Recommendations for further related studies

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) an investigation into the opportunities and challenges of teaching maths to the primary school students through english (Trang 56 - 76)

Due to the limitation of the thesis, the study has not investigated the solutions for the problems that teachers and students have to face in teaching and learning process, so these problems should be solved in further study.


Banegas, D. (2012). CLIL teacher development: Challenges and experiences (Vol. 5).

Belhiah, H., & Elhami, M. (2015). English as a medium of instruction in the Gulf: When students and teachers speak. Language Policy, 14(1), 3-23.

Bradford, A., & Brown, H. (2016). CBI, CLIL & EMI: Differing Approaches and Goals.

Coyle, D. (2007). Content and language integrated learning: Towards a connected research agenda for CLIL pedagogies. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

Crandall, J. (2012). Content-based instruction and content and language integrated learning. The Cambridge guide to pedagogy and practice in second language teaching.

Dearden, J. (2014). English as a medium of instruction-a growing global phenomenon: British Council.

Ellis, R. (1986). Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford:

Oxford University Press

Gillingham, M. G., & Guthrie, J. T. (1987). Relationships between CBI and research on teaching. Contemporary Educational Psychology.

Harste and Burke, J., Czerniak, C., & Lumpe, A. (1997). Teacher Beliefs and Intentions Regarding the Implementation of Science Education Reform Strands. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

Li, X. (2012). The Role of Teachers‟ Beliefs in the Language Teaching Learning Process. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(7), 1397-1402.

Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D., & Frigols Martín, M. J. (2012). European framework for CLIL teacher education.

Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D., & Frigols Martín, M. J. (2012). European framework for CLIL teacher education.

Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., & Frigols, M. J. (2008). Uncovering CLIL content and language integrated learning in bilingual and multilingual education: Macmillan.

Navés, T. (2009). Effective content and language integrated learning (CLIL) programmes. Content and language integrated learning: Evidence from research in Europe.

Nikula, T. (2010). Effects of CLIL on a teacher‟s classroom language use.

Language use and language learning in CLIL classrooms,

Nunan, D. (1992). Research methods in language learning: Cambridge University Press.

Pourhosein Gilakjani, A., & Banou Sabouri, N. (2017). Teachers’ Beliefs in English Language Teaching and Learning: A Review of the Literature (Vol. 10)

Richards. J, Platt. J, & Weber. H. (1985). Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. England: Longman

Vázquez, V. P., & Ellison, M. (2018). Examining teacher roles and competences in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).

Linguarum Arena: Revista de Estudos em Didática de Línguas da Universidade do Porto,.

Yassin, S. M., Tek, O. E., Alimon, H., Baharom, S., & Ying, L. Y. (2010).

Teaching science through English: Engaging pupils cognitively.

International CLIL Research Journal, 1(3), 46-59.

Zheng, H. (2009). A Review of Research on EFL Pre-Service Teachers‟

Beliefs and Practices. Journal of Cambridge Studies, 4(1), 73-81


APPENDIX A: Transcripts of Lesson 1 Division two fractions

T1: last time, we learnt how to multiply 2 fractions. Can you do this (and tell me how many steps do we use?


Step 1: multiply the numerators.

Step 2: multiply the denominators Step 3: simplify the fractions.

T1: Cô rất vui vì lớp mình đã nhớ rất tốt bài học trước, bây giờ chúng mình cùng điểm qua các phép toán phân số mà chúng ta đã học .

The first one is ( teacher points the expressions) Ss: addition, subtraction, multiplication

T1: (T points the last expression) and ask : what‟s this? Who can guess?

Come here and complete the box?

Ss : ( go to the boards and fill in the box)

T1: Bạn Tâm hãy cho cả lớp biết con vừa điền phép toán gì ? Ss: Dạ thưa Cô con vừa thực hiện phép tính chia ạ.

T1: Và phép chia cũng chính là nội dung bài học hôm nay.Chúng ta sẽ học về phép chia phân số

Today, we learn about the division of fractions.

Và khi Cô muốn diễn đạt một phép chia. Cô diễn đạt như sau :

Three by four divided by five by two is ..và sau đó là cộng với kết quả của phép tính.

Và bây giờ cô muốn hỏi cả lớp: trong phép chia phân số có 1 thuật ngữ rất đặc biệt đó là gì?

Cô mời Phương Anh.

Ss : Em thưa Cô đó là phân số đảo ngược ạ.

T1: Phân số đảo ngược, chính xác chưa cả lớp.

Ss: rồi ạ

T1: Và trong Tiếng Anh phân số đảo ngược là Reciprocal For example: four by five is reciprocal of five by four So, three is reciprocal of ….. ( Đức Anh, please ) Ss: three is reciprocal of one by three.

Teacher: Very good. Thank you, sit down. Now, look at the board, listen and repeat:

Division Divided by Reciprocal

( T reads first, students listen and repeat three times)

We have known some definition. Now we move to how to divide two fractions.

( students watch a video about how to divide two fractions)

T1: Để tóm lược lại 4 bước chia 2 phân số, Cô sẽ hướng dẫn lớp chúng mình 1 câu thần chú sẽ giúp các con hoàn thành được tất cả các phép chia phân số.

The key words are L, C , T So, L stands for …

Ss: love….

T1: love ? ( laugh) …No.. LEAVE ME C stands for ….

Ss: Cook, Crack …

T1: ( laugh) … C stands for CHANGE ME And the last one , T sands for …what ? Ss : Ticktock …

T1: (laugh) TURN ME OVER.

Now, how to use LCT. I have two fractions: two by three divided by five by seven.

LEAVE ME means you don‟t change the first fraction CHANGE ME means change divided by into multiplied by

TURN ME OVER means change the second fraction into reciprocal And multiply , we get…..

Students : fourteen by fifteen.

T1: very good. So, now listen, clap your hands and repeat : LEAVE ME, CHANGE ME, TURN ME OVER.

Students: (clap their hands and repeat ) LEAVE ME, CHANGE ME, TURN ME OVER.

T1 : Bây giờ bạn nào có thể diễn đạt phép chia này dựa vào mẫu câu cô vừa giới thiệu

Ss : two by three divided by five by seven is fourteen by fifteen.

T1: Very good. Students repeat : two by three divided by five by seven is fourteen by fifteen.

Ss : two by three divided by five by seven is fourteen by fifteen.

T1: Now, think about some division and tell me.

Ss : ( raise their hands and answer) : four by five divided by three by two equals eight by fifteen.

T1: four by five divided by three by two equals eight by fifteen. Do you agree?

Ss : Yes.

T1: Very good. Thank you, sit down please. One star for group 3. Now, I give you a worksheet, you do it in two minutes, I will choose some students come here and complete. Now. Who can?

Students : ( Raise their hands) T1 : Linh Anh, Tam please.

Ss : ( some students do exercise in their worksheets, two students go to the boards and write their answer on the board)

T1: Do you want to play game?

Ss: Yes…

T1: Now, look at my example:

Step 1: I do the division.

Step 2: I say aloud: four by nine divided by eight by three is twelve by seventy-two. That is simplified?

Ss : yes… no …

T1: No…. not yet … so you need to simplify. … is one by six. So, remember, if the fraction has been simplified yet, you need to simplify. Nhớ rằng khi ra kết quả mà phân số chưa được tối giản thì các con phải tối giảng phân số đó, sau khi tối giảng xong, chúng ta sẽ tối giản phân số đó và check ( ấn vào nút check) , if you are right, you will get one star. Now, are you ready? After I clap, raise your hand and come here and show your answer. Ready?

Ss: Yes.

T1: Three, two, one …

Ss: Đức Anh please. Everyone, Let‟s count down 5……4…..

Ss : 5..4…3….2…1…0.

T1: Ok. Let‟s say aloud.

Ss: three by seven divided by five by fourteen is six by five.

T1: Let‟s check. …oh …great job. Continue, 3…2….1….

Ss: ( raise their hands and go to board) …

T1: Now, let‟s find winner group today… ( count stars)

So, the winner group is group 1. I will have a gift for group 1 at the end of the lesson. Now, open your book, please. Open Page 13 and do it in 5 minutes. … Time is up, the leaders collect all books for me, please.

Now. Let‟ summary. What have you learnt, today? … Mai Linh, please.

Ss: division of fraction.

T1: Today, we‟ve learnt about …. ?

Ss: Today, we‟ve learnt about division of fraction.

T1: Very good. So, what are definitions we‟ve learnt today? Can you tell me again ?

Ss: Reciprocal

T1: How many steps are there in the division of fraction?

Ss: Three. They are Leave me, change me and turn me over.

T1: Very good. So, that‟s enough for today. Remember to learn how to divide fractions and do homework. Good bye.

Ss: Goodbye, teacher.

APPENDIX B: Transcripts of Lesson 2 Ratios and word problems

T1: Look at apples and oranges on the table and answer my question:

“How many apples and oranges are there?

Ss: there are three apples and five oranges?

T1: How many times is the number of apples less than the number of oranges?

You can compare by division?

Ss: 3 divided by 5 equals 3 by 5

T1: Well done. Khi cô có 3 quả táo và 5 quả cam, Cô sẽ nói tỉ số giữa số táo và số cam là . Cô có thể viết ở dạng phân số hoặc cô viết là 3: 5. Vậy khi cô biểu đạt tỉ số giữa số táo và số cam trên cô sẽ biểu đạt là : The ratio of apples to oranges is three over five or three by five.

Now, listen and repeat: The ratio of apples to oranges is three over five or three by five

Ss: ( listen and repeat) The ratio of apples to oranges is three over five or three by five.

T1: Look at these candies, what is the ratio of red candies to green caddies?

Ss: the ratio of red candies to green caddies is three over two.

Or the ratio of red candies to green caddies is three by two.

T1: Good job. Who can tell me what is the ratio of green candies to red caddies ?

Ss: the ratio of green candies to red caddies is two over three or two by three.

T1: Great. How many girls are there in your class?

Ss: eighteen

T1: How many boys in your class?

Ss: ten

T1: So, what is the ratio of girls to boys in your class?

Ss: eighteen to ten.

T1: Right. Are there any other answers?

Ss: Dear teacher. The ratio of girls to boys is nine to five.

T1: Is that right?

Ss: Yes…. No…. (some students say Yes, some says No) T1: Minh, how do you find the ratio of girls to boy?

Ss: …um… em thưa có em lấy 18 chia 10 sau đó em rút gọn phân số, em được phân số ạ.

T1: Good. Now, Let‟s give solutions for the following problem. The ratio of girls to boys is 4: 3. If the class has 35 students in total, how many boys are there?

Ss: fifteen boys

T1: How do you solve this problem?

Ss:um…uh ….con thưa cô con trả lời Tiếng Việt được không ạ?

T1: Ok

Ss: Con tính tổng số phần là 7, sau đó con lấy tổng số học sinh chia cho tổng số phần , tìm ra được 1 phần con nhân với 3 thì ra số học sinh nam trong lớp.

T1: Thank you, Minh. Các con thấy bạn Minh làm đã đúng chưa. Vậy hôm nay cô sẽ hướng dẫn các con bài toán tìm 2 số khi biết tổng tỉ hoặc hiệu tỉ của hai số đó.

Finding two unknown number when you know sum ratios or difference ratios.

Look at the problem again: “The ratio of boys to girls is 3: 4. If the class has 35 students in total, how many boys are there?”

T: We have to find two unknown numbers when you know the sum or the difference of two numbers.

There are three steps:

Step 1: represent by boxes

Step 2: find the value of one box. We have thirty-five divided by seven equals five.

1 box = 35 : 7 = 5 Step 3: Find the quantities.

3 boxes = 5 x 3 = 15

The number of boys is : 5 x 3 = 15 (boys) Is this clear for you?

Ss: yes…yes…

T1: So, how many steps are there?

Ss: five

T1: Step 1 is ….

Ss: Representing by boxes T1: step 2 is …

Ss: find the value of one box T1: step 3 is …

Ss: find the qualities.

T1: Great job. Now open your book and write down some new words:

Ratio : tỉ số

The ratio of ….. to …. is: tỉ số giữa…. và …. là Eg: the ratio of boys to girls is

The number of …… is

Eg: The number of girls is 30 students: số lượng học sinh nữ là 30 học sinh

Ss: (Write new words on their notebooks)


APPENDIX C: Transcripts of Lesson 3 Units of mass

T2: Now, look at two pictures and tell me which can be lifted easier, an elephant or a leaf?

Ss: Dear teacher, a leaf can be lifted easier than an elephant.

T2: That‟s right. So, different objects have different mass. Mass is measure of how heavy a thing is. Chúng ta dùng các đơn vị đo khối lượng để đo hoặc so sánh trọng lượng giữa các vật với nhau.

So, today we are going to learn about units of mass. How many units of mass do you know?

Ss: two, three, four …

T2: Who can name some units of mass you know?

Ss: kilogram, đề ca gam, mi li gam.

T2: Good. Now, look at these pictures. To measure weight of an object, we use units of mass, they are tonne, quintal, kilogram, gram and milligram.

Listen and repeat: tonne, quintal, kilogram, gram and milligram.

Ss: (listen and repeat) tonne, quintal, kilogram, gram and milligram.

T2 : chúng ta có thể viết các đơn vị trên theo cách rút gọn như sau : tonne = t ; quintal = q; kilogram = kg; gram = g; milligram = mg let‟s write on your notebooks.

Ss: ( write on their notebooks)

T2: You know? A gram is light so it is used to measure small things such as bread.

And a milligram is used to measure very light things such as papers.

I have one gram equals one thousand milligrams. Who can convert it into fraction or decimal number?

1 g = 1000 mg => 1mg = ……….

Ss: (go to the board and write their answers) : 1g = 1000 mg => 1mg = g

T2: Is that correct?

Ss: Yes….

T2: Great. We use kilogram to measure things that can be lifted by people.

I have: 1 kg = 1000 g => 1g =……….. Who can fill in the blank?

Ss: (go the board and write their answer) : 1 kg = 1000 g => 1g = kg T2: well done. We use tonne to use measure things very heavy.

I have : 1 t = 1000 kg => 1kg = …………

Ss: ( go to the board and write their answers) 1t = 1000 kg => 1kg = t T2: Great. Who can tell me how to convert between units of mass?

Ss: Em thưa Cô, nếu đổi từ tấn sang tạ thì ta nhân với 10, đổi thì tạ sang tấn ta chia cho 10, nếu muốn đổi từ kilogram sang gram ta nhân với 1000 và ngược lại ta chia cho 1000 ạ. Hoặc đổi từ gram sang milligram ta cũng nhân với 1000, đổi ngược lại ta chia cho 1000 ạ.

T2: Bạn nói đúng chưa cả lớp? Bây giờ các em hãy nhìn vào sơ đồ sau để ghi nhớ cách đổi giữa các đơn vị đo khối lượng.

: 10 : 100 : 1000 : 1000

T2: Draw the diagram on their notebooks.

Ss: ( Write on their notebooks) T2: Do you like play games Ss: Yeah, yes…..


T2: Open your notebook and write new words.

Tone : tấn Quintal: tạ

Kilogram: ki lô gam gram : gam

milligram : mi li gam

Ss: (write on their notebook)

T2: Open your book and do problem 2 and problem 3.

Ss: Dear teacher, I don‟t know how to write the answer for problem 2 and problem 3.

T: Ok, with the question: “ what is the mass of … or how heavy is it in …..

We use the following structure: The mass of something in tone/ quintal/

kilogram/ gram/ milligram is …

For example: The mass of car in tonne is 30 tonnes.


APPENDIX D: Transcripts for lesson 4 Percentages

T2: (shows some pictures and says) When you come to KFC store, you see the advertisement written 25% off. Or when you go shopping, you see the advertisement written 30% off. Can you give more examples of these notations?

Ss: 70% sale off in clothes shop, supermarkets.

T2: That‟s right. Look at the pictures. You can see: Out of 100 squares, 25 squares are blue, we can write is blue or 25% is blue. Out of 100 square, 20 squares are red, we can write is red or 20% is red.

When we says “Percent”, we are really saying “per 100”

Percent = per hundred = one hundredth.

1% means 1/100 or one hundredth.

Percent can be written as fraction and decimals:

Percent Fractions Decimals

1% 0.01

8% 0.08

45% 0.45

Now, look and read : 7%; 10.5%; 75%; 36%

Ss: seven percent; ten and five tenths percent; thirty-six percent.

T2: Out of 100 squares, 25% is blue. We can say: the percentage of blue squares is twenty-five percent. Now, look at the picture and tell me the percentage of red squares?

Ss: the percentage of red squares is twenty percent.

T2: Look at the picture and tell me what is the percentage of the green squares?

Ss: The percentage of the green squares is fifteen percent.

T2: Let‟s speak aloud the percentage of the purple squares in each picture Ss: The percentage of the purple squares in the first picture is eighteen percent.

The percentage of the purple squares in the second picture is sixty-two percent.

The percentage of the purple squares in the third picture is twenty-five percent.

The percentage of the purple squares in the fourth picture is seventy-six percent.

T2: Perfect. Now, open your notebooks and write new words and structures:

Percent: phần trăm

Percentage: tỉ số phần trăm

The percentage of ….. is : tỉ số phần trăm của … Ss: ( write on their notebooks)

T2: Do you want to play a game?

Ss: yeah, yes….


T2: Open your workbook and do exercises.

Ss: ( do exercises in the workbook)


APPENDIX E: Questionnaires for students

1. Totally agree 2. Agree

3. Not sure 4. Disagree

5. Totally disagree No of


Items 1 2 3 4 5

Students’ attitudes towards integrating Maths into English program

1 I love integrating Maths into English.

2 I hope to able to learn English every week.

3 I like collecting and solving Maths word problems in English.

4 Learning the CLIL program is very interesting and useful for me.

The advantages of integrating Maths into English

5 My vocabulary has increased remarkably 6 I become more confidents in using

English to communicate.

7 I can write solutions for Maths word problems easily.

8 I can use the knowledge of Maths and Mathematical terminologies to create Maths word problems.

9 I can understand the knowledge of Maths

10 My knowledge of Maths is reinforced and enhanced after joining the CLIL program.

11 Learning the CLIL program makes me confident when I join in Mathematics Clubs at school.

12 Learning the CLIL program helps me take part in The Australian mathematics competition, The USA Mathematics competition, English Champion.

Problems in learning process

13 I understand teachers‟ instruction in English but I am too shy to use it.

14 I avoid using English in class because I am afraid of making mistakes.

15 In understand teacher‟s instruction, but I find difficult to express my ideas in English.

16. It is difficult for me to memorize Mathematic terminologies


Các bạn đánh dấu (x) tương ứng vào ô bạn lựa chọn.

1. Hoàn toàn đồng ý 2. Đồng ý

3. Không chắc chắn 4. Không đồng ý

5. Hoàn Toàn không đồng ý

STT Nội dung 1 2 3 4 5

Thái độ của học sinh trong việc học kết hợp bộ môn Toán và Tiếng Anh 1 Em thích học kết hợp Toán và Tiếng


2 Em mong muốn được chương trình này mỗi ngày

3 Em thích sưu tầm và giải các bài Toán bằng Tiếng Anh trên Internet

4 Em thấy chương trình này rất thú vị và bổ ích

Những lợi ích trong việc học Toán thông qua môn Tiếng Anh 5 Từ vựng Tiếng Anh của em đã tăng

lên đáng kể

6 Em tự tin hơn trong việc sử dụng Tiếng Anh trong giao tiếp

7 Em có thể viết lời giải cho các bài Toán có lời văn một cách dễ dàng 8 Em có thể tự xây dựng bài toán có lời

văn dựa vào kiến thức Toán và ngôn

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) an investigation into the opportunities and challenges of teaching maths to the primary school students through english (Trang 56 - 76)

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