Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) hoạt động thẩm định cho vay cá nhân tại vietcombank chi nhánh thành phố hồ chí minh (Trang 69 - 76)



Thẩm định là nghiệp vụ quan trọng nhất trong hoạt động kinh doanh ngân hàng. N u quá trình thẩm định kh ng được di n ra th o đ ng quy tr nh hoặc không c phư ng ph p cụ thể sẽ gây ra nhiều hậu quả nghiêm trọng cho ng n h ng o đ hoạt động thẩm định đ ng vai tr quan trọng trong quy trình cho vay của ngân hàng. Tác giả l a chọn đề t i “Hoạt động thẩm định cho vay cá nhân tại Vietcombank Chi nhánh Thành phố Hồ Ch Minh ” Với mong muốn có thể hiểu rõ h n về quy trình thẩm định của ngân hàng Vietcombank TPHCM và có thể nêu ra một v i phư ng ph p thẩm định có thể giúp hoạt động thẩm định tại ngân hàng này hoàn thiện h n Mặt khác, từ nh ng số liệu cụ thể từ hoạt động kinh doanh của Chi nhánh, tác giả đ ph n t ch l o v đưa ra nh ng k t luận cụ thể để có thể d dàng khắc phục.

Tuy nhiên, với thời gian nghiên cứu còn quá hạn h p và ki n thức của tác giả còn hạn ch nên có thể khóa luận đ kh ng tr nh được thi u sót. Nh ng thi u sót tác giả t nhận ra là tác giả đưa ra qu t kh i niệm về cho vay cá nhân và hoạt động thẩm định. Bên cạnh đ nh ng biện pháp của tác giả đưa ra chưa ho n thiện lắm. Vì th tác giả rất mong nhận được s góp ý của thầy cô hoặc nh ng ai quan t m đ n khóa luận này.


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TMCP Ngoại thư ng Việt Nam”; luận v n Thạc sĩ trường Đại học Kinh t Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

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8. Võ Thị Quý và Bùi Ngọc Toản (2014) “C c y u tố ảnh hưởng đ n rủi ro tín dụng của hệ thống ng n h ng Thư ng mại Việt Nam”; tạp chí khoa học số 3 n m 2014 trường Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.

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12. C c v n ản, quy t định về cho vay và cho vay tiêu dùng do ng n h ng Nh nước ban hành.

13. C c v n ản, quy t định, tài liệu nội bộ của ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại thư ng

Tiếng anh

14. John Wiley and Sons (2012), “Bank Lending”, Singapore Pte. Ltd.

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16. Sugan a Sharma v Pooja Kalra (2015) “ n ov rvi w of Credit Appraisal System with sp cial r f r nc to Micro Small an M ium Ent rpris ” Rukmini vi Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi.

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Các trang web

18. Trang web https://www.vietcombank.com.vn/About/

19. C c trang o điện tử như: http://cafef.vn/, https://vnexpress.net/, https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/

ABSTRACT 1. Reason to choose subject:

As the report of department of Statistic of Ho Chi Minh City, in the first and the second month of the year 2018, bank has much more positives. Mobilized capital of Commercial Bank increase to 8.5% at the same time, deposits take 52.22% of total mobilized capital. VND mobilized capital takes the main percentage. To be more detailed, mobilized capital of foreign money increases 6.03% and VND mobilized capital increases 13.77% with the same time. Besides, total debit credit of Commercial banks in the city increases 14.18% in the same period of time.

That tells us mobilized capital and loan are the most important factors of Commercial Bank. In that, loan has always takes the most important percentage in the credit activities of the Commercial Bank, which is the main revenues of Commercial Bank but this activity has much more risk. So that, credit appraisal is very useful, it can help bank calculate and predict the money ability of customer. Therefore, that can help to curb the risk the most effectively. If credit appraisal is bad, Commercial Bank will get a lot of loss such as: the increment of debugging rat th imag will aff ct to ank’s activiti s an may los ank’s reputation.

The actual fact shows that in the recent years, most of the economics courts are related to credit practices of Commercial Banks. These featured cases does not only impact on the small – scale banks but also occurs to the large – scale banks with the target suggested in the year 2018, total assets increase to 14%, mobilized capital from the economy increases 17%, credit increases about 16%. Meanwhile, bad debt must be controlled under 1, earning before interest and taxes reaches 12000 billions VND to become the most sustainable Bank in the area. It can easily make Vietcombank cope with more risk in credit. So that appraisal is very important got Vietcombank and all of Commercial Banks. From that, I decide to


selected the name of the thessis is “Appraisal personal loan at Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam at Ho Chi Minh Branch

2. Research objectives:

General target:

As the real life, risk management in credit must get through two terms: Before and after loan. This thesis just concentrates on the term before loan and appraisal process to improve the effectiveness of personal loan. So that we can manage the risks in credit pratices the most effectively.

Base on the general target, the thesis must meet the need of some criteria. Theoretical aim:

 Reorganise the theories of personal credit and appraisal credit of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch.

 Introduce some personal credit risk measurement method used by Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch.

Practical aim:

 Analyzing and assessing the real situation of individual credit assessment of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch.

 Anayzing and assessing the achievements, limitations and causes that lead to limitations in the personal credit appraisal of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch.

Application aim:

 Recommend some method that can apply to manage personal credit risk in the best way.

Based on the Economic – Financial – Banking knowledge, author uses a qualitative approach to complete the research. Beside that, statistical method, synthesis method, data analysis and inductive method were also used in the research.

• Th statistical m thod is used by author of to collect and give the number about the appraisal procedure as well as the achievements that Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch has got during the researching period.

• Synth sis m tho is us to analyz th status of th appraisal process before lending to individual client.

• Th in uctiv m tho is us to raw conclusions aft r analyzing th situations and the specific contents.

The information and numbers in the thesis was collected during the internship at Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch, the information was published by Statistic Head Office on the website. All information and data use in the assignment are clearly and specifically quoted.

4. Subjects and scope of study:

According to the purpose of research, the object of this study includes:  The appraisal process before personal customer gets a loan of Vietcombank


 The personal risk management which Vietcombank HCMC is using.

 Other popular personal risk managements which is not being in use from Vietcombank HCHC.

Rang of stu y: Th stu y’s c ntral point is making r s arch of th appraisal procress before personal customer gets a loan of Vietcombank HCMC from 2016 to 2018.





6. The contents of each chapter:

Chapter 1:

In order to make valid appraisal in the best way, appraiser must know what credit and how the appraisal works. In general, there are various kinds of credit for customer to select depending on their needs. Besides, there also have various methods of making a valid appraisal.

According to experiences and methods given by researchers, banks can apply to increase the effect and decrease risks in doing credit.

Furthermore, clarifying the factors which directly affect the appraisal activity can help bank maximize the appraisal effect, and organize an appraisal process becomes more and more effective and closer in order to ensure the essential unity during the process.

Chapter 2:

In this chapter, the study pointed out the appraisal process of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch and hand out some tasks

 Overview the information of branch.

 Th p rsonal cr it’s pro ucts of Vi tcom ank Ho Chi Minh City ranch  Result gained from doing business from 2015-2017.

 Describe the appraisal process of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch.  Pointed out limits and reasons certain during the process.

Chapter 3:

From limits xist uring th p rsonal cr it’s apprais r proc ss of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch. According to theories and methods of making a valid appraiser. In this chapter, study pointed out solutions to improve the process of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch.

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) hoạt động thẩm định cho vay cá nhân tại vietcombank chi nhánh thành phố hồ chí minh (Trang 69 - 76)

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(76 trang)