Segmentation of data and Processing

Một phần của tài liệu Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 21 pdf (Trang 41 - 45)

In SharePoint 2007, the walls of security and the isolation of data and services fell along the lines of Web Application to Site Collections to webs (if you need a refresher check out the “Terminology”

section Chapter 3). New to SharePoint 2010 is the capability to create a new layer of segregation of data and services between the Application layer and the associated site collections. This segmentation is possible through the use of site subscriptions. Site subscriptions enable you to group together site collections that are part of the same web application. Site subscriptions are a logical group of site collections that can share settings (in the Subscription Settings database), features, and service data.

Site Subscriptions are identified with a subscription ID. The subscription ID is used to map services, features, and sites to tenants, and to partition service data by tenant. Note the following characteristics of site subscriptions:

A site can be a member of only one site subscription at a time. This prevents any conflicts

with licensing schemas.

There is no Central Administration interface for managing site subscriptions. Management

must be handled through PowerShell, including creating, managing, and removing sites from a site subscription.

Sites can only join a site group in the same web application as that specific site subscription.

Sites can’t join site groups associated with other Web Applications.

Site subscriptions can span multiple content databases.

service application administration187

That does it. You now have completed the process of establishing a trust between the two farms so that the publishing server can serve up service applications to the consuming farm. If you want to look at the trusts or possibly remove one, you can do that through the GUI by navigating to Central Administration➤➪➤Security➤➪➤Manage trust.

Publishing a Service Application

For this part, you could dive back into PowerShell, or you could use the GUI in Central Administration.

Let’s be “efficient” (aka lazy) and use the GUI. For this example, we will publish a managed metadata service application:

1 . On the publishing server, open Central Administration.

2 . Navigate to Application Management➤➪➤Manage service applications.

3 . Click to the right of the service application you want to make available.

4 . In the Ribbon, click Publish.

5 . On the Publish Service Application page, check the box for Publish this Service Application to other farms.

6 . For the Publish URL, copy all of the string that begins with “urn:” and ends with “.svc.” For example, it will be similar to the following:

urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sharepoint:service:ac40e8f87daa43d9bec93f9fa99360c7 #authority=urn:uuid:de389296913c4f00b7970f50ea298fd4&authority


7 . Scroll down the page and click OK.

8 . Click to the right of the service application.

9 . From the Ribbon, click Permissions.

10 . Enter the Farm Id of the consuming farm. You found this using step 21 in the previous section,

“Setting Up theFarm Trust.”

11 . Click Add.

12 . Highlight the Remote Farm: <Your Farm Id>.

13 . For permissions, check the box to assign the permissions you wish to give to the remote farm.

The permissions available will vary based on the service application being published.

14 . Open Central Administration on the consuming farm.

15 . Navigate to Application Management➤➪ Manage service applications.

16 . From the Ribbon, click Connect.

17 . Enter the URL for the service application you want to access from step 6 in this section.

15 . To load the consuming server’s certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate “c:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingRoot.cer”

16 . To set up the trust using the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

New-SPTrustedRootAuthority Collaboration -Certificate $trustCert

17 . To load the consuming server’s STS certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$stsCert = Get-PfxCertificate “c:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingSTS.cer”

18 . To add the STS certificate to the trust, type the following line and press Enter:

New-SPTrustedServiceTokenIssuer Collaboration -Certificate $stsCert

19 . Return to the shell on the consuming server.

20 . Type the following line and press Enter:

Get-SPFarm | Select Id

21 . Record that number for use later.

22 . Return to the Shell on the publishing server.

23 . To get the security object for the topology service application, type the following line and press Enter:

$security = Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Get-SPServiceApplication Security

24 . To get the farm’s claim provider object, type the following line and press Enter:

$claimProvider = (Get-SPClaimProvider System).ClaimProvider

25 . To set up the new claim principal for the consuming farm, type the following line and press Enter:

$principal = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -ClaimType


-ClaimProvider $claimProvider

-ClaimValue <Type the ID from Step 21, don’t include the <>>

26 . To give that principal permissions in your publishing farm to the topology service applica- tion, type the following line and press Enter:

Grant-SPObjectSecurity -Identity $security -Principal $principal -Rights “Full Control”

27 . To set the access just given, type the following line and press Enter:

Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Set-SPServiceApplicationSecurity -ObjectSecurity $security

service application administration185

up the farm trusts and getting the Application Discovery and Load Balancer Service Application secured properly. Once you knock out those two pieces the rest is a breeze.

Setting Up the Farm Trust

Follow these steps to set up the farm trust:

1 . On the publishing server, create a folder at c:\PubCerts.

2 . From the publishing server, open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell. To get the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$rootCert = Get-SPCertificateAuthority | Select RootCertificate

3 . To export the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$rootCert.Export(“Cert”) | Set-Content C:\PubCerts\PublishingRoot.cer -Encoding byte

4 . Copy the c:\PubCerts folder from the publishing server to the consuming server.

5 . On the consuming server, create a folder at c:\ConsumerCerts.

6 . From the publishing server, open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

7 . To get the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$rootCert = Get-SPCertificateAuthority | Select RootCertificate

8 . To export the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$rootCert.Export(“Cert”) | Set-Content C:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingRoot.cer -Encoding byte

9 . To get the STS certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$stsCert =


10 . To export the STS certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$stsCert.Export(“Cert”) | Set-Content “C:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingSTS.cer”

-Encoding byte

11 . Copy the c:\ConsumerCerts folder to the publishing server.

12 . Still on the consuming server, to load the publishing server’s certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate “C:\PubCerts\PublishingRoot.cer”

13 . To set up the trust using the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

New-SPTrustedRootAuthority PublishingFarm -Certificate $trustCert

14 . Return to the shell on the publishing server.

FIguRE 7-15

To add the Access Services connection to the group, you would run the following command:

Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember YourCustomGroup -member 9bc562cc-84ad-4d18-98d9-8c27e472271e

Remember that you need to enter the GUID for your service application.

If you are thinking that was a very long way to go to add a service application connection, you’re right.

An Easier Way to Add Connections

Let’s cheat. Now that you have the new group, you can go back to the GUI and do a little click, click, click to add the other connections to it. Navigate back to Central Administration ➪ Application Management➤➪ Configure service application associations. Confused? When you get to that page, you will not see YourCustomGroup. You will not be able to see it on this page until you associate it with a web application. To change a web application’s service application group association, follow these steps:

1 . From the Application Management page, select Manage web applications.

2 . Select the service application for which you want to change associations.

3 . From the Ribbon, click Service Connections.

4 . From the drop-down, select YourCustomGroup.

5 . Scroll down the page and click OK.

Now go back to Configure service application associations. You should see YourCustomGroup. Click YourCustomGroup. A simple web interface will appear for selecting the service application connec- tions you want to include in the group.

Một phần của tài liệu Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 21 pdf (Trang 41 - 45)

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