

Behind each addition of feature and service is a mobile application that makes it work. On the part of the phone manu- facturers and network service providers, such features have added to the draw that mobile phones had on its users. As a new phone is released in the market, there’s bound to be a unique feature on it. This is how they make sales.

Recently, the focus has not only been in selling phones through features and services. Mobile applications are even being sold as well. There are numerous number of new games being released every now and them. There are also many busi- ness mobile applications out there for sale. There are even new mobile applications for social networking, photography, sports, travel and references.

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