RNA Structure: the average NMR structure of the RNA alone (1cq5.pdb)

Một phần của tài liệu World Index of BioMolecular Visualization Resources (Trang 74 - 88)

Ffh protein: the protein subunit without RNA (2ffh.pdb).

All three models in a side-by-side display on one page.

Author: McClure, William Submitted by: the author. (Entry 23). Submitted on Jun 1, 2000.

Last revised on Jun 3, 2000.

Signal Recognition Particle Core (at The Online Macromolecular Museum) : Cross-indexing terms: signal recognition; protein targeting; SRP.

In both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, a signal recognition particle (SRP) is responsible for recognizing and binding to a signal sequence at the amino terminus of a growing,

membrane-bound protein. This is essential for targeting the protein to the membrane.

This exhibit focuses on the structure of the SRP core of E. coli, which represents an evolutionarily preserved core of the SRP in all organisms.

Author: Marcey, David Submitted by: the author. (Entry 114). Submitted on Jun 18, 2001.

Signal Recognition Particle Core (E. coli) :

Online Macromolecular Museum. (Marcey, David; Students at California Lutheran University;

Students at Kenyon College)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z sildenafil :

Highlights of biochemistry: molecular structures made visible. (Bergmann, Rolf) (English or German)

sildenafil :

The Rational Basis of Drug Design. (Walters, D. Eric)

Silk Protein (2slk.pdb), a theoretical model of the fibrous β-sheet protein : Protein Structures List. (McClure, William)

simulation, theoretical, water :

Water Simulation. (Martz, Eric) Singapore :

XdomView: A Chime-based Graphical Tool for Protein Domain and Exon Position Visualization. (Gopalan, Vivek; Shoba Ranganathan; Tan Tin Wee)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sliding DNA clamp :

DNA Polymerase III-Beta Subunit (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Marcey, David) slowest enzyme :

Rubisco: a first look at the mechanism. An experiment in molecular visualisation. (Nixon, John) Small Molecule Lab Exercise:

Cross-indexing terms: amino acid quizzer; lab exercise.

In the first page, students are given a few simple structures to draw from the chime image. This familiarizes them with the interface & the representation used by chime. In the second page, they randomly select amino acids by number from a protein and must identify them by structure.

Author: White, Brian Submitted by: the author. (Entry 80). Submitted on Nov 10, 2000.

small molecules :

Molecular Visualization Resources for Project VISM. (Klevickis, Cindy)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z SN1 reaction :

DNA Polymerase I from Thermus aquaticus. (Bruist, Michael) snRNP :

U1A Spliceosomal Protein (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Marcey, David) snRNP U1A :

Structures for Molecular Biology. (McClure, William) solvent accessible surface :

Accessible, molecular and Van der Waals surfaces explained. (Krieger, Elmar)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

SOS response :

RecA Protein (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Heerssen, Heather; Downs, Aaron;

Marcey, David) SP1 :

Molecules and Structures Homepage. (Gasser, Charles) spermine :

Course Home Page for "Computer Applications in Biotechnology". (Klevickis, Cindy) Spliceosomal Protein-RNA Interactions, U1A :

Online Macromolecular Museum. (Marcey, David; Students at California Lutheran University;

Students at Kenyon College)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z spliceosome :

Biomodel. (Herraez, Angel; Lopez-Lopez, Jose Ramon) (Spanish)

Splicesomal Protein :

U1A Spliceosomal Protein (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Marcey, David) Squalene :

Isoprenoid Biosynthesis Pathway. (Warren, L. Van) src-family :

Explore the c-Src tyrosine kinase. (Engen, John R; Superti-Furga, Giulio)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z SRP :

Signal Recognition Particle Core (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Marcey, David) SRP, the E. coli signal recognition particle, (1dul.pdb) :

Signal Recognition Particle. (McClure, William) Staurosporine :

Molecule of the Month/University of Bristol. (May, Paul (editor)) stem-loop :

Hammerhead Ribozyme. (Reichsman, Frieda)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z stereoelectronic control :

Rubisco: a first look at the mechanism. An experiment in molecular visualisation. (Nixon, John) stereoisomerism :

Web-Based Chemical Investigations. (Bragin, Victoria (Vicki)) Steroids :

Isoprenoid Biosynthesis Pathway. (Warren, L. Van) stop codons :

Sickle Cell Anemia: Understanding the Molecular Biology. (Sabo, John; Lynch, Jamie;

Raineri, Deanna)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Structural Alignment Program for Proteins:

Cross-indexing terms: alignment; protein superposition; pymol; jmol; rasmol;

vmd; mutations; residue annotation; java; multiple structure alignment.

STRAP is an interactive editor for multiple sequence alignments of proteins. Several tutorials and wizards on the following topics are integrated in STRAP:

1. mapping of mutations and polymorphisms onto three-dimensional protein structures 2. multiple structure alignments

3. BLAST searches

4. evolutionary dendrograms

5. multiple sequence alignments of sequences with little similarity

These tutorials are the basis for training courses which are offered for students of biophysics, biochemistry and biology at the Humboldt University Berlin

Author: Gille, Christoph Submitted by: the author. (Entry 158). Submitted on Oct 27, 2004.

Structural Biochemistry of Blood Coagulation:

Cross-indexing terms: blood coagulation; tissue factor; factor II; factor III; factor VII; factor IX; factor XIII; von Willebrand factor; protein C; thrombin; hirudin;


The structures of many blood coagulation factors have been determined experimentally by X- ray crystallography or by NMR spectroscopy. These pages illustrate structural features of these proteins using Chime. Included are tissue factor (factor III); a tissue factor + factor VII

complex; von Willebrand factor; tissue factor pathway inhibitor; protein C; a portion of factor IX containing several gamma-carboxy-glutamate residues; thrombin (factor II, complexed with hirudin, a leech anticoagulant); factor XIII; a fibrin fragment.

Author: Walters, D. Eric Submitted by: the author. (Entry 73). Submitted on Nov 6, 2000.

structural domain :

XdomView: A Chime-based Graphical Tool for Protein Domain and Exon Position Visualization. (Gopalan, Vivek; Shoba Ranganathan; Tan Tin Wee)

structure and mechanism :

Rubisco: a first look at the mechanism. An experiment in molecular visualisation. (Nixon, John) Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z structure, protein, primary, secondary :

Introduction to Protein Structure, Part I. (Bragin, Victoria (Vicki)) structure-activity relationships :

The Rational Basis of Drug Design. (Walters, D. Eric) Structures for Molecular Biology:

Cross-indexing terms: B-Form DNA helix; A-Form RNA helix; cAMP Receptor Protein (CRP); Yeast GAL4 Protein; Human hnRNP A1; snRNP U1A; EF-Tu, tRNAPhe, and GTP; Zif268 zinc finger; EcoRI Res. Endonuclease; HhaI Res.

Methylase; Nucleosome.

An index table of structures for molecular biology courses. PubMed entries and Chime displays of the structures can be viewed by following the links provided.

Author: McClure, William Submitted by: the author. (Entry 27). Submitted on Jun 1, 2000.

strucuture :

XdomView: A Chime-based Graphical Tool for Protein Domain and Exon Position Visualization. (Gopalan, Vivek; Shoba Ranganathan; Tan Tin Wee)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Student Webpapers: The Structure-Function Relationships for the Enzymes in the Glycolytic and Lactate Fermentation Pathways.:

Cross-indexing terms: glycolysis; gluconeogenesis; lactate fermentation;

Classroom use of Chime; lesson plan.

Students taking Chem406 at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are required to write a Web termpaper (Webpaper) that reviews the structure-function relationships of a protein. Chem406 is a biophysical chemistry course that is required of undergraduate students majoring in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology. For the Fall 1999 semester the students were assigned

enzymes from the glycolytic, gluconeogenesis, and lactate fermentation pathways. The students were required to use Chime images to illustrate their papers and to use JavaScript buttons to modify these images in context with the narrative of their paper. We have found Web page authoring with Chimes to be a powerful tool for teaching students about the structure/function relationships of proteins. The homepage for this site contains two links: one to the detailed assignment that was given to the students, the other to a figure showing the metabolic pathways involved. Each enzyme named in this figure provides a link to a student Webpaper. These are student-authored reports, unedited by faculty, consequently the quality and accuracy does vary.

All together there are 12 Webpapers with a average of three Chimes per Webpaper. The specific enzymes covered include:

• Hexokinase (E.C.

• Glucose 6-Phosphate Isomerase (E.C.

• Phosphofructokinase (E.C.

• Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphate Aldolase (E.C.

• Triosephosphate Isomerase (E.C.

• Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (E.C.

• 3-Phosphoglycerate Kinase (E.C.

• 3-Phosphoglycerate Mutase (E.C.

• 2-Phosphoglycerate Hydrolase (Enolase) (E.C.

• Pyruvate Kinase (E.C.

• Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase (E.C.

• Lactate Dehydrogenase (E.C.

Author: Chem406 Class, Fall 1999, U Wisc-Eau Claire Submitted by: Gallagher, Warren. (Entry 57). Submitted on Aug 10, 2000.

student-authored tutorials :

Course Home Page for "Computer Applications in Biotechnology". (Klevickis, Cindy) substrate binding :

Magnesium Adenosine Triphosphate (MgATP) Binding to an Enzyme. (Bruist, Michael) succinate dehydrogenase :

Animations on subjects of Structural and Metabolic Biochemistry. (Silva, Pedro)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z sucralose :

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Sweeteners. (Walters, D. Eric) Sucrose -> Fructose & Glucose :

Molecules for Modern/Cell Biology. (McClure, William) Sulfanilamide :

Molecule of the Month/University of Bristol. (May, Paul (editor)) supersecondary motifs :

Protein Architecture at Biochemistry in 3D. (Driscoll, Timothy; Reichsman, Frieda) Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z surfaces :

MolUSc - Molecules pour un Usage Scholaire. (Pillot, Paul) (French)

surfaces :

Accessible, molecular and Van der Waals surfaces explained. (Krieger, Elmar) SV40 capsid structure and assembly.:

Cross-indexing terms: Presentation in Protein Explorer (PIPE - prototype); VP1;

virus capsid structure; icosahedral capsid structure.

The major component of the Simian Virus 40 capsid is 360 copies of VP1. This is a detailed tour of how VP1 fits into pentamers, and how the 72 pentamers assemble to form an icosahedral capsid. It ends with a rotatable 'soccer ball' image of the capsid within an icosahedron. In addition to 30 views in Chime, schematic diagrams are included, and this presentation is a prototype within Protein Explorer 1.0. This means you can use the full capabilities of Protein Explorer to manipulate any view in the presentation. (An earlier version of this SV40 tutorial is available at Univ Massachusetts.)

Author: Welte, Stefan Submitted by: the author. (Entry 7). Submitted on May 25, 2000. Last revised on Dec 16, 2000.

sweetener :

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Sweeteners. (Walters, D. Eric) SYBYL :

Macromolecular Visualization Laboratory Exercise. (Kahn, Kalju)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tamoxifen :

Molecule of the Month/University of Bristol. (May, Paul (editor)) TATA box binding protein :

Highlights of biochemistry: molecular structures made visible. (Bergmann, Rolf) (English or German)

TATA-binding protein :

Molecules and Structures Homepage. (Gasser, Charles) Tc3 transposase :

Biomolecules at Kenyon College. (Students, Kenyon College; Site Director, Joan Slonczewski) (English; CopG auf Deutch)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z template :

DNA Polymerase I from Thermus aquaticus. (Bruist, Michael) tertiary structure :

Protein Architecture at Biochemistry in 3D. (Driscoll, Timothy; Reichsman, Frieda) tertiary structure :

Introduction to Protein Structure, Part I. (Bragin, Victoria (Vicki)) tertiary structure :

Introduction to Protein Structure. (Gorga, Frank) Tetrodotoxin :

Molecule of the Month/University of Bristol. (May, Paul (editor)) TFIIIA :

Molecules and Structures Homepage. (Gasser, Charles)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Thalidomide :

Molecule of the Month/University of Bristol. (May, Paul (editor)) The 20 common amino acids:

Cross-indexing terms: amino acids and properties; lesson plan.

Each amino acid is displayed (with hydrogens) in Chime in a table including names, structural formulae, pI and pK values. A list of questions for a class is provided as a lesson plan (click the separate link "Exploring Amino Acids and Proteins - An Internet Assignment for Biology Students"). Most of the questions can be answered from the table of amino acids, but some extend to electrophoresis, and the uses of other websites to determine isoelectric points of arbitrary peptides, and the use of Entrez to find protein sequences.

Authors: Bragin, Victoria (Vicki); Johnston, Wendie. Submitted by: the author.

(Entry 63). Submitted on Aug 17, 2000. Last revised on Mar 19, 2001.

The E. coli trp Repressor Chime Movie:

Cross-indexing terms: trp repressor; trpR; repressor; trp operator; operator; DNA binding protein; ligand activation; tryptophan.

This Chime movie illustrates the structural differences between crystal structures of the inactive apo form (3WRP) and liganded active form (1TRO) of trp repressor, a DNA binding protein from E. coli. Both structures are superimposed in a single PDB file which is downloaded to the left frame. Apo vs. holo forms are selected by toggling push buttons, and the trp operator DNA can also be toggled on and off. The site was designed to make it possible to easily compare these structures, and to illustrate one of few examples where the structural basis for ligand- activation of a DNA-binding protein has been clearly elucidated using crystal structure analysis.

Author: Lawson, Cathy Submitted by: the author. (Entry 68). Submitted on Sep 24, 2000.

The Glycolytic Cycle:

Cross-indexing terms: glucose; hexokinase; ATP; ADP; phosphoglucoisomerase;

phosphofructokinase; aldolase; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; phosphoglycerate kinase; 3-phosphoglycerate; phosphoglycerate mutase; 2-phosphoglycerate;

enolase; 2-phosphoenolpyruvate; pyruvate kinase; pyruvate; lactate dehydrogenase;


Chime is used to illustrate each step in the glycolytic cycle including the full structure of each substrate and enzyme and the free energy change occurring at each step.

Author: Warren, L. Van Submitted by: the author. (Entry 60). Submitted on Aug 15, 2000.

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The Large Ribosomal Subunit: a structure/function tutorial:

Cross-indexing terms: protein synthesis; enzyme mechanism; translation; rRNA;

tRNA; ribosome.

By this point, the ribosome should be a familiar object in your biochemistry/biology education because all life as we know it requires a ribosome to construct proteins. The peptide bond formation it catalyzes is rather simple; however, the complete molecule must also read mRNA codons, and bind 3 tRNA molecules. This accounts, in part, for the large size of the molecule.

Unfortunately, much of the mechanism remains a mystery. In a series of papers published in 2000, researchers have determined the structure of the large subunit to a great degree of accuracy, and have proposed specific residues which catalyze the peptide bond formation in large subunit. In this tutorial, we will examine the large subunit, and in doing so, will address three related questions. Which of the components of the large subunit comprise the active site, where is that site located, and how does it work? This tutorial uses the Chime plugin to

visualize the three dimensional structure of the ribosome and to animate the mechanism of peptide formation.

Authors: Sontum, Stephen; Lesko, Zack. Submitted by: the author. (Entry 147).

Submitted on Feb 12, 2004.

The Lycoming College Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics Page:

Cross-indexing terms: HIV protease; Ribosomal small subunit; Adenosine Kinase;

Dystrophin; G-protein Beta and Gamma subunits; DNA glycosylase; Clathrin;

Fibronectin; Myosin; Insulin receptor; Dihydrofolate reductase.

The Bioinformatics exercises at Lycoming were designed to use Biowire.com's Jellyfish

software. 3-D protein structure tutorials require the Chime plug-in. The students have produced Integrated Informatics Projects (99-04) and Protein Structure/Function Projects (98-99) that illustrate the structures and functions of many proteins.

Author: Newman, Jeff Submitted by: Foley, Brian. (Entry 159). Submitted on Nov 1, 2004.

The Rational Basis of Drug Design:

Cross-indexing terms: drug discovery; HIV; inhibitor, protease; protease inhibitor;

HIV-protease inhibitor; saquinavir; indinavir; ritonavir; sildenafil; Viagra;

structure-activity relationships.

Supplementary materials for a series of graduate lectures on the discovery of new drugs.

Includes numerous chemical structures and several Chime structures. Illustrated with detailed descriptions of the development of HIV protease inhibitors and the discovery of sildenafil (Viagra).

Author: Walters, D. Eric Submitted by: the author. (Entry 74). Submitted on Nov 6, 2000.

The Zinc Finger: A Protein Domain that Binds Specific DNA Sequences:

Cross-indexing terms: DNA binding protein; zinc finger; zif268; protein secondary structure; lesson plans.

A zinc finger-DNA complex is used to introduce protein structure. Initially, a single finger (without DNA) is viewed. It consists of a beta hairpin and an alpha helix. Various parts of this structure can be viewed separately. The students are asked a few simple questions regarding the structure. Answers are available with a click.

Then, a three-figer structure and the DNA it binds is viewed. Again different parts of the complex can be selected. A few questions are asked of the structure. Answers are provided.

Author: Bruist, Michael Submitted by: the author. (Entry 137). Submitted on Sep 10, 2002.

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z theoretical simulation of water :

Water Simulation. (Martz, Eric) Thermal motion of alpha helix:

Cross-indexing terms: XYZ format animation; animation with XYZ files.

Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal motion of a 12-residue polyalanine right-handed helix unfolding. This illustrates Chime's ability to display animations using XYZ-format atomic coordinate files. Note that unlike PDB files, XYZ files lack information about residue names or atom positions within residues (e.g. alpha carbon). Hence for proteins, NMR-format PDB files are preferable (see the Morpher).

Author: Cachau, Raul E. Submitted by: Martz, Eric. (Entry 53). Submitted on Aug 8, 2000.

thermophilic red alga. :

Rubisco: a first look at the mechanism. An experiment in molecular visualisation. (Nixon, John) thiolate ligand :

Cytochrome P450 3D structures page. (Nelson, David)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z thrombin :

Structural Biochemistry of Blood Coagulation. (Walters, D. Eric) timing of active site closure :

Rubisco: a first look at the mechanism. An experiment in molecular visualisation. (Nixon, John) tissue factor :

Structural Biochemistry of Blood Coagulation. (Walters, D. Eric) tobacco mosaic virus :

Highlights of biochemistry: molecular structures made visible. (Bergmann, Rolf) (English or German)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Topoisomerase I :

Online Macromolecular Museum. (Marcey, David; Students at California Lutheran University;

Students at Kenyon College) topoisomerase, type I :

DNA Topoisomerase I (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Kysela, David; Marcey, David)

toxoplasmosis :

Highlights of biochemistry: molecular structures made visible. (Bergmann, Rolf) (English or German)

transcription :

Sickle Cell Anemia: Understanding the Molecular Biology. (Sabo, John; Lynch, Jamie;

Raineri, Deanna) transcription :

Lac Repressor: Biochemistry in 3D. (Driscoll, Timothy)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z transcription activation :

Estrogen Receptor Structures & Function. (McClure, Will; Saha, Suparna) transcription activator :

Zinc Binuclear Clusters. (Craig, Paul) transcription factor :

Nitrogen Regulatory Protein C (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Carroll, Carla;

Marcey, David) transcription factor :

Molecules and Structures Homepage. (Gasser, Charles) transcription factors :

Chime Square. (Niederhoffer, Eric)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z transcription regulation :

Cro Repressor of Temperate Bacteriophages (at The Online Macromolecular Museum).

(Marcey, David) transcriptional regulation :

Lac Repressor: Biochemistry in 3D. (Driscoll, Timothy) transfer RNA :

Macromolecular Visualization Laboratory Exercise. (Kahn, Kalju) translation :

Sickle Cell Anemia: Understanding the Molecular Biology. (Sabo, John; Lynch, Jamie;

Raineri, Deanna) translation :

Large Ribosomal Subunit Tour for Specialists. (Decatur, Wayne) translation :

Ribosome Tour. (Decatur, Wayne) translation :

Large Ribosomal Subunit Tour. (Decatur, Wayne) translation :

The Large Ribosomal Subunit: a structure/function tutorial. (Sontum, Stephen; Lesko, Zack) Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z translation (animation) and ribosome structure :

70S Ribosome Architecture. (McClure, Will) transport :

Highlights of biochemistry: molecular structures made visible. (Bergmann, Rolf) (English or German)

trends, periodic, in atomic and ionic sizes :

3D Periodic Table of Radii. (Wherland, Scot) Tricarboxylic acid cycle :

Images of TCA Cycle Intermediates. (McClure, William)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Triose Phosphate Isomerase (1ypi.pdb), a parallel β-barrel with alternating βαβ motifs :

Protein Structures List. (McClure, William) tRNA :

Nucleic Acid Structure Tutorials. (Nolan, Jim) tRNA :

Biomodel. (Herraez, Angel; Lopez-Lopez, Jose Ramon) (Spanish)

tRNA :

Ribosome Tour. (Decatur, Wayne) tRNA :

The Large Ribosomal Subunit: a structure/function tutorial. (Sontum, Stephen; Lesko, Zack) tRNA synthetase :

Biomolecules at Kenyon College. (Students, Kenyon College; Site Director, Joan Slonczewski) (English; CopG auf Deutch)

tRNA synthetase :

Macromolecular Visualization Laboratory Exercise. (Kahn, Kalju) tRNA Tour:

Cross-indexing terms: tRNAPhe (6tna.pdb).

In a frames format, this Chime-based tutorial displays the secondary and tertiary structural features of yeast tRNAPhe. It is designed to complement the description in Saenger, W. (1984) Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure Ch. 15 "tRNA-A Treasury of Stereochemical


Author: McClure, William Submitted by: the author. (Entry 31). Submitted on Jun 1, 2000.

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z tRNAPhe (6tna.pdb) :

tRNA Tour. (McClure, William)

Tropomyosin (2tma.pdb), a fibrous coiled-coil protein : Protein Structures List. (McClure, William) trp operator :

The E. coli trp Repressor Chime Movie. (Lawson, Cathy) trp repressor :

Protein/DNA interactions. (Gibson, Andrew; Sims, P. F. G.) trp repressor :

The E. coli trp Repressor Chime Movie. (Lawson, Cathy)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z trpR :

The E. coli trp Repressor Chime Movie. (Lawson, Cathy) trypsin inhibitor :

Molecular Science Lab. (Oberholser, Karl) trypsinogen-BPTI :

Molecular Science Lab. (Oberholser, Karl) tryptophan :

The E. coli trp Repressor Chime Movie. (Lawson, Cathy)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tryptophan Repressor :

Online Macromolecular Museum. (Marcey, David; Students at California Lutheran University;

Students at Kenyon College) tubulin :

FtsZ, a prokaryotic cell-division protein and tubulin homologue. (McCool, Gabriel J.) tutorials on molecular structures :

Molecular Models for Biochemistry at CMU. (McClure, William) Type II restriction endonuclease :

BamHI Restriction Endonuclease (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Silva, Nathan;

Leslie, Kenneth; Marcey, David)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z tyrosine kinase :

Explore the c-Src tyrosine kinase. (Engen, John R; Superti-Furga, Giulio) tyrosine phosphatases :

Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase PTP1B (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Silva, Nathan;

Marcey, David) U1A :

Biomodel. (Herraez, Angel; Lopez-Lopez, Jose Ramon) (Spanish)

U1A Spliceosomal Protein (at The Online Macromolecular Museum):

Cross-indexing terms: RNA splicing; Splicesomal Protein; snRNP.

This Chime-based exhibit examines the binding of U1A protein to both the U1 snRNA in the U1 snRNP and to the 3' untranslated region of the mRNA that encodes the U1A protein.

Author: Marcey, David Submitted by: the author. (Entry 111). Submitted on Jun 18, 2001.

Last revised on Jun 22, 2001.

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z universal joint, molecular: flagellar hook :

Flagellar Hook, Bacterial -- A Molecular Universal Joint. (Martz, Eric) Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR) :

Web-Based Chemical Investigations. (Bragin, Victoria (Vicki)) Van der Waals forces :

Chemical Bonds and Protein Structure (at The Online Macromolecular Museum). (Marcey, David)

van der Waals interactions, finding :

NonCovalent Bond Finder (NCBF). (Martz, Eric)

Top 0 1 2 3-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z van der Waals surface :

Accessible, molecular and Van der Waals surfaces explained. (Krieger, Elmar) Viagra :

The Rational Basis of Drug Design. (Walters, D. Eric) vibrational modes, infrared spectra, animated :

Infrared spectra, animations of vibrational modes. (Motyka, Eric; Lahti, Paul; Lancashire, Robert J.)

Viral Antigens :

Một phần của tài liệu World Index of BioMolecular Visualization Resources (Trang 74 - 88)

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