Growing proportion of car loan in Toyota sales

Một phần của tài liệu Develop car loan at toyota dealers in vietnam a case study of TFSVN (2) (Trang 61 - 73)

CHAPTER2:CARLOANATTOYOTADEALERS&TFSVN Growing proportion of car loan in Toyota sales

Alongwiththeeconomicgrowth,developmentofautomotivemarketandincreasingcarbu yer’sneedsinVietnam,financedsaleshasbeenincreasingmorerapidlythanautomotivemar ketgrowth.Thistrendwillleadcustomer’srequirementandexpectationtobemoreandmorecompre hensive,consolidatedandsophisticatedservicestobeprovidedbyTMV,Toyotadealers and TFSVN.

TheVietnameconomyhashadstronggrowth;thisconfidenceisalsostronglysupportedbythe factofsubstantialinflowofinvestmentfromoverseascountriesinpastyears.Wealsobelievethatt herevisedtargetofforeigninvestmentUS$55billionforcomingfiveyearsf r o m 2 0 0 6 t h r o u g h 2 0 1 0 s h a ll b e v e r y f e a s i b l e .


financeisconsideredasakeyofthetriggerform o t o r i z a t i o n i n V i e t n a m i n o r d e r t o abso rbm o r e a n d m o r e c u s t o m e r s w h o h a v e s t r o n g needs or desire to own an automotive.

TheproportionofcarloanintotalToyota newcarsalesreached22.0%in2008an dalittlelowerat19.36%in2009duetothefinancialcrisisandhighcreditcriteria.Theproportion sha llbehigherinthefollowingyears.Inthiscontext,itisexpectedthatcustomerand market’s demands for captivefinancingcompany’s services are becoming larger.

Table2.14:Toyotasalesandcarloan Toyotasales

(vehicle) Toyotacarloan

(vehicle) Share



Jan 1,841 529 28.73

Feb 1,464 277 18.92

Mar 2,326 600 25.79

Apr 2,265 571 25.21

May 2,332 540 23.16

Jun 2,297 395 17.20

Jul 2,441 337 13.81

Aug 2,504 436 17.41

Sep 1,227 236 19.23

Oct 1,700 282 16.59

Nov 1,475 381 25.83

Dec 2,630 805 30.61

TOTAL 24,502 5,389 22.00


Jan 1,059 218 20.59

Feb 1,646 420 25.52

Mar 2,621 565 21.56

Apr 1,425 262 18.39

May 2,005 538 26.83

Jun 2,151 499 23.20

Jul 2,785 489 17.56

Aug 2,949 478 16.21

Sep 2,805 531 18.93

Oct 3,017 545 18.06


(vehicle) Toyotacarloan

(vehicle) Share


Nov 3,464 615 17.75

Dec 4,182 668 15.97

TOTAL 30,109 5,828 19.36


Jan 2,212 281 12.70

Feb 1,808 377 20.85

Mar 3,108 634 20.40

Apr 2,006 454 22.63

May 2,050 486 23.71

Jun 2,905 686 23.61

TOTAL 14,089 2,918 20.71

Source: Toyota Motor Vietnam &ToyotaFinancialServicesVietnam

Customerprofile:Individual,PrivateCompany,GovernmentandStateCompany.Thissh owedthediversityofcustomers,awidemarketandequaldistribution.Amongthecustomerp r o f i l e , c arloanconcentrateinindividualandprivatecompany,accountingforasignificant proportion.


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

2006 INDIVIDUAL - - - - 159 164 173 234 218 207 174 284 1,613


Y - - - - 107 155 203 179 199 212 297 301 1,653

GOVERNMENT - - - - 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 7

STATECOMPANY - - - - 6 8 5 4 6 1 2 5 37

TOTAL - - - - 275 328 381 417 424 420 474 591 3,310

2007 INDIVIDUAL 194 175 238 213 184 205 247 230 248 277 298 327 2,836


Y 126 124 142 159 158 201 362 330 324 348 361 301 2,936

GOVERNMENT 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 6

STATECOMPANY 3 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 4 4 2 0 19

TOTAL 323 302 380 374 343 407 610 561 576 630 663 628 5,797

2008 INDIVIDUAL 304 131 259 265 315 230 175 207 50 156 153 348 2,593


Y 224 144 341 305 223 165 162 228 186 126 227 456 2,787

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

GOVERNMENT 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2

STATECOMPANY 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 7

TOTAL 529 277 600 571 540 395 337 436 236 282 381 805 5,389

2009 INDIVIDUAL 135 247 331 153 245 222 232 233 235 257 307 343 2,940


Y 83 170 228 107 291 269 240 225 291 274 288 319 2,785

GOVERNMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 4

STATECOMPANY 0 3 6 2 2 8 14 19 5 14 20 6 99

TOTAL 218 420 565 262 538 499 489 478 531 545 615 668 5,828

2010 INDIVIDUAL 156 179 280 192 219 347 1,373


Y 122 190 321 244 263 322 1,462

GOVERNMENT 0 1 1 1 0 0 3

STATECOMPANY 3 7 32 17 4 17 80

TOTAL 281 377 634 454 486 686 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,918

Source:author’sanalysisbasedonTMVandTFSVNdata Individualandprivatecompanyholdsahighratio,thetotalatover98%ofthemarket. T hisisthetargetcustomerandmainmarketthatallbanksandTFSVNfocusonandadjustt h e i r b u s i n e s s s t r a t e g i e s . P e r s o n a l a n d corporatecreditaremajorfieldofactivitiesoft h e b a n k s , req uiringthemostadaptationtothe market,butalsobeflexibletobeabletobring more credittoToyotacarbuyers.Carloanshouldtakeplacequicklyenoughtocarpurchase,delivery a n d c u s t o m e r ’ s n e e d . F o r w h i c h , t h e b a n k s a n d T F S V N h a v e t o c a r r y o u t c r e d i t activities quickly, but also manage risk accordingly.


2006 2007 2008 2009


(unit) Share

(%) Volume

(unit) Share

(%) Volume

(unit) Share

(%) Volume

(unit) Share (%)

INDIVIDUAL 1,613 48.73% 2,836 48.92% 2,593 48.12% 2,940 50.45%

PRIVATE COMPANY 1,653 49.94% 2,936 50.65% 2,787 51.72% 2,785 47.79%

GOVERNMENT 7 0.21% 6 0.10% 2 0.04% 4 0.07%

STATE COMPANY 37 1.12% 19 0.33% 7 0.13% 99 1.70%

3,310 5,797 5,389 5,828


However,duetothelicenseonbusinessoperationlimitation,intheearlystagesofestablishm entandoperationin2009,2010,TFSVNisnotallowedtoconductcorporatecredit.Thisnarrowsth emarketofTFSVN,achallengesbutanopportunityaswell.Franklyspeaking,thesearestablestepst oprofessionalactivities,stafftraining,workingexperienceaccumulation, good risk management before jointhe corporate credit in the future years. loan to individual

Since2009,carloantoindividualgainedaveryhighproportion,overhalfoftotalcarloan,when theeconomyfacedmuchdifficultiesdue totheglobalfinancialcrisis.Inwhichcorporatec reditwaslimited,onlypersonalcreditwasavailableinmostofthebank.Inthe lateof 2009,foreignbankslikeHSBCjustrunforpersonalloanandstoptemporarilycorporatec r e d i t . T h e l o c a l b a n k s f o c u s e d o n i n d i v i d u a l c u s t o m e r s , a p p l y i n g a l i t t l e h i g h e r interes tratethanTFSVN,butofferedcustomerotheraddedvalueservices.Theyareinthedirect

competition with TFSVN.

Table2.17:Carloantoindividual CarloantoIndividual

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

2006 - - - - 159 164 173 234 218 207 174 284 1,613

2007 194 175 238 213 184 205 247 230 248 277 298 327 2,836

2008 304 131 259 265 315 230 175 207 50 156 153 348 2,593

2009 135 247 331 153 245 222 232 233 235 257 307 343 2,940

2010 156 179 280 192 219 347 1,373


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

2006 - - - - 57.8% 50.0% 45.4% 56.1% 51.4% 49.3% 36.7% 48.1% 48.7%

2007 60.1% 58.0% 62.6% 57.0% 53.6% 50.4% 40.5% 41.0% 43.1% 44.0% 45.0% 52.1% 48.9%

2008 57.5% 47.3% 43.2% 46.4% 58.3% 58.2% 51.9% 47.5% 21.2% 55.3% 40.2% 43.2% 48.1%

2009 61.9% 58.8% 58.6% 58.4% 45.5% 44.5% 47.4% 48.7% 44.3% 47.2% 49.9% 51.4% 50.4%

2010 55.5% 47.5% 44.2% 42.3% 45.1% 50.6% 47.1%


Moreover,theglobalfinancialcrisisoccurredin2008and2009,enterprisesreportedloss,andthi sisoneofthereasonthebankdonothaveenoughproofforloanapproval.Inthisc o n t e x t , T F S V N e m e r g e s a s a g o o d c r e d i t o r withl o w r a t e , q u i c k d i s b u r s e m e n t , a n d considerate consultancy. This wasabigadvantage for dealers and Toyota car buyers. carloanbyBanktypesandTFSVN

Thestrongriseofjointstockbanksshowstheactiveflexibilityofthesebanks,thosearemaincom petitorsofTFSVN.Thelocalbanksaredominatedbythefundingrate,theirinterestrateisalittlehighe rthanTFSVNbuttheyapplyflexiblecreditstandardsandnotastightasT F S V N orforeignbankslik eHSBC.Creditdecisionisissuedquitefast,insomecasewithinthedaytheyreceiveddocume ntorthefollowingdayatthelatestorpreferentialrateforloyalcustomers.Inriskmanagement,int heworstsituationofdefault,thebankkeepstheoriginalvehicle register and sells the secured asset to return their loan.

Moreover,thedynamicactivitiesofthejointstockbanksalsoshowinmanypromotionalcampaig nsina yearandofferinga commissionf o r d e a l e r ’ s s a l e s p e r s o n s . O t h e r f o r e i g n ban kslikeHSBC,ANZ,UOBactivelytrytotakebackthemarket,increasingtheirsharebyadjusting theircreditstandards,preferentialrate,quickcreditdecision,fastdisbursementforcardelivery andotheraddedvalueservices.TFSVNisawareofthatithasmanycompetitorsinthemarket,andit mustimproveitsoperation,createcomparativeadvantages,trainstaffbem o r e p r o f e s s i o n a l , l a u n c h p r o m o t i o n s , e t c t o a t t r a c t a n d retaincustomers.


Unit: financed vehicle Foreign Banks Joint Stock


Joint Venture Banks

State Owned


2008 Dec 25 213 5 65 15 323


Jan 11 91 4 19 10 135

Feb 21 151 6 42 27 247

Mar 21 175 8 51 76 331

Apr 6 88 2 20 37 153

Source:author’sanalysisbasedonTMVandTFSVNdata 1


No.ofLoans Dec-08Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09Apr-09May-09 Jun-09Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09Oct-09 Nov-09Dec-09 Jan-10Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10May-10 Jun-10

250 200 50 00 50 0


Foreign Banks Joint Stock Banks Joint Venture Banks State Owned Banks TFSVN

Foreign Banks Joint Stock Banks

Joint Venture Banks

State Owned


May 6 159 1 10 69 245

Jun 14 118 3 26 61 222

Jul 16 104 2 24 86 232

Aug 9 128 3 18 75 233

Sep 16 128 2 29 60 235

Oct 17 142 6 27 65 257

Nov 19 144 9 36 99 307

Dec 41 136 6 30 130 343

TOTAL 197 1,564 52 332 795 2,940


Jan 10 71 1 12 62 156

Feb 9 84 1 29 56 179

Mar 19 124 3 30 104 280

Apr 15 99 2 24 52 192

May 17 122 4 27 49 219

Jun 22 207 4 42 72 347

TOTAL 92 707 15 164 395 1,373

Source:author’sanalysisbasedonTMVandTFSVNdata Figure 2.14: Individual carindividualloanbybanktypeandTFSVN


TFSVNonlyprovideindividualloantocarbuyers.NumberofTFSVNdisbursementisincr easingovertime,justfrom15disbursementsinthefirstmonthto104onesinMarch2010.The

average disbursement in 2009 is about 7 0 u n i t s / m o n t h a n d b e

e x p e c t e d t o g e t

1 0 0 units/monthin2010.TheTFSVN’sdisbursementisbasedonsalesof Toyota,salesof everydealer,salesofeveryregiontheNorth-Central-

South.However,theautomotivemarketisinthelowseasoninAprilandMay2010,affectingthecomp anyperformanceandtheannual business target.



Foreign Banks Joint Stock Banks

Joint Venture Banks

State Owned


2008 Dec 7.74 65.94 1.55 20.12 4.64


Jan 8.15 67.41 2.96 14.07 7.41

Feb 8.50 61.13 2.43 17.00 10.93

Mar 6.34 52.87 2.42 15.41 22.96

Apr 3.92 57.52 1.31 13.07 24.18

May 2.45 64.90 0.41 4.08 28.16

Jun 6.3 53.15 1.35 11.71 27.48

Jul 6.90 44.83 0.86 10.34 37.07

Aug 3.86 54.94 1.29 7.73 32.19

Sep 6.81 54.47 0.85 12.34 25.53

Oct 6.61 55.25 2.33 10.51 25.29

Nov 6.19 46.91 2.93 11.73 32.25

Dec 11.95 39.65 1.75 8.75 37.90

TOTAL 6.70 53.20 1.77 11.29 27.04


Jan 6.41 45.51 0.64 7.69 39.74

Feb 5.03 46.93 0.56 16.20 31.28

Mar 6.79 44.29 1.07 10.71 37.14

Apr 7.81 51.56 1.04 12.50 27.08

May 7.76 55.71 1.83 12.33 22.37

Jun 6.34 59.65 1.15 12.10 20.75

TOTAL 6.70 51.49 1.10 11.94 28.77



MarketShare Dec-08 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10











Foreign Banks Joint Stock Banks Joint Venture Banks State Owned Banks TFSVN

Figure 2.15: Market share ofindividualcarloanbybanktypeandTFSVN

Source:author’sanalysisbasedonTMVandTFSVNdata TFSVNfirstcontactedtheSBVforafeasibilitystudyonpossiblecarfinancingbusinessinViet namin2003,cameintooperationfromNov2008andbegandisbursinginthefollowingmonth,duringth isperiodthemakersharedifferencebetweenTFSVNandjointstockbankwasabout60%,4.64%vs.65.

94%.Inthistime,jointstockbankactivitiesarestrongandgott h e largestshareinToyotadealer s.Inahard timewithafuriouscompetition,TFSVNwas born and face so many difficulties and challenges.

Disbursementrevenueandmarketshareof TFSVN was increasing by month; to the endof 2009 market share of the company was equaltothat of joint stock banks. This shows thatTFSVN hadagreat attempt to work, attract


TFSVN’sproductwasdesignedforToyotaandforVietnammarket.TFSVNobserv edthemarketandchangeitselfaccordinglytoanychangesofthemarket,thecompetitors,and

thecustomers.In2010,marketshareofthecompanyareexpectedtodominatethemarketofindi vidualtofinanceToyotacar.

CorrespondinglyTMV,ToyotadealersandTFSVNhavebeenjointlyexertingtheirbesteffo rtstomeetsuchrequirementsandexpectationswiththemostimportantconceptofCustomerSatisf action.Inthisregard,TFSVNhasbeen increasingitsexposureandroleforcomprehensivecust omercarefrominitialstageofpurchasingacartodailyuse,andultimatelycustomer’sreplacementofhi scarthroughcontinuouslyextendinga carloantos u c h customer.Ontopofnewcarfinancingsch eme,TFSVNshallprovidefinancialservicesto used car buyers as well.

2.6.3TFSVN’s prudential ratios

Aspartofitscreditriskandliquidityriskmanagement,TFSVNwillcomplywiththeSBVr e g u l a t i o n s o n p r u d e n t i a l r a t i o s , namelyD e c i s i o n 4 5 7 / 2 0 0 5 / Q D -

N H N N d a t e d 1 9 A p r i l 2 0 0 5 providing regulationsonprudentialratiosinoperationsofcrediti nstitutionswhichwasamendeda n d supplementedbyDecision03/2007/QD-

NHNNd a t e d 1 9 January2 0 0 7 o f t h e SBV.T h e p r u d e n t i a l ratiosunderthecurrentregulati onsare:CapitalAdequacyRatio(CAR),Creditlimitto customers, Payment liability, Short-term capital for medium to long term lending Adequacy Ratio


TFSVN’s estimation for the first three operating years:

2008 2009 2010

TFSVN’s CAR 90.1% 44.7% 43.4%

TFSVNw i l l e x c e e d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e S t a t e B a n k o f V i e t n a m i n c a p i t a

l adequacy. Thisisduetothehighcapitalrelativetoexpected

lending,andriskmanagementtechniques employed to meet Vietnam requirements. limit to customers

AccordingtoSBV’sregulations,limitsonlendingandprovidingguaranteesofTFS VNmust be satisfied the following conditions:

 ThetotalbalanceofloansmadebyTFSVNtoasingleclientshallnotexceed15% o f the equity of TFSVN.

 Thet o t a l a m o u n t o f l o a n s m a d e a n d guaranteesp r o v i d e d b y T F S V N t o a s i n g l e clientshallnotexceed25%oftheequityofTFSVN.

 Thetotalbalanceof loansmadebyTFSVN toa groupofrelatedclientsshallnotexcee d50%oftheequityofTFSVN,ofwhichtheamountofaloantoanyoneclientshall not exceed 15% of the equity of TFSVN.

 ThetotalamountofloansmadeandguaranteesprovidedbyTFSVNtoagroup ofrelated clients shall not exceed 60%of the equity of TFSVN.

TFSVN’s estimation forthe first three operating years:

2008 2009 2010

TFSVN’s creditlimits to singlecustomers (listed in VND)

Loan 41,015,623,380 44,975,905,731 77,606,093,868 Loans &

Guarantees 68,359,372,300 74,959,842,884 129,343,489,780 GroupLoans 136,718,744,599 149,919,685,768 258,686,979,559 Group

Loans&Guarante 164,062,493,519 179,903,622,922 310,424,375,471 TFSVNhascounterpartycreditriskpoliciestoensurecreditlimitstocounterpartydoesnote xceedStateBankofVietnamrequirements. TFSVNwillnotlendinexcessoftheser e q u i r e m e n t s t o a s i n g l e o r g r o u p c o u n t e r p a r t y . ability

SBV’sregulationsrequiredTFSVNtomaintainregularlythepaymentabilityratioapplicab letoeachtypeofcurrencyandtogoldasfollows:

 Aminimum25%ofassetsincreditwhicharecapableofbeingpaidoutimmediately,t oassetsindebitwhichwillmatureforrepaymentwithinthenextfollowingmonth.

 Am i n i m u m r a t i o e q u a l t o o n e b e t w e e n t o t a l assetsincreditwhicharecapableof beingpaidoutimmediatelywithinthenextsevenworkingdaystototalassetsindebitwhich are liable to be paid out within the next seven working days.

TFSVN’s estimation forthe first three operating years:

2008 2009 2010

TFSVN’s payment ability ratio 553% 27% 30%

TFSVNwillmaintainahigherpaymentabilityratiothroughhighliquidpositionaswellas a mixed debt portfolio. capital for medium to long term lending Themaximumratioofshort-

termcapitalfundswhichTFSVNshallbepermittedtousetoprovidemediumandlong- termloansshallbe30%.

TFSVN does not plan to have:

 Demanddepositsandtermdepositsduewithin12monthsfromorganizations(inc ludingothercreditinstitutions)andindividuals;

 Demands a v i n g s d e p o s i t s a n d t e r m savingsdepositsduewithin1 2 m o n t h s f r o m individuals;

 Funds mobilized under the form of issued short-term valuable papers; and

 Surplusofborrowingsfromothercreditinstitutionsandloanstothesecreditinstitutions with a term of less than 12 months.

2.6.4Loan classification and Provision

Một phần của tài liệu Develop car loan at toyota dealers in vietnam a case study of TFSVN (2) (Trang 61 - 73)

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