Cách miêu tả đồ vật ở trong phòng.

Một phần của tài liệu TA 3 tập 2 (1) (Trang 38 - 48)

C. EXERCISE (Bài tập)

2. Cách miêu tả đồ vật ở trong phòng.

Miêu tả đồ vật số ít:

The / tính từ sở hữu ( my, your, his, her) + danh từ chỉ đồ vật + is + tính từ.


The door is big. ( Của ra vào thì to.)

My book is new. ( Quyển sách của mình thì mới.) Miêu tả đồ vật số nhiều:

The/ tính từ sở hữu ( my, your, his, her, our, their) + danh từ chỉ đồ vật số nhiểu + are + tính từ.


The chairs are new. ( Những cái ghế thì mới.)

Her pens are old. ( Những cái bút của cơ ấy thì cũ.)

C. EXERCISE (Bài tập)

Ex1: Look and circle the correct word.

bed door 5. desk table 5. window door 5. room old 5. chair window 5. big old 5. small bed 5. old small 5. room new 5.

Ex2: Fill in the missing letters.

1. b_d 2. de_k 3. doo_

1 kesd 2 ndwoiw 3 rodo 4 egb 5 dlo 6 wne 7. sm_ll 8. o_d 9. n_w

Ex3: Reorder the letters.

Ex4: Look, read and tick or cross.

1. There is a chair. 2. There is a pen.

3. There are two desks. 4. There is a bed. 7 almsl 8 gbi 5. There is a chair in the bedroom.

6. There are two doors in the room.

Ex5: Circle the odd one out.

1. a. chair b. bed c. table d. pen

2. a. kitchen b. bathroom c. window d. bedroom

3. a. big b. old c. are d. new

4. a. doors b. table c. chairs d. desks

5. a. window b. house c. door d. bed

6. a. two b. table c. three d. ten

7. a. book b. pencil c. new d. ruler

8. a. am b. is c. old d. are

9. a. his b. door c. your d. her

10. a. blue b. green c. big d. red

Ex6: Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

1. There is a b___________ in the bedroom.

2. There are two w__________ in the living room

3. There is a d_______ in the bathroom.

4. There are two l__________ in the kitchen.

Ex7: Read and match.

Ex8: Look at the pictures and number the sentences.

There is a in my bedroom.

1 a

There are two beds are new.

2 b

The window chair in the living room.

3 c

The desks doors in the living room.

4 d

There are two is small.

5 5

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 4 -

The school bag is new.

The window is big.

The lamps are new.

There are two beds in the room.

There is a table in the bedroom.

There are two chairs. They are new.

The door is small.

There is a book. It is old.





Ex9: Fill in the blank with “ There is” or “ There are”.

Ex10: Complete sentences with the missing word.

1. _________ a book on the table. 2. _________ two tables in the room.

3. _________ three windows in my bedroom.

4. _________ a pen in my pencil case. 5. _________ two desks in the living room. 6. _________ a door in the kitchen.

three books kitchen they

is and

Are There

1.The pens are in the pencil case. _________ are new. 2. There are _________ chairs in the living room.

3. ___________ there two tables?

4. _________ are three window in our bedroom.

5. Look at the lamp on the table. It is big _______ new. 6. My __________ are on the table.

7. Where is the ___________? It’s here.

8. There is a door in the kitchen. It _______ small.

Ex11: Complete sentences with the missing word

1. is/ in/ there/ lamp/ a/ the/ bedroom/ .

2. her/ is/ new/ bed/.

🡪 _______________________________________ 3. there/ a/ desk/ the/ in/ living/ Is/ room/ ?

🡪 _______________________________________ 4. two/ are/ doors/ there/in/ bedroom/ my/.

🡪 _______________________________________ 5. windows/ big/ are/ the/.

🡪 _______________________________________ 6. chairs /are/ in/ there/ the/ room/ living/ five/?

🡪 _______________________________________ 7. is/ new/ There/ a/ room/ house/ my/ in/.

🡪 _______________________________________

Ex12: Read and complete the text with the words in the box.

in chairs my three new

Ex13: Make sentences using the words given.

Hello. I am Bao Anh. I am eight years old. I am a pupil at Nam Thanh Primary school. This is my house. There are(1)

_______ rooms in my house. This is (2)_______ bedroom. There are two(3)________and a desk. They are (4)_______. That is the living room. There is a window. It is big. And that is the kitchen. There is a small lamp (5)________ the kitchen. I love my house very much.


There/ three/ book/ on/ table. 🡪 There are three books on the table. There/a/ lamp/ in/ living room. 🡪 There is a lamp in the living room.

1. There/ two/ chair/ in/ bedroom. 🡪

2. There/ a/ table/ in/ living room. 🡪

______________________________________________. 3. There/ two/ lamp/ in/ kitchen.


______________________________________________. 4. There/ a/ door/ in/ bathroom.


______________________________________________. 5. There/ three/ book/on/ table.


______________________________________________. 6. There/ two/ pencil/ in/ pencil case.


______________________________________________. 7. There/a / desk/ in/ bedroom.



Ex13: Write the sentences.


bed/ old 🡪 The bed is old.

chairs/ new 🡪 The chairs are new. 1. door/ small 🡪 _________________________. 2. windows/ big 🡪 _________________________. 3. pen/ new 🡪 _________________________. 4. books/ old 🡪 _________________________. 5. bed/ small 🡪 _________________________. 6. lamps/ new 🡪 _________________________. 7. schoolbag / old 🡪 _________________________. 8. tables/ big 🡪 _________________________.

Ex14: Choose the best answer.

Ex15: Write the answers.

1. There’s ____________in the living room.

A: a chair B: two chairs C. some chairs D: three chairs 2. There are ____________in the living room.

A: a desk B: two chairs C: lamp D: one table

3. ___________a book on the chair?

A: Is B: Are there C: Are D: Is there

4. There are __________ beds in the bedroom.

A: two B: a C: one D: the

5. My pencils _________ new.

A: are B: am C: is D: in

6. There is ________ and there are _________ in the bedroom. A: a desk – a chair B: two desks – a


C: a desk – two chairs

D: desk-chair 7. ____________ three books on the table?

A: Is there B: Are C: Are there D: Is

8. The window is _________.

A: fourteen B: fine C: old D: on

9. There is a lamp in the kitchen. _____ is new.

A: It B: They C: He D: She

10. There are two windows in the living room. ________are big.

A: It B: He C: She D: They

1. Is there a chair in the kitchen? No, _________

2. Are there three books on the table? Yes, _________ 3. Is there a lamp in the bedroom? Yes, _________

4. Are there two tables in the living room? No, _________ 5. Is there a desk in the bedroom? Yes, _________

Ex16: Find and correct the mistakes.

1 There is a tables in the bedroom.

___________________ __

2 There are two lamp in the kitchen.

___________________ __

3 Are there a pen in the schoolbag?

___________________ __

4 My bed are new and big.

___________________ __

5 The window are small.

___________________ __

Ex17: Read the passage and write T (True) or F( False).

Hello everyone. My name is Hoa. Welcome to my house. There are five rooms in my house: two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. This is my bedroom. It is big and new. There is a desk and a table. That is the living room. There are six chairs and a table in it. The chairs are new. And the table is big. There is a lamp in the kitchen. That is the bathroom. There is a door. It is big but old.

1. There are five rooms in her house. 2. Her bedroom is small.

3. There is a desk and a chair in her bedroom. 4. There are six chairs in the living room.

5. The table is big.

Một phần của tài liệu TA 3 tập 2 (1) (Trang 38 - 48)

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