3.3. Kết quả thực nghiệm sư phạm
Cả lớp chia thành 7 nhóm, mỗi nhóm có 1 nhóm trưởng và gồm 5 đến 6 thành viên. Các nhóm đặt tên cho nhóm mình như sau:
Nhóm 1: Future (Tương lai)
Nhóm 2: Dream Team ( Nhóm uớc mơ) Nhóm 3: Leader (Thủ lĩnh)
Nhóm 4: Big Diggers (Những người thợ mỏ vĩ đại)
Nhóm 5: Technology heroes (Những anh hùng cơng nghệ) Nhóm 6: Army of Darknes (Kỵ sỹ bóng đêm)
Nhóm 7: Flames – Những ngọn lửa
Các nhóm dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên hồn thành bài thuyết trình và đại diện các nhóm trình bày sản phẩm của mình trong buổi báo cáo. Trong
quá trình thu thập tài liệu để chuẩn bị cho thuyết trình, các thành viên trong mỗi nhóm đều tích cực và thích thú trong việc được tìm hiểu, nghiên cứu các kiến thức vật lý bằng tiếng anh. Qua đó rèn luyện khả năng đọc, hiểu, tìm hiểu các tài liệu khoa học bằng tiếng anh. Khi thuyết trình, các nhóm diễn đạt khá tốt thể hiện khả năng nói khá lưu lốt, kĩ năng thuyết trình khá tốt. Tuy nhiên khi thuyết trình một số nhóm cịn lúng, chưa hấp dẫn, cịn gặp vấn đề như nói nhỏ, nói lắp, ngập ngừng.... Tuy nhiên phần thảo luận, nhận xét giữa các nhóm diễn ra khá sơi nổi, chứng tỏ các em có tư duy phê phán tốt, biết phát hiện ra điểm mạnh, điểm yếu của nhóm bạn để góp ý và rút kinh nghiệm cho nhóm mình.
Thành phần ban giám khảo gồm 7 nhóm trưởng các nhóm và giáo viên.
Bảng 3.1. Danh sách thành viên BGK
STT Họ và tên Ghi chú
1 Phạm Thị Hải Yến Giáo viên
2 Nguyễn Hồng Linh Chi Nhóm trưởng nhóm 1
3 Nguyễn Tú Anh Nhóm trưởng nhóm 2
4 Đinh Khánh Nam Nhóm trưởng nhóm 3
5 Nguyễn Thùy Trang Nhóm trưởng nhóm 4
6 Nguyễn Trịnh Xuân Anh Nhóm trưởng nhóm 5 7 Hồng Thủy Kiều Trang Nhóm trưởng nhóm 6 8 Nguyễn Thái Phi Anh Nhóm trưởng nhóm 7
Cuối tiết học, giáo viên khẳng định vai trò quan trọng của điện năng trong sản xuất và đời sống; tổng kết, nhấn mạnh nguyên tắc chung của việc sản xuất điện năng cũng như ưu, nhược điểm của từng cách thức sản xuất điện năng khác nhau; rút ra các cách để tiết kiệm điện năng.
Giáo viên lấy phản hổi từ học sinh bằng cách sử dụng phiếu điều tra hiệu quả của giờ dạy.
Hình ảnh thuyết trình của nhóm 2
Hình ảnh thuyết trình của nh m 7
Kết quả sản phẩm của các nhóm
Bản word thuyết trình của nh m 1
1. Can you imagine a life without electricity? Electricity is important today because we use it for almost everything in our homes. Without electricity our food would spoil, it would be dark, there would be no Internet and to top it off in the summer we would be hot.
2. One of the biggest benefit lofectricity is that it has helped to remove darkness and increase human activity. Powerful lights are used in factories, schools, hospitals and in all other dark places where men have to work for the benefit of others or for themselves.
3.I will show you the importance of electricity in details. Electric plays a key role in a wide range of aspects of our life. Firstly, in our daily life, look at the fan above everyone, look at the light, look at the projector, those appliances are all run by electric energy. There are 4 main types of appliances that is powered by electricity. First is heating or cooling stuff, for example: oven, iron or fridge. Second is stuff using motion, such as: cars or blender.
Thirdly, lighting stuff, such as bulb or lamp. And the last is things for communication: computer or TV.
4. Here I has a table showing the comparison among the amount of electricity when we use a number of electrical household appliances. Surprisingly, air conditioning is in the highest position. The following is lighting, water heating, etc. In the last position is computing, although it is one of the appliance that we use the most.
5. The second aspect that electric is essential is industry and agriculture. Electricity has also enabled men to increase the production of their goods. Huge machines are operated in large factories with the help of electricity for the manufacture of useful goods. These machines work ceaselessly and produce enormous quantities of goods, which are distributed throughout the world, for the comfort of people in all parts of the earth.
6. The third aspect is communication. Let me introduce, Nikola Tesla and the development of the radio. Nikola demostrated the transmission and radiation of radio frequency proposing that the radio could be used for telecommunications and information. He also used eletromagnetic receivers, which led to the invetion of wireless remote controls.
7. Last but not least, transportation. With the development of technology, eletricity is now becoming a major source of energy to a number of vehicles since it is clean and easy to generate, and today, I will show you, the underground subway using electricity. There are lots of underground subway in the world, especially in large cities, and one of the most popular tube in the world is the subway in London or Tokyo.
8. So what about electric energy in physics. What is its power for? Let's finish this table to find out the answer
Here we have 5 household applicants. A lamp, a mini generator, a electric fan, a kettle and a battery.
There we have to find out how electric energy transfer into other energies to make those things work.
We have done an example for u. The electric energy in this lamp transfers into optical energy and thermal energy to light up the lamp
So what about the mini generator ( ask and answer with std)
9. Here is all knowledge that we've learned in9, 10 grade so what about AC generator. Do you know anything about it?
So AC generator is converts mechanical energy into alternating electric energy. This machine includes 2 parts
+Stator: : The stationary part of an electrical machine + Rotor: The rotating part of an electrical machine
10. Last thing i want to talk to u is the transformation of energy into electric energy in following plants and equipment:
+Thermoelectric plant: Thermal energy (burning fossil fuel) → mechanical energy (rotating turbine) → electric energy.
+Hydroelectric plant: Potential energy (water in the water container) → electric energy
+Nuclear electric plant: nuclear energy → electric +Wind generator: wind force’s energy → electric +Solar battery: solar energy → electric energy
Bản word thuyết trình của nh m 2
THERMOELECTRIC PLANT Structure and operating process I/Structure
1. Boiler:
- Water tank - Heating system
- Steam vent
* Use fuel to generate hot steam with high P & high T˚
2. Stream turbine system:
- 1 small high-pressure turbine - 2 big low-pressure turbine - Linked with a gas piping
* Use high P & high T˚ steam to rotate the turbines
3. Condenser:
- Waterboxes - Tubes
- Vacuum system
* Condense steam into water
4. Tranformer:
- 1 primary coil
- 1 or more secondary coil - link via electromagnetic fields * Transfer electrical energy II/ Operating process:
STEP 1:Create pressured stream
STEP 2: Pressurized steam forces the turbines to rotate at a very high
STEP 3: Generate electric STEP 4: Supply electricity
STEP 5:Condense water. Repeat all the process
* Transformation of Energy: Thermal Energy (burning fossil fuel) -> Mechanical Energy (rotating turbin) -> Electric Energy
III. Advantages & Disadvantages:
- Easy to install
- Easy to find the source of energy
- Require less space as compared to Hydro power plants. - Cost of generation is less than that of diesel power plants.
- It pollutes the atmosphere due to production of large amount of smoke and fumes.
- It is costlier in running cost as compared to Hydro electric plants.
Bản word thuyết trình của nh m 3
1) The structure of a hydropower plant and its mechanism of action. Energy-transforming process:
-Turbine transforms from potential energy to mechanical energy.
-The blades of turbine represent mechanical energy, spinning the turbine generator which converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy due to the nature of the generator
- Generator transforms from mechanical energy to electrical energy. - Potential energy of the water in the reservoir changes to kinetic energy as it is forced through the turbine.
Main part of hydroelectric plant:
- Power house is a building in which the turbine, alternators and the auxiliary plant are housed.
-Reservoir is employed to store water which is further utilized to generate power by running hydroelectric turbine.
-Intake makes water flows into turbine.
-Control gate is used toregulate or control the flow of the water from the dam
-Penstocks are the water conductor conduit of suitable size connecting the surge shaft to main inlet valve.
-Turbines are used to convert the energy water of falling water into mechanical energy.
-Outflow makes water flows through the canals to lower section of the river.
-Transformer is where the eletricity produced is converted to a higher voltage to travel into the transmission grid.
-Hydro generator is coupled to the turbine and converts the mechanical energy transmitted by the turbine to electrical energy.
-Governor is used for controlling the guide vanes by detecting turbine speed and ít guide vane opening in order to keep turbine speed stable or to regulate its output.
-Dam is a barrier which confines or raise waterfor storage or diversion to create a hydraulic head.
- Spill way’s is a kind of canal provide besides the dam. -Transmission lines carry electricity to homes and business.
- Draft tube is located between lower ring of turbine and tail race. It conveys water after discharge from runner to tail race runner.
-Draft tube gates are provided for isolating the Power house and tail pool before taking maintenance of the turbine.
-Trash rack prevents debris from entering the penstock.
-Fish ladder allows fish to migrant past the dam by providing them a series of steps to swim and leap up to reach the other side of the dam.
2) The reason why hydropower plants must have above lake?
So just how do we get electricity from water? A power source is used to turn a propeller-like piece called a turbine, which then turns a metal shaft in an electric generator, which is the motor that produces electricity. A hydroelectric plant uses falling water to turn the turbine. That’s why we need huge of water supply.
Besides, electric power is the product of maximum pressure of water accompanied with gravity
3) Advantages and disadvantages in the production of electricity by hydroelectricity
- Solve the problem of national electric power.
- High efficiency, long and sustainable power supply - Conserve the water ecosystem
- Flexible in adjusting the capacity quickly and easily - Clean source of energy
- Reduce the emissions
- Take optimum advantages of water
- Supply great power source to human life, make high profit from selling electric power.
- Destroy the primary forest, vegetation, and animal’s residence
- Floodgate is made depend on weather condition, and it can create flooding, cause great damage for human and asset in the low land area
- Cause the shortage of water during dry season, because when we discharge the water, there has no electric power, but if we keep the water to create electric, there is not enough to supply to other regions.
- The emigrants are large lose accommodations, bring population pressure
Bản word thuyết trình của nh m 4
The structure:
Wind turbines include blade or rotor, which converts the energy in the wind to rotational shaft energy; a drive train, usually including a gearbox and a generator; a tower that supports the rotor and drive train; and other equipment, including controls, electrical cables, ground support equipment, and interconnection equipment. Wind turbines are often grouped together into a single wind power plant, also known as a wind farm.
The operation
Fundamental basis wind turbine generators built closed based on thermodynamic principles. Wind blows toward the turbine's rotor blades. The rotors spin around, capturing some of the kinetic energy from the wind, and turning the central drive shaft that supports them. The rotor blades can swivel on the hub at the front so they meet the wind at the best angle for harvesting energy. Inside the nacelle, the gearbox converts the low-speed rotation of the drive shaft into high-speed rotation fast enough to drive the generator efficiently. The generator, immediately behind the gearbox, takes kinetic energy from the spinning drive shaft and turns it into electrical energy.
The process of energy transformation
People use wind rotor drives directly into the compressor. Wind energy will be stored in the system with a lot of compressed air. Compressed air in the bottle then in turn inflates to operate motor and rotate the generator. Air intake and exhaust process gases are alternated between the bottles, this bottle is exhausting, the other being loaded by windmills. Electricity will be stabilized continuously.
- Wind energy is friendly to the surrounding environment, absolutely taken directly from the nature. It can’t contribute to pollution and is unlimited
- Wind turbines take up less space than the average power station. Windmills only have to occupy a few square meters for the base, this allows the land around the turbine to be used for many purposes, for example agriculture.
- Newer technologies are making the extraction of wind energy much more efficient. Moreover, unlimited power can provide a stable source of electricity for people to use frequently. Another advantage of wind energy is that when combined with solar electricity, this energy source is great for developed and developing countries to provide a steady, reliable supply of electricity.
- Wind turbines are a great resource to generate energy in remote locations, such as mountain communities and remote countryside. Wind turbines can be a range of different sizes in order to support varying population levels.
- The main disadvantage regarding wind power is down to the winds unreliability factor. In many areas, for example, the winds strength may be too low to support a wind turbine or wind farm, and this is where the use of solar power or geothermal power could be great alternatives.
- Wind turbines generally produce less electricity than the average fossil fuelled power station, requiring multiple wind turbines to be built might take up a lot of places.
- Wind turbine construction can be very expensive and costly to surrounding wildlife during the build process.
- The noise pollution from commercial wind turbines is sometimes similar to a small jet engine. This is fine if you live miles away, where you will hardly notice the noise, but what if you live within a few hundred meters of a turbine, pollution of noise can harm you a lot.
- Protests and/or petitions usually confront any wind farm development proposal. People feel the countryside should be left intact for everyone to enjoy its beauty and their daily life.
Bản word thuyết trình của nhóm 5
1. The main parts of atomic electric plant and the energy - transforming processes of those parts
The main parts of atomic electric plant: - Turbines - Generator - Fuel - Moderators - Coolant - Control Rods - Shielding
The energy - transforming processes of those parts:
First, uranium fuel is loaded up into the reactor- a giant concrete dome that's reinforced in case it explodes. In the heart of the reactor (the core), atoms split apart and release heat energy, producing neutrons and splitting other atoms in a carefully controlled nuclear reaction. Control rods made of materials such as cadmium and boron can be raised or lowered into the reactor to soak up neutrons and slow down or speed up the chain reaction. Water is pumped through the reactor to collect the heat energy that the chain
reaction produces. It constantly flows around a closed loop linking the reactor with a heat exchanger. Inside the heat exchanger, the water from the reactor gives up its energy to cooler water flowing in another closed loop, turning it into steam. Using two unconnected loops of water and the heat exchanger helps to keep water contaminated with radioactivity safely contained in one place and well away from most of the equipment in the plant. The steam from the heat exchanger is piped to a turbine. As the steam blows past the turbine's vanes, they spin around at high speed. The spinning turbine is connected to an electricity generator and makes that spin too. The generator produces electricity that flows out to the power grid and to our homes, shops, offices, and factories.
2. Advantages and disadvantages in the electric production by nuclear electricity
a) The advantages of nuclear energy : Create a great amount of energy:
Nuclear reaction releases more than a million times the energy than hydropower or wind energy. Thus, a large amount of electricity can be generated. Currently, there are about 10-15% of the world's electricity is generated by nuclear energy. You know with a kilogram of uranium-235 can produce the amount of electrical energy equivalent to 1,500 tons of coal.
Green energy sources :
The biggest advantage of this source of energy is not creating greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbon) in nuclear reactions. Greenhouse gas emissions are a major threat to the environment, they cause global warming and climate change.