Bảng dữ liệu AUT_TEMP

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) ứng dụng một số kỹ thuật khai phá dữ liệu để phân tích dữ liệu viễn thông nhằm tăng cường chất lượng dịch vụ khách hàng (Trang 71 - 75)

Phụ lục C: Kết quả phát hiện luật kết hợp

Mục 1 : Kết quả phát hiện luật kết hợp với việc lựa chọn độ hỗ trợ cực tiểu minSup = 0,01 (hay 1%) và độ tin cậy cực tiểu minConf = 0,8 (80%).


SMS SC 000 to Beeline Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

89.00 1.08 SMS MO Beeline to SC Local Incoming VC 80.81 2.04 SMS SC 000 to Beeline Local Incoming VC 82.21 1.00 Local SMS to Other Mobile Local Outgoing VC to Other


95.25 10.64 SMS SC 000 to Beeline SMS MO Beeline to SC 89.47 1.09 Gtel on-net Incoming VC Local Outgoing VC to Other


80.57 5.03 Local SMS to GTEL Local SMS to Other Mobile 81.90 3.26 GPRS Internet Local Outgoing VC to Other


90.33 3.32 SMS SC 81/61 to Beeline SMS MO Beeline to SC 98.69 1.11 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN Local Incoming VC 83.39 6.09 SMS SC 81/61 to Beeline Local Outgoing VC to Other


97.84 1.10 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Gtel

on-net Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

88.53 4.26 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Gtel on-net Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 84.62 4.26 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; GPRS


Local SMS to Other Mobile 82.08 1.15 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Gtel on-

net Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 85.18 3.44 GPRS Internet; Gtel on-net Incoming


Local SMS to Other Mobile 82.45 1.13 SMS MO Beeline to SC Local Outgoing VC to Other


89.88 2.27 Local SMS to GTEL Gtel on-net Incoming VC 82.69 3.29 Local SMS to Other Mobile Local Incoming VC 80.48 8.99 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL Local Outgoing VC to Other


85.23 5.50 SMS SC 81/61 to Beeline Local Incoming VC 89.36 1.00 Local SMS to GTEL Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 89.27 3.55 Local SMS to GTEL Local Outgoing VC to Other 89.15 3.55


Local Outgoing VC to PSTN Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

97.50 7.12 Free Voice Services; GPRS Internet Local Incoming VC 80.25 1.17 Free Voice Services; Gtel on-net

Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

89.53 1.59 Local Incoming VC; Local SMS to


Local SMS to Other Mobile 89.38 2.76 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Local


Local Incoming VC 84.83 2.76 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Gtel on-

net Incoming VC

Local Incoming VC 85.91 3.47 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Gtel

on-net Incoming VC

Local Incoming VC 89.72 2.34 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local

Incoming VC

Gtel on-net Incoming VC 80.19 3.64 Local Incoming VC; Gtel on-net

Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 81.33 3.64 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Free

Voice Services

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.20 2.60 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local

Outgoing VC to PSTN

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.12 2.66 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; GPRS


Local SMS to Other Mobile 83.20 1.47 SMS SC 000 to Beeline Local Outgoing VC to Other

Mobile; SMS MO Beeline to SC

84.45 1.03 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

SMS SC 000 to Beeline

SMS MO Beeline to SC 94.89 1.03 SMS MO Beeline to SC; SMS SC

000 to Beeline

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

94.38 1.03 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Local

SMS to Other Mobile

Local Incoming VC 90.07 4.76 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN Local Outgoing VC to Other

Mobile; Local Incoming VC

82.79 6.04 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Local Outgoing VC to PSTN

Local Incoming VC 84.91 6.04 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Local

Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

99.27 6.04 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Gtel on-net Incoming VC

Local Incoming VC 82.04 4.13 Local Incoming VC; Gtel on-net

Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

92.11 4.13 Local Incoming VC; Free Voice


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

95.48 4.29 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; GPRS


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.75 1.74 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Free

Voice Services

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

90.70 1.73 Local Incoming VC; SMS MO

Beeline to SC

Local SMS to Other Mobile 84.10 1.72 Local SMS to Other Mobile; SMS

MO Beeline to SC

Local Incoming VC 91.05 1.72 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local

Outgoing VC to PSTN

Local Incoming VC 87.50 2.37 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Local


Local SMS to Other Mobile; SMS MO Beeline to SC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.36 1.86 Free Voice Services; Local SMS to


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

92.30 1.14 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

GPRS Internet

Local SMS to Other Mobile 80.33 2.66 Local SMS to Other Mobile; GPRS


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

96.94 2.66 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Local

SMS to Other Mobile

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

99.18 5.24 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Gtel

on-net Incoming VC

Local SMS to Other Mobile 81.13 2.11 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; SMS

MO Beeline to SC

Local SMS to Other Mobile 83.69 1.14 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; GPRS


Gtel on-net Incoming VC 81.40 1.14 GPRS Internet; Gtel on-net Incoming


Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 83.65 1.14 Free Voice Services; Gtel on-net

Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 80.05 1.42 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

GPRS Internet

Local Incoming VC 84.03 2.79 Local Incoming VC; GPRS Internet Local Outgoing VC to Other


97.04 2.79 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local

SMS to Other Mobile

Local Incoming VC 83.68 3.62 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Local SMS to Other Mobile

Local Incoming VC 82.98 8.83 Local Incoming VC; Local SMS to

Other Mobile

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.21 8.83 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Local SMS to GTEL

Local Incoming VC 83.34 2.95 Local Incoming VC; Local SMS to


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

95.59 2.95 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; SMS

MO Beeline to SC

Local Incoming VC 92.90 1.27 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Free

Voice Services

Local Incoming VC 84.64 2.24 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local

Outgoing VC to PSTN

Gtel on-net Incoming VC 81.09 2.20 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Gtel

on-net Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 84.50 2.20 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Local


Local SMS to Other Mobile 90.88 1.65 SMS SC 81/61 to Beeline Local Outgoing VC to Other

Mobile; SMS MO Beeline to SC

96.73 1.09 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

SMS SC 81/61 to Beeline

SMS MO Beeline to SC 98.86 1.09 SMS SC 81/61 to Beeline; SMS MO

Beeline to SC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.01 1.09 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local

SMS to Other Mobile

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

95.80 4.14 Free Voice Services; Local SMS to


Gtel on-net Incoming VC 81.41 1.01 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local


Gtel on-net Incoming VC 86.99 3.09 Local SMS to GTEL; Gtel on-net Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 93.91 3.09

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

95.33 4.33 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local


Local SMS to Other Mobile 82.20 2.92 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Local


Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 89.59 2.92 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Local


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.35 1.78 Free Voice Services; Local SMS to


Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 88.28 1.09 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; GPRS


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

93.42 1.31 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Local SMS to GTEL

Local SMS to Other Mobile 87.56 3.10 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Local


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

95.32 3.10 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Gtel on-

net Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

95.87 3.87 Local Incoming VC; Local SMS to


Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 90.32 2.79 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; SMS

MO Beeline to SC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

99.30 1.36 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Local


Gtel on-net Incoming VC 83.60 2.72 Local SMS to GTEL; Gtel on-net

Incoming VC

Local SMS to Other Mobile 82.80 2.72 Free Voice Services; GPRS Internet Local Outgoing VC to Other


93.58 1.36 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Free

Voice Services

Local Incoming VC 82.16 3.37 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Local SMS to GTEL

Gtel on-net Incoming VC 83.72 2.97 Local SMS to GTEL; Gtel on-net

Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

90.26 2.97 GPRS Internet; Gtel on-net Incoming


Local Incoming VC 85.96 1.17 GPRS Internet; Gtel on-net Incoming


Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

93.27 1.27 Local Incoming VC; Local SMS to


Gtel on-net Incoming VC 85.05 2.63 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; GPRS


Local Incoming VC 90.67 1.60 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; GPRS


Local Incoming VC 83.76 1.18 Local SMS to Other Mobile; Free

Voice Services

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

96.94 3.98 Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local

Outgoing VC to PSTN

Local SMS to Other Mobile 80.07 2.17 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

SMS MO Beeline to SC

Local Incoming VC 88.60 2.01 Local Incoming VC; SMS MO

Beeline to SC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.55 2.01 Local Incoming VC; GPRS Internet Local SMS to Other Mobile 83.46 2.40 Local SMS to Other Mobile; GPRS


Local Incoming VC 87.21 2.40 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Local Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 91.00 1.65


Local SMS to GTEL Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

80.57 3.20

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL; Local SMS to GTEL

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

90.26 3.20 Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile;

Local SMS to GTEL

Local Outgoing VC to GTEL 90.38 3.20 Local Outgoing VC to PSTN; Gtel

on-net Incoming VC

Local Outgoing VC to Other Mobile

98.33 2.56 Free Voice Services; Local SMS to


Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) ứng dụng một số kỹ thuật khai phá dữ liệu để phân tích dữ liệu viễn thông nhằm tăng cường chất lượng dịch vụ khách hàng (Trang 71 - 75)

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(75 trang)