.6 Rà quét và kết quả

Một phần của tài liệu AN TOÀN MẠNG BÁO CÁO KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN Đề tài: “TÌM HIỂU CÔNG CỤ W3AF” (Trang 30)


3.2 Bài Lab 2:

Kịch bản: Sử dụng W3AF rà quét lỗ hổng trang web: http://www.dvssc.com/dvwa/index.php

Thực hiện: w3af>>> help

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| start | Start the scan. |

| plugins | Enable and configure plugins. |

| exploit | Exploit the vulnerability. |

| profiles | List and use scan profiles. |

| cleanup | Cleanup before starting a new scan. |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| help | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more |

| | specific help about "command" |

| version | Show w3af version information. |

| keys | Display key shortcuts. |………

w3af>>> plugins w3af/plugins>>> help

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| list | List available plugins. |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| back | Go to the previous menu. |

| exit | Exit w3af. |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| auth | View, configure and enable auth plugins |

| grep | View, configure and enable grep plugins |

| evasion | View, configure and enable evasion plugins |

| mangle | View, configure and enable mangle plugins |


| crawl | View, configure and enable crawl plugins

| | bruteforce | View, configure and enable bruteforce plugins


w3af/plugins>>> auth |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Plugin name | Status | Conf | Description |


| detailed | | Yes | Detailed authentication plugin. |

| generic | | Yes | Generic authentication plugin. |


w3af/plugins>>> bruteforce |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Plugin name | Status | Conf | Description |


| basic_auth | | Yes | Bruteforce HTTP basic authentication. |

| form_auth | | Yes | Bruteforce HTML form authentication. |


w3af/plugins>>> bruteforce basic_auth,form_auth w3af/plugins>>> bruteforce


| Plugin name | Status | Conf | Description |


| basic_auth | Enabled | Yes | Bruteforce HTTP basic authentication. |

| form_auth | Enabled | Yes | Bruteforce HTML form authentication. |


w3af/plugins>>> help |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

| | list | List available plugins.

| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

| | back | Go to the previous menu.

| | exit | Exit w3af.

| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

| | auth | View, configure and enable auth plugins

| | grep | View, configure and enable grep plugins

| | evasion | View, configure and enable evasion plugins

| | mangle | View, configure and enable mangle plugins


w3af/plugins>>> bruteforce config form_auth w3af/plugins/bruteforce/config:form_auth>>> view |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

| | Setting | Value | Modified | Description | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

31 | | profilingNumber | 50 | | This | | | | | indicates | | | | | how many | | | | | passwords | | | | | from | | | | | profiling | | | | | will be |……… w3af/plugins/bruteforce/config:form_auth>>> back The configuration has been saved.

w3af/plugins>>> audit

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------|

| Plugin name | Status | Conf | Description |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------|

| blind_sqli | | Yes | Identify blind SQL injection vulnerabilities. |

| buffer_overflow | | | Find buffer overflow vulnerabilities. |

| cors_origin | | Yes | Inspect if application checks that the value of the "Origin" HTTP header isconsistent with the |

| | | | value of the remote IP address/Host of the sender ofthe incoming HTTP request. |

| csrf | | | Identify Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities. |

| dav | | | Verify if the WebDAV module is properly configured. |

| eval | | Yes | Find insecure eval() usage. |…………

w3af/plugins>>> audit xss,sqli w3af/plugins>>> help

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------|

| list | List available plugins. |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------|

| back | Go to the previous menu. |

| exit | Exit w3af. |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------|

| auth | View, configure and enable auth plugins |


| grep | View, configure and enable grep plugins |

| evasion | View, configure and enable evasion plugins |

| mangle | View, configure and enable mangle plugins |

| crawl | View, configure and enable crawl plugins |…………

w3af/plugins>>> crawl

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------|

| Plugin name | Status | Conf | Description |


Một phần của tài liệu AN TOÀN MẠNG BÁO CÁO KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN Đề tài: “TÌM HIỂU CÔNG CỤ W3AF” (Trang 30)

Tải bản đầy đủ (PDF)

(39 trang)