Other Phrasal Verbs

Một phần của tài liệu Tài liệu ngữ pháp tiếng anh (Trang 94 - 99)

III. Prepositio n+ Noun

B. other Phrasal Verbs

Đú là những động từ kết hợp với 1, 2 hoặc đụi khi 3 giới từ, khi kết hợp ở dạng như vậy ngữ nghĩa của chỳng thay đổi hẳn so với nghĩa ban đầu.

♦ To black out : làm mờ nhạt

♦ To break off: chấm dứt, cắt đứt, đoạn tuyệt. ♦ To break away : trốn, thoát khỏi

♦ To break down: đổ vỡ, thất bại

♦ To bring up: nờu ra, đưa lờn một vấn đề

♦ To call on: yờu cầu / đến thăm

♦ To care for: thớch / trụng nom, săn súc (look after)

♦ To check out (of/from) a library: mượn sỏch ở thư viện về

♦ To check out: điều tra, xem xột.

♦ To check out (of): làm thủ tục để ra (khỏch sạn, sõn bay) <> check in.

♦ To check (up) on: điều tra, xem xột.

♦ To close in (on): tiến lại gần, chạy lại gần

♦ To come along with: đi cựng với

♦ To come away : ra đi, rời đi

♦ To come by : giành đợc, đạt đợc

♦ To come down : đi xuống, hạ cánh

♦ To come into : thừa kế, kế tục, kế nhiệm

♦ To come off : biến khỏi, biến mất, mất dạng

♦ To come up : xảy ra

♦ To count on = depend on = rely on

♦ To come down with: mắc phải một căn bệnh

♦ To crack down on : chống lại, chống đối

♦ To cut down : giảm bớt, làm cho đổ

♦ To cut off: làm gián đoạn, đứt quãng

♦ To cut up : cắt nhỏ ra, xắt ra

♦ Do away with = get rid of: tống khứ, loại bỏ, trừ khử

♦ To depend on/upon : lệ thuộc vào

♦ To derive from : rút ra, có từ

♦ To daw up = to draft: soạn thảo (một kế hoạch, một hợp đồng)

♦ To dish up : dọn thức ăn

♦ To do for : kết thúc , chấm dứt

♦ To drop by : ghé qua, tạt qua

♦ To figure out: Hỡnh dung ra được, hiểu được.

♦ To find out: khỏm phỏ ra, phỏt hiện ra.

♦ To get by: Lần hồi qua ngày, sống sút qua được

♦ To get off >< get on : xuống xe, lên xe

♦ To get over : khắc phục , vợt qua

♦ To get through with: kết thỳc

♦ To get through to: thụng tin được cho ai, gọi được cho (điện thoại), tỡm cỏch làm cho hiểu

♦ To get up: dậy/ tổ chức.

♦ To give away : phân phát, ban cho, phản bội

♦ To give back : khôi phục, phục hồi

♦ To give up: bỏ, từ bỏ

♦ To go along with: đồng ý với

♦ To hold on to: vẫn giữ vững, duy trỡ

♦ To hold up: cướp / vẫn giữ vững, vẫn duy trỡ, vẫn sống bỡnh thường, vẫn dựng được (bất chấp sức ộp bờn ngoài hoặc sử dụng lõu)

♦ To keep on doing smt: vẫn tiếp tục khụng ngừng làm gỡ

♦ To lay out : sửa soạn, chuẩn bị

♦ To look at : xem xét, thanh tra, nghiên cứu

♦ To look in : ghé qua, ghé thăm , tạt qua

♦ To look on : canh chừng, giám sát, xem xét

♦ To look after: trụng nom, săn súc

♦ To look down on : coi khinh

♦ To look into: điều tra, xem xột

♦ To look over : xem qua, nhìn qua loa

♦ To make Sb out : hiểu đợc

♦ To pass out = to faint: ngất (nội động từ, khụng dựng bị động)

♦ To pick out: chọn ra, lựa ra, nhặt ra

♦ To point out: chỉ ra, vạch ra

♦ To put down : trấn áp, đàn áp

♦ To put off: trỡ hoón, đỡnh hoón

♦ To put up with : chịu đựng, nhẫn nhục, cam chịu

♦ To run across: khỏm phỏ, phỏt hiện ra (tỡnh cờ)

♦ To run into sb: gặp ai bất ngờ

♦ To see about to: lo lắng, săn súc, chạy vạy

♦ To see off: đa tiễn

♦ To see through : hỗ trợ

♦ To take after : giống nh, tơng tự nh

♦ To take off: cất cỏnh <> to land

♦ To take over for: thay thế cho

♦ to talk over: bàn soạn, thảo luận về

♦ to try out: thử nghiệm, dựng thử (sản phẩm)

♦ to try out for: thử vai, thử giọng (1 vở kịch, buổi biểu diễn)

♦ To turn in: giao nộp, đệ trỡnh / đi ngủ

♦ To watch out for: cảnh giỏc, để mắt, trụng chừng (cả nghĩa đen lẫn nghĩa búng)

♦ To wipe out : phá huỷ, xóa sạch

Exercise 1:

1. On November 5, a lot of firework is _______ off in England.

A. set B. gone C. sent D. burned

2. Let’s move ______ to the next item on the agenda.

A. in B. by C. up D. on 3. I am fed ________ hanging around here with nothing to do.

A. up on B. out of C. up with D. by 4. On farms, when the cattle are too ill, farmers often have to put them ______ . A. in B. down C. up D. away 5. The professor broke ________ her lecture when she heard a cell phone ringing. A. away B. in C. off D. out 6. I could not ________ the peak of mountain in the foggy weather.

A. get over B. make out C. see through D. go into 7. We all need friends whom we can ________ when we are in trouble.

A. call on B. break off C. rely on D. go by 8. Constantly staying in cold weather may bring _______ pneumonia.

A. in B. about C. up D. on 9. Don’t let poachers get ________ hunting animals. They deserve to be punished. A. off B. out of C. on D. away with 10. I cannot stay up late at night. I prefer _________ in early.

A. going B. breaking C. turning D. doing

11. My little son is learning how to ________ his shoes. A. put off B. get on C. take to D. do up

12. It took a long time for him to get _____.the disappointment of losing the match. A. off B.over C. down D. through

13. I am sorry to hear that Peter and Dick have _____. They were such good friends. A. fallen against B. fallen out C. dropped out D. dropped against 14. I’ve been trying to ring him all evening but I can’t _____.

A. get over B. get through C. get across D. get by 15. Maybe we should _____ Mr. Smith to see his rose garden.

A. call at B. call on C. call for D. call out 16. All the children in this area have gone _____ mumps.

A. down with B. along with C. out with D. in for 17. He felt he was badly let _____ by his best friend.

A. off B. out C. down D. away 18. At first the children enjoyed the game but quite soon the novelty _____. A. went off B. died out C. died down D. wore off 19. If business was bad, they had to _____ some of their staff.

A. put down B. lay off C. take on D. hang up 20. The workers decided to _____ until their demands were met.

A. stand up B. lie bebehind C. sit in D. sleep out 21. The union threatened to _____ the workers on strike.

A. call out B. ask up C. hear out D. see down 22. On an impulse he _____ his job and went abroad.

A. gave in B. put off C. threw up D. set down 23. The staff _____ in support of their pay claim.

A. fell off B. walked out C. kept back D. turned off 24. We got to the stop just as the coach was _____.

A. taking off B. making out C. settling down D. pulling away

25. Once again poor Colin has been _____ for promotion.

A. stood by B. passed over C. locked out D. strucked off

26. If my work conditions don’t improve, I will _____ my notice.

A. give up B. fire off C. hand in D. give out 27. The police told us to keep _____ the area.

A. off with B. away with C. away from D. in with 28. He had been putting some money _____ every month.

A. aside B. forth C. by D. A and C are correct

29. After 2 years in prison, he’s now _____ lost time.

A. making up for B. bringing round to C. taking away from D. going by 30. I told the boys _____ for making so much noise.

A. apart B. off C. on D. against


Choose the best option to complete each of these sentences

1. John got ill and had to ………………………......smoking.

A. give up B. give away C. give back D. give him 2. Please………………………………this form and post it.

A. fill in B. fill out C. fill up D. fill on 3. It's dark here. Can I…………………the lights ?

A. turn off B. take off C. turn on D. turn over 4. Remember to……………….your shoes when you are in a Japanese house. A. wash up B. take off C. put on D. put away 5. You can……………..the new words in the dictionary.

A. look up B. look into C. look for D. look on

6. The trouble with Frank is that he never………………..on time for a meeting. A. turns up B. turns over C. turns on D. turns off 7. Mary, could you…………….my handbag while I go to the toilet?

A. look after B. look for C. look into D. look up 8. What a lovely baby! He certainly…………………..his father, doesn't he? A. takes after B. takes away C. takes up D. takes over 9. My father still hasn't really…………………from the death of my mother.

A. got over B. got up C. got away with D. got out 10. Because of an accident, my train was…………….for several hours. A. held up B. held on C. hang on D. hang over

11. I' ll be back in a minute, Jane. I just wasn't to………………my new tape recorder A. try out B. try on C. look up D. take up

12. The weather is horrible at the moment, isn't it? I hope it…………….later. A. clears away B. clears out C. clears up D. clears with 13. Kate is going to Australia tomorrow. I'm going to the airport to……….

A. see her out B. see her off C. see her through D. see her up 14. I wish I'd……….this calculator before I bought it. It doesnt seem to be working. A. tried on B. tried out C. worked on D. worked out 15. The bomb............. with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town A. went off B. went on C. went out D. went away 16. You are walking too fast . I can't .................. you !

A. keep up with B. keep away with C. run away with D. run out of 17. My holiday are nearly over . Next week , I' ll be .............work

A. back at B. out of C. away with D. looked for 18. We've nearly run ...................money . We 've got very little left

A. out of B. away with C. up to D.over with 19 . Martin isn't very happy in his job because he doesn't get ............his boss. A. on with B . up C. over D. out

20. Are you looking .....................the party next weekend ?

A. forward to B.up at C. into D. for 21. Sorry I'm late . The car ................on the way here .

A. broke out B . broke in C. broke off D. broke down 22. " We 've bought a new house "

" Oh, have you ? when are you .................?

A. moving in B. moving away C. moving up D.moving on

23. There used to be a shop at the end of the street but it ................. a year ago. A. closed down B. closed up C. closed in D.closed for

24.I ran in a marathon last week but I wasn't fit enough .I ............after 15 km. A. dropped in B. dropped over C. run out of D .dropped out 25. We all know how wonderful you are . There 's no need to .................

A. show out B. show up C. show off D .put off

Một phần của tài liệu Tài liệu ngữ pháp tiếng anh (Trang 94 - 99)

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